some sounds do not exist in vietnamese

Noun phrases in some selected chapters from “pride and prejudice” by jane austen and the equivalents in the translated version in vietnamese

Noun phrases in some selected chapters from “pride and prejudice” by jane austen and the equivalents in the translated version in vietnamese

... means that the rendering does not sound ear-pleasing in Vietnamese even though sometimes he cut long clauses into shorter ones without changing the meaning conveyed and in some cases, this method ... precedes nouns in their literary sense in 91a Though there are no prolems concerning the rendering of indefinite article, something should be said to the rendering in 89b., 90b and 91b in the above ... satisfactory as it does not fully express the intended meaning of the original During the time depicted in the novel, the notion of “being a gentleman” is deeply rooted in people’s mind, especially...

Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2014, 22:22

58 1,1K 5
look at the important information in this header.1look at the important information in this header.We encourage you to keep this file on your own disk, keeping an electronic path open for the next readers. Do not remove this. **Welcome To The World o doc

look at the important information in this header.1look at the important information in this header.We encourage you to keep this file on your own disk, keeping an electronic path open for the next readers. Do not remove this. **Welcome To The World o doc

... wanted something rather lively I not like the risky parts myself ." Later on in the same letter, she adds: "There is nothing of the kind in the book I am writing now, and I am using nothing ... daring in days of battle; shrewd and clever in seizing the loose threads of ordinary life, but silly and stupid in distinguishing her own interests when it is a question of her happiness; caring ... borrowed individuality, undoubtedly, but it was not something to be put on and off at will like a mask It adhered to the skin It was all very fine for George Sand to say to Sainte-Beuve: "Do not Information...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 23:21

94 671 0
d. Hadn''''t it been b 41. The talks in the classroom, in the corridor and in the schoolyard do not pdf

d. Hadn''''t it been b 41. The talks in the classroom, in the corridor and in the schoolyard do not pdf

... am thinking / going/ to come / want / go / traveling b will think / going / to come / will want / go / traveling c am thinking / going / come / want / to go / traveling d am thinking / going / ... sleeping / to camp c to sleep / to camp d sleeping / camping > b 50 "What you think about my friends?" "They are people." a such an interesting b so interesting a c so interesting d such interesting ... b 41 In copying this paper, be careful not to leave any words a out b in c off d for > a 42 "New York is a fascinating city." " live there." a So interesting people b Such interesting peoples...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 17:20

43 566 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Molecular and macromolecular alterations of recombinant adenoviral vectors do not resolve changes in hepatic drug metabolism during infection" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Molecular and macromolecular alterations of recombinant adenoviral vectors do not resolve changes in hepatic drug metabolism during infection" potx

... viruses included in this study These pathways are of particular interest in the context of explaining our findings with respect to PXR and RXR expression Ding and Staudinger described an increase in ... Dawley, Inc (Indianapolis, IN) were housed in individual cages and allowed unrestrained access to standard rodent chow (Harlan Teklad, Indianapolis, IN) and tap water A single intra-muscular injection ... previously in which an E1/E3 deleted first generation adenovirus containing some viral gene expression elements but not a transgene cassette and another containing murine erythropoietin [10], further...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 01:20

17 340 0
báo cáo hóa học:" Thrombospondin-1 serum levels do not correlate with pelvic pain in patients with ovarian endometriosis" doc

báo cáo hóa học:" Thrombospondin-1 serum levels do not correlate with pelvic pain in patients with ovarian endometriosis" doc

... pain in ovarian endometriosis [1013] Angiogenesis is under the control of numerous inducers, including the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) family and inhibitors, such as thrombospondin-1 ... vascular endothelial growth factor cellular expression in ovarian endometriomata Fertil Steril 2004, 81:1528-1533 Vercellini P: Endometriosis: what a pain it is Semin Reprod Endocrinol 1997, ... with ovarian endometriomas and pelvic pain Hum Reprod 2001, 16:2672-2675 Manero MG, Alcazar JL: Interleukin-8 serum levels not correlate with pelvic pain in patients with ovarian endometriomas Fertil...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 07:20

