... the while-reading stage Whilereading activities can be: reading for general understanding, reading to extract specific information, reading for detailed comprehension, predicting continuous events ... then reading to verify these predictions, reading for communicative tasks such as separating or resembling jumled texts, finding the sequenced events, cloze reading, jigsaw reading or presenting ... Adjusting and improving reading exercises The exercises in this material were of various types They included guiding questions before reading, vocabulary exercises for checking students’ reading...
Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2022, 09:58
... 2.1.READING AND READING COMPREHENSION 2.2.THE IMPORTANCE OF READING COMPREHENSION 10 2.3.TYPES OF READING 12 2.4.READING DIFFICULTIES AND FACTORS INFLUENCING READING DIFFICULTIES ... skill in learning English because students with poor reading comprehension often face academic challenges In order to help students acquire good reading competence at school, it is essential to find ... find out what difficulties they face in reading comprehension tasks Therefore, this study aims to explore difficulties that secondary school students encounter in their English reading comprehension...
Ngày tải lên: 03/02/2023, 23:46
Khóa luận tốt nghiệp: English-majored students' difficulties in reading legal English documents - A case study at Hanoi Law University
... the overall meaning; during reading, students need to monitor understanding by questioning,thinking about, and reflecting on the ideas and information in the text; after reading, readers ought ... legal English teachers and their teaching methods influence on their students interest in reading legal English texts.Summarily, the causes of difficulties in reading legal English documents are readers’ ... correspondingly Finally, having stood at a noticeable mean of 4.14 (SD=.618), the item of conducting the reading process follow up three steps: pre-reading, while-reading, and post-reading was...
Ngày tải lên: 23/11/2024, 17:45
Some difficulties in reading lessons of students at Sao Viet centre and some suggested solutions
... Some difficulties in reading lessons of students at Sao Viet centre and some suggested solutions Ministry of education and training Vinh University Course assignment Some difficulties in reading ... students in reading skill during the process of learning English The teachers often find their students reading Le Thi Huong – M.A Course 17 – English Teaching Methodology Some difficulties in ... 1.1 Definition of reading As in learning a foreign language in general and learning English in particular, reading is considered the most skill of the four ones to ensure students in mastering second...
Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2013, 10:36
Some difficulties in reading lessons facing 10th students in yen mo a high school, ninh binh province and suggested solutions
... High school Table 2.2: Students complete the reading tasks in reading lesson or not. Table 2.3: The reason students can not complete the reading tasks of the text in reading lesson Table 2.4: ... learning, especially learning reading. The teachers often find their students' reading performance disappointing. And in fact, most of the students read with less understanding than one might expect ... the reading tasks in the textbook. Also, lots of them complain that they can not understand the reading text. Why do the students fail to learn reading in English? What are their difficulties in...
Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 18:26
A study on students difficulties in extensive reading in class k43a EFL = nghiên cứu những khó khăn của sinh viên của lớp k43a sư phạm tiếng anh trong việc sử dụng đọc mở rộng
... evaluate the students’ viewpoints and difficulties in applying Extensive reading in learning English language In addition, the results of this study can give a suggestion for learners in using ER technique ... somewhat regain the interest in extensive reading To sum up, in presenting the six aspects which influence the success of the application Extensive reading in class, the author has no way to against ... applying Extensive reading in learning English The intervention was conducted in the same language as the students’ core reading instruction (English) Twenty - five the second - grade students from...
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2019, 14:20
Developing students' reading proficiency through extensive reading in an IELTS prepation course - A case of the 3rd year English majors at Hanoi University of I
... effective extensive reading in a pre -IELTS course 3.2.1 Students difficulties in reading IELTS reading texts Table 6: Experimental students difficulties in reading IELTS reading texts: Statements ... students difficulties in reading IELTS reading texts Table 7: Experimental students attitudes to extensive reading in the pre -IELTS course Table 8: Students suggestions for the extensive reading ... Scanning for specific information Summarizing Identifying parts of speech Paraphrasing Sequencing Matching paragraph headings with paragraphs in the reading passage The reading passage on Insomnia...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 10:27
a study on teachers and students attitudes towards the cultural content in the international commercial textbook for non english majors at haiphong private university
... competence, intercultural competence becomes inseparable in language learning and teaching Another issue concerning to intercultural dimension is the influence of native speaking countries‟ cultures in ... alternative, intercultural perspective in content analysis, and advocate intercultural representation in selecting textbook materials and analysis of intention and interpretation in handling authentic texts ... Colin (2000).The Care and Education of Young Bilinguals: An Introduction for Professionals PA: Multilingual Matters Ltd Bobda, A.S (1997).Sociolinguistic Constrains in EFL Teaching in Cameroon In...
Ngày tải lên: 25/12/2015, 17:18
... Wide Web's online services A major problem associated with the advertising and shopping activity is the cost and time expended in developing, maintaining, and finding relevant information, products, ... providing mainly public medium of the Internet The number of Internet users is growing fast including both individual users and enterprise side With the amazing development of telephone, internet ... starting effects of the financial crisis in Asia and the declining of other currencies in the region, making it expensive to go to Vietnam Yet, tourism industry is coming back to be attractive in...
Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2013, 23:51
Esp at hanoi water resources university – recommendations and suggestions for the current course
... only reading skill as they are doing now, improving the layout of the materials to make it more attractive and interesting, adjusting the order of the reading texts as well as choosing and adapting ... 25 (11,9) Reading & filling in the blanks 36 (51,4) 34 (50) 41 (56,9) 111 (52,9) Reading & rearranging the paragraph 12 (17,1) 16 (23,5) 26 (36,1) 54 (25,7) Reading & guessing the meanings of words ... time, HWRU ran not only GE but also ESP course in their training program During mid 1990s, a collection of reading texts of ESP came into beings In order to make the collection, the teachers had...
Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 14:43
Risks Ahead for the Financial Industry in a Changing Interest Rate Environment pdf
... remaining weaknesses of these economies, while inflation pressures (as OECD JOURNAL: FINANCIAL MARKET TRENDS – VOLUME 2010 ISSUE © OECD 2010 RISKS AHEAD FOR THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY IN A CHANGING INTEREST ... changes in the interest structure differ across financial institutions In general, banks and other institutions that engage in positive maturity transformation (borrowing short and lending long), ... by a rise in interest rates because their net interest margins increase Conversely, “liability sensitive” institutions will profit from a fall in interest rates.5 Banks’ recent changes in asset...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 01:20
... additional information and improving the teacher’s knowledge Willingly participates in group work involving other students as well Independent Willingly works in pairs, takes the leading role in pair ... the students and the educator in defining the aim of the studies and in strengthening the motives, selecting appropriate teaching-learning methods, mastering the content (syllabus), analysing ... the educator in defining the aim of the studies and in strengthening the motives, selecting appropriate teaching-learning methods, mastering the content, analysing the expected and gained results...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 23:20
When States Go Broke The Origins, Context, and Solutions for the American States in Fiscal Crisis ppt
... changing the constitutional rules that constrain state government taxing, spending, and borrowing The term “fiscal constitutions” includes constitutional provisions regarding taxing, spending, ... the beginning of the year should be included in money in or not varies from state to state Nevada was explicit about expenses exceeding income; presumably in Nevada, cash balances were not included ... Principal repaid + Money in for capital funds = + Money out for capital projects + Money in for sinking fund = Principal repaid + Bonds purchased Sinking Fund “rainy day” funds (RDF) in the twentieth...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 04:21
... settings have been carried out perfectly in order to obtain, as in 2D, a white point with coordinates x = 0.314 and y = 0.351 in the CIE diagram As in 2D, the verification of the white point ... planes intersect in one and the same straight line“ Hence, the Scheimpflug principle consists in keeping the three planes at a maximum in parallel Screen file: This is the file that contains the information ... at defining the quality of digital projection as the minimum equivalent to the one in 35 mm (on positive film) The minimum resolution that has served to define digital cinema projection since...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 14:20
... stock markets in the first half of 2010 The crisis of the housing sector, however, continues in some countries, notably in Spain Further rising exports, mainly to strongly growing emerging economies, ... the boom of industrial production is coming to an end Annual growth rates have been declining since May and are expected to continue so in the next months The Industrial Production Index will ... however, diverging cycles in the single member states Consumption, for example, was particularly high in Spain, since an increase of the standard tariff of the value added tax in July was an incentive...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 07:20
... upswing not in sight At the end of 2009, the world economy is slowly recovering In the US and in the Eurpean Union, production started expanding in the third quarter; in Japan it did already so in ... Japanese export industries benefit from the surge of demand in East and South Asia in general and in China in particular World trade in goods has rebounded particularly strongly in the second half ... con5 tinuing an expansive policy In the advanced countries, however, an upswing is not in sight The dampening factors here relate to the fact that the global imbalances are being reduced since...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 08:20
Curriculum for the Bachelor Degree in English Language and Literature
... of Reading & Writing 3(3-0) This course introduces students to the reading and writing skills Different strategies and methods of teaching reading and writing are to be taught Students are trained ... with different kinds of reading texts and written production Students are expected to plan and assess reading texts through studying strategies of planning and assessing reading Students are also ... communication medium in texts and conversational interaction The course explains how contexts form an important factor in interpreting and explaining the intended meaning The course acquaints students with...
Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2014, 09:38
25. For the first time in the history of the country, the person …………… was recommended by pdf
... rain-bearing winds by the surrounding mountain ranges a because b in spite of c so d due to a 57 …………… that the English settled in Jamestown a In 1607 that it was b That in 1607 c Because in ... ought to book in advance You can’t rely …………… a hotel room a on finding b in finding c of finding d about finding a 171 According to a recent survey, …………… doctors not have a personal physician ... gliding motion a having b has c being d with b 117 Nitrogen must be …………… with another element such as hydrogen or oxygen to be useful in agriculture or industry a combine b combining c to combine...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20