students favorite activities while watching video films question 5 appendix 1

A study on the effectiveness of using video in teaching listening for non-major English students at Phuong Dong University = Nghiên cứu tính hiệu quả của việc s

A study on the effectiveness of using video in teaching listening for non-major English students at Phuong Dong University = Nghiên cứu tính hiệu quả của việc s

... towards Video Lessons 19 2.6.3 Students Manner of Watching Video Films 19 2.6.4 Students Favorite Activities While Watching Video Films 20 2.6 .5 Students Attitude towards the Effectiveness of Video ... through video 2.6.4 Students favorite activities while watching video films( Question 5- Appendix 1) interest Gap filling 12 % 20% 28% 20% 20% Dictation 36% 32% 16 % 12 % 4% Matching 8% 16 % 16 % 24% ... Video 12 1. 4 .1 Pronunciation 12 1. 4.2 Vocabulary 12 1. 4.3 Comprehension 13 Chapter two The Survey 15 2 .1 The Context of The Study 15 2.2 The Subjects 15 2.3 The Data Collection Procedures 16 2.4...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:29

57 1,9K 5
A study on using “Bottom-up” techniques in teaching listening skill to the first-year students at Thai Nguyen University of Technology

A study on using “Bottom-up” techniques in teaching listening skill to the first-year students at Thai Nguyen University of Technology

... listening skill 11 1. 3 .1 Stages of a listening lesson 11 1. 3 .1. 1 Pre-listening 11 1. 3 .1. 2 While- listening 12 1. 3 .1. 3 Post-listening .13 1. 3.2 Bottom-up process ... Number of testees Percentage 0 0% 0 0% 0% 0% 20% 17 ,1% 3 8,6% 17 ,1% 25, 7% 25, 7% 10 28,6% 22,9% 6 17 ,1% 14 ,3% 0% 2,9% 0% 0% 0% 0% 10 0% 10 0% Table 1. 1: Descriptive statistics for the pre-test of ... .22 2.6 .1 Findings 22 2.6 .1. 1 Tests’ result analysis 22 2.6 .1. 1 .1 Pre-test 22 2.6 .1. 1.2 Mid-term test .24 2.6 .1. 1.3 Post-test . 25 2.6 .1. 2 Questionnaire...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:32

63 1,2K 0
supplementary material in teaching listening skill to second-year English major at Hanoi National University of Education  Sử dụng video làm tài liệu bổ trợ dạy

supplementary material in teaching listening skill to second-year English major at Hanoi National University of Education Sử dụng video làm tài liệu bổ trợ dạy

... research 1 2 4 4 11 13 14 14 14 15 17 18 21 21 21 23 24 25 26 26 28 29 31 31 31 Suggestions for further studies 32 33 References Appendix 1: Questionnaire I Appendix 2: Pre-test II Appendix 3: ... Percentage 5. 0 4% 4 .5 4% 5. 5 8% 5. 0 4% 6.0 32% 5. 5 8% 6 .5 16 % 6.0 12 % 7.0 24% 6 .5 28% 7 .5 8% 7.0 32% 8.0 8% 7 .5 8% 8.0 4% percentage 40 30 20 class A 10 class B 4 .5 5 .5 6 .5 score 7 .5 Chart 6: Raw ... 4% 7 .5 16 % 7.0 16 % 8.0 24% 7 .5 32% 8 .5 24% 8.0 28% 9.0 12 % 8 .5 12 % 9 .5 8% 9.0 4% 10 8% 9 .5 4% The mode: 8 .5 The mode: 7 .5 35 The median: 8 .5 The median: 8.0 40 30 class A percetage of 20 students...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:29

56 1,3K 1
The effects of bottom up techniques in teaching listening skills to first year students at the university of fire fighting and prevention

The effects of bottom up techniques in teaching listening skills to first year students at the university of fire fighting and prevention