3 294 0
báo cáo hóa học:"Medication diaries do not improve outcomes with highly active antiretroviral therapy in Kenyan children: a randomized clinical trial" pot

báo cáo hóa học:"Medication diaries do not improve outcomes with highly active antiretroviral therapy in Kenyan children: a randomized clinical trial" pot

... stavudine and lamivudine, in combination with nevirapine, are available in a few African countries [10] Practical aids, including calendars and pill boxes, are also encouraged based on findings ... making it attractive for evaluation in resource-limited settings There is an increasing pool of literate caregivers caring for HIV-1-infected children in Kenya, which makes diary use feasible in ... 2005, of whom 99 were randomized We defined adherence as being >95% if the caregiver reported never missing a dose or reporting only one missed dose in the past 30 days In the entire cohort, 73...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 08:20

10 226 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp:"Below-ground resources limit seedling growth in forest understories but do not alter biomass distribution" doc

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp:"Below-ground resources limit seedling growth in forest understories but do not alter biomass distribution" doc

... Machado et al randomized within the larger plots Seedling total height before planting was measured in a subset of seedlings (n = 578) 2.3 Seedling measurements In September 1996, after four growing ... significant increase in survival as a result of trenching, as predicted, but the other intolerant pine species did not Some other, but not all [46], studies have also shown that survival in low-light ... seedlings of each species at every experimental plot (n = 440) Since seedling excavations were time consuming, only the above-ground portion was collected for the remaining seedlings Seedlings...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:21

12 210 0
Báo cáo khoa hoc:" Host factors do not influence the colonization or infection by fluconazole resistant Candida species in hospitalized patients" ppsx

Báo cáo khoa hoc:" Host factors do not influence the colonization or infection by fluconazole resistant Candida species in hospitalized patients" ppsx

... participating in TSARY in 1999 In principle, only one isolate was accepted from each patient The number of clinical isolates with MICs ^ 64 mg/l contributed from each hospital participating in TSARY ... oropharyngeal colonization or infections by fluconazoleresistant Candida strains [22] Noteworthily, findings from this study indicate that non-HIV infected patients receiving antituberculous agents ... occurrence to be colonized or infected with fluconazole resistant strains Interestingly, a link between mycobacterial infections and oropharyngeal candidiasis in HIV-infected patients has been reported...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 07:21

5 295 0
báo cáo khoa học:" Predictors of health status do not change over three-year periods and exacerbation makes difference in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease" ppsx

báo cáo khoa học:" Predictors of health status do not change over three-year periods and exacerbation makes difference in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease" ppsx

... traditional instrument included in the BODE index [20] In multiple logistic regression, when the BODE index was replaced by its variables, worsening of one unit in MMRC doubled the risk of worsening ... BODE index was a predictor of health status overtime In addition, worsening of one unit of the BODE index has a 50% increased risk of worsening in the SGRQ total score and activity domain Our findings ... weight in kg/(height in m)2] was calculated Smoking history was obtained by patient interview using standardized instruments at baseline and smoking cessation by self report during patients’ contacts...

Ngày tải lên: 11/08/2014, 23:22

34 278 0
Báo cáo y học: " Inflammatory parameters predict etiologic patterns but do not allow for individual prediction of etiology in patients " ppsx

Báo cáo y học: " Inflammatory parameters predict etiologic patterns but do not allow for individual prediction of etiology in patients " ppsx

... Procalcitonin (PCT) is a promising alternative in this regard It rapidly increases in bacterial infections but remains low in viral diseases High plasma concentrations of PCT are typically seen in sepsis, ... study that includes outpatients and inpatients The application of more invasive procedures such as bronchoscopy including bronchial washing and brushing is not feasible and realistic in such a ... and outcome in lower respiratory tract infections: cluster-randomised, single-blinded intervention trial Lancet 2004, 363:600-607 Christ-Crain M, Stolz D, Bingisser R, Muller C, Miedinger D, Huber...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 14:20

