Functions and program structure
... push and pop could be defined in one file, and the variables val and sp defined and initialized in another. Then these definitions and declarations would be necessary to tie them together: in file1 : ... the file being compiled. For example, if main, sp, val, push, and pop are defined in one file, in the order shown above, that is, main() { } 71 The variables sp and val in stack.c, and buf and ... three files called main.c, getline.c, and strindex.c. Then the command cc main.c getline.c strindex.c compiles the three files, placing the resulting object code in files main.o, getline.o, and strindex.o,...
Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2013, 06:20
Directory and File Commands
... cat Command to join two files into one $ cat filename1 filename2 > file3 This example joins filename1 and filename2 files into filename3 file. Note – If filename3 is existed, this command will ... format for the redirection of standard input, standard output, and standard error is: command > file or command >> file command < file command 2> file Control Characters Purpose Control-s ... existing files using the touch command Create and remove directories using mkdir and rmdir Manage files and directories using the mv, cp, and rm commands Save the output from a command into a file ...
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2013, 09:20
Interruptions and file managing
... "Introduction to file handling". FCB Method 0FH Open file 14H Sequential reading 15H Sequential writing 16H Create file 21H Random reading 22H Random writing Handles 3CH Create file 3DH Open file ... communication Contents 5.7.1 Working with handles 5.7.2 Functions to use handles 5.7.1 Working with handles The use of handles to manage files greatly facilitates the creation of files and programmer can concentrate ... wrongly structured. In case there is no error, AL will contain the value of 0 and the fields of the current block and register are dated. 5.6.6 Random reading and writing The 21H function and the...
Ngày tải lên: 06/10/2013, 20:20
... remote and magnifi- cent island.” Then I considered the essay’s title: “The Island at the End of the Earth.” Hmm. In many seagoing cultures, the islands at the end of the world are where the dead and ... speed around eight pm and begin increasing expo- nentially; they double in size every hour One can imagine Billy standing at the helm and grip- ping the wheel with the force and stance one might ... Pierre, David Sullivan, Bugsy Moran, Dale Murphy, and Bobby Shatford are surely dead. The reader sees them clearly, sinking down and down and down, limp and open-eyed. The book continues, however,...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 07:20
... 1 Chapter 6 The Risk and Term Structure of Interest Rates Copyright 2011 Pearson Canada Inc. 6 - 8 Term Structure of Interest Rates • Bonds with identical risk, liquidity, and tax characteristics ... determined by the demand for and supply of that bond. • Investors have preferences for bonds of one maturity over another. • If investors have short desired holding periods and generally prefer ... slope upward when short-term rates are low and to be inverted when short-term rates are high; explained by the liquidity premium term in the first case and by a low expected average in the second...
Ngày tải lên: 05/01/2014, 16:56
Tài liệu Module 8: Managing Storage and Optimization pptx
... Manager tree pane, and then click Metadata in the right details pane. 3. Scroll down and notice the updated process and storage mode statistics. Module 8: Managing Storage and Optimization ... Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the three data storage modes. ! Use the Storage Design Wizard to set storage design. ! Describe how aggregations work and design aggregations ... the Look in list, click the file C:\Moc\2074A\Labfiles\L08\Module 08.CAB, click Open, and then click Restore. 2. Click Close, and then double-click Module 08 to expand the database. 3. Below...
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 05:20
Tài liệu Text Editing and File Management ppt
... rename a file. The more conventional way to rename a file is to select the file by clicking on it once. Then, with the file “testfile.txt” selected, go to the File menu of Windows Explorer and select ... select Rename. This will outline the filename with a box and highlight the name of the file. Now type a new file name for the file, such as “newname.txt”. After the file is renamed, press the enter ... Accessories > and then click Notepad. Step 2 Once Notepad is open and on the desktop, type any a message within the editing area. Type just a few sentences and then click on the File menu and select...
