... • SQL Server Security • SQL Server XML • SQL Server Reporting Services • SQL Server Data Warehousing • SQL Server Database Backups • SQL Server Performance • SQL Server Replication • Entity ... the document Page 11 Chapter 2: SQL Server XML Crib Sheet Page 12 of 90 Chapter 2: SQL Server XML Crib Sheet XML Support in SQL Server SQL Server is fundamentally... to ... Chapter 2: SQL Server XML Crib Sheet Page 16 of 90 Chapter 2: SQL Server XML Crib Sheet • • • Establishing an HTTP endpoint on the SQL Server instance, to configure SQL Server...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 13:20
... complicate the security administration model. Page 9 Chapter 1: SQL Server Security Crib Sheet [...]... 10 Chapter 1: SQL Server Security Crib Sheet Page 11 of 90 Chapter 2: SQL Server ... • SQL Server Security • SQL Server XML • SQL Server Reporting Services • SQL Server Data Warehousing • SQL Server Database Backups • SQL Server Performance • SQL Server Replication • Entity ... 2: SQL Server XML Crib Sheet Page 16 of 90 Chapter 2: SQL Server XML Crib Sheet • • • Establishing an HTTP endpoint on the SQL Server instance, to configure SQL Server...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 03:22
mastering sql server 2000 security PHẦN 1 ppt
... Service SQL Server Agent Service Account Jobs,... Merge Replication Security Considerations SQL Server Agent Service Configuration Replication Agent Login Security Snapshot Folder Security ... Managing Internet Security Overview of Internet Integration Features of SQL Server 2000 Integration with Other Products SQL Server Engine Enhancements Connections to SQL Server from ... Connection to SQL Server Client Tools A Connection through OLE DB Connections through Firewalls and Proxy Servers Using a Firewall System with SQL Server Connections to SQL Server through......
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20
mastering sql server 2000 security PHẦN 2 docx
... are as follows: SQL Server Service (MSSQLServer). The SQL Server service manages the databases owned by an instance of SQL Server. It is the component that processes all Transact -SQL statements ... against earlier versions of SQL Server can be run against SQL Server 2000, but the new features of SQL Server 2000 are not available to these applications. Embedded SQL. SQL Server includes a C precompiler ... access the data from SQL Server. This application could be a utility that comes with SQL Server, a third-party application that runs on SQL Server, or an in-house application. SQL Server can also...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20
mastering sql server 2000 security PHẦN 3 potx
... services to Microsoft SQL Server are the SQL Server service and the SQL Server Agent service. The SQL Server service handles all query processing and server configuration. The SQL Server Agent service ... Files\Microsoft SQL Server\ Mssql\Upgrade Files used for version upgrade from SQL Server version 6.5 to SQL Server 2000 All subsequent instances of SQL Server have a similar path The MSSQL ... \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\ Mssql\Data... SQL Server, bypassing Windows 2000 security After the user passes login credentials to the server, SQL Server compares the username...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20
mastering sql server 2000 security PHẦN 4 ppt
... Login Security, ” SQL Server Authentication does not encrypt the username and password when it is sent back to SQL Server Additionally, no password policies are enforced with SQL Server ... Microsoft SQL Server 2000 allows Windows 2000 users and groups to be granted access to SQL Server Additionally, SQL logins can be created and granted access to SQL Server Any ... processadmin Kill SQL Server processes bulkadmin... queries) SQL Server Authentication Your application may need to access data from SQL Server by using SQL Server Authentication...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20
mastering sql server 2000 security PHẦN 5 pot
... communicate with SQL Server through C function calls. The SQL Server- specific versions of the ODBC functions are implemented in a SQL Server ODBC driver. The driver passes SQL statements to SQL Server ... Application Security Figure 7 .5 Create a New Data Source to SQL Server is the security screen for creating a SQL Server data source With SQL Server Authentication Using... query an SQL ... from SQL Server for the options on the screens of the wizard that follow The SQL Server driver connects to the SQL Server named in the Server box on the first screen When no server...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20
mastering sql server 2000 security PHẦN 6 potx
