single phase induction motor and its applications

Design and Implementation of a Three-Phase Induction Motor Control Scheme

Design and Implementation of a Three-Phase Induction Motor Control Scheme

... principles for an induction motor An induction motor is an asynchronous AC (alternating current) motor. The least expensive and most widely used induction motor is the squirrel cage motor. The ... explained. Wildi also presents the two types of induction motors: “the squirrel cage induction motor and the “wound motor . An explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of each is given. Essential ... compatible voltage supply for the motor controller that will be used for this thesis. ã Induction motor. Three -phase, 0.5kW, 4-pole machine. This induction motor is only used for the prototype...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 23:15

93 695 1
Chapter 9  unbalanced operation and single phase induction machines

Chapter 9 unbalanced operation and single phase induction machines

... between 3% and 5% of synchronous speed of the rotor. SINGLE- PHASE INDUCTION MACHINES 367 Figure 9.8-5. Free-acceleration characteristics of a capacitor-start single- phase induction motor. ... (9.6-2) and ′ = ′ −+ ′ −FF tF t r abcr e r abcr e r0 αβ ωω ωω cos( ) sin( ) (9.6-3) SINGLE- PHASE INDUCTION MACHINES 359 out of phase when the phases are connected to the same single- phase ... angular velocity generally selected as rated and 376 UNBALANCED OPERATION AND SINGLE- PHASE INDUCTION MACHINES Figure 9P-1. Equivalent circuit for single- phase winding. 4 . Determine the set of...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 18:48

41 514 0
Hydraulic modeling of open channel flows over an arbitrary 3-d surface and its applications in amenity hydraulic engineering

Hydraulic modeling of open channel flows over an arbitrary 3-d surface and its applications in amenity hydraulic engineering

... water is diverted and locally accelerated or drawn off, any associated vortex tube is extended and its rotation is thereby increased. Higher velocities incur lower pressures and, if a free surface ... curvilinear coordinates for prediction of flow pattern in meandering channel with 60 o and 90 o bend, and also with compound meandering channel. In this study, the Cartesian velocity components ... OVER AN ARBITRARY 3-D SURFACE AND ITS APPLICATIONS IN AMENITY HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING TRAN NGOC ANH August, 2006 17 7. Hsieh T. and Yang J. C. 2003. Investigation...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 10:35

127 597 0
Real-Time Digital Signal Processing - Chapter 7: Fast Fourier Transform and Its Applications

Real-Time Digital Signal Processing - Chapter 7: Fast Fourier Transform and Its Applications

... the command file exp7.cmd, the functions epx7a.c, fft_a.c,andibit_rev.c, and the header file icomplex.h from the software package into the project. 340 FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM AND ITS APPLICATIONS ... 0.; 338 FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM AND ITS APPLICATIONS Compared with LM required by direct FIR filtering, the computational saving is significant when both L and M are large. For many applications, the input ... the radix-2 FFT algorithms, and the 320 FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM AND ITS APPLICATIONS Periodicity Because of the periodicity property shown in Figure 7.1, the DFT and IDFT produce periodic results...

Ngày tải lên: 28/10/2013, 05:15

47 635 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "A Statistical Tree Annotator and Its Applications" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "A Statistical Tree Annotator and Its Applications" pptx

... Feature 1 and 18 to the PP-node in Figure 1 would yield a feature instance that cap- tures the fact that the current node is a PP node and its head child’s POS tag is TO. 4 Applications and Results A ... Feature 9 and 10 are computed from past pre- dicted values. When predicting the function tag for the PP-node in Figure 1, there is no predicted value for its left-sibling and any of its child ... and partition the data set identically: Section 1232 curacies for 4 types of function tags, and our results in Table 3 compare favorably with those in (Blaheta and Charniak, 2000). Lintean and...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20

9 421 0


... and Facts about Food Biotechnology, Food Insight, September/October 1999, PP 2-3. 19- Council for Agricultural Science and Technology: Applications of Biotechnology to Crops: Benefits and ... finishing of fabrics and garments. Biotechnology also produces biotech-derived cotton that is warmer, stronger, has improved dye uptake and retention, enhanced absorbency, and wrinkle- and shrink-resistance. ... allergens. These risks are systematically evaluated by FDA and identified prior to commercialization. 1 FSR0031 BIOTECHNOLOGY and its APPLICATIONS Kevin Keener, Assistant Professor of...

Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 21:48

13 393 0
probability and its applications - ollav kallenberg

probability and its applications - ollav kallenberg

... spaces. A random element in S is called a random variable when S = R,arandom vector when S = R d ,arandom sequence when S = R ∞ ,arandom or stochastic process when S is a function space, and a random ... mapping and approximation; coupling and measurability The first goal of this chapter is to introduce and compare the basic modes of convergence of random quantities. For random elements ξ and ξ 1 ,ξ 2 , ... sym- metric and positive random variables. In this context, we may further obtain criteria for convergence toward Gaussian and degenerate limits, respectively. 2. Processes, Distributions, and Independence...

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 16:24

534 378 0
coal gasification and its applications

coal gasification and its applications

... bubbles that rapidly change shape and size. In fast fluidization, the dense phase is no longer the continuous phase. The bed consists of streamers of high density and low density regions. Pneumatic ... equilibrium methane concentrations are low, and obtaining an accurate measure of methane content may be difficult. Gasification Fundamentals 45 COAL GASIFICATION AND ITS APPLICATIONS DAVID A BELL BRIAN F ... by injecting the tar, along with oxygen and steam, through the tuyeres and into the slag layer. Bartone and White also examined PRB subbituminous coal, and estimated about the same condensed tar yield. Table...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 15:11

411 925 0
nonextensive statistical mechanics and its applications

nonextensive statistical mechanics and its applications

... previously mentioned, and to U q as the generalized internal energy (assumed finite and fixed). It is clear that, in the q → 1 limit, these quantities recover the standard mean value and internal energy ... theory and related issues (see [43,74,130,131] and references therein); (ix) Entropic lower and upper bounds [132–134] (related to Heinberg uncertainty principle); (x) Quantum statistics [135] and ... 1 , (60) where k is the wave vector, and à are eective inverse temperature and chemi- cal potential respectively, and ± respectively correspond to fermions and bosons. The degree of validity of...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:14

279 579 0
elementary recursion theory and its applications to formal systems  -  saul kripke

elementary recursion theory and its applications to formal systems - saul kripke

... in Lim (if you can). We can expand the language Lim by adding extra predicate letters and function letters and interpreting them as recursive sets and relations and recursive functions. If we ... that Digp*(m,n,p), m<p and n≠0. Then n = z 1 . p k+1 + m . p k + z 2 for some k, z 1 and some z 2 < p k . This includes initial digits (let z 1 = 0) and final digits (let z 2 = 0). So ... functions K 1 and K 2 such that K 1 ([x, y]) = x and K 2 ([x, y]) = y for all x and y. When z does not code any pair, we could let K 1 and K 2 be undefined on z; here, however, we let K 1 and K 2 ...

Ngày tải lên: 12/05/2014, 02:03

191 418 0