10 325 0
Báo cáo y học: "HTLV-1 Tax mutants that do not induce G1 arrest are disabled in activating the anaphase promoting complex" pdf

Báo cáo y học: "HTLV-1 Tax mutants that do not induce G1 arrest are disabled in activating the anaphase promoting complex" pdf

... of the PP2A-binding domain of Tax in mediating other critical protein-protein interaction The biological/virological relevance for the profound cell cycle arrest induced by Tax remains unclear ... expression is permissible in S cerevisiae not cause, or are attenuated in inducing cell cycle arrest in HeLa cells, but remain functional in activating I-κB degradation and p100 processing To characterize ... alleles were individually co-transfected with HA-tagged ubiquitin into 293T cells Indeed, the five tax mutants were also found to be attenuated in inducing cyclin B1 polyubiquitination when compared...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 05:22

12 303 0
Báo cáo y học: "Commonly applied positive end-expiratory pressures do not prevent functional residual capacity decline in the setting of intra-abdominal hypertension: a pig model" pot

Báo cáo y học: "Commonly applied positive end-expiratory pressures do not prevent functional residual capacity decline in the setting of intra-abdominal hypertension: a pig model" pot

... output in L/minute in function of different levels of intra-abdominal pressures (IAP) (3 mmHg (baseline), 18 mmHg (grade II intra-abdominal hypertension), and 26 mmHg (grade IV intra-abdominal ... PEEP in reversing IAP induced FRC decline in the setting of grade IV IAH, respectively However, we think this reduced influence of PEEP in reversing IAP induced FRC decline is better explained ... (FRC) in litres (L) in function of different levels of intra-abdominal pressures (IAP) (3 mmHg (baseline), 18 mmHg (grade II intraabdominal hypertension), and 26 mmHg (grade IV intra-abdominal...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 21:20

11 406 0
Báo cáo y học: " Endothelial Statins do not prevent acute organ failure in ventilated ICU patients: single-centre retrospective cohort study" pot

Báo cáo y học: " Endothelial Statins do not prevent acute organ failure in ventilated ICU patients: single-centre retrospective cohort study" pot

... outcome definitions The main exposure variable was statin therapy received in the ICU during the follow-up period Statin exposure was defined as the documented administration of a prescribed dose at ... Almog Y: The effects of statin therapy on inflammatory cytokines in patients with bacterial infections: a randomized doubleblind placebo controlled clinical trial Intensive Care Med 2009, 35:1255-1260 ... during the same hospitalisation or had missing baseline data We therefore included 1,397 patients in the final study cohort The admission category, as defined by APACHE II score, was missing in...

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 07:21

10 243 0
NHỮNG THÀNH NGỮ TIẾNG ANH CÓ CHỨA TỪ “HEART” VÀ TỪ ĐỒNG NGHĨA VỚI “HEART” TRONG THÀNH NGỮ TIẾNG VIỆT: ĐỐI CHIẾU NHÌN TỪ GÓC ĐỘ VĂN HÓA = english idioms containing the word  heart  and its synonyms in vietnamese idioms  a contrastive analysis from cultural

NHỮNG THÀNH NGỮ TIẾNG ANH CÓ CHỨA TỪ “HEART” VÀ TỪ ĐỒNG NGHĨA VỚI “HEART” TRONG THÀNH NGỮ TIẾNG VIỆT: ĐỐI CHIẾU NHÌN TỪ GÓC ĐỘ VĂN HÓA = english idioms containing the word heart and its synonyms in vietnamese idioms a contrastive analysis from cultural

... heart- based idioms In contrast, using possessive words does not exist in Vietnamese idioms in general and idioms containing heart’s synonyms in particular This feature, to some extent, expresses ... to somebody/ something (yêu thương ai/ gì) This feature somehow reflects individualism in English society It is shown clearly through linguistics In fact, people living in different regions in ... that inequality in a society is not accepted as natural or good  Masculinity/Femininity - Whether a culture is considered to be a more masculine or feminine society is to say whether or not the...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:29

