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Ngày tải lên: 26/02/2014, 21:19

1 313 0


... Figure 3. Map of Quaternary Geology of continental shelf of Vietnam VNU. JOURNAL OF SCIENCE, Earth sciences, T.xxIII, N 0 1, 2007 1 QUATERNARY GEOLOGICAL MAP OF THE CONTINENTAL SHELF OF VIETNAM ... analysis of morphology of clastic particles, analysis of minerals, composition of SiO 2 , FeO, Fe 2 O 3 , CaO, Na 2 O, K 2 O, MgO, environmental chemical index, Quaternary geological map of the ... VNU. Journal of Science, Earth Sciences, T.XXIII, N 0 1, 2007 4 The selection of scale of the map is very important for interpretation and performance of geological formation on the map. Stratigraphical...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 16:20

10 405 0


... Knowledge Map of the Virtual Economy 4 Knowledge Map of the Virtual Economy 34 Knowledge Map of the Virtual Economy with a cumulative number of more than 6.5 billion application downloads as of September ... of the paid crowdsourcing market. Analysts’ estimates of the size and development of these markets may therefore give some indications of the potential of the microwork market. e amount of ... representative of the general view of gaming studios (Nardi and Ming Kow, 2010). Recent reports from the industry also indicate that the classical view of the sociology of work of gaming studios...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 10:20

75 387 0
A New Map of Hollywood: The Production and Distribution of American Motion Pictures pot

A New Map of Hollywood: The Production and Distribution of American Motion Pictures pot

... (2002) A new map of Hollywood: the production and distribution of American motion pictures, Reg. Studies 36, 957–975. In this paper, I offer a reinterpretation of the economic geography of the so-called ... Hollywood the discussion of these changes here. The first is con- emerged slowly and painfully out of the profound cerned with the shifting logic and dynamics of restructuring of the old studios that ... studio 1. The penetration of new computerized technologies system in terms of a dominant group of seven majors, into all stages of the motion-picture production and each of them vertically integrated...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 15:20

19 703 0
Tài liệu The New Reality Of Wall Street ppt

Tài liệu The New Reality Of Wall Street ppt

... stability of financial derivatives recalls the prescient observations of John Kenneth Galbraith, in The Atlantic Monthly of January 1987: A TAXONOMY OF BEARS 17 because of inadequate supplies of food ... be more than offset on the Advance/Decline line by the fall of two little companies.) 22 THE NEW REALITY OF WALL STREET Contents Preface ix Acknowledgments xi Prologue 1 1 A Taxonomy of Bears 9 2 ... won- der of the world. Stocks of the leading technology companies—radio, tele- phone, and automobile—were in vogue. Some of that same sense of American superiority animated the late 1960s buildup of...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 02:20

290 509 0
Tài liệu The new reality of wall street ppt

Tài liệu The new reality of wall street ppt

... won- der of the world. Stocks of the leading technology companies—radio, tele- phone, and automobile—were in vogue. Some of that same sense of American superiority animated the late 1960s buildup of ... similar damages that result from the use of or inability to use the work, even if any of them has been advised of the possi- bility of such damages. This limitation of liability shall apply to any claim ... bullish prospects engulfs Wall Street, industry, the media, and the intellectual elites. The participation of the intellectual elites—who ordinarily take scant notice of Wall Street is what distinguishes...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 02:20

289 615 0
Tài liệu The E-book Of Technical Market Indicators Ver 1.1 (Wall Street Courier) (pdf) pdf

Tài liệu The E-book Of Technical Market Indicators Ver 1.1 (Wall Street Courier) (pdf) pdf

... contrary to most of the news of the moment and the opinions of the well known and most widely quoted gurus of Wall Street. Page 30 The E-Book of Technical Market Indicators ... The E-Book of Technical Market Indicators Preface The transparency of the American markets offers an array of indicators and allows deep insights of prevailing ... number of calls advancing by the number of calls declining • Divide the number of puts declining by the number of puts advancing • Subtract the result of calls adv./decl. from the result of puts...

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 03:20

49 529 0
evaluate effectiveness of customer service activities in increasing sales for kichi-kichi hot pot bar restaurant on 61 ma may street

evaluate effectiveness of customer service activities in increasing sales for kichi-kichi hot pot bar restaurant on 61 ma may street

... year and average of seat turnover is 2.5, the sales amount will be 98 billion vnd/ year 2010; top of mind of Kichi Kichi: 15% at the end of 2010. Kichi-Kichi Ma May is a member of Kichi-Kichi ... you offer for themselves and in their turn become repeat customers. 27 Marketing cost per day 445,156 Turnover increase a day 1,824,726.56 Net profit increase a day 1,094,835.94 Net profit of ... to a discount on all their purchases. Particularly because of the high cost of landing new customers versus the high profitability of a loyal customer base, you might want to reflect upon your...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 12:43

