stock option black scholes model

The Black Scholes Model

The Black Scholes Model

... this he will retrieve equation (5.1), the Black Scholes formula. 5.4 GREEKS FOR THE BLACK SCHOLES MODEL (i) Some Useful Differentials: The Black Scholes model gives specific analytical formulas ...  tT (vi) Black ’76 Model: We have established that the Black Scholes equation for an option on a forward/futures price can be obtained from the general equation for an option on the equity 60 5.6 OPTIONS ... maturity as the option being hedged; the deltas of the option and its hedge just need to match. 57 5 The Black Scholes Model (v) Stock Indices and Commodities: In theory one can invest in a stock index...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20

12 425 1
finance - turning finance into science - risk management and the black-scholes options pricing model

finance - turning finance into science - risk management and the black-scholes options pricing model

... The functioning of the Black- Scholes Model is based on the use of stock options. Stock options are a form of financial derivative (an item that is not a stock in itself, but is an offshoot ... is what the Black- Scholes Options Pricing Model does. The Math Behind It Option pricing requires five inputs: the option s exercise price, the time to expiration, the price of the stock at the ... stock trading. This is where the Black- Scholes Option Pricing Model comes in. This ideas behind this formula, created by Prof. Robert C. Merton, Prof. Myron S. Scholes and the late Fisher Black, ...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 12:09

19 353 0
Định giá cổ phiếu phát hành lần đầu theo mô hình định giá quyền chọn Black Scholes trên thị trường chứng khoán Việt Nam .

Định giá cổ phiếu phát hành lần đầu theo mô hình định giá quyền chọn Black Scholes trên thị trường chứng khoán Việt Nam .

... CHỌN BLACK SCHOLES Công thức định giá quyền chọn trong trường hợp giá tài sản cơ sở biến đổi liên tục được xây dựng bởi Black Scholes và Merton vào năm 1973 . 2 : Mô hình định giá quyền chọn BLACK ... phiếu . 3.8.1 Định giá cổ phiếu phát hành lần đầu bằng mô hình định giá quyền chọn Black Scholes ( Option Pricing Model – OPM) trên thị trường chứng khoán Việt Nam . Website: ... sự biến động lớn để có thu nhập từ chệch giá (Áp dụng cho thị trường hiêu quả). f.Mô hình Black Scholes có thể được mở rộng với việc giảm nhẹ các giả thuyết . Website: Email...

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2013, 15:03

95 1,1K 6
Numerical Solutions of the Black Scholes Equation

Numerical Solutions of the Black Scholes Equation

... truncated without loss of accuracy. The Black Scholes value of this option is superimposed on the following graphs. The inside (darker) band denotes ±0.1% of the Black Scholes price (6.185), while the ... binomial model is a graphical representation of the Kolmogorov equation. r The explicit difference method was introduced to solve the Black Scholes equation. r The Kolmogorov and Black Scholes ... Discretization of the Full Black Scholes Model: We finish this section with an observation rather than a new method or technique. By a simple change of variables, we can transform the Black Scholes equation...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 19:20

18 373 0
Tài liệu Bài 5: Định giá quyền chọn bằng mô hình Black-Scholes pptx

Tài liệu Bài 5: Định giá quyền chọn bằng mô hình Black-Scholes pptx

... thời gian liên tục. Mô hình Black- Scholes đã sử dụng khuôn khổ mô hình thời gian liên tục để định giá quyền chọn. CÔNG THỨC ĐOẠT GIẢI NOBEL Sử dụng cơng thức Black- Scholes để định giá một quyền ... tục. R c = ln(1,0456) = 4,46. CÁC BIẾN SỐ TRONG MÔ HÌNH B-S GIẢ ĐỊNH CỦA MÔ HÌNH BLACK - SCHOLES Giá cổ phiếu biến động ngẫu nhiên và phát triển theo phân phối logarit chuẩn. Lãi ... cao hơn giá trị đạt được trước đây là $13,55. Bài 5: Định giá quyền chọn bằng mô hình Black- Scholes QUẢN TRỊ RỦI RO TÀI CHÍNH QUẢN TRỊ RỦI RO TÀI CHÍNH CÁC BIẾN SỐ TRONG MÔ HÌNH B-S Giá...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 11:20

