... divides the human skull into the neurocranium, so called because it surrounds the brain, and the viscerocranium, which contains the orbits and the entries to the respiratory and digestive tracts The ... of their dysregulation The primary focus of this review then is on regulation of bone growth in the cranium by these three families: The ephrins, the fibroblast growth factors (FGFs), and the ... mice, the majority of sutures remain patent throughout the two-year lifespan of the animal Nevertheless, the developmental anatomy of the rodent skull otherwise closely parallels that of the human,...
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 22:20
... points in the sum of the 10 items of the DN4 questionnaire resulted in the best discriminant cut-off point for the overall sample Cut-off point in the DN4 questionnaire optimizing the sensitivity ... involve any drug or therapeutic management Nevertheless, the study design was approved by the IRB of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and was conducted in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration ... index, the positive (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV), the kappa coefficient of agreement with the diagnosis according to the standard criterion or reference diagnosis, and the area under the...
Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 22:20
báo cáo hóa học:" Validity and reliability of the Spanish version of the DN4 (Douleur Neuropathique 4 questions) questionnaire for differential diagnosis of pain syndromes associated to a neuropathic or somatic component" pdf
... points in the sum of the 10 items of the DN4 questionnaire resulted in the best discriminant cut-off point for the overall sample Cut-off point in the DN4 questionnaire optimizing the sensitivity ... involve any drug or therapeutic management Nevertheless, the study design was approved by the IRB of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and was conducted in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration ... index, the positive (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV), the kappa coefficient of agreement with the diagnosis according to the standard criterion or reference diagnosis, and the area under the...
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 16:20
Syndromes and a Century – Cấu trúc của sự tương phản docx
... câu chuyện thời niên thiếu đạo diễn bố mẹ bác sĩ ông Nếu người xem ý vào cấu trúc thấy phim không theo kiểu cấu trúc ba hồi Hollywood: nảy sinh- cao trào - giải khủng hoảng Do đó, để nhận thông ... ngồi trầm tư, qua hình ảnh quay ngược bệnh viện khiến người xem cảm thấy chông chênh, chóng mặt Âm theo hình ảnh với tốc độ chậm rãi tụ lại điểm đen cực lớn đầu đường ống với khói mờ bay lượn kết ... thiên nhiên lồng vào khuôn hình Nghệ thuật lấy cảnh quay phim tạo nhiều tương phản phần phần hai theo kiểu lặp lại tăng tiến Hay nói cách khác hơn, cảnh phần set up cảnh phần hai pay off Trong...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 20:20
Syndromes and a Century – Cấu trúc của sự tương phản potx
... câu chuyện thời niên thiếu đạo diễn bố mẹ bác sĩ ông Nếu người xem ý vào cấu trúc thấy phim không theo kiểu cấu trúc ba hồi Hollywood: nảy sinh- cao trào - giải khủng hoảng Do đó, để nhận thông ... ngồi trầm tư, qua hình ảnh quay ngược bệnh viện khiến người xem cảm thấy chông chênh, chóng mặt Âm theo hình ảnh với tốc độ chậm rãi tụ lại điểm đen cực lớn đầu đường ống với khói mờ bay lượn kết ... thiên nhiên lồng vào khuôn hình Nghệ thuật lấy cảnh quay phim tạo nhiều tương phản phần phần hai theo kiểu lặp lại tăng tiến Hay nói cách khác hơn, cảnh phần set up cảnh phần hai pay off Trong...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 20:20
Chapter 102. Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplasia, and Related Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes (Part 1) ppsx
... granulocytes (as in the immune leukopenias) Hematopoietic failure syndromes are classified by dominant morphologic features of the bone marrow (Table 102-1) While practical distinction among these syndromes ... distinction among these syndromes usually is clear, they can occur secondary to other diseases, and some processes are so closely related that the diagnosis may be complex Patients may seem to ... two or three related diseases simultaneously, or one diagnosis may appear to evolve into another Many of these syndromes share an immune-mediated mechanism of marrow destruction and some element...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20
Chapter 102. Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplasia, and Related Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes (Part 2) ppsx
... affected with equal frequency, but the age distribution is biphasic, with the major peak in the teens and twenties and a second rise in the elderly Etiology The origins of aplastic anemia have ... unfortunately, these relationships are not reliable in an individual patient and may not be etiologic In addition, while most cases of aplastic anemia are idiopathic, little other than history separates these ... (PNH; Chap 101) and to MDS, and in some cases a clear distinction among these disorders may not be possible Epidemiology The incidence of acquired aplastic anemia in Europe and Israel is two cases...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20