38 830 3
Tài liệu Lombard Street: A Description of the Money Market docx

Tài liệu Lombard Street: A Description of the Money Market docx

... to the credit of some other customer, who lets it remain on his account. An increase of loans at such times is often an increase of the liabilities of the bank, not a diminution of its reserve. ... bills of much fewer people are taken, and even of those suspiciously. In times of good credit there are a great number of strong purchasers, and in times of bad credit only a smaller number of weak ones; ... periods of great commercial excitement there is some mixture of the older and simpler kind of investing mania. Though the money of saving persons is in the hands of banks, and though, by offering...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 19:20

102 430 0
Tài liệu Bike Lanes, On-Street Parking and Business: A Study of Bloor Street in Toronto’s Annex Neighbourhood docx

Tài liệu Bike Lanes, On-Street Parking and Business: A Study of Bloor Street in Toronto’s Annex Neighbourhood docx

... Average Saturday  Figure 17. Bloor Street average hourly on -street parking usage 4.6 OFF -STREET PARKING Themajority of off street paidparkingwithineasywalking distance(twoorthreeminutes) of theBloorAnnexmain commercialstripisfoundinthreeTPA‘GreenP’lotsat557 PalmerstonAvenue,365LippincottSt.and19SpadinaRoad(see Map 5.MunicipalpaidparkingoptionsintheAnnex). The Palmerstonlotisdirectlyadjacenttoone of theBathurstsubway stationentrances,theSpadinalotisveryclosetoone of the Spadinasubwaystationentrances,andtheLippincottlotisthe closesttotheheart of theBloorAnnexcommercialstrip. Accordingtothedataprovidedby theTPA,between48%and 82% of theoff street parking(267spaces)isutilizedatanyone time.Duringtheweek,thebusiesttimeforparkingisinthe eveningwith66%utilization.OnSaturdays,thebusiesttimeis alsointheeveningwith82%utilization.Saturdayeveningisthe  busiesttimeattheSpadinaandLippincottlots,whileweekdays arebusiestatthePalmerstonlot.   Figure ... importance of on street parkingto businessactivityonBloor Street WestintheAnnex.Thefindingsshowthatrelativetotheother modes of transportation,notverymanypatronsdrivetotheBloorAnnexarea.Therefore,on‐ street parking doesnotappeartobeamajorissuefortheeconomicwell‐being of businesses. 71% of merchantsbelievethatlessthanone‐quarter of theirpatronsdrivetotheirbusiness. Accordingtooursurvey of peopleonthe street, only10% of patronsdrivetotheBloorAnnex, and 16% of patronswhodonotliveorworkinthearea.Furthermore, of allpatrons,thosethat drivetotheBloorAnnexvisittheleastoftenandreportspendingtheleastamount of money. Thesecondgoal of thisstudywastoprojecttheimpactsonbusinessactivity of reallocating  spaceintheAnnexfromon street parkingtoothertravelmodessuchascycling(abikelane) andwalking(awidersidewalk).Fromapurelyeconomicalpoint of view,inordertomaximize commercialactivity,theprioritization of spaceshouldshiftclosertowardthemode of travel usedby themajority of patrons.Pedestrians,cyclistsandpublictransitusersmakeup90% of patrons,anddonotneedon‐oroff street parking.Providingmorespaceforcyclingandfor pedestriansimprovesaccessibility.Dedicatedbicyclelanesattractcyclistsandwidened sidewalks–wherethereismorespacetodedicateto street furniture,likebenches,waste receptacles,plantingsandbicycleparking–attractpedestrians.Thesurveyshowsthatpatrons arrivingbyfootandbicyclevisitthemostoftenandspendthemostmoney.Itappearsinthe bestinterest of merchantstofavourreallocatingspacetowardtheirmorefrequentandhigher‐ spendingpatrons–inthiscase,pedestriansandcyclists. AccordingtothedatasuppliedbytheTPA,onaveragebetweenaboutonethirdandtwothirds of on street parkingisusedduringthepayparkingperiods(9:00a.m.to9:00p.m.),and48%to 82% of off street parkinglot spaceisused.Theremoval of onelane of on street parkingwould reduceon street parkingbyonehalfandtotalpaidparkinginthestudyareabyabout ... Inordertounderstandtheeffects of removingonelane of on street parking,theresearchers neededtoknowthecurrentsupply of publicon street andoff street parkinginthearea,andthe currentrates of usage.Ifonelane of parkingisremoved,merchantsandCitydecision‐makers  willwanttoknowiftheexistingparkingdemandcanbeaccommodatedwiththeremaining supply.(Itisimportanttonotethateveniftheremainingsupplycannotaccommodateexisting demand,municipalitieshavetheoption of constructingnewmunicipalparkinglotsor convertingside street parkingtopayparking.For example,aspart of thenewlyconstructedSt. Clairstreetcarexclusiveright of way,TPAisbuildingnew‘GreenP’lotstomakeupforsome of theloston street parking.) Ratherthanusingobservationaldata,parkingcapacityandusagedatawasrequestedfromthe TorontoParkingAuthority(TPA).Because theTPAnowexclusivelyemployspay‐and‐display parkingmachinesforon street parkingandinmostmunicipalparkinglots(‘GreenP’lots),the TPAhasarobust,sophisticated,andreliablesystemfortrackingparkingusage. ExecutiveDirector EvaLigeti,CleanAirPartnership  ResearcherandAuthor: FredSztabinski,ActiveTransportationResearcher,CleanAirPartnership  SurveyTeam: Department of HealthSciences,Faculty of Medicine,University of Toronto  ParkingData: PlanningDepartment,TorontoParkingAuthority  AdvisoryCommittee: MichaelCanzi,TransportationPolicyandPlanningAdvisor,Metrolinx AlanFilipuzzi, SeniorTransportationPlanner,City of Toronto PaulHess,AssociateProfessor,Department of Geography&PrograminPlanning, University of Toronto JenniferPenney,Director of Research,CleanAirPartnership  SupporthasbeenprovidedbyagrantfromtheTorontoCommunityFoundation.CAP wouldalsoliketothankTransportCanadaandthe City of Torontofortheirgenerous support of thiswork,andthefollowingpeoplefortheirhelpinreviewingthereport: GordBrown,DanielEgan,JenniferHyland,JanaNeumann,LukaszPawlowski,Nancy SmithLeaandStephanieTencer.     ©CleanAirPartnership,2009  Formoreinformation,contact: CleanAir Partnership 75Elizabeth Street Toronto,Ontario,M5G1P4,Canada 416‐392‐6672...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 00:20

