simple data binding in silverlight

Tài liệu Beginning Silverlight 5 in C Sharp 4th Edition docx

Tài liệu Beginning Silverlight 5 in C Sharp 4th Edition docx

... 12, “Styling in Silverlight, ” describes how you can control the styles of your Silverlight application’s user-interface elements You’ll learn about defining style properties inline using both ... user interface continues in the Windows operating system Perhaps the most prominent difference between Windows and previous versions of Windows is user-interface improvements Microsoft was very intent ... Chapter 4: Silverlight Controls 59  Chapter 5: Data Binding and Silverlight List Controls 89  Chapter 6: Silverlight Toolkit 129  Chapter 7: Data Access and Networking ...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 23:20

416 1,2K 0
Data Binding and Silverlight List Controls

Data Binding and Silverlight List Controls

... ■ DATA BINDING AND SILVERLIGHT LIST CONTROLS Figure 5-13 Adding a new class to the Silverlight project using using using using using using using using using using using Now define the StartingHands ... < /data: DataGridTemplateColumn.CellTemplate> < /data: DataGridTemplateColumn> /> < /data: DataGrid.Columns> ... would use the following XAML: Try It Out: Simple Data Binding in Silverlight To help explain data binding in Silverlight, let’s build a very simple application...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 03:20

32 347 1
Tài liệu Binding Simple Data to Web Forms Controls pdf

Tài liệu Binding Simple Data to Web Forms Controls pdf

... clicking the ellipsis ( ) in the (DataBindings) property To simple- bind a control, set the property of the control to a data- binding expression that resolves to a single value The data- binding ... in a DataTable using the Eval( ) method instead of using a data- binding expression might be: Text=" For more information about the DataBinder ... method in the code-behind page Instead of using an expression as previously shown, the static Eval( ) method of the DataBinder class can be used to simplify data binding when the value to bind is...

Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 10:20

3 343 0
microsoft silverlight 5 data and services cookbook [electronic resource] over 100 practical recipes for creating rich, data-driven, business applications in silverlight 5

microsoft silverlight 5 data and services cookbook [electronic resource] over 100 practical recipes for creating rich, data-driven, business applications in silverlight 5

... Introduction to Data Binding 37 Chapter 3: Advanced Data Binding 87 Introduction Displaying data in Silverlight applications Creating dynamic bindings Binding data to another UI element Binding ... Local Data 175 Introduction Displaying data in a customized DataGrid Inserting, updating, and deleting data in a DataGrid Sorting and grouping data in a DataGrid Filtering and paging data in a DataGrid ... also Data binding was used in this application It's also the topic of Chapter 2, An Introduction to Data Binding and Chapter 3, Advanced Data Binding, where we delve deep into what data binding...

Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2014, 17:28

662 578 0
Local Storage in Silverlight

Local Storage in Silverlight

... following example demonstrates storing the user’s name in IsolatedStorageSettings public partial class MainPage : UserControl { private IsolatedStorageSettings isSettings = IsolatedStorageSettings.ApplicationSettings; ... ShowGridLines="True">

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 04:20

30 373 0
Styling in Silverlight

Styling in Silverlight

... referenced in a control using an XAML markup extension You saw markup extensions in use in Chapter 5—when working with data binding in Silverlight, you set a control’s property using the form {Binding, ... STYLING IN SILVERLIGHT ... with setting and resetting inline properties in Expression Blend In these two exercises, you saw how to change the appearance of your Silverlight applications using inline properties in Visual...

Ngày tải lên: 05/10/2013, 04:20

31 199 0
Tài liệu Java and XML Data Binding Brett McLaughlin Publisher ppt

Tài liệu Java and XML Data Binding Brett McLaughlin Publisher ppt

... about XML data binding 1.3 What Is Data Binding? Before starting with the meat of the book, let me give you a basic introduction to data binding and the four concepts that make up a data binding package: ... found in data binding packages How these schemas actually look and act depends largely (at least at this point in data binding evolution) upon the data binding implementation Some binding schemas ... write the object out to XML in a single simple line of code Obviously, this is a case in which data binding can really shine Currently, data binding isn't used too much in SOAP implementations,...

Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 11:15

200 484 0
Tài liệu Windows Forms Controls and Data Binding ppt

Tài liệu Windows Forms Controls and Data Binding ppt

... text into the TextBox Using Complex Data Binding You have seen how to use simple data binding for attaching the property of a control to a single value in a data source Complex data binding is ... the (DataBindings) property for the numProducts label Click the Text property (inside DataBindings), and then click the drop-down menu that appears A window appears displaying a tree view of data ... changed any of the data since the database was created) 11 Close the form and return to the Visual Studio 2005 programming environment Dynamic Data Binding You can set the DataBindings property of...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 00:15

9 410 1


... packet switch called a Signal Transfer Point (STP) An STP routes each incoming message to an outgoing signaling link based on the routing information contained in the SS7 message Because it acts as ... the interconnection and inter-working of separate networks In addition to the inside network support applications such as SS7, the public networks are also increasingly involved in providing ... conversations Switching instructions created by dialing were sent on the same lines that carry voice conversations, as was information for long distance billing Thus, all signaling was in- band In the late...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 05:18

6 445 0
Tài liệu On Data Throughput in Structured Cabling Systems pptx

Tài liệu On Data Throughput in Structured Cabling Systems pptx

... an organisation in today’s global e-commerce environment The network cabling infrastructure must be able to support an enterprise’s increasing rates of data transmission now and in the future It’s ... cabling system on a continuous basis From this testing, measurements of impedance versus distance and frequency are made, finding the impedance mismatches and discontinuities in a network channel ... correctly installed TrueNet™ Cabling Systems have impedance which is within ±3 Ohms throughout the cabling channel Most impedance mismatch problems happen in the cross-connect patch cord in the...

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 05:20

4 272 0
Tài liệu Java and XML Data Binding ppt

Tài liệu Java and XML Data Binding ppt

... about XML data binding 1.3 What Is Data Binding? Before starting with the meat of the book, let me give you a basic introduction to data binding and the four concepts that make up a data binding package: ... found in data binding packages How these schemas actually look and act depends largely (at least at this point in data binding evolution) upon the data binding implementation Some binding schemas ... write the object out to XML in a single simple line of code Obviously, this is a case in which data binding can really shine Currently, data binding isn't used too much in SOAP implementations,...

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 16:20

200 1,3K 0
Tài liệu Limit the Data Displayed in a Bound List Box doc

Tài liệu Limit the Data Displayed in a Bound List Box doc

... of the data adapter Then Dataset1 is cleared of its data with the Clear method Finally, DataSet1 is refilled with data based off the value in txtCustLimit, using the data adapter Listing 1.2 ... code in Listing 1.2 in the Click event of the btnLoadList button This code loads the data entered from txtCustLimit into the parameter of the OleDBDataAdapter1, which was created by using the ? in ... Me.txtCustLimit.Text Me.DataSet1.Clear() Me.OleDbDataAdapter1.Fill(Me.DataSet1) End Sub Note There is one big difference here between an OleDbDataAdapter and a SqlDataAdapter Whereas the OleDbDataAdapter...

Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 12:20

4 323 0
Tài liệu Data Binding doc

Tài liệu Data Binding doc

... Data Binding Author : Xcross87 Binding Manager Class Tạo WinForm App project Đặt vào textbox button Trong phần code Form1.cs bạn chèn code sau : [code] using using using using using using using ... textBox1.DataBindings.Add("text", ds, "employees.firstname"); // Bind giá trị cột lastname vào textbox2 textBox2.DataBindings.Add("text", ds, "employees.lastname"); // Cài Binding Manager vào DataSet ... Đừng nghĩ Data Binding dễ nhé, phức tạp Chẳng qua code Data Binding Generate tự dộng nên làm thao tác đơn giản Nhưng không hay không hiểu cách thức làm việc Tóm lại Kết thúc Data Binding Page...

Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2014, 03:20

3 221 1
Tài liệu Báo cáo " Evaluation of ASTER Data Use in Land Use Study in the Mekong delta " pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo " Evaluation of ASTER Data Use in Land Use Study in the Mekong delta " pptx

... Evaluation of ASTER data use in land use study in the Mekong Delta 29 discrimination capacity of ASTER data in land use mapping of such a dynamic area as the Mekong Delta in Vietnam Forest stand ... digitizing the satellite image This is not an optimal approach (Congalton and Green, 1999), but the digitizing was performed independently from training areas by a well trained person not involved in ... forest reserve in Ca Mau The Forest Protection Department (FPD) of Ca Mau is responsible for administrating the diminishing forests ASTER data, preparation and ground truth The ASTER instrument has...

