seismic design vessel on lugs 1

pressure vessel design manual

pressure vessel design manual

... 62 31 59 00 48 54 60 66 72 78 84 90 96 10 2 10 8 11 4 12 0 12 6 13 2 13 8 14 4 15 0 15 6 16 2 280 0 235 437 203 377 17 8 330 15 7 293 13 8 263 12 4 237 11 0 212 99 19 0 90 17 3 82 16 0 76 14 8 70 13 8 65 12 8 61 120 ... 789 916 1, 053 864 994 817 940 1, 073 8 91 1, 017 1, 152 966 1, 095 919 co 1, 042 0 603 1, 124 569 1, 060 538 1, 002 510 950 485 902 462 859 440 819 00 673 1, 253 636 1, 185 603 1, 123 573 1, 066 546 1, 015 520 ... 57 11 3 54 10 6 51 98 49 92 46 87 44 83 358 00 306 437 0 268 499 238 442 213 396 19 3 359 17 5 327 15 7 300 14 3 274 13 0 249 1i a 228 10 9 21 1 01 197 95 18 4 88 17 3 a3 16 3 78 15 4 74 14 6 70 13 8 67 13 1...

Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 16:47

518 2,3K 1
Báo cáo khoa học: Design of expression vectors for RNA interference based on miRNAs and RNA splicing potx

Báo cáo khoa học: Design of expression vectors for RNA interference based on miRNAs and RNA splicing potx

... Cell 15 , 10 24 10 30 17 Frohman MA, Sung T-C & Morris AJ (19 99) Phospholipase D Structure and Regulation Biochem Biophys Acta 14 39, 17 5 18 6 18 Zhou H, Xia XG & Xu Z (2005) An RNA polymerase II construct ... in mammalian cells Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 10 2, 13 212 13 217 Artificial miRNA from introns Dickins RA, Hemann MT, Zilfou JT, Simpson DR, Ibarra I, Hannon GJ & Lowe SW (2005) Probing tumor phenotypes ... genomic context: exonic miRNA in noncoding transcripts, intronic miRNAs in noncoding transcripts, and intronic miRNAs in protein-coding transcripts [8,9] Based on the accumulating knowledge on miRNA...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 11:20

7 515 0
Design of Electrical Services for Buildings fourth edition docx

Design of Electrical Services for Buildings fourth edition docx

... Regulations 412 –03 Regulations 4 71 05 Section 476 Section 511 Design of electrical services for buildings Section 512 Section 537 Section 553 28 Chapter Cable Introduction Electricity is conveyed ... Hall Ltd Second edition published by 19 82 Third edition published 19 89 Reprinted 20 01 by Spon Press Fourth Edition published 2005 by Spon Press Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon 0X14 4RN Simultaneously ... systems 17 5 12 Reduced-voltage systems 18 5 13 Communal and closed-circuit TV systems 18 8 14 Lightning protection 212 15 Emergency supplies 228 16 Lifts, escalators and paternosters 235 17 Regulations...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 08:20

318 469 0
Design of hydraulic systems for lift truck

Design of hydraulic systems for lift truck

... Equation 30 The Torricelli Equation 31 Chapter 3: Hydraulic system components 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Flow Restrictors Pressure ... application of the above equation is when the equation is applied between two points on a steam line p1 + 1 ρ 1 + γz1 = p + ρϑ2 + γz 2 2.30 Fig 2.5 The Bernoulli equation was formulated it in 17 38 ... iii Structuring the design process 10 6 Definitions of tools used 10 8 Description of the design process steps 11 0 Design guidelines ...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 11:37

264 876 10
Báo cáo hóa học: " Exploring the bases for a mixed reality stroke rehabilitation system, Part II: Design of Interactive Feedback for upper limb rehabilitation" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Exploring the bases for a mixed reality stroke rehabilitation system, Part II: Design of Interactive Feedback for upper limb rehabilitation" doc

... Compensation 19 .1% 12 .1% 11 .2% 6.5% 25.3% Torso Twist Compensation 11 .8% 27.5% 3.6% 26.3% 16 .9% Horizontal Trajectory Error 13 .0% 1. 3% -3 .1% -18 4.0% 2.2% Vertical Trajectory Error 2.5% 22 .1% -23.8% 17 .8% ... Compensation 13 .9% 21. 4% 0.8% 9 .1% 31. 5% Torso Forward Compensation 37.7% 33.6% 23.7% -3 216 .0% 39.2% Torso Twist Compensation 18 .7% 26.7% - 31. 1% 2.3% 30.3% Horizontal Trajectory Error 10 .3% 4.8% ... 2.5% 22 .1% -23.8% 17 .8% 11 .1% Forearm Rotation Error -0.2% 0 .1% 31. 0% 5.9% -1. 8% Shoulder Elevation Compensation 4 .1% 2 .1% 5.8% 0.9% 0.8% Shoulder Forward Compensation 0 .1% 0.8% 0.6% 27.5% -2.2%...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 08:20