Chapter 102. Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplasia, and Related Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes (Part 3) pdf
... metabolites occurs in the normal diet and in the environment The association between marrow failure and other chemicals is much less well substantiated Drugs (Table 102-3) Many chemotherapeutic drugs ... causation: a drug may have been used to treat the first symptoms of bone marrow failure (antibiotics for fever or the preceding viral illness) or provoked the first symptom of a preexisting disease ... agents administered to the thrombocytopenic patient) In the context of total drug use, idiosyncratic reactions, while individually devastating, are rare events Chloramphenicol, the most infamous culprit,...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20
Chapter 102. Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplasia, and Related Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes (Part 4) pptx
... popular but unproven explanation for the aplastic anemia/PNH syndrome is selection of the deficient clones because they are favored for proliferation in the peculiar environment of immune-mediated ... nails, reticular hyperpigmentation, and the development of aplastic anemia during childhood The X-linked variety is due to mutations in the DKC1 (dyskerin) gene; the more unusual autosomal dominant ... acquired mutation in the PIG-A gene in a hematopoietic stem cell is required for the development of PNH, but PIG-A mutations probably occur commonly in normal individuals If the PIG-A mutant stem...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20
Chapter 102. Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplasia, and Related Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes (Part 5) pdf
... aspirate smear The marrow is normally 30–70% cellular, and there is a heterogeneous mix of myeloid, erythroid, and lymphoid cells C Aplastic anemia biopsy D Marrow smear in aplastic anemia The marrow ... The metabolic pathways of many drugs and chemicals, especially if they are polar and have limited water solubility, involve enzymatic degradation to highly reactive electrophilic compounds; these ... intermediates or failure to detoxify the intermediates may be genetically determined and apparent only on specific drug challenge; the complexity and specificity of the pathways imply multiple susceptibility...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20
Chapter 102. Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplasia, and Related Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes (Part 6) ppt
... gentleness to avoid trauma; these will often show bleeding from the cervical os and blood in the stool Pallor of the skin and mucous membranes is common except in the most acute cases or those ... some of the T cells may recognize true self-antigens The rarity of aplastic anemia despite common exposures (medicines, hepatitis virus) suggests that genetically determined features of the immune ... abruptness or have a more insidious onset Bleeding is the most common early symptom; a complaint of days to weeks of easy bruising, oozing from the gums, nose bleeds, heavy menstrual flow, and sometimes...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20
Chapter 102. Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplasia, and Related Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes (Part 7) docx
... secondary, the primary diagnosis is usually obvious from either history or physical examination: the massive spleen of alcoholic cirrhosis, the history of metastatic cancer or systemic lupus erythematosus, ... ultrasound if the physical examination of the abdomen is unsatisfactory MRI may be helpful to assess the fat content of a few vertebrae in order to distinguish aplasia from MDS Diagnosis The diagnosis ... replaced the Ham test for the diagnosis of PNH Serologic studies may show evidence of viral infection, such as Epstein-Barr virus and HIV Posthepatitis aplastic anemia is typically seronegative The...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20
Chapter 102. Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplasia, and Related Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes (Part 8) potx
... Occasionally, a full phenotypic match can be found within the family and serve as well Far more available are other alternative donors, either unrelated but histocompatible volunteers or closely ... leukocyte count adequate to prevent infection) in about 50% of patients The addition of cyclosporine to either ALG or ATG has further increased response rates to about 70% and especially improved ... made at the time of presentation of aplastic anemia by flow cytometry; recovered patients may have frank hemolysis if the PNH clone expands Bone marrow examinations should be performed if there...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20
Chapter 102. Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplasia, and Related Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes (Part 9) docx
