step 3 seek stakeholder participation and resolve conflict



... ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEER’S MATHEMATICS HANDBOOK Assume a depth of 10 ft and a length of twice the width: A= 33 ,422 = 33 42 ft 10 (2w)(w) = 33 42 w = 41 ft l = 82 ft 16.7.14 Lawrence and McCarty Design Model Over ... ENGINEER’S MATHEMATICS HANDBOOK Example 16 .39 Problem: Calculate the 7-day moving average for days 7, 8, and 9: Day MLSS Day MLSS 33 40 2480 239 8 2480 2558 10 2780 2476 2756 2655 239 6 Solution: Moving ... ft /day (16 .3) Example 16 .3 Problem: A screenings pit has a capacity of 500 ft3 (The pit is actually larger than 500 ft3 to accommodate soil for covering.) If an average of 3. 4 ft3 of screenings...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 17:20

114 715 1
Is there any difference in the number of students per teacher over years?

Is there any difference in the number of students per teacher over years?

... 8. 733 945 8.5974026 25.4440 23 32.220758 23. 30746 33 .61864 17 15.68254 9.1705882 12. 539 952 15.045721 31 .35 174 17 .34 439 8.401041 34 .5 433 2 37 0 6287 16.991892 852 53 125 1271 190 1 03 491 30 733 446 32 43 ... 24.986088 166 31 88 19.204819 244 30 01 12.29918 1 031 138 20 13. 404462 214 2869 13. 406542 23 238 10 .34 7826 471 11706 24.8 535 03 332 31 95 10866 2924 13 26.9108 23 830 16022 19 .30 3614 132 5 39 175 29.566 038 167 ... 8409 13. 5410 63 612 7222 118 39 22 33 . 237 288 268 36 68 1517 27081 17.851681 1504 27590 133 48 63 71 724 11 238 5 2 134 5.4 436 09 30 .05 633 8 233 5702 65 136 4 105105 1001 107 1410 13. 17757 110 1 734 212...

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2016, 11:09

21 597 0
Báo cáo y học: "Two-year Outcome of Turkish Patients Treated with Zotarolimus Versus Paclitaxel Eluting Stents in an Unselected Population with Coronary Artery Disease in the Real World: A Prospective Non-randomized Registry in Southern Turk

Báo cáo y học: "Two-year Outcome of Turkish Patients Treated with Zotarolimus Versus Paclitaxel Eluting Stents in an Unselected Population with Coronary Artery Disease in the Real World: A Prospective Non-randomized Registry in Southern Turk

... (62.7) Paclitaxelb (n:101) 58 (10.2) P Valuec 36 (36 ) 64 ( 63) 55 (54) 69 (68) (7) (6) (3) 34 (34 ) 47 (47) 20 (20) 5 233 .8 (57.4) 150 .3 (48.4) 39 .4 (8 .3) 158.6 (101.2) 114.7 (46.4) 5 2 Abbreviations: ... 31 (4) mme Stent length, mme 26 (4) Lesion length, 21 (3) mme Type of lesion, No (%) A (3) Bı 52 (45) B2 12 (10) C 49 (42) Paclitaxelb (n:101) P Valuec 76 (75) (9) 16 (16) 67.4 (7 .3) 31 (5) 36 9 ... stents N Engl J Med, 2007; 35 6: 1 030 –1 039 Stone GW, Moses JW, Ellis SG, et al Safety and efficacy of sirolimus- and Paclitaxel-eluting coronary stents N Engl J Med, 2007; 35 6: 998 –1008 Fajadet...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:18

6 550 0
Báo cáo y học: "A severe coarctation of aorta in a 52-year-old male: a case report"

Báo cáo y học: "A severe coarctation of aorta in a 52-year-old male: a case report"

... coarctation of the aorta Br Heart J 1970, 32 : 633 -640 Jenkins NP, Ward AR Coarctation of the aorta: natural history and outcome after surgical treatment QJM 1999, 92 :36 5 -37 1 Convens C, Vermeersch P, Paelinck ... condition 34 1 and systolic murmur over the thoracic spine Other manifestations can include bicuspid aortic valve systolic ejection sound and/ or murmur and neurological complaints Prognosis and survival ... fatigue and dyspnea in his fifth decade of life Conflict of interest Figure Ascending aortography None declared References Figure Descending aortography Grech V Diagnostic and surgical trends, and...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:40

