spanish and english words games

Teaching Reading and Writing in Spanish and English in Bilingual and Dual Language Classrooms docx

Teaching Reading and Writing in Spanish and English in Bilingual and Dual Language Classrooms docx

... speak and understand two or more languages at the same time. As long as teachers make the 14 TEACHING READING AND WRITING IN SPANISH AND ENGLISH 01_4628 2/14/06 3:01 PM Page 14 sound in dog and ... linguistics in English and enough of the grammar and vocabulary of Spanish to discuss linguistics in Spanish. The concept of a common underlying proficiency helps explain why English lan- guage ... the minority language and then add reading in English later. In these later programs, all students, including English speakers, would first learn to read in Spanish and add English reading in second...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 05:20

38 601 0
spanish and english

spanish and english

... nine hundred mil one thousand cinco mil five thousand diez mil ten thousand cien mil one hundred thousand millón million billón billion S:\share\Sco_temp\Tia \spanish- english. wpd ¿PORQUE UN DICCIONARIO ... acid 34 S:\share\Sco_temp\Tia \spanish- english. wpd aprovechamiento (m.) de la tierra land use arable / cultivable arable árbol (m.) tree arboricultura (f.) arboriculture área (f.) area arena (f.) sand arenoso sandy aridez ... supply surcar furrow S:\share\Sco_temp\Tia \spanish- english. wpd Diccionario de Términos de Seguridad e Higiene en el Trabajo Español – Inglés 16 S:\share\Sco_temp\Tia \spanish- english. wpd cavar con pala shovel cavar...

Ngày tải lên: 10/07/2014, 09:34

129 307 0
English Collocations in Use Intermediate_Synonyms and confusable words

English Collocations in Use Intermediate_Synonyms and confusable words

... collocations using these words in a metaphorical way. 1 bright 2 warm 3 cold English Collocations in Use 29 I 0 Synonyms and confusable words I Common synonym pairs The (a) and (b) words in each pair ... written than spoken English and often have the effect of sounding quite poetic. Light and dark Light in English is associated with happiness. So a face shines with pleasure and eyes shine with ... written than spoken English and often have the effect of sounding quite poetic. Light and dark Light in English is associated with happiness. So a face shines with pleasure and eyes shine with...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 11:20

7 977 6


... the relation between the English word meanings used in (i) and the primitive concepts at the data base level. IV THE RELATION BETWEEN EFL AND DBL Though we defined EFL and DBL independently ... lates of Montague's PTQ and similar fragments of English. IX REFERENCES W.J.H.J. Bronnenberg, H.C. Bunt, S.P.J. Landsbergen, R.J.H. Scha, W.J. Schoenmakers and E.P.C. van Utte- ren: The ... distance be- tween the English lexicon and the data base struc- ture can be covered by means of local translation rules. The problem of simplifying the DBL* expres- sion (and other, intermediate...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20

3 498 0
Báo cáo " Grammatical and semantic features of some English words and idioms denoting happiness - the feeling of great pleasure " potx

Báo cáo " Grammatical and semantic features of some English words and idioms denoting happiness - the feeling of great pleasure " potx

... collocational range and idioms with the words as well as words related to them in terms of form are to be of our concern based on the information collected from the English native speakers and such ... such as ‘delighted’, ‘elated’, ‘ecstatic’ and ‘jubilant’. They can be used informally and in literature. 6. Conclusion In conclusion, the English words and idioms denoting happiness - the feeling ... of adjectives (‘delighted’, ‘elated’, and ‘jubilant’); nouns (‘bliss’, ‘ecstasy’, ‘euphoria’, ‘glee’, ‘joy’, and ‘rapture’); verbs (‘exult’ and ‘rejoice’); and idioms (‘walk on air’, ‘in seventh...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 12:20

9 526 4
Báo cáo khoa học: "Exploiting Aggregate Properties of Bilingual Dictionaries For Distinguishing Senses of English Words and Inducing English Sense Clusters" ppt

Báo cáo khoa học: "Exploiting Aggregate Properties of Bilingual Dictionaries For Distinguishing Senses of English Words and Inducing English Sense Clusters" ppt

... Distinguishing Senses of English Words and Inducing English Sense Clusters Charles SCHAFER and David YAROWSKY Department of Computer Science and Center for Language and Speech Processing Johns ... among 3 words. The derived synonymy relation S holds between fair and blond, and between fair and just. S does not hold between blond and fair. We can infer that fair has at least 2 senses and, ... the synonymy relation between English words. The per-entry coentry count C per−entry (e 1 ,e 2 ) for two English words e 1 and e 2 is simply the number of times e 1 and e 2 both appear as the translation...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 19:20

4 370 0

... legitimate English rule in Ireland so often involve disputed rights to land and property, the relation of fathers to sons, of mothers to daughters, and of potential wives to would-be husbands all ... narrative structure, and to the kind of stories that get told and retold about the Irish, so as to reveal both the regularity of English colonial discourse on Ireland and the Irish and the mutations ... here and there, present and past, implicit in his own history and in that of the places he and his have inhabited, which also continuously inhabit him.  Allegories of Union in Irish and English...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 10:39

