some suppliers of polymers and polymer additives

j2ee open source toolkit building an enterprise platform with open source tools

j2ee open source toolkit building an enterprise platform with open source tools

... University of Maryland Stanford Ng is currently the cofounder of Nuglu, LLC and is directing software development at ciMediaGroup, a division of Creative Images A veteran of the software industry, ... Open Source Software? Questions and misunderstandings about open source software and what it is abound Many people associate open source software with its being free and think that any software that ... Open source software has changed all of that This chapter examines the question “What is open source software?” To answer the question, we briefly describe some of the history of and concepts...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 10:13

647 842 0
Link Layer and LANs

Link Layer and LANs

... frequency bands Ì each station assigned fixed frequency band Ì unused transmission time in frequency bands go idle Ì example: 6-station LAN, 1,3,4 have pkt, frequency frequency bands bands 2,5,6 ... 5.5 Ethernet Ì 5.6 Hubs and switches Ì 5.7 PPP Ì 5.8 Link Virtualization: ATM and MPLS 5: DataLink Layer 5-3 Link Layer: Introduction Some terminology: “link” Ì hosts and routers are nodes Ì ... done! Ì instantiation and implementation of various link layer technologies 5: DataLink Layer 5-2 Link Layer Ì 5.1 Introduction and Ì Ì Ì Ì services 5.2 Error detection and correction 5.3Multiple...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2012, 15:06

109 615 1
Tài liệu java Data Access JDBC, JNDI, and JAXP pptx

Tài liệu java Data Access JDBC, JNDI, and JAXP pptx

... logo, and Professional Mindware are trademarks or registered trademarks of Hungry Minds, Inc., in the United States and other countries and may not be used without written permission Java and JDBC ... THE ACCURACY AND COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED HEREIN AND THE OPINIONS STATED HEREIN ARE NOT GUARANTEED OR WARRANTED TO PRODUCE ANY PARTICULAR RESULTS, AND THE ADVICE AND STRATEGIES ... Australia and New Zealand; by TransQuest Publishers Pte Ltd for Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Hong Kong; by Gotop Information Inc for Taiwan; by ICG Muse, Inc for Japan; by Intersoft...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 02:15

389 572 3
Tài liệu Java Data Access—JDBC, JNDI, and JAXP ppt

Tài liệu Java Data Access—JDBC, JNDI, and JAXP ppt

... logo, and Professional Mindware are trademarks or registered trademarks of Hungry Minds, Inc., in the United States and other countries and may not be used without written permission Java and JDBC ... THE ACCURACY AND COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED HEREIN AND THE OPINIONS STATED HEREIN ARE NOT GUARANTEED OR WARRANTED TO PRODUCE ANY PARTICULAR RESULTS, AND THE ADVICE AND STRATEGIES ... Australia and New Zealand; by TransQuest Publishers Pte Ltd for Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Hong Kong; by Gotop Information Inc for Taiwan; by ICG Muse, Inc for Japan; by Intersoft...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 20:15

389 428 0
Tài liệu Create a Dialog Box to Connect to a New Database, Including Listing Available SQL Servers and Databases pdf

Tài liệu Create a Dialog Box to Connect to a New Database, Including Listing Available SQL Servers and Databases pdf

... btnConnect Text Connect TextBox Command Button As with some of the other chapters' projects, before creating the code that will be attached to the Load event of the form, you need to create a support ... a SQL Server and you are in fact using the Windows NT Integrated Security, then you will see the list of databases located in the chosen SQL Server You can then select a database and then click ... Collection of databases for the specified SQL Server You will also be using the OleDbConnection object Steps Open and run the VB.NET -Chapter solution From the main Windows form, click on the command...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 12:20

10 477 0


... to something the drives can understand and vice versa The real beauty of DBI is that, if for some reason you come to the conclusion that, say, MySQL isn't offering you the facilities of one of ... about how they're stored With MLDBM we can store hashes of hashes, lists of lists, hashes of list, and even hashes of lists of hashes Any type of data structure that can be created in Perl can be ... Perl and Databases Finding the Number of Columns We can find the number of columns in a set of results using the NUM _OF_ FIELDS attribute: my $columns=$sth->{'NUM _OF_ FIELDS'}; Finding the Name of...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 05:20