38 686 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Regulation of connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2) gene transcription and mRNA stability in smooth muscle cells Involvement of RhoA GTPase and p38 MAP kinase and sensitivity to actin dynamics docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Regulation of connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2) gene transcription and mRNA stability in smooth muscle cells Involvement of RhoA GTPase and p38 MAP kinase and sensitivity to actin dynamics docx

... relative amounts of normalized mRNA were plotted as a function of time and the slope of this curve was used to calculate the interval period within which half of the original amount of mRN A had ... establish the specificity of action of Rho GTPases on CTGF/CCN2 expression, we examined the ability of the constitutively active form s of Rho GTPases t o enhance the expression of the endogenous CTGF/CCN2 gene. ... termination of the pr otein s ynthesis. These data a dd to the growing body of information supporting a preponderant role of p38 in the regulation of gene expression at the level of mRNA stability....

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 16:20

15 576 0
As Required by Section 939(h) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act ppt

As Required by Section 939(h) of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act ppt

... will also be used upon the filing of a bankruptcy petition or the taking of similar actions. Fitch Ratings of individual securities or financial obligations of a corporate issuer address relative ... standardization that is the subject of the study “could violate one of the fundamental principles of NRSRO regulation: that the Commission may not regulate either the substance of credit ratings or the ... disclosure of certain information on its initial credit ratings and any subsequent changes to the credit ratings, for the purpose of allowing users of credit ratings to evaluate the accuracy of ratings...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 08:20

60 477 0
The National Road Map Strategic Plan To Accelerate Reduction of Maternal, Newborn and Child Deaths in Tanzania 2008 - 2015 potx

The National Road Map Strategic Plan To Accelerate Reduction of Maternal, Newborn and Child Deaths in Tanzania 2008 - 2015 potx

... Up to 50% of neonatal deaths occur in the first 24 hours of life, with over 75% of them arising in the first week of life. Newborn mortality is a sensitive indicator of the quality of care provided ... Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives MoCDGC Ministry of Community Development, Gender and Children MoEVT Ministry of Education and Vocational Training MoFEA Ministry of Finance ... under-fives, of which 4.4 million are newborns. Most of these deaths occur in Sub Saharan Africa. Tanzania is one of the ten countries contributing to 61% and 66% of the global total of maternal...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 04:20

102 489 1
Báo cáo khoa học: Activation of activating transcription factor 2 by p38 MAP kinase during apoptosis induced by human amylin in cultured pancreatic b-cells ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: Activation of activating transcription factor 2 by p38 MAP kinase during apoptosis induced by human amylin in cultured pancreatic b-cells ppt

... School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Auckland, New Zealand 2 Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, University of ... death, depending on the duration of activation and the bal- ance of activity between the MAP kinase, ERK, and the stress-activated kinases, JNK and p38 [26]. Activation of MAPK-mediated signaling pathways could ... 0.96 ratios - ATF-2 C D Fig. 5. Effects of inhibition of MAPK on hA-evoked expression and activation of ATF-2 and c-Jun. (A) CM cells were pre-incubated with specific MAPK inhibitors (SB203580, PD98059...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 12:20

13 400 0
The National Road Map Strategic Plan To Accelerate Reduction of Maternal, Newborn and Child Deaths in Tanzania docx

The National Road Map Strategic Plan To Accelerate Reduction of Maternal, Newborn and Child Deaths in Tanzania docx

... Up to 50% of neonatal deaths occur in the first 24 hours of life, with over 75% of them arising in the first week of life. Newborn mortality is a sensitive indicator of the quality of care provided ... management of childhood illness; • prevention and management of immunisable diseases; • nutrition care. In spite of the good coverage of health facilities, not all components of the services are of ... implementation of the MNCH Strategic Plan in order to ensure effectiveness, ownership and sustainability of the initiative in Tanzania: • Continuum of Care: Ensuring provision of the continuum of care...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 09:20

102 759 0

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