... services to Microsoft SQL Server are the SQL Server service and the SQL Server Agent service. The SQL Server service handles all query processing and server configuration. The SQL Server Agent service ... for the SQL Server Agent. By default the SQL Server Agent connects to another server using the SQL Server service account. Introducing the SQL Server Agent Service 205 By default, the SQL Server ... 201 SQL Server Agent runs on any server that is running instances of Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or earlier versions of SQL Server. SQL Server Agent is the service that...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20
mastering sql server 2000 security PHẦN 7 doc
... rest of SQL Server security, it often adds some complication Analysis Server Analysis Server is the service component of SQL Server 2000 Analysis... owner of the SQL Server ... you will need to check security settings at each server individually. ■■ The startup account for the SQL Server and SQL Server Agent service should be the same across all servers and should be ... across servers. ■■ Configure security account delegation to integrate Windows Authentication with linked servers. ■■ Use the same startup account for the SQL Server service and the SQL Server...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20
mastering sql server 2000 security PHẦN 8 pdf
... architecture of SQL Server as well as the options you have for controlling the current connections on your SQL Server Security Concerns When addressing the current activity of your SQL Server, ... requirement SQL Server 2000 provides auditing to trace and record activity that has happened on each instance of SQL Server (for example, successful and failed login attempts) SQL Server ... concurrency architecture of SQL Server Locking is SQL Server s method... Windows 2000 Event Viewer stores entries related to failed login attempts to SQL Server 329 330 Chapter 14...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20
mastering sql server 2000 security PHẦN 9 doc
... have configured XML support for SQL Server Accessing SQL Server Using HTTP You can access SQL Server 2000 using HTTP The HTTP access to SQL Server allows you to access data ... connects to IIS, and IIS connects to SQL Server to retrieve the data A Direct Connection to SQL Server SQL Server supports direct connections to SQL Server over the Internet ... methods are available to SQL Server from variety of Web servers Using Active Data Objects with Active Server Pages When working with database servers such as SQL Server, your application......
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20
mastering sql server 2000 security PHẦN 10 pot
... instances of SQL Server can be used to isolate one applica- tion from another. Each instance of SQL Server has its own SQL Server and SQL Server Agent services. Each instance also has its own security ... Edition of SQL Server and the Standard Edition of SQL Server? The Enterprise Edition of SQL Server provides the following secu- rity-related advantages over the Standard Edition of SQL Server: ■■ ... Appendix C [...]... instances of SQL Server can be used to isolate one application from another Each instance of SQL Server has its own SQL Server and SQL Server Agent services Each...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 22:20
... (ROW-LEVEL SECURITY) VÀ TẤN CÔNG KÊNH KỀ VƯỢT QUA CƠ CHẾ NÀY TRONG SQL SERVER Subjects : An toàn sở liệu Lecturers : Trần Thị Lượng Student : Nguyễn Thị Kim Huế Main content Overview of Row-level security ... danh sách Security Policies SELECT name,type_desc ,create_date ,modify_date,is_enabled,is_schema_bound FROM sys .security_ policies Xem danh sách predicates security SELECT * FROM sys .security_ predicates ... Overview of Row-level security RLS implementation Side-Channel Attacks Overview of Row-Level Security in SQL SERVER Trần Công Giang (lớp trưởng lớp clc) Chỉ nhìn thấy danh sách thơng tin cá nhân bạn...
Ngày tải lên: 08/06/2021, 14:15
HD cài SQL Server 2005 vào win 7
... Hướng dẫn cài SQL 2005 Win Bước 1:Nhấp đúp vào file vài đặt Nếu có hiển thị thơng báo này: Bước 2: Check vào don't ... Sau nhấn Next, nhấn install, đợi khoảng thời gian sau nhấn Next nhấn Finish xong Chú ý: Khi chạy SQL 2005 Win ta phải làm sau: Và chọn hình sau: Tấm ảnh điều chỉnh lại kích thước Bấm vào để xem ... đủ ảnh Kích thước thực ảnh 1366x768 (Nguồn: www.haiphongit.com) Sau nhấn alply ok xong, đến cài SQL xong ...
Ngày tải lên: 31/08/2012, 16:45
Trình quản lý CSDL SQL Server
... of RDBMS and SQL Server 2000/Session 3/ 5 of 31Editions of SQL Server 2000? ?SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition? ?SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition? ?SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition? ?SQL Server 2000 ... Edition? ?SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine? ?SQL Server 2000 Windows CE EditionSQL Server 2000 có các phiên bản khác nhau: Concepts of RDBMS and SQL Server 2000/Session 3/ 6 of 31Các đặc điểm của SQL Server ... Enterprise Edition SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition SQL Server 2000 Personal Edition SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine SQL Server. .. đặt...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2012, 16:32