21 438 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Multiple-Clock-Cycle Architecture for the VLSI Design of a System for Time-Frequency Analysis" doc

Báo cáo hóa học: " Multiple-Clock-Cycle Architecture for the VLSI Design of a System for Time-Frequency Analysis" doc

... 0] D 18 64 ShLorNo[0] D0 STFT0 [7 0] D5 cumSM [19 0] D 25 SM [19 0] 18 267 260 64 18 267 260 64 18 267 260 1 0 1 0 1 36 49 14 5 235 64 D0 10 6 25 10 6 19 0 235 (b) Figure 11 : Simulation illustration ... 10 1 14 4 41 55% EPF10K20TC144-3 Real 8-bits SCI 17 28 75 29 10 0% EPF10K30RC208-3 Real 16 -bits MCI 17 72 19 7 14 4 69 76% EPF10K40RC208-3 Real 16 -bits SCI 5498 14 7 57 No fit Not fit in the largest of 10 ... 229–240, 19 83 M G Amin, “Spectral smoothing and recursion based on the nonstationarity of the autocorrelation function,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol 39, no 1, pp 18 3 18 5, 19 91 V N...

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 23:20

18 385 0
Analysis of Closed-Loop Performance and Frequency-Domain Design of Compensating Filters for Sliding Mode Control Systems

Analysis of Closed-Loop Performance and Frequency-Domain Design of Compensating Filters for Sliding Mode Control Systems

... any positive integer r ≥ 1: S1 (1) = ln2 1 1 + r − r + = − r 1 ς(r) 2r 1 1 S2 (r) = + r +1 + r +1 + r +1 + = − r +1 S1 (r) = − ς(r + 1) where ς(r) is Riemann Zeta Function [19 ] It can be shown that ... 4c π [0.5 sin(2πk 1 /( 1 + θ2 ))Re Wl (jkω) k =1 (13 ) +sin2 (πk 1 /( 1 + θ2 ))Im Wl (jkω)]/k 4c π y( 1 ) = y0 + ∞ [0.5 sin(2πk 1 /( 1 + θ ))Re Wl (jkω) k =1 (14 ) −sin (πk 1 /( 1 + θ2 ))Im Wl (jkω)]/k ... function we can write: 2θkn d(θ − θ2 ) (18 ) = df0 c (1 + kn |Wl (0)|) f0 =0 Solving together equations (17 ) and (18 ) for kn we obtain the following expression: (19 ) kn = ∞ ( 1) k Re Wl (kπ/θ) k=1...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2015, 09:37

20 420 0
Characterization and design of CMOS components for microwave and millimeter wave applications

Characterization and design of CMOS components for microwave and millimeter wave applications

... below: Y1 = Y 11, open + Y12,open (2 .12 a) Y2 = Y22,open + Y12,open (2 .12 b) Y3 = −Y12,open (2 .12 c) Z2 = Z1 = Z1 = − − Y 11, short1 Y22,short2 Y12,thru 1 − + − Y 11, short1 Y22,short2 Y12,thru 1 + − Y 11, short1 ... DUT; Solve Y1 and Z2 from the Y-parameters of the “thru” converted from S DU T , thru thru thru thru thru S thru as: Y1 = Y 11 + Y12 = Y22 + Y 21 , and Z2 = − (1/ Y12 )/2 = thru − (1/ Y 21 )/2;  Solve ... The S-parameters are defined in relation to the reflected and incident 12 power waves at each of the network ports as b1 = S 11 a1 + S12 a2 (2 .1) b2 = S 21 a1 + S22 a2 where the waves an and bn are...