54 328 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "PANEL NATURAL LANGUAGE AND DATABASES" pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "PANEL NATURAL LANGUAGE AND DATABASES" pdf

... expressing properties of databases that are manifestly artificial, and are not properties of the real worlds with which natural language is concerned Third normal form is a property of this kind I not ... the idea of logical meaning representations What I am claiming is that the database application is an inadequate test environment for natural language understanding systems criteria Some candidate ... knowledge handling operations triggered by and interacting with language processing that are not specialised to one contemporary computational task, but are sufficiently typical of a whole range of other...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20

2 284 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Panel on Natural Language and Databases" pot

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Panel on Natural Language and Databases" pot

... would also offer a good s e t t i n g for s t u d y of tense and aspect issues which are not so readily raised in a simple d a t a b a s e query application A final a d v a n t a g e of e x t e ... taking place during a session, so t h a t t h e s y s t e m would want to keep track of at least some h i s t o r y of a session, b o t h previous events a n d previous discourse In a d d i t i o ... above of forcing us to worry more a b o u t the speed with which the s y s t e m performs Issues concerning discourse r e p r e s e n t a t i o n could be s t u d i e d w i t h this kind of task...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20

2 343 0
Visual Basic and Databases pdf

Visual Basic and Databases pdf

... Professional Edition of Visual Basic Hence, if you are using Visual Basic or another edition of Visual Basic 6, some of your screens may differ from the ones seen in the notes • No knowledge of ... don’t understand the American game of baseball!) • You can surely think of many more places that databases enter your life The idea is that they are everywhere And, each database requires some way ... Basic and Databases The tasks of a DBMS are really quite simple In concept, there are only a few things you can with a database: View the data Find some data of interest Modify the data Add some...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 22:20

270 393 0


... Objectives At the end of this lesson, you will: • have acquired knowledge of the communication standards on the Web, and • be able to understand the capabilities and limitations of a simple static ... remembers what the user has done so far and adjusts the behaviour of the applications as a result Limitations of Simple Static website Some of the limitations of static websites have been overcome ... Click on each option and drag it to the relevant box Networking documents and databases - Lesson Web standards and static websites – page Limitations of Simple Static Website To add...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 20:20

13 344 0


... Objectives At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: • understand what CGI is, and • identify capabilities and limitations of CGI Introduction If we want to allow document ... overcome some of the limitations of static websites, the concept of web applications emerged in the 1980s This is now the most common way to build a client-server application Instead of pointing ... set by the web server, and • by reading the standard input stream Enviroment variables Standard input CGI Web Server Standard output Output is made by writing to the standard output stream The...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 20:20

11 249 0


... Objectives At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: • understand what Active Server Pages (ASP) are; and • be aware of the main advantages and disadvantages of ASP Introduction Users ... Microsoft technologies Wide Developer Support ASP can be used on the full range of Microsoft server operating systems It can also be used on Windows 2000 Professional and Windows XP Professional ... advantages of using it come only when you are already using a Microsoft platform (Windows operating system and Microsoft Internet Information Server – IIS - as the web server) The main advantages of...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 20:20

16 314 0


... Objectives At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: • understand the advantages of using Java technologies; • distinguish the different functions of Servlets, Java Server Pages, and JavaScripts ... introduced to facilitate and standardize the use of Java in the web server Today Java, Servlet and JSP technology play an important role in web development Networking documents and databases - Dynamic ... and other data stored in standard places Servlets are written in Java and follow a wellstandardized API (Application Programming Interface) They can be deployed with almost every commercial and...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 20:20

15 386 0
benjamin van vliet - 2004 - modeling financial markets  using visual basic net and databases to c

benjamin van vliet - 2004 - modeling financial markets using visual basic net and databases to c

... begin development of some trading strategies and to analyze data, and we will share some ideas about how to connect to industry software via APIs to monitor financial markets and execute trades ... Across the top of the screen is the menu bar Take some time to peruse the menu bar and become familiar with the types of commands that perform various actions Many of these commands also have ... understand how databases are constructed and accessed using computer code to financial research and develop trading and risk management algorithms and systems All financial research requires data, and...

Ngày tải lên: 23/04/2014, 16:19

401 2,6K 0
Mobile and wireless communications network layer and circuit level design Part 1 potx

Mobile and wireless communications network layer and circuit level design Part 1 potx

... corresponding number of successful handoffs With regard to the handoff process, the new cell may not have any available resources to serve a handoff call, resulting in handoff failure commonly ... the new cell, then the handoff call is forced-terminated 4 Mobile and Wireless Communications: Network layer and circuit level design In soft handoff schemes, the handoff process is triggered ... active connections preserved, handoff schemes can be classified into hard handoff and soft handoff schemes In the hard handoff schemes, a mobile terminal releases the channel from the original cell...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

30 326 0
Mobile and wireless communications network layer and circuit level design Part 2 potx

Mobile and wireless communications network layer and circuit level design Part 2 potx

... Grandhi et al (Grandhi, Vijayan et al 1993; Grandhi, Vijayan et al 1994; Grandhi, Yates et al 1997) and the Distributed Power Control (DPC) scheme proposed by Foschini and Miljanic (Foschini and ... proposed by Cooper and Nettleton in 1978 (Scholtz 1994) and then 38 Mobile and Wireless Communications: Network layer and circuit level design developed to the IS-95 and CDMA2000 standards which are ... in 1949 (Ellersick 1984), and then extended by DeRosa-Rogoff, Price & Green and Magnuiki (Cooper and Nettleton 1978; Prasad and Ojanpera 1998) The early developments of this technology were primarily...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

30 447 0
Mobile and wireless communications network layer and circuit level design Part 3 pot

Mobile and wireless communications network layer and circuit level design Part 3 pot

... Distribution Profile INTP Intercom Profile CTP Cordless Telephony Profile DUN Dial-up Networking Profile FAXP FAX Profile GEOP Generic Object Exchange Profile HSP Headset Profile LAP LAN Access Profile ... Profile HFP Hands Free Profile SAP SIM Access Profile FTP File Transfer Profile OPP Object Push Profile SYNCH Synchronisation Profile BIP Basic Imaging Profile BPP Basic Printing Profile Table ... the state of the art in many areas of the automotive environment today Much works thereby covered off and is not noticed by the user of the end product First of all a general overview of the assigned...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

30 396 0
Mobile and wireless communications network layer and circuit level design Part 5 docx

Mobile and wireless communications network layer and circuit level design Part 5 docx

... partly of air and partly of substrate (Papapolymerou et al., 1998, Hou et al., 2008, Ojefors et al., 2006, Kratz and Stenmark, 2005) Examples with both equal and unequal thicknesses of air and substrate ... 4mm×4mm×1mm, a measured operating frequency of 5.05 GHz with a bandwidth of 200 MHz at the return loss of −10 dB and a simulated radiation efficiency of 60% A method of applying laser micromachining technologies ... measurements show high gain and wideband operation for the devices and the results are in good agreement with that of simulation The gain and bandwidth are determined to be 7.8 dBi and ~40% for a microstrip...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

30 487 0
Mobile and wireless communications network layer and circuit level design Part 7 docx

Mobile and wireless communications network layer and circuit level design Part 7 docx

... Network layer and circuit level design Broad band and UWB Antennas 5.1- Introduction to broad band and UWB antennas In last sections, we illustrate the challenge of small and multiband antenna ... The OFF state the band notch is removed and the antenna bandwidth returned flat The simulation and experimental results comparison for the ON state and OFF state are presented in figures 24 and ... of emerging some modern communication systems like MIMO and cognitive radio Also from future potential for the introduction of smartness and intelligence to the handheld terminals Switching and/ or...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

30 397 0
Mobile and wireless communications network layer and circuit level design Part 8 doc

Mobile and wireless communications network layer and circuit level design Part 8 doc

... Simulated and (circles) measured S-parameters of a 8x125-m GaN HEMT at (a) VGS = 2.0 V and VDS = 9.0 V and (b) VGS = 3.0 V and VDS = 21.0 V 212 Mobile and Wireless Communications: Network layer and ... noise, DC offsets and self-mixing at the inputs of the mixers, resulting in filter saturation and distortion To understand how the problem of frequency image arises, consider the process of downconversion ... performance of a receiver and to quantify its degree of image rejection is the image rejection ratio defined as the ratio of the magnitude in the attenuation band to that in the passband and can...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

30 427 0