51 1,1K 3
personal pronouns in vietnamese and american english ( from cultural perspective) = đại từ xưng hô trong tiếng việt và tiếng anh mỹ, xét từ góc độ văn hóa

personal pronouns in vietnamese and american english ( from cultural perspective) = đại từ xưng hô trong tiếng việt và tiếng anh mỹ, xét từ góc độ văn hóa

... Furthermore, there is nothing artificial about a situation involving the teacher praising a student or asking another to try again In addition to these, the teacher can explain something about the language ... comprehensible input in the second/ foreign language classroom 4.1 Descriptive Studies Seminal teacher talk studies in the 1980s focused on finding and describing similar linguistics features shared in various ... and they did not attention to the teacher and other students‟ activity 2.4 Interview Data In order to gain insights into teachers‟ thinking about the way they used either L1 or L2 in the classroom,...

Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:32

76 1,2K 3
A study on some english negative structures and their vietnamese equivelents in gone with the wind

A study on some english negative structures and their vietnamese equivelents in gone with the wind

... structures in the novel SYNTACTIC FEATURES NUMBER PERCENTAGE Total 2.446 100% Isn’t+ is not 176 7,20% Aren’t+are not 114 4,66% Do not have + don’t have 0,33% Do not/ don’t + bare 811 infinitive 33,16% Does ... published in 1994 shares the same and adds some more information that “Negation is the act of stating that something does not exist or is untrue”,furthermore the Vietnamese Dictionary, published in ... when you want to say something is not true, is not happening, or not the case” Although there is wide variety of definition of negation, I myself totally agree to some main points as follows: Negation...

Ngày tải lên: 17/07/2015, 11:03

78 906 1
LV   An investigation into some commonly used stylistic devices in advertising language in English and Vietnamese newspapers

LV An investigation into some commonly used stylistic devices in advertising language in English and Vietnamese newspapers

... advertising in a business, Stewart H Britt states in a higher vein “Doing business without advertising is like winking a girl in the dark; you know what you are doing, but nobody else does” [28, ... devices in advertising language in English and Vietnamese newspapers Advertising is defined by Harris & Seldon as a public notice “Advertising designed to spread information with a view to promoting ... (1) attracting attention, (2) commanding interest, (3) creating desire, (4) inspiring conviction, (5) provoking action Also, I can draw out some distinguishable points: - Advertising delivers...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2015, 16:33

105 607 5
What To Do If Trapped In A Lift With A Dentist

What To Do If Trapped In A Lift With A Dentist

... but it would doubtless be a tricky path to tread I loathe this kind of branding that doubtless comes from men provoking my libido again and again and again You may think I'm overreacting but listen ... you're using a laptop by folding some cardboard in half and writing a windows error message to make the Mac users laugh Pretend you're using an i-pod by placing a bee in each ear and holding a gaudy ... teaches us nothing except how to repeat past mistakes again and again and again WAR War what is it good for? Reinvigorating depressed economies and winning elections MIDDLE CLASS LAND Some live in middle...

Ngày tải lên: 14/11/2012, 16:50

34 515 0
Working capital and some solutions to increasing capital in utilization at Petrolimex Asphalt commercial limited company

Working capital and some solutions to increasing capital in utilization at Petrolimex Asphalt commercial limited company

... take part in one producing process and does not come back its initial form, all its value will change into in product`s value Materials for working : as in kind form it is called working assets ... unfinished products … are all being in process of reserve or manufactoring Working Assets for circulating included : finished products are waiting for consumption, capitals in cash, capitals in ... prepaid costs … In producing and businessing process, working Assets fo manufactoring and working assets for circulating are always mobilising, transforming to each other and at last aiming to ensure...

Ngày tải lên: 01/12/2012, 10:21

28 819 10