2 488 0
Báo cáo y học: " Evaluation of Lumbar Facet Joint Nerve Blocks in Managing Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial with a 2-Year Follow-U"

Báo cáo y học: " Evaluation of Lumbar Facet Joint Nerve Blocks in Managing Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Trial with a 2-Year Follow-U"

... 0.78 3. 83 ± 3* 1.29 3. 48 ± 8* 1 .36 7. 93 ± 0.99 3. 52* ± 1.11 3. 28* ± 0. 83 0.2 ± 0.085 28 0.1 16 0 .3 ± 0.1 53 32 0.2 22 0.2 ± 0 .33 2 20 0.2 21 12 months 18 months 24 months 3. 40* ± 1.08 3. 33* ± 1.0 3. 22* ... 0.477 0. 23 0. 13 ± 0.562 0. 23 0. 23 ± 0.299 0.22 3. 57* ± * 1.45 3. 35* ± * 1.42 3. 37* ± * 1. 43 3.40* ± 1.08 3. 25* ± 1.02 3. 15* ± 0.92 0.17 ± 0.477 4.05* ± 0. 23 2.10 0.10 ± 0.659 4.45* ± 0. 23 2 .32 0.22 ... months 3. 83* ± 1.29 months 3. 55* ± 1 .38 7. 93 ± 0.99 3. 52* ± 1.11 3. 28* ± 0.85 0.28 ± 0.085 0.16 0 .32 ± 0.1 53 0.22 0.27 ± 0.205 0.21 8.22 ± 0.78 3. 83* ± * 1.29 3. 53* ± * 1.42 7. 93 ± 0.99 3. 52*...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:07

12 670 0
 Báo cáo y học: "Why are some children with early onset of asthma getting better over the years" -aneuploid-prostate-cancer-cells-after-tmz-tmz-bioshuttle-treatment.html#post143974

Báo cáo y học: "Why are some children with early onset of asthma getting better over the years" -aneuploid-prostate-cancer-cells-after-tmz-tmz-bioshuttle-treatment.html#post143974

... asthma diagnosis 35 3 Figure 3: Age when asthma diagnoses were set for the children confirming respective neglecting their asthma diagnosis Table 3: Reported hereditary of asthma and allergy among ... 25 -31 Maziak W The asthma epidemic and our artificial habitats BMC Pulm Med 2005; 5: Wright AL Epidemiology of asthma and recurrent wheeze in childhood Clin Rev Allergy Immunol 2002; 22: 33 -44 ... Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC): objectives and methods; results from german ISAAC centres concerning traffic density and wheezing and allergic rhinitis Toxicol Lett 1996; 86: 99-1 03 21...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:48

10 456 0
 Báo cáo y học: " Foreign body aspirations in Infancy: a 20-year experience"

Báo cáo y học: " Foreign body aspirations in Infancy: a 20-year experience"

... 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ES Bronchoscopy for foreign body removal in children A review and analysis of 210 cases Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 2000 Jun 30 ; 53( 2):1 43- 8 Zaupa ... Country [References] 62 :34 Cobanoğlu and Yalçınkaya, 2009 – Turkey [35 ] 626:401 Tang et al., 2009 –China [36 ] 45 :33 Göktas et al., 2009- Germany [37 ] 644 :37 1 Present study symptoms and signs Swiss Med ... [30 ] Wheeze and cough ( 53. 8%) Suffocation history (91.5%) Acute infection (25%) Cough (100%) and history of choking (74%) Cough (82 .3% ) 1- years (41.6%) Peanuts 80:52 1-2 years ( 53. 3%) Nuts 134 :76...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:48

7 577 0
Báo cáo y học: "The characterisation of mucin in a mature ovarian teratoma occurring in an eight year old patient

Báo cáo y học: "The characterisation of mucin in a mature ovarian teratoma occurring in an eight year old patient

... Gastroenterology 1982; 82: 827- 831 Mall AS, Mcleod HA, Hickman R, et al Fragmentation Pattern Int J Med Sci 2007, 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 of Mucins in Normal and diseased gastric mucosae: ... al MUC1 and Cancer Biochim Biophys Acta 1999; 1455: 30 1 -31 3 Ho SB, Niehans GA, Lyftogt C, et al Heterogeneity of Mucin Gene Expression in Normal and Neoplastic Tissues Cancer Res 19 93; 53: 641- ... epithelium was positive for MUC1 (Fig 1c and d) (26-50%) and MUC1c MUC2 was expressed in the colon (Fig 1e and f) and MUC5AC in both colonic (Fig 1g and h) and respiratory type epithelia Focal MUC6...