... course 1. 1.3 Listening process A variety insights into the listening process have been developed in the past 40 years by Richards (19 83); Anderson (19 83; 19 85) ; Wolvin and Coalky (19 85) ; Underwood ... intermediate and advanced students 1. 2 Teaching listening skills 1. 2 .1 Common methods of teaching listening 10 In the article about teaching listening, Underwood (19 89, p90 -10 9) pointed out that ... once and for all and than ignored while other skills are developed There must be regular practice with increasingly difficult materials” (Wilga, 19 86, p 15 7 ) 1. 1.2 Types of listening There are...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:48

46 1,2K 4


... 29.6 22 40.7 12 22.2 13 12 22.2 31 57 .4 7.4 3.7 13 24 28 51 .9 11 20.4 13 14 25. 9 27 50 11 .1 10 18 .5 26 48 .1 17 31 .5 1. 9 9.3 17 31. 3 24 44 .5 14 .8 0 13 24 26 48.2 15 27.8 9.3 13 24 27 50 16 .7 learning ... DA A SA* No 12 The portfolio sharing activities % No % No % No % 3.7 10 18 .5 34 63 14 .8 1. 9 15 27.8 30 55 .6 14 .8 11 .1 14 25. 9 27 50 13 are helpful to my understanding of portfolio 13 Portfolio ... the students' feelings and awareness of the portfolio process 40 SD Statements DA A SA* No I find that making the portfolio % No % No % No % 0 13 24 33 61. 1 18 14 .9 0 11 20.3 25 46.3 18 33.4 13 ...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2015, 10:33

63 1,1K 5
An exploratory study on the teaching and learning of TOEIC listening skill at a university in Hanoi = Nghiên cứu khảo sát việc dạy và học kỹ năng nghe TOEIC tại

An exploratory study on the teaching and learning of TOEIC listening skill at a university in Hanoi = Nghiên cứu khảo sát việc dạy và học kỹ năng nghe TOEIC tại

... ………………………………………….…… 13 1. 4.3.4 The support provided ………………………………………………… 13 1 .5 Stages of a listening lesson …………………………………………………… 13 1 .5. 1 Pre-listening ………………………………………………… .……… 13 1 .5. 2 While- listening ... ……………………………………………… 11 1. 4 .1. 3 Knowledge of the target language ………………………….……… 12 1. 4 .1. 4 Psychological factors ………………………………………………… 12 1. 4.2 Speaker factor ……………………………………………………………… 12 1. 4.2 .1 Speaker’s ... …………….6 1. 4 Affective factors in listening ………………………………………………… …7 1. 4 .1 Listener factor ……………………………………………………………… .11 1. 4 .1. 1 Experien ce and practice in listening ………………………… …… 11 1. 4 .1. 2 Background...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:16

62 822 1


... skills 21 No Pretest scores 18 (X1) 19 3 20 3 .5 2 21 4 .5 22 5. 5 23 1 .5 24 6 .5 2 .5 25 26 27 2 .5 28 10 3 .5 29 11 2 .5 30 5. 5 12 31 13 4 .5 32 3 .5 14 33 15 6 .5 34 1 .5 16 35 4 .5 17 3 .5 Table 1. 2: Descriptive ... listening lesson 1. 2 .1. 1 Pre-listening .8 1. 2 .1. 2 While- listening 1. 2 .1. 3 Post-listening 10 1. 2.2 Top-down process……………………….……………………… 12 1. 3 Factors that make ... Statistics Std Mean Std Deviation Mean Pretest_scores_ 3 .50 00 35 1. 959 14 3 311 6 Posttest_scores_ Pair N 6.3286 35 2.9 653 5 50 12 3 Table 1. 4: Paired Samples Statistics The hypotheses to test are: 27...

