software quality attributes in software testing

Tài liệu Software quality attributes and trade-offs ppt

Tài liệu Software quality attributes and trade-offs ppt

... discussed in this section since the user only experiences these kinds of qualities indirectly. Quality in use is the combined effect of the quality attributes contained in all the selected quality ... on influences process quality effect of software product software product context of use depends on depends on influences influences quality in use external quality internal quality ... the quality in use. External quality is implied by internal quality and internal quality in turn is implied among other things by process quality. Therefore process and internal quality will...

Ngày tải lên: 20/12/2013, 19:15

100 753 0
Sonar code quality testing essentials [electronic resource]   achieve higher levels of software quality with sonar

Sonar code quality testing essentials [electronic resource] achieve higher levels of software quality with sonar

... 249 Importing a project into Subversion 249 Installing the Jenkins CI server 252 Ubuntu/Debian Jenkins installation 253 Redhat/Fedora/CentOS Jenkins installation 255 Windows Jenkins installation ... 239 Writing a simple unit test 239 Reviewing test results in Sonar 241 Summary 243 Chapter 11: Integrating Sonar 245 The Continuous Inspection paradigm 245 Continuous integration servers 246 Installing ... Maven plugin 57 Installing Maven 57 Conguring the Sonar Maven plugin 58 Performing the analysis 60 Analysis with Ant 61 Installing Ant 61 Conguring and running Sonar analysis task 62 Browsing the...

Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2014, 10:00

318 1K 0
Social Network Mapping Software - New Frontiers in HRM

Social Network Mapping Software - New Frontiers in HRM

... determining better negotiation strategies, as well as assist in maintaining a harmonious Social Network Mapping Software 77 Copyright â 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or ... explored how the information obtained from social network mapping can translate into HRM input and assist in more informed decision making. The contribution of this chapter lies in opening up a whole ... between people (Burt, 1992). Individuals obtain support, information, and Social Network Mapping Software 83 Copyright â 2005, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:20

17 494 0


... organizational learning: Representing and maintaining knowledge in an experience base”, in Proc. Tenth Int. Conf. on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE’98, 1998. 44. T. Dingsøyr, “A ... improvement in software engineering: The Software Experience Center”, in Software Quality: State of the Art in Management, Testing and Tools, eds. M. Wieczorek and D. Mayerhoff, Springer Verlag, ... management in software engineering projects”, in Proc. Int. Conf. on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE99, 1999, pp. 2027. 65. P. Brăossler, Knowledge management at a software...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 16:33

24 706 0
Tài liệu IP issues in software pptx

Tài liệu IP issues in software pptx

... concept, and it is the software industry counterpart to reverse engineering in industries that manufacture machinery, including computers. In hardware industries, reverse engineering is a common practice, ... cloning of programs, could have the unintended, negative consequences of inhibiting independent innovation— a common occurrence, according to Bricklin, in software development— or of discouraging ... often an inseparable part of the interface definition, Reinstein said, "The simplest, most disentangling position I can take is let us just not protect interfaces. Let us invest in the expression...

Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 00:20

17 368 0
Effective UI: The Art of Building Great User Experience in Software docx

Effective UI: The Art of Building Great User Experience in Software docx

... participating in the building of a software product in a bad climate—so many, in fact, that most are resigned to the belief that building software is an inherently dicult and disappointing undertaking. ... painting of a muscular, shirtless man with long, owing hair riding a horse with a ushed, swooning lady in his arms, you’d be safe in assuming you’re standing in the ction section looking ... customer-facing products should avoid wasting their customers’ time, confusing them or insulting their intelligence, or pushing them away. The linkage between acquiring and satisfying customers...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 22:20

314 863 0
case study research in software engineering

case study research in software engineering

... Runeson, M. H ă ost, A. Rainer and B. Regnell A BRIEF HISTORY OF CASE STUDIES IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 5 1.2 A BRIEF HISTORY OF CASE STUDIES IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING The term case study ... studies in software engineering, which are used throughout the book. We hope that defining a set of basic concepts can help establish a standard of terminology in the empirical software engineering ... [54] provide detailed advice and examples on developing and using measures in software engineering and software engineering research. van Solingen specifically provides guidance on the Goal Question...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 14:53

241 367 0
System Support for Software Fault Tolerance in Highly Available Database Management Systems

System Support for Software Fault Tolerance in Highly Available Database Management Systems

... done systematically. The checking code has to be maintained as the software it checks is maintained. Implementing and testing error checkers increases development cost. 1.4 Organization of This ... a single failure may have many symptoms. Maintenance programmers decide which is the most interesting one to record in the APAR symptom code field. “Interesting” failure symptoms for the maintenance programmer ... CHAPTER 2. A SURVEY OF SOFTWARE ERRORS IN SYSTEMS PROGRAMS 24 2.3.1 Sampling from RETAIN If it were possible to classify APARs using software, each of the APARs in RETAIN associated with MVS,...

Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 13:32

250 316 0
The phases in software development process

The phases in software development process

... Evaluation Design Design Implementation & Unit Testing Implementation & Unit Testing Integration & System Testing Integration & System Testing Operation & Maintenance Operation & Maintenance Refinement of Requirements ... Specification Design Design Implementation & Unit Testing Implementation & Unit Testing Integration & System Testing Integration & System Testing Operation & Maintenance Operation & Maintenance SDLC MODELS ... System Testing Operation Operation Design Design Implementation & Unit Testing Implementation & Unit Testing Integration & System Testing Integration & System Testing Operation Operation Release...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 11:07

28 311 0
The phases in software development process

The phases in software development process

... Requirement Design Implementation Unit Testing Integration System Testing Operation Design Implementation Unit Testing Integration System Testing Operation Design Implementation Unit Testing Integration System Testing Operation Release 1 Release 2 Release 3 16 SDLC ... represents a software life cycle. A software life cycle model is often called a Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Requirement Design Implementation Unit Testing Integration System Testing Operation Design Implementation Unit Testing Integration System Testing Operation Design Implementation Unit Testing Integration System Testing Operation Release ... the rapid prototype is fine-tuned using code or external utilities to create a final working product. 10 SDLC MODELS Build and Fix Model ã An ad hoc approach and not well defined ã Product is constructed...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 11:09

53 502 0
continuous integration improving software quality and reducing risk

continuous integration improving software quality and reducing risk

... Chapter 1 ❑ Getting Started Integration Build Machine The integration build machine is a separate machine whose sole respon- sibility is to integrate software. The integration build machine hosts the ... of the Integrate button P { [ | \ “ ‘ Integrate ? / S hift Compile Source Code Inte gra te Database Run Tests Run Inspections Deploy Software Integrate Improving Software Quality and Reducing Risk F e e d b a c k ... has consulted for clients in various industries including finance, housing, government, health care, and large independent software vendors. He is a featured speaker at many leading software conferences....

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 00:20

318 706 0
achieving software quality through teamwork

achieving software quality through teamwork

... Software Engineering Institute (SEI) [11] to define a better way of producing software. It regards software as an engineering discipline and groups organizations into five levels within the Capability Maturity ... of quality 1.1 Defining software quality Let us start looking at quality by examining the story above. What do the trainer’s frustrations reveal about our views of quality? 1. The delivered software ... [17]. 1.6 Team Software Process and Personal Software Process The Team Software Process (TSP) was developed at the Software Engineer - ing Institute “to help integrated engineering teams more...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 00:28

321 474 0
advances in machine learning applications in software engineering

advances in machine learning applications in software engineering

... developing and maintaining large and complex software systems in a dynamic and changing environment, machine learning methods have been playing an increasingly important role in many software ... model-free algorithm is Q-learning. In Q-learning, actions with maximum Q value are preferred. Machine Learning Applications in Software Engineering In software engineering, there are three categories ... contains a few examples of these data points. The data points have been divided into three sets: a training set of 86 data points, a validation set containing 20 data points, and a testing set...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 01:23

499 329 0
Lập kế hoạch hệ thống quản lý chất lượng phần mềm  Software Quality System Plan

Lập kế hoạch hệ thống quản lý chất lượng phần mềm Software Quality System Plan

... (Reviewing) 1.3/ Kiểm tra (Testing) 1.4/ Phân tích lỗi (Defect analysis) 1.5/ Quản lý cấu hình (Configuration Management - CM) 1.6/ Bảo mật (Security) 1.7/ Đào tạo, huấn luyện (Education/Training) 1.8/ ... định thông tin-thiết kế kế hoạch trao đổi thông tin: 47 5.1.1. Yêu cầu trao đổi thông tin: 47 5.1.2. Lập kế hoạch truyền thông – kế hoạch trao đổi thông tin: 48 5.2. Phân phối thông tin – xác định ... lỗi) Phương pháp tìm lỗi (Method) Kỹ thuật dùng để tìm ra li, vớ d: ã I = inspection kho sỏt li ã D = debugging or unit testing – dò lỗi hoặc kiểm tra mức đơn vị Lập kế hoạch quản lí chất lượng...

Ngày tải lên: 07/06/2014, 00:24

93 1,3K 2