240 1,2K 5
English words song

English words song

... you and make you understand and make you understand All you have to do is close your All you have to do is close your eyes eyes And just reach out your hands And just reach out your hands ... Welcome to English songs: My wife and my dearest son. My wife and my dearest son. • Saying I love you Saying I love you Is not the words I want to Is not the words I want to hear ... reach out your hands and touch me and touch me Hold me close don't ever let Hold me close don't ever let me go me go More than words is all I ever More than words is all I ever...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2013, 01:26

7 362 0
Review On English Words

Review On English Words

... A. Inaccessible B. Weaken B. Rich C. Elude C. Recent D. Withstand D. Discriminating 3. Defy 8. Even A. Resist A. Fundamental B. Demand B. Erratic C. Simulate C. Evident D. Discriminate D. Equitable 4. ... allocate C. preconception C. relate Page 5 SYNONYMS 12 1. benefit 6. endure A. prosper A. suffer B. demand B. erode C. assist C. release D. distinguish D. disappear 2. noticeably 7. broaden A. constantly ... deteriorate C. sensitive C. disperse D. shifting D. relinquish 5. thrive 10. insist A. exaggerate A. demand B. burgeon B. mention C. dominate C. disperse D. endorse D. intrigue SYNONYMS 13 1. Solve...

Ngày tải lên: 26/06/2013, 01:26

10 1K 6
Tips for getting more English words! - Bí quyết học nhiều từ mới

Tips for getting more English words! - Bí quyết học nhiều từ mới

... watching or hearing it. Don’t just look and listen for new words. Use them! Speak them. Write them down. Read them. Practice every new word that you learn over and over again, until it’s not something ... bạn biết chứ không phải điều bạn nhớ. Seek and you shall find ! Be active in trying to discover new words. If you com across something you don’t know the English word for, find out what it is! Look ... Playing word games is a great way to expand your vocabulary. If you know the answers? Awesome! If you don’t even better! You’re just learned a new word, so you can’t lose. Try word games like crossword...

Ngày tải lên: 17/07/2013, 01:26

2 428 1
English Words M-Z.ppt

English Words M-Z.ppt

... windsurfing wine glass witch mailbox mallet mandolin marker matches meat mechanic medal mermaid ... spray can painter palette pan pipes pancakes panda pants paperclip parachute peanut pear peas ... yo-yo zebra safe safety pin sailboat salt sandwich santa saw sawing saxophone scale schoolbus ...

Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2013, 00:10

27 285 1
Introduction for Cambridge University Press Allegories of Union in Irish and English Writing. 1790-1870

Introduction for Cambridge University Press Allegories of Union in Irish and English Writing. 1790-1870

... representation that English discourse on Ireland and the Irish yields. In this book, I read some elements within the discursive production of Ireland and Irishness for English readers between  and  ... Ireland and England in terms of race and class difference and likeness. For example, a feminized Ireland could be figured normatively in some representations of the e´lite class as a dutiful and ... reckon with its meanings and uses within English literature and culture. Thus another aim of this book is to locate Ireland on the  Allegories of Union in Irish and English writing In performing...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 07:20

20 539 0
Vocabulary   history and geography words

Vocabulary history and geography words

... Then and Now ◆ Wonders of the World VOCABULARY HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY WORDS V O C A B U L A R Y 30 UNIT 2 PREVIEW HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY WORDS Test your knowledge of the vocabulary terms, skills, and ... by land and two if by ____________________ . . . 4. In the hour of darkness and peril and ____________________ . . . PARAPHRASING To paraphrase means to put something you read into your own words. ... ____________________ is a narrow strip of land with water on both sides; it serves as a land bridge between two larger bodies of land. 27 UNIT 1 REVIEW HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY WORDS Here’s your chance to show...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2013, 17:13

114 644 3
Vocabulary - media and marketplace words

Vocabulary - media and marketplace words

... high-frequency and challenging words. There are six thematic books in the series—Everyday Living Words, Workplace and Career Words, Science and Technology Words, Media and Marketplace Words, History and ... press.” 31 GLOSSARY MEDIA AND MARKETPLACE WORDS Lesson 1 UNIT 2 A glossary is an alphabetical list of specialized words from a certain field of knowledge. Following are some important words relating to the media and ... L IVING W ORDS H ISTORY AND G EOGRAPHY W ORDS M EDIA AND M ARKETPLACE W ORDS M USIC , A RT , AND L ITERATURE W ORDS S CIENCE AND T ECHNOLOGY W ORDS W ORKPLACE AND C AREER W ORDS in...

Ngày tải lên: 05/11/2013, 17:14

114 645 5
4000 essential english words 2

4000 essential english words 2

Ngày tải lên: 15/11/2013, 15:09

195 1,2K 5