Ngày tải lên: 15/07/2015, 12:55

63 735 0
the situation of teaching speaking skill to the students of pre intermediate level of proficiency at peoples police college i problems and some suggested techniques and activities

the situation of teaching speaking skill to the students of pre intermediate level of proficiency at peoples police college i problems and some suggested techniques and activities

... speaking activities …………………… …… 14 1. 4 .1 Problems with speaking………………………………………… ……… .14 v 1. 4.2 Problems with speaking activities ………………………………… … 15 1 .5 Summary……………………………………………………………… …… . 15 CHAPTER ... REVIEW……………………………………… 5 1. 1 Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)………………………………… 5 1. 1 .1 Concept of CLT……………………………………… … …………… 1. 1.2 Characteristics of CLT……………………………………… ………… 1. 1.3 Using CLT in Teaching ... REVIEW……………………………………… 5 1. 1 Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)………………………………… 5 1. 1 .1 Concept of CLT……………………………………… … …………… 1. 1.2 Characteristics of CLT……………………………………… ………… 1. 1.3 Using CLT in Teaching...

Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2015, 17:24

68 407 0
A study on the reality of teaching speaking skill to non english majors at thai nguyen university college of technologyrelevan

A study on the reality of teaching speaking skill to non english majors at thai nguyen university college of technologyrelevan

... teachers (%) 23 .1 15 . 4 13 10 0 15 . 4 0 15 . 4 15 . 4 2 53 .8 15 . 4 15 . 4 15 . 4 69.2 Table 2: Students opinions on inappropriate teacher pedagogical practices in English speaking lessons Yes No of students Percentage ... Percentage teachers 13 13 13 10 (%) 10 0 10 0 10 0 76.9 53 .8 10 76.9 10 13 76.9 10 0 53 .8 2 .5 students Table 5: Students difficulties in learning speaking skill in English classes Question Options ... Options Do you have any No difficulties in English No of Percentage students (%) 4.2 Yes 1 15 95. 8 1 05 58 62 57 11 2 91. 3 50 .4 53 .9 49.6 97.4 speaking lessons? (Tick Unfamiliarity with speaking...

Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:06

73 1,4K 4
A study of the issues of teaching listening setions in tiếng anh 11 at high schools in nghe an

A study of the issues of teaching listening setions in tiếng anh 11 at high schools in nghe an

... About to 10 years More than 10 years a city a town-let a rural area High School in Workshops on Yes Participated in No Listening Teaching N=20 1 18 18 % 5 10 40 15 25 10 90 90 10 11 25 55 20 25 40 ... a rural area N =10 0 87 13 38 62 24 66 10 30 30 % 87 13 38 62 24 66 10 30 30 40 40 As shown in Table 3.2, the second group comprises of 10 0 students grade 11 aged between 17 and 18 years old at ... Tieng Anh 11 and how they solve these problems All questions were written in English Questionnaire B (see Appendix 2) including 10 questions was designed for 10 0 students of grade 11 with the...

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 00:41

140 839 5
the study the reality of practicing listening skill of the third year major english students at dong thap university basing on the format of the ielts listening tests

the study the reality of practicing listening skill of the third year major english students at dong thap university basing on the format of the ielts listening tests

... DATA 15 Research questions: 15 Data and Participants 15 2 .1 Data 15 2.2 Participants 16 Data collection methods 16 3 .1 The survey questionnaire ... 14 % 10 20% 8% 16 32% 19 38% Interactions 1, 2 16 % Mosaic 1, 2 18 36% Listening strategies for IELTS 10 % TOEFL iBT 13 26% TOEFL listening ... everyday Time 50 10 0 % Practice listening English 49 98 % practice listening 2% Want to get IELTS certificate 37 74 % of Do not want to get IELTS 13 26 % 13 35. 14 % 15 40 .54 % 24.32 % 12 24 % Management...

Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 08:03

58 839 0
A study on the techniques for teaching reading skill to large English classes at the People's Police Academy = Nghiên cứu các thủ thuật dạy kỹ năng đọc h

A study on the techniques for teaching reading skill to large English classes at the People's Police Academy = Nghiên cứu các thủ thuật dạy kỹ năng đọc h

... 15 2.3 Presentation of statistical results 15 2.3 .1 Questionnaire for Teachers 15 2.3 .1. 1 Methodology 15 2.3 .1. 2 Results 15 2.3.2 Questionnaire ... LITERATURE REVIEW 1. 1 Large Classrooms 1. 1 .1 Class size 1. 1.2 Advantages of large classes 1. 1.3 Disadvantages of large classes 1. 2 ELT in large classrooms ... 12 2 .1. 1 Description of the English course and its objectives in the PPA 12 2 .1. 2 Description of the students at the PPA 13 2 .1. 3 Description of the teachers at the PPA 13 ...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:50

5 824 8
A study on the techniques for teaching reading skill to large English classes at the People''s Police Academy = Nghiên cứu các thủ thuật dạy kỹ năng đọc

A study on the techniques for teaching reading skill to large English classes at the People''s Police Academy = Nghiên cứu các thủ thuật dạy kỹ năng đọc

... (19 76) Chimombo (19 86) Dixon (19 86) Finocchiaro (19 89) George (19 91) Hayes (19 97) Holliday (19 96) Hubbard et al (19 83) Li (19 98) Long (19 77) Minimum size of large class 55 50 40 65 60 50 50 45 ... results 15 2.3 .1 Questionnaire for Teachers 15 2.3 .1. 1 Methodology 15 2.3 .1. 2 Results 15 2.3.2 Questionnaire for students 20 2.3.2 .1 Methodology ... have been all responded 2.3 .1. 2 Results * Teachers‟ experiences 23 Years of teaching English Number of teachers % a – 37 .5 b – 10 25 c 11 – 15 25 d > 15 12 .5 Table 1: Teacher’s years of teaching...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 08:50

52 750 2


... these activities: I myself have applied these techniques to teaching 10 English- majored classes studentsof the 12 th form for the GCSE exam I have found considerable benifits as follow: - The students ... sinh giỏi; lớp giai đoạn ôn thi học sinh giỏi thi vào lớp 10 chuyên Anh; lớp 10 chuyên Anh năm học Tác giả: Họ tên: Phạm Kim Anh Năm sinh: 19 77 Nơi thường trú: Thành phố Nam Định Trình độ chuyên ... Xuyên - thành phố Nam Định Điện thoại: 0 917 8 356 20 Đơn vị áp dụng sáng kiến: Tên đơn vị: Trường THPT chuyên Lê Hồng Phong Địa chỉ: số 76-Vị Xuyên Điện thoại: 0 350 3640297 Điều kiện hoàn cảnh tạo sáng...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2015, 16:37

24 681 2
A Study on Using English Songs in Teaching Listening Skill to Improve the Efficiency and Motivation for First-Year Non-English Major Students at Hai Duong Medical Technical University

A Study on Using English Songs in Teaching Listening Skill to Improve the Efficiency and Motivation for First-Year Non-English Major Students at Hai Duong Medical Technical University

... class E 110 1 .1 which is five 3.3.4 .1. 2 Correlation Class N Mean Std Deviation Median E 110 1 .1 30 5. 3667 1 .56 433 E 110 1.3 30 5. 16 67 1 .59 9 21 Table 9: Mean and Std Deviation (pre - test) The mean of 5. 3667 ... E 110 1 .1 seems to overtake class E 110 1.3 on the way to improve their listening skill Correlation Class N Mean Std Deviation E 110 1 .1 30 6.3667 1. 62 912 E 110 1.3 30 5. 3 1. 2 359 6 Table 11 : ... distribution Class E 110 1 .1 Class E 11 01. 3 31 Score 10 The mode: Number of tests 0 2 3 % Score 0 6.7 6.7 13 .3 23.3 30 10 10 10 The median: Number % of tests 0 0 10 10 13 .3 26.7 10 6.7 0 The mode:...