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 05:20
Tài liệu Designing a Domain and OU Structure for Group Policy docx
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu Dive Into Python-Chapter 6. Exceptions and File Handling doc
... program to handle other types of files simply by defining an appropriately-named class: HTMLFileInfo for HTML files, DOCFileInfo for Word .doc files, and so forth. listDirectory will handle them ... from fileinfo import MP3FileInfo >>> MP3FileInfo.__module__ 1 'fileinfo' >>> sys.modules[MP3FileInfo.__module__] 2 <module 'fileinfo' from 'fileinfo.pyc'> ... f) for f in fileList if os.path.splitext(f)[1] in fileExtList] def getFileInfoClass(filename, module=sys.modules[FileInfo.__module__]): "get file info class from filename extension"...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 08:20
Tài liệu Cognitive function and brain structure correlations in healthy elderly East Asians doc
... manual and a utomated measures of the hippocampus was lower (r=0.82; p b .001) as expected given the small size of this structure and the different landmarks used for segmenting this structure. ... outright) and 2 (0.57%) had obstructive sleep apnoea; 35 (10%) had a MMSE score b 26; 6 (1.7%) had a Geriatric Depression Screening Scale (GDS) score N 9; and 24 were not right handed (left-handed; ... correlates of age with cognition and brain measures, followed by other variables of interest with cognition and brain measures and finally the association between brain measures and performance in 6 cognitive...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu Inequalities in Higher Education and the Structure of the Labour Market pdf
... public and private employment and self-employment.Generally,itwasmainlyAsian and whitegraduates whomovedinto self-employment and, even then,mainly thoseinthemedical and legalfields.Overall,onlyasmallproportionofgraduatesinthesurveywereinself- employment.Themovementbetweenthepublic and privatesectorwasmuchmore significant.Thepublicsectorisanimportantfirstemployer,particularlyforAfrican graduates.Otherracegroupstendtofindsubsequentjobsintheprivatesector,while Africangraduatestendtoremaininpublicsectoremployment.Thepublicsectoris cruciallyimportantforAfricangraduates–76,7%oftheAfricangraduatessurveyed found ... 1 InequalitiesinHigherEducation and the Structure oftheLabourMarket Introduction Therelationshipbetweeneducation and economicgrowth and developmentinSouth Africahasbeenwidelystudied and itsimportanceacknowledged.Highereducation hasaparticularlyimportantroletoplayintheoveralldevelopmentoftheeconomy.It hasovertheyearsprovidedsocietywithhighlyskilled,professionalworkers and must continuetodoso.Highereducationalsohasakeyroletoplayinextendingeducational benefitstothedisadvantaged,thuscontributingtoequalopportunities and fairness. However,fortheserolestoberealised,theeducationsystemhastobeeffective and efficientwithimprovededucationoutcomes.Thechangingnatureoflabourmarkets isplacingapremiumontechnicalexpertise and occupationalcompetenciesaswellas onthematchingofeducationalqualificationswithprospectiveemployment.Allthis has ... secondary schooling.Overall,theproportionsofthoseenrolledinvariousfieldsofstudyshow amoveawayfromaconcentrationofgraduatesinhumanities and arts-relatedfields and an improvement in enrolments in science, engineering and technology-related fields, and inbusiness and commerce.Thesefiguresalsoshowashiftwithregardto race.ThereisanincreaseinAfricansenrollinginthefieldsofscience and business and commercerelativetothosewhoenrolinthehumanities and arts.However,itremains tobeseeniftheseenrolmentrateswilltranslateintosimilarproportionsingraduation ratesinthecomingyears. Table2:EnrolmentdistributioninthreeDepartmentsofEducation’sfieldsofstudy,by populationgroup,2002 Fieldofstudy...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 17:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Second messenger function and the structure–activity relationship of cyclic adenosine diphosphoribose (cADPR) doc
... hypoxanthine) and the diphospho-bridge, as they can be replaced by much simpler ether strands. These ether strands mimic the distance between the nucleo- base and the diphospho-bridge, but on the other hand likely ... permeabilized T-cells and induced both local and global Ca 2+ signalling in intact T-cells [46]. 8-Azido- and 8-NH 2 -cIDPRE performed similarly (Fig. 4) whereas the halogenated compounds 8-Br- and 8-Cl-cIDPRE ... NAD by CD38-type ADPRC and which is also a breakdown product of cADPR (Fig. 2). TRPM2 is a Ca 2+ - and Na + -permeable cation channel that is mainly expressed in the brain and in cells of the immune...
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 01:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Endotoxic activity and chemical structure of lipopolysaccharides from Chlamydia trachomatis serotypes E and L2 and Chlamydophila psittaci 6BC pdf
... Goroncy, H. Lu ¨ thje and V. Susott for technical assistance and S. Kusumoto (Osaka/Japan) for lipid A (compound 506) and L. Hawkins (North Andover, MA USA) for compound B1233 and for reading the ... (TSBP) which lacks the terminal Kdo, and tetrasaccharide 1-monophosphate (TS 1-MP). One-dimensional 1 H- and 31 P-, and two-dimen- sional homo- ( 1 H, 1 H-DQF-COSY) and heteronuclear ( 1 H, 13 C-, 1 H, 31 P-HMQC) ... spectroscopy (Figs 5 and 6) and assignment of all signals (Table 2) revealed that the carbohydrate structure of the major component of C. tra- chomatis E LPS consisted of three Kdo- and two GlcpN- residues....
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 23:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "An Alignment Algorithm using Belief Propagation and a Structure-Based Distortion Model" pdf
... computing the English-side mes- sages and beliefs (m e ij and b e i ) , but the process must also be done symmetrically for the French- side messages and beliefs (m f ij and b f i ) at every iteration. 0- ... syntactic tree and the 3 P-Sets it generates us to process dependency trees, constituents trees and other structures in a uniformized way. Fig- ure 3 gives an example of a constituents tree and the ... comparison with a well- known and state-of-the-art system, we also used the GIZA++ program (Och and Ney, 1999) to align the same data. We tried alignments in both direction and provide the results...
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 02:20
What makes a bank efficient? A look at financial characteristics and bank management and ownership structure pdf
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 10:20
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 01:20
GRA 19002 Master Thesis: Governance Mechanisms and Ownership Structure potx
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 04:22
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