speak when you have something to say



... lot of practice. You have to take in several lines at a time and keep your place. You are very likely to find yourself losing your place every time you look up to speak to the audience. ... checking yourself for pauses. Ask yourself if your written words sound the way you would speak them. Tape yourself and listen to your own voice. Note where changes need to be made with your ... Also, if you are using an overhead projector and it breaks or the bulb burns out and you don't have a replacement or time to change to bulb, you can refer to your handouts without stopping...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 19:20

34 569 0
It is said that …. He is said ..(be) supposed to & Have something done

It is said that …. He is said ..(be) supposed to & Have something done

... 11 giờ 30) You were supposed to clean the windows . Why didn’t you do it? Anh đã dự định lau chùi các cửa sổ. Tại sao anh không làm việc đó? You re not supposed to park your car here. ... Two people are reported to have been injured in the explosion. Người ta đưa tin rằng có hai người đã bị thương trong vụ nổ.         Have something done Unit 45. Have something done A Hãy ... roof/your hair…): have + object + past participle Jill had the roof repaired yesterday. Jill đã nhờ người sửa mái nhà. Where did you have your hair cut? Bạn đã cắt tóc ở đâu? Your...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 07:15

5 829 4
Tài liệu One và You Cách sử dụng to say, to tell Sự phù hợp về thời giưa hai vế của một câu pdf

Tài liệu One và You Cách sử dụng to say, to tell Sự phù hợp về thời giưa hai vế của một câu pdf

... đó. He promised to tell me, till now I haven’t received any call from him, though.   If you take this exam without studying, you are likely to fail. You should always do your homework. Tuyệt ... Tuyệt đối không dùng lẫn one và you trong cùng một câu hoặc dùng they thay thế cho hai đại từ này.       Cách sử dụng to say, to tell 37. Cách sử dụng to say, to tell Hai động từ này có ... đối tượng nào nghe trong câu) thì phải dùng to say, ngược lại thì dùng to tell. S + say + (that) + S + V… He says that he is busy today. Henry says that he has already done his homework....

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 22:15

4 431 1
Tài liệu When I do/When I have done. When and If & Can, could and be able to pdf

Tài liệu When I do/When I have done. When and If & Can, could and be able to pdf

... Jack  When I do /When I have done. When and If & Can, could and be able to Unit 25. When I do /When I have done. When and If A Xét các ví dụ sau: A: What time will you phone me tomorrow? ... Tôi sẽ đến khi tôi hoàn thành công việc. You ll feel better after you have something to eat. Hay You ll feel better after you ve had something to eat. Bạn sẽ cảm thấy khỏe hơn khi bạn ăn ... gian (when- part) của câu. Chúng ta không dùng will trong mệnh đề when này: We’ll go out when it stops raining. (không nói when it will stop”) Chúng ta sẽ đi khi trời tạnh mưa. When you are...

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 17:20

6 511 1
You Go to Elections with the Voting System You Have: Stop-Gap Mitigations for Deployed Voting Systems pot

You Go to Elections with the Voting System You Have: Stop-Gap Mitigations for Deployed Voting Systems pot

... restore an infected machine or memory card to a known-good state; as described above, this is difficult to guarantee. Second, when initializing You Go to Elections with the Voting System You Have: Stop-Gap ... way to detect this compromise. Because malicious firmware can be designed to emulate the correct software when subjected to any external checks, the only safe way to detect compromise is to directly ... attacks are both easier to mount and harder to detect and compensate for: easier to mount because it is easier to obtain access to the DREs than the optical scanners; harder to detect and compensate...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

14 634 0
how to collect when you win a lawsuit 4th (1999)

how to collect when you win a lawsuit 4th (1999)

... If you have not yet filed your case or your case is still pending and you don't yet have a judgment, you& apos;ll need to wait until you get your judgment before using this book. If you haven't ... from which to collect. The debtor might even file for bankruptcy. Before seeking to have the debtor's license suspended, a drastic step, negotiate with the debtor. You may be able to work out ... creditors seeking to collect time and energy you& apos;re willing to put into your collection efforts, and any special circumstances affecting your likelihood of collecting. 2. Use Rating Charts To...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 14:06

865 751 0
Learn how to say things and what you think in English

Learn how to say things and what you think in English

... shop when you return something you don't want and allows you to buy other goods of the same value at another time. Surf (INTERNET) verb to spend time visiting a lot of websites Many towns ... (OPERATE) verb specialized to (cause a computer instruction to) operate by pressing a button on the mouse (= movable control device) of a computer When you have selected the file you want, click the ... Comfort: to comfort someone, for example by talking to them or putting your arms around them.  Console: to comfort someone when they feel unhappy or disappointed, especially by saying something...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2014, 22:02

7 501 0
the accidental leader what to do when you’re suddenly in charge

the accidental leader what to do when you’re suddenly in charge

... bringing an idea to completion 9 How a Little Orderliness Can Extend Your Shelf Life 69 Nine things you can do to bring people into your circle 10 Who You Can Turn To 77 Seven ways to get out of ... when you berate yourself. No, maybe you re not a Harvard MBA, but you ve been around the block a few times. Don’t puff yourself up unrealistically, but don’t deflate yourself, either. Remind yourself,“This ... once. Now is a good time to slow down and listen to what other people have to say. It reassures them that their views are important, and that you intend to take them into consideration. Find out...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 00:50

211 369 0
When Bad Grammar Happens to Good People

When Bad Grammar Happens to Good People

... key will let you know whether you ve mastered the section. 5. Reinforce what you know. To make your new knowledge a new habit, look for examples of the things you ve learned when you re reading ... if your good habits have really sunk in, you might want to take a chapter’s review tests a week or so after you feel you ve mastered the material. If you get it right, con- gratulations! You ve ... complicated the topic is. ❑ Additional sentence examples to help you remember the correct form. ❑ A tip, on occasion, to help you remember the rule. To help you review and measure your progress,...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2012, 10:00

256 566 1