Ngày tải lên: 15/07/2015, 12:57

69 2,7K 9


... remain Holec (19 81, 19 85, 2007), Dam (19 95, 2000, 2003), Little (19 91, 19 95, 19 96, 19 99, 2000, 20 01, 2002, 2007), and more recently Benson (19 96, 19 97, 20 01, 2007a, 2007b, 2007c) While Dam’s work ... leaner autonomy by Cotterall ( (19 95: 1 95) ; Dickinson (19 95: 1 65) ; Little (19 99); Littlewood (19 99: 71) ; Benson (2006: 21) and Little (2007: 14 )) Questions in the survey questionnaire were designed ... (Ho and Crookall (19 95: 2 35) ; Cotterall (19 95: 1 95) ; Littlewood (19 99: 71) ; Benson (2006: 21) Therefore, questions in the interviews were designed to find out whether these students possessed...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 09:28

106 855 2
Teaching speaking skill to non english major students of pre intermediate level at the people’s police academy some suggested techniques and activities

Teaching speaking skill to non english major students of pre intermediate level at the people’s police academy some suggested techniques and activities

... survey questionnaires were delivered to the teachers and they have been all responded 2.3 .1. 2 Results Teachers’ experience Years of teaching English 1 -5 No of teachers % 33 .5 6 -10 11 11 - 15 44 .5 > 15 ... speaking process - Questions 9 -10 : Teachers’ reactions to students mistakes - Questions 11 -12 -13 : Teachers’ teaching methods and techniques to encourage students - Questions 14 - 15 : Students attitude ... to observe 44 .5% of them often remind students to speak English 2.3.2 Questionnaire for Students 2.3.2 .1 Methodology 15 0 copies of the second questionnaire which consists of 15 questions were...

Ngày tải lên: 06/02/2014, 14:40

40 1,1K 1
Teaching speaking skill for non-major ma students of english at vnuh

Teaching speaking skill for non-major ma students of english at vnuh

... activities suitable for the unit being taught Unit Suggested 1, 3,4, activities 5, 1, 3,4, 5, 6,7, 8, 14 1, 3, 4, 1, 3, 4 ,5, 13 1, 3, 4 ,5, 12 1, 3, 4 ,5, 7, 11 ,13 1, 2, 3,4 ,5, 9 10 1, 3, 1, 3, 4, 5, 4, 10 ... certain question may not equal 10 0 percent The first questionnaire was designed for the students with three questions: 14 Question 1: What make you interested in speaking in English class? Question ... Wallwork, A (19 97) Discussions A-Z Intermediate – A Resource Book of Speaking Activities: Cambridge B APPENDIX Appendix Questionnaire for students QUESTIONNAIRE FOR STUDENTS The following questionnaire...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:26

59 1K 1
Techniques for improving listening skills FOR gifted students at Foreign Language Specializing School - College of Foreign Languages - VIETNAM National University, HANOI

Techniques for improving listening skills FOR gifted students at Foreign Language Specializing School - College of Foreign Languages - VIETNAM National University, HANOI

... activities (Question 13 , 14 & 15 ) Option a b c d 13 6% 10 % 2% 82% 14 10 % 8% 30% 10 % 15 30% 50 % 20% e f 42% 0% 0% Question Table For the question number 13 about the activities the students would ... are going to hear 2.6 .1. 7 Students while listening activities (Question 16 & 17 ) Option a b c d Question 16 16 % 38% 46% 0% 17 6% 60% 18 % 16 % Table When asked the question : While you are listening, ... class Students attitude towards home-listening practice (Question 7, & 9) Option a b c d 12 % 16 % 18 % 54 % 42% 10 % 12 % 36% 75% 25% 0% 22% 38% 26% Question 14 % Table With the question about...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:26

47 1,6K 18