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 09:42

149 355 0
Design of protein linkers for the controlled assembly of nanoparticles

Design of protein linkers for the controlled assembly of nanoparticles

... 11 1 CHAPTER ASSEMBLY OF TIO2 NANOPARTICLES ON DNA SCAFFOLD USING ENGINEERED LACI 6 .1 Introduction 11 2 6.2 Experimental Section 11 3 6.2 .1 SPR analysis of DNA/LacI-STB1/TiO2 ... process on Au surface 11 3 6.2.2 TEM of DNA/LacI-STB1/TiO2 NPs assembly 11 4 6.3 Results and Discussion 11 5 6.4 Summary 12 3 CHAPTER CONTEXT-DEPENDENT ADSORPTION ... et al., 19 71) , is a very specific protein-DNA recognition conjugate with an extremely high affinity, Kd = 10 -11 to 10 -13 M (Falcon and Matthews, 2000) The crystal structure of LacI-lacO conjugate...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 14:08

184 614 0
Design of viral vectors for improved gene delivery

Design of viral vectors for improved gene delivery

... 12 4 12 4 12 6 12 6 12 6 12 7 12 8 13 0 13 1 13 2 13 3 13 3 13 3 13 3 13 4 13 4 13 4 13 5 13 5 13 6 13 6 13 7 13 7 13 8 13 8 13 9 13 9 13 9 14 0 14 0 14 4 14 4 14 7 15 2 15 2 15 2 15 5 15 8 16 1 16 4 vi 5.3.2 .1 Enrichment of “glioma-specific” ... overexpression of exogenous Fas or FADD 67 67 67 68 68 69 69 71 71 73 73 77 79 79 82 95 95 95 96 98 98 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 1 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 5 10 8 10 8 10 8 11 3 11 3 11 6 v 4.4 Discussion Chapter 11 9 Strategies ... vehicles 1. 5 .1. 2 .1 Recombinant HSV -1 1.5 .1. 2.2 Replication competent HSV -1 1.5 .1. 2.3 Replication defective HSV -1 amplicons 1. 6 Transcriptional regulation system 1. 6 .1 Tetracycline-regulated system 1. 6.2...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 15:54

244 294 0
Design of artificial microenvironment for cord blood CD34+ cells expansion ex vivo

Design of artificial microenvironment for cord blood CD34+ cells expansion ex vivo

... Discussion 63 6.3 .1 FN conformation and its bioactivity 63 6.3.2 FN adsorption 64 6.3.3 FN conjugation and fibrillogenesis .64 Chapter Conclusions 7 .1 Conclusions…………………………… ... 10 2.2.2 Evaluation of ex vivo expansion 11 2.2.3 Expansion systems 12 2.2.3 .1 Stroma dependent expansion 12 Stroma independent expansion 14 2.3 Review of ... Introduction 1. 1 Purpose 1. 2 Motivation 1. 3 Objectives and Scope .3 Chapter Literature Survey 2 .1 Review of HSC and clinic application 2 .1. 1 Hematopoiesis...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2015, 15:44

93 273 0
Performance of Modern Techniques for Rating Model Design

Performance of Modern Techniques for Rating Model Design

... Parameters 99.583 10 0 0.040956 0.04 719 9 0.047054 90.556 10 0 0.093823 0.092 014 0.0 919 43 30. 417 79.306 1. 7063 1. 813 8 1. 812 4 26 .11 1 37. 619 69.722 85.556 1. 9457 1. 0046 1. 912 9 1. 126 1. 911 5 1. 115 8 Table Gradient ... Parameters 10 0 10 0 0.042344 0.0609 41 0.057932 16 92.639 10 0 0.085679 0 .11 673 0 .11 528 16 44.8 61 84.028 1. 5082 2.0399 2. 014 7 16 27.083 43.968 75. 417 90.476 1. 6907 0.792 81 2. 218 5 1. 712 8 2 .19 11 1.5039 16 ... 0 .12 283 0 .12 132 16 34 .16 7 83.333 1. 6303 1. 915 9 1. 8923 16 23.333 43.333 70 .13 9 88.73 2 .11 56 0.83 818 2.4664 1. 8462 2.436 1. 6 211 16 22 Table 15 Simple BackPropagation Accuracy 6 .1. 2 Quick Propagation It’s...

Ngày tải lên: 16/04/2013, 20:00

23 510 0
Novel design of a compacted micro-structured air-breathing PEM fuel cell as a power source for mobile phones

Novel design of a compacted micro-structured air-breathing PEM fuel cell as a power source for mobile phones

... (Pa) The functional variation of capillary pressure with saturation is calculated as follows [7]; 12 ⎛ ε ⎞ Pc = σ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ KP ⎠ (1. 417 (1 − sat ) − 2 .12 (1 − sat ) + 1. 263 (1 − sat ) ) (12 ) where σ is ... energy environ., 2 010 , 1( 2), 18 3 -19 8 [11 ] Lampinen M.J., and Fomino M Analysis of free energy and entropy changes for half-cell reactions, J Electrochem Soