... & St Onge (1998) [HSO], and two corpusbased measures: Latent Semantic Analysis [LSA] (Landauer and Dumais, 1997) and Explicit Seman756 tic Analysis [ESA] (Gabrilovich and Markovitch, 2007) Briefly, ... 2002) seeks to expand upon their BOW approach which becomes less useful as causality (and thus word order) becomes more important A text similarity approach was taken in (Mohler and Mihalcea, 2009), ... can be supplemented by learning additional patterns semi-automatically The Oxford-UCLES system (Sukkarieh et al., 2004) bootstraps patterns by starting with a set of keywords and synonyms and searching...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20
... health facilities, T goods and services, to healthy occupational and environmental conditions, and protection against epidemic diseases, and rights relevant to sexual and reproductive health; • ... within and between cultures Gender influences the roles, power and resources for women and men in any culture 19 11. Do economic, social and cultural rights oblige Governments to supply goods and ... to protection and assistance accorded to the family and to children and young persons, the right to an adequate standard of living, including adequate food, clothing and housing, and the right...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Beyond Projectivity: Multilingual Evaluation of Constraints and Measures on Non-Projective Structures" doc
... projectivity and define related notions necessary in Section 4, where we define and discuss all evaluated constraints and measures; Section describes our data and experimental setup; empirical ... level types for Czech, Slovene, Swedish, and Turkish are respectively −1, −5, −2, and −4 Level signatures combine level types and component degrees, and so give an even more detailed picture ... (for positive, nonpositive, and negative values), level signature (up to 10 most frequent values), and numbers of edges with ancestor component roots in their gaps and solely with ancestor component...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 18:20
a study on structural and semantic patterns of wh-questions in english = nghiên cứu về mô hình cấu trúc và ngữ nghĩa của câu hỏi có từ hỏi trong tiếng anh
... wh-words and their semantic features relating information structure, presupposition and theme and rheme Chapter is to describe the types of wh-questions based on structures and discourse and the ... Question presupposes " you have a car" and question presupposes that there is a person called Nam and that he finished the work The second type of presupposition is called factive presupposition ... understand how to use English wh-questions effectively The relevant matters are: - The operators and their functions - Question words and how they are used - Given and new information - Theme and...
Ngày tải lên: 02/03/2015, 14:22
A Study on Structural and Semantic patterns of Wh-questions in English
... wh-words and their semantic features relating information structure, presupposition and theme and rheme Chapter is to describe the types of wh-questions based on structures and discourse and the ... functions and the operators and their functions in English question in brief Moreover, some basic terms ( such as given and new information, theme and rheme, and presuppositions ) are also discussed ... understand how to use English wh-questions effectively The relevant matters are: - The operators and their functions - Question words and how they are used - Given and new information - Theme and...
Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2015, 19:48
Study on epidemiologic and pathological characteristics and measures of prevention and treatment of infection caused trichocephalus spp in pigs in thai nguyen and bac kan
... number and with the number of Trichocephalus suis parasitic nematode was 1864 and 1543 worms, respectively The lesions were seen: in cecal mucous and colonic lumen became rough up, many ulcers and ... and Bac Kan province - Laboratory of faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Thai Nguyen college of Agriculture and Forestry - Laboratory of ultrastructure - Institute of Hygiene and ... disinfectants and processing techniques on Trichocephalus’s eggs in feces - experimental groups were designed by using following disinfectants as: benkocid, povidine 10%, formades and QM Supercide...
Ngày tải lên: 24/09/2015, 23:27
Questions to .NET and Programming in C#
... and "2, Super" is printed on the Super" is printed on the standard output standard output Assume that Sub1 and Sub2 are both subclasses of class Super [2.5] Given the declarations: Super super = ... sup.index + "," ); sup.printVal(); } } a) The code will not compile 93 c) The code compiles and "5, Sub" is printed on the standard output b) The code compiles and "5, d) The code compiles and ... standard expression output b) The code will compile and run d) The code will compile and but nothing will be return on run and the word “Default” the standard output will be written to the standard...
Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 15:55
AASHTO Subcommittee on Bridges and Structures Newport, RI June, 2005
... module supporting NBI changes – Web-based and standalone versions Two Bridges, One Project | Sections & – Support for customization options currently in Pontis 16 Opis LRFD Update Opis Superstructure ... Enhancements – Dec 05 Virtis and Opis Superstructure New AASHTO standard analysis engine - Engine from PennDOT under special agreement - Steel girder, R/C slabs and beams analysis and rating (LFD) - ... Enhancements – Dec 05 Virtis and Opis Superstructure New AASHTO standard analysis engine - Engine from PennDOT under special agreement - Steel girder, R/C slabs and beams analysis and rating (LFD) -...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2012, 15:57
Báo cáo y học: "Iraqi health system in kurdistan region: medical professionals’ perspectives on challenges and priorities for improvement"
... Kurdistan region and in Iraq as whole The study can also guide researchers to expand on the individual issues recognized in this study and try to better elaborate and understand them Conclusions ... Conflict and Health 2010, 4:19 http://www.conflictandhealth.com/content/4/1/19 Page of Table Respondents’ rating of different services and resources in the working health institutions and different ... availability of the required quantity and Page of quality of medicines (68.7%) and availability of sufficient medical equipment and investigation tools (68.7%) On the other hand, 64.3% of respondents were...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:06
Some situation and measures taken to attract japanese foreign direct investment in viet nam.doc
... and effective public administration, combat and tackle corruption, wastefulness and excessive bureaucracy, and promote democracy and transparency while enforcing disciplines in state organs and ... electrical wire and cable, wooden products, computer parts, shoes and sandals, coal, handicraft fine arts goods and plastic products Of these items, just three items are crude oil, sea products and garments ... brisk foreign investment and firm domestic demand, will grow 7.8% this year and 8% next year The investment pact between Japan and Vietnam took effect in late 2004 Japan and Vietnam are also to...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2012, 16:51
Báo cáo y học: "introduction to special issue on Eye and Zoonosis – from the guest editors"
... ocular toxoplasmosis • Update on the treatment of ocular toxoplasmosis We hope that this special issue will be interesting to readers and provides researchers with timely update on various topics ... American Journal of Ophthalmology: Delair E, Monnet D, Grabar S, Dupouy-Camet J, Yera H, Brézin AP Respective roles of acquired and congenital infections in presumed ocular toxoplasmosis Am J Ophthalmol...
Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 11:11
Negative questions in English and Vietnamese - A contrastive analysis
... similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese negative questions have been analysed and pointed out With an ambition to help teachers and learners have a clear understanding about ... across and made friends with a large number of kind, bright and encouraging people during my research This work would never have been possible without the encouragement and support from my supervisor, ... understanding of this type of questions and we can be able to use it flexibly and fluently The contrastive analysis of English and Vietnamese negative questions also reveals the similarities and...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:36
An investigation into some types of verbal responses to questions in English and Vietnamese conversation
... utterances (g) and (h) challenge the presupposition that the speaker can hear and understand what has been said We have mentioned the literature review of questions and responses in English and Vietnamese ... responses in both groups of informants Both English and Vietnamese males and females generally prefer directness to indirectness (60.1% and 62.9% versus 38.4% and 46.1%) The English males and females ... age and status The superior has the option to be authoritative or to be friendly with his subordinate, but the subordinate is bound to deferential and respectful and obedient toward the superior...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54
An Overview into the Semantic of Questions in English and Vietnamese
... and contrasting linguistics became popular thanks to the emergence of new lands, new communities, and new languages Sine 1970s, comparing and contrasting linguistics has been playing a more and ... rising demand for language learning to communicate and scientific developments in the direction of multi-lingual research In Vietnam, along with economic growth, more and more people pick up learning ... sentences and English learners have encountered a lot of difficulties practicing questions in speaking and learning Therefore, this paper aims to compare and contrast the differences and similarities...
Ngày tải lên: 22/01/2013, 09:28
Conclusions on Strengths and Weaknesses of Rang Dong Plastic Company
... Dong Plastic Factory and kept up manufacturing main products: PVC films and leathers, roofing sheets and boards The factory supplied mostly state-run trading businesses and others according to ... strengthening, synchronization, up- grading of production and technology, of developing and expanding the whole market in the country and of market expansion for exportation to Asian and other countries Rang ... many Append is the comparison with Thailand and Malaysia: Table 3.3 – Plastic product structure compared with Thailand and Malaysia Description Vietnam Thailand Malaysia (%) (%) (%) Household Products...
Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2013, 10:33
Impacts of Greenhouse Gas on Feed and Livestock Production
... • Improving nutritional management • Methane inhibitors and rumen manipulation – Fats and oils – Ionophores, other chemical compounds and probiotics – Defaunation • Reusable methane source by ... protein intake While: • Land is limited • Average temperature have increased by 0.80C (NASA, 2005) and up to 4OC on 2099 (IPPC, 2007) • Average sea level rise: 50 mm/y (currently) forecasted to 590 ... contribution climate change in CO2 equivalent 18percent Includingpasture degradation and assuming that two-thirds of land use change is livestock related Livestock’s share in carbon dioxide emissions...
Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2013, 16:04