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 10:03

9 549 0
Báo cáo tiếng Anh FTU Some methods PR Piaggio in Vietnam for several years.doc

Báo cáo tiếng Anh FTU Some methods PR Piaggio in Vietnam for several years.doc

... durability with over 60 years growth 30 31 32 33 Shopping Travellive Comparison with the one imported from Italy: It’s the smart choice with Piaggio Vietnam 34 35 Trade Magazine SaiGon Replation ... opinion, what should Piaggio VN to communicate and broadcast its new products? CHARTS Đỗ Tuấn Anh 7C 31 Đỗ Tuấn Anh 7C 32 Đỗ Tuấn Anh 7C 33 Đỗ Tuấn Anh 7C 34 REFERENCE Philip Kotler (1996) “Principles ... customers Public relations involve supervising and assessing public attitudes, and maintaining mutual relations and understanding between an organization and its public The function of public relations...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 16:40

38 919 8
 Báo cáo y học: "Sustained High Quality of Life in a 5-Year Long Term Follow-up after Successful Ablation for Supra-Ventricular Tachycardia. Results from a large Retrospective Patient Cohort"

Báo cáo y học: "Sustained High Quality of Life in a 5-Year Long Term Follow-up after Successful Ablation for Supra-Ventricular Tachycardia. Results from a large Retrospective Patient Cohort"

... 24.6 46.1 23. 1 57 46 26 10 20 33 112 35 77 39 90 21 13 70 160 26.5 21.4 12.1 4.7 20.0 80.0 22.8 77.2 31 .3 68.8 30 .2 69.8 16.0 84.0 38 .1 61.9 30 .4 69.6 13 10 11 19 31 16 37 21 22 20 21 18 23 20 18 ... 24.6 46.1 23. 1 57 46 26 10 20 33 112 35 77 39 90 26.5 21.4 12.1 4.7 20.0 80.0 22.8 77.2 31 .3 68.8 30 .2 69.8 16.0 13 10 11 19 31 16 37 21 22 20 21 18 20.0 15.4 13. 9 16.9 38 .0 62.0 30 .2 69.8 48.8 ... 12 .3 10.0 – 3. 0/20 10.9±7.4 – 6.0/18.0 7 .3 6.7 – 3. 0/8.5 7.4±6.9 – 3. 0/8.0 6.8±6.5 – 2.0/10 8.0 3. 6 – 6.0/9.0 141 .3 55.6 – 100/170 134 .3 52.4 – 96/160 156.1±58.7 – 117.5/1 93. 5 189.5±59.7 – 135 /240...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 11:44

9 679 0
Integrating short stories and poems in developing the reading skills for 2nd year students in haiphong university part  3

Integrating short stories and poems in developing the reading skills for 2nd year students in haiphong university part 3

... skills………………………………………………………… … 31 V.2.2.1 Reading poems ………………………………………………………………….… 31 V.2.2.2 Reading short stories…………………………………………………………… … 36 V.2.2 .3 Overcoming cultural problems………………………………………………… … .39 V.2 .3 Keys ... II .3. 1 Some links between reading skills and literary skills…………… ……………… 13 II .3. 2 Efferent reading and aesthetic reading……………………………….………………14 Chapter ... V.2.Recommendation…………………………………………………………………… … 30 V.2.1.Selecting and evaluating the texts……………………………………………… … 30 V.2.2 Suggested techniques for integrating short stories and poems in the teaching of reading...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:21

3 581 0
Integrating short stories and poems in developing the reading skills for 2nd year students in haiphong university part  5

Integrating short stories and poems in developing the reading skills for 2nd year students in haiphong university part 5