16 4,3K 32
Credit Default Swaps Calibration and Option Pricing with the SSRD Stochastic Intensity and Interest-Rate Model pot

Credit Default Swaps Calibration and Option Pricing with the SSRD Stochastic Intensity and Interest-Rate Model pot

... Credit Default Swaps Calibration and Option Pricing with the SSRD Stochastic Intensity and Interest-Rate Model Damiano Brigo Aur´elien Alfonsi Credit Models Banca IMI, San Paolo IMI Group Corso ... default swaps (CDS’s). Moreover, the model retains free dynamics parameters that can be used to calibrate option data, such as caps for the interest rate market and options on CDS’s in the credit market. ... zero-coupon bond price in our interest-rate model. So we see that survival probabilities for the λ model are the analogous of zero-coupon bond prices P in the r model. Thus if we choose for λ a CIR++...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 04:21

27 393 0
An Equilibrium Model of Rare-Event Premia and Its Implication for Option Smirks potx

An Equilibrium Model of Rare-Event Premia and Its Implication for Option Smirks potx

... standard Black- Scholes option pricing formula with initial stock price S 0 , strike price K, risk-free rate r, dividend yield q, volatility s, and time t to maturity. To price a put option with ... risk premium, this model cannot reconcile the premium observed in the equity market with that in ATM options, nor can it reconcile the premium implicit in ATM options with that in OTM put options. Here, ... the equity market and the options market, we choose to calibrate the model using information from the equity market. That is, we examine the model s implication on the options market after fitting...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 10:20

34 500 0
The PLANET model Methodological Report: The Car Stock Module docx

The PLANET model Methodological Report: The Car Stock Module docx

... (diesel andgasolinecar)inyeartandofageT,thetwobasicequationsare: Stock i(t,0)=Salesi(t) Stock i(t,T)=Stocki(t‐1,T‐1)–Scrapi(t,T)forT>0 Sales i(t)standsforthesalesofnewcarsoftypeiinyeartandScrapi(t,T)isthescrappageof vehiclesoftypeiandageTinyeart. Ineachyeartthe stock ofvehiclessurvivingfromyeart‐1iscomparedwiththedesired stock of vehiclesneededby the transport users.Ifthedesired stock is largerthan thesurviving stock,  newvehiclesarebought.Thisapproachrequiresthedeterminationineachyearofthetotalde‐ siredvehicle stock (Section2),thenumberofvehiclesofeachtypethatisscrapped(Section3) andthecompositionofthevehiclesales(Section4). The model ... country. Anychangesinownershipinbetweenarenotmodelled.Noseparatecategoriesareconsidered fornewandsecondhandvehicles. Inafirststagenodistinctionismadebetweencarsownedbyprivatebusiness,governmentand utilitiesonthe onehandandpersonalcarsontheotherhand.Thisdistinctioncouldbeuseful becausethepolicyinstrumentscanbedifferentinbothcasesandbecausechangesinthecom‐ positionofthefleet stock eventuallyfilterdowntothepersonalcar stock. Includingaseparate categoryof fleetcars would  require modellingthe transitionof thesecars tothe personalcar stock.  ... fallenfrom60%to50%. Furthermore,thediesel stock isyoungerthanthegasoline stock. So,thereisaphenomenon of“dieselisation”ofthecar stock.  – For the period 1997‐2005, 97% of the car stock was between ...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 10:20

22 221 0
finance - prudential financial research - stock valuation models

finance - prudential financial research - stock valuation models

... Topical Study #56, Stock Valuation Models,” August 8, 2002, Topical Study #44, “New, Improved Stock Valuation Model, ” July 26, 1999 and Topical Study #38, “Fed’s Stock Valuation Model Finds Overvaluation,” ... University of Michigan. Yardeni Figure 19.Figure 19. Stock Valuation Models RESEARCH 29 January 6, 2003 R E S E A R C H Stock Valuation Models January 6, 2003 18 appears logical, but empirically ... 11. If stocks are always fairly valued, then the market’s earnings estimate is currently 32.5% below analysts’ consensus. Stock Valuation Models RESEARCH 24 January 6, 2003 R E S E A R C H Stock...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 12:08

31 199 0
Option Strategies Profit Making Techniques for Stock Index and Commodity Options 2nd Edition_2 docx

Option Strategies Profit Making Techniques for Stock Index and Commodity Options 2nd Edition_2 docx

... generic something, which could be: 1. A stock, like 100 shares of Citibank stock. (Note that options on stocks are always for 100 shares of the underlying stock. Options on futures are for the same ... the option. CHANGES IN OPTION SPECIFICATIONS The terms of an option contract can change after being listed and traded. This is very infrequent and happens only in stock options when the stock splits ... out-of-the-money option is zero. Thus, an out-of-the-money option is an option with only time value. 2. The time value of an option is the amount that the premium exceeds the intrinsic value. Time value = Option...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

23 284 0
Option Strategies Profit Making Techniques for Stock Index and Commodity Options 2nd Edition_3 pptx

Option Strategies Profit Making Techniques for Stock Index and Commodity Options 2nd Edition_3 pptx

... the fair value. Black- Scholes Model The first arbitrage model is the most famous and most popular option pricing model the Black- Scholes Model. Professors Stanley Black and Myron Scholes were fortunate ... option pricing models. The most popular is the Black- Scholes Model. Other models for pricing options are: r Cox-Ross-Rubenstein (or Binomial) Model r Garman-Kohlhagen Model r Jump Diffusion Model r Whalley ... of the Black- Scholes Model are similar enough that they are often simply described generically as the Black- Scholes Model. Another popular model is the Cox-Ross-Rubenstein, or Binomial, Model. ...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

23 312 0
Option Strategies Profit Making Techniques for Stock Index and Commodity Options 2nd Edition_5 ppt

Option Strategies Profit Making Techniques for Stock Index and Commodity Options 2nd Edition_5 ppt

... computer-industry stocks will go up in price, but you do not know which stock or option to buy because you do not pick specific stocks. You could rank the options of the computer stocks by cri- teria ... commissions to exercise a stock option because commissions must be paid on the purchase of the stock. On the other hand, there is automatic exercise of many futures options where the cost is ... out-of-the-money option, but still make money with an in-the-money option. In addition, the chances of an in-the-money option expiring worthless are less than for an out-of-the- money option. You...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

23 257 0
Option Strategies Profit Making Techniques for Stock Index and Commodity Options 2nd Edition_6 potx

Option Strategies Profit Making Techniques for Stock Index and Commodity Options 2nd Edition_6 potx

... computer-industry stocks will go down in price, but you do not know which stock or option to buy because you do not pick spe- cific stocks. You could rank the options of the computer stocks by criteria that ... commissions to exercise a stock option because commissions must be paid on the short sale of the stock. On the other hand, there is automatic exercise of many futures options where the cost is ... bought OEX 180 options at 12 and the OEX was at 185. If the option expires and the OEX is at 178, you will lose 10 points. The option gives you the right to sell the OEX at 180, which means the option...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

23 269 0
Option Strategies Profit Making Techniques for Stock Index and Commodity Options 2nd Edition_9 doc

Option Strategies Profit Making Techniques for Stock Index and Commodity Options 2nd Edition_9 doc

... implied volatility of out- of-the-money options is greater than the at-the-money options. You can sell the out-of-the-money options and buy the at-the-money options, expecting the volatility skew ... program is largely a method to capture the time premium of options. This usually means that the best option to sell is the at-the-money option because it typically has the most time premium. You will ... is that you will need more out-of-the-money options to cre- ate a delta-neutral position than in-the-money or at-the-money options. The additional options make it easier to adjust your position...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

23 263 0