... the patient may survive to benefit from definitive therapy or, having failed treatment, to maintain a reasonable existence in the face of pancytopenia First and most important, infection in the ... maintain the platelet count >10,000/µL (oozing from the gut, and presumably also from other vascular beds, increases precipitously at counts
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20
Chapter 102. Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplasia, and Related Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes (Part 10) pot
... malignancies (and more rarely other hematologic diseases) Paraneoplastic to solid tumors Connective tissue disorders with immunologic abnormalities Systemic lupus erythematosus, juvenile rheumatoid ... mechanisms Antibodies to red blood cell precursors are frequently present in the blood, but T cell inhibition is probably the more common immune mechanism Cytotoxic lymphocyte activity restricted ... diseases A small minority of cases occur with a thymoma More frequently, red cell aplasia can be the major manifestation of large granular lymphocytosis or may occur in chronic lymphocytic leukemia...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20
Chapter 102. Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplasia, and Related Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes (Part 11) docx
... Giant pronormoblast, the cytopathic effect of B19 parvovirus infection of the erythroid progenitor cell B Uninuclear megakaryocyte and microblastic erythroid precursors typical of the 5q– myelodysplasia ... individuals, the temporary cessation of red cell production is not clinically apparent, and skin and joint symptoms ... sideroblast showing perinuclear iron granules D Tumor cells present on a touch preparation made from the marrow biopsy of a patient with metastatic carcinoma ...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20
Chapter 102. Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplasia, and Related Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes (Part 12) pot
... (CMML) The (RAEB-t), World Health and chronic Organization classification (2002) recognizes that the distinction between RAEB-t and acute myeloid leukemia is arbitrary and groups them together ... cyclosporine, ATG, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, and the monoclonal antibodydaclizumab, an antibody to the IL-2 receptor PRCA developing on erythropoietin therapy should be treated with immunosuppression ... consequent ineffective blood cell production A clinically useful nosology of these entities was first developed by the French-American-British Cooperative Group in 1983 Five entities were defined:...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20
Chapter 102. Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplasia, and Related Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes (Part 13) doc
... disordered iron metabolism are the functional consequences of the genetic alterations Clinical Features Anemia dominates the early course Most symptomatic patients complain of the gradual onset of fatigue ... and others have been reported in some patients but likely occur late in the sequence leading to leukemic transformation Apoptosis of marrow cells is increased in MDS, presumably due to these ... dyspnea, and pallor, but at least half the patients are asymptomatic and their MDS is discovered only incidentally on routine blood counts Previous chemotherapy or radiation exposure is an important...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20
Chapter 102. Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplasia, and Related Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes (Part 14) potx
... difficult are the distinctions between hypocellular MDS and aplasia or between refractory anemia with excess blasts and early acute leukemia The World Health Organization considers the presence ... Organization considers the presence of 20% blasts in the marrow as the criterion that separates acute myeloid leukemia from MDS Prognosis The median survival varies greatly from years for patients ... succumb to other diseases unrelated to their MDS Precipitous worsening of pancytopenia, acquisition of new chromosomal abnormalities on serial cytogenetic determination, and increase in the number...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20
Chapter 102. Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplasia, and Related Bone Marrow Failure Syndromes (Part 15) ppt
... size Inability to aspirate the bone marrow, the characteristic "dry tap," can allow a presumptive diagnosis in the appropriate setting before the biopsy is decalcified The course of secondary myelofibrosis ... hairy cell leukemia The pathophysiology has three distinct features: proliferation of fibroblasts in the marrow space (myelofibrosis); the extension of hematopoiesis into the long bones and into ... bones and into extramedullary sites, usually the spleen, liver, and lymph nodes (myeloid metaplasia); and ineffective erythropoiesis The etiology of the fibrosis is unknown but most likely involves...
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 04:20