Ngày tải lên: 13/02/2014, 12:20

11 491 0
Tài liệu Fundamentals of OOP and Data Structures in Java Richard Wiene ppt

Tài liệu Fundamentals of OOP and Data Structures in Java Richard Wiene ppt

... Line(pt1, pt2); Line line2 = new Line(pt3, pt4); Line line3 = new Line(pt5, pt6); LineHolder lineHolder1 = new LineHolder(line1, line2); LineHolder lineHolder2; lineHolder2 = (LineHolder) lineHolder1.clone(); ... public void setLine1 (Line line1) { this.line1 = line1; } public void setLine2 (Line line2) { this.line2 = line2; } public String toString () { return ''line1: " + line1 + " line2: " + line2; } public ... 3); Point pt4 = new Point(4, 4); Point pt5 = new Point(5, 5); Point pt6 = new Point(6, 6); Line line1 = new Line(pt1, pt2); Line line2 = new Line(pt3, pt4); Line line3 = new Line(pt5, pt6); LineHolder...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 04:20

508 587 0


... government financing, leads to: – an increase of private financing: the patient will have to pay more “out of pocket” resulting in a growing private insurance market – an ever-increasing pressure ... and indicated the relevance of each intervention for inclusion in a future nursing minimum dataset with the previous nominated priorities In total 256 interventions, out of 433 were selected in ... nationwide uniform Nursing Minimum Dataset (NMDS) for a balanced sample of inpatient days This NMDS data allows investigating nursing care and interventions and nurse staffing from 1987 onwards...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 20:20

136 563 0
Data structures in c++ pdf

Data structures in c++ pdf

... ‫ف إي‬ 7) #include #include int size=10; int a[10],top=-1; int pop(); void del_pop(int[],int); void push(int[],int); main(){clrscr();int i,k; for(i=0;i>k;push(a,k);} ... ‫ا‬ ‫ا‬ ‫و‬ 5) #include #include int size=10; int a[10],top=-1; int pop(); void r(int[]); void push(int[],int); main(){clrscr();int i,k; for(i=0;i>k;push(a,k);} ... ف‬ ‫ا‬ ‫وه ا ا د‬ 9) #include #include int size=10; int a[10],tail=-1,head=-1; int p_q(); void add_q(int[],int); void del(int[],int); main(){clrscr();int i; for(i=0;i

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 20:20

68 462 2
Health Continuum and Data Exchange in Belgium and in the Netherlands doc

Health Continuum and Data Exchange in Belgium and in the Netherlands doc

... government financing, leads to: – an increase of private financing: the patient will have to pay more “out of pocket” resulting in a growing private insurance market – an ever-increasing pressure ... and indicated the relevance of each intervention for inclusion in a future nursing minimum dataset with the previous nominated priorities In total 256 interventions, out of 433 were selected in ... nationwide uniform Nursing Minimum Dataset (NMDS) for a balanced sample of inpatient days This NMDS data allows investigating nursing care and interventions and nurse staffing from 1987 onwards...

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

136 592 0
MVVM Survival Guide for Enterprise Architectures in Silverlight and WPF docx

MVVM Survival Guide for Enterprise Architectures in Silverlight and WPF docx

... Updating source 456 Binding. UpdateSourceTrigger 456 456 Binding. Delay: [.net 4.5] [Binding. Mode:TwoWay / OneWayToSource ] Mode [Binding. Mode] [T:Target, S:Source] 457 Binding to other elements in ... Testing and updating customer details 214 Gestures, events, and commands 216 InputBindings 217 KeyBinding 218 MouseBinding 219 Using code behind Event to command 220 221 Attached Behavior Using ... start by making this class a window and bringing in the namespaces we need using using using using using System; System.Windows; System.Windows.Controls; ProjectBilling.DataAccess; System.Windows.Media;...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 03:20

491 5,4K 4