... Modern English Teacher 13/ 2, pp 31 -39 Gillian Lazar (19 93) Literature and Language teaching Cambridge University Press Ruth Spack (1985) “Literature, Reading, Writing, and ESL: Bridging the Gaps.” ... students and they could be confident when they did the questionnaires and knew what to and how to answer Chapter IV: Results and Discussion In this chapter, data collected is described and analyzed ... students (75%) agree with this and think it is interesting and helpful, some 23 even consider it as an activity to make them get fascinated in the story and understand the story more easily Only...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:21

43 597 4
Integrating short stories and poems in developing the reading skills for 2nd year students in haiphong university part  6

Integrating short stories and poems in developing the reading skills for 2nd year students in haiphong university part 6

... no use □ It is interesting and promotes our creativity □ Others……………………………………………………………… c Answering comprehension questions □ It is boring and useless □ It takes time and of little use □ It makes ... remember them longer and understand their usage □ Others……………………………………………………………… e Interpreting characters in the short story or figurative meanings in the poem □ I think understanding the content ... reading short stories and poems (you can choose more than one answer) a Guessing vocabulary in the context □ I find it a waste of time □ It helps us learn the words easier and remember them longer...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:21

3 424 0
Integrating short stories and poems in developing the reading skills for 2nd year students in haiphong university part  7

Integrating short stories and poems in developing the reading skills for 2nd year students in haiphong university part 7

... feeling and provoke positive reaction Make language class enjoyable Develop vocabulary and cultural knowledge Develop critical reading and writing Literature and reading:    The reader and the ... stories and poem in language teaching and finding the way to integrate short stories and poems into the reading classroom to develop reading skills for 2nd year students in HPU  Literature and why ... data Chapter IV: Data analysis and results: provides data description and analysis with finding Chapter V: Conclusion and Recommendation: suggests teaching techiques and conclusion The focus of...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:21

13 569 0
Using information technology in teaching and learning reading skill of english for biology for 2nd-year students

Using information technology in teaching and learning reading skill of english for biology for 2nd-year students

... results I.1 .3. 3 Computer uses for language teaching and learning Over the past few years, people have exploited the uses of computers for teaching and learning (in general) and teaching and learning ... teaching and learning and computer uses in EFL teaching learning are investigated I.1.2 Educational Technology and EFL teaching and learning Thanks to the achievements of international science and ... IT, computers I.1 .3 Computers and EFL teaching and learning I.1 .3. 1 Definition of CALL (Computer-assisted Language Instruction) To start this research, it is necessary to mention and explain the...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:31

43 1,4K 8
Designing an esp syllabus for the second-year students of library study at the national teachers training college

Designing an esp syllabus for the second-year students of library study at the national teachers training college

... skills and exercises 32 3. 3 .3. 3 Language tasks 33 3. 3 .3. 4 Grammar and structures 33 3. 3.4 The proposed reading syllabus for the target students .33 3. 3.4.1 ... 30 3. 3.2 Aims and objectives of the reading syllabus 31 3. 3 .3 The selection and gradation of content in the syllabus 31 3. 3 .3. 1 Topics in the syllabus 31 3. 3 .3. 2 Reading ... 22 Chapter 3: RESULTS AND ANALYSIS OF DATA COLLECTION 23 3.1 METHODOLOGY . 23 3.1.1 Situational factors 23 Institutional factor 23 Teacher...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:36

76 738 4
Techniques for developing content reading skills for the third year students at the university of odonto and stomatology

Techniques for developing content reading skills for the third year students at the university of odonto and stomatology

... 60% 40% 56 22 38 19 70% 27.5% 6.25% 47.5% 23. 75% 20% 3. 75% 20% 2.5% 40% 60% 31 48 38 .75% 60% 60% 13 16.25% As shown in the above table, the greatest portion of both teachers (80%) and students ... Sts 12 30 Percentage 15% 6.25% 37 .5% 20% 10 12.5% 20% 20 3. 75% 25% From the students’ viewpoints, using synonyms and antonyms (6.25%) and using definitions or explanations in English (3. 75%) ... the exercises Others (1+2 +3) Number of Ts Percentage Number of Sts Percentage 40% 21 26.25% 40% 27 33 .75% 20% 20 25% 3. 75% 11.25% The table presents that while reading, 33 .75% of the students put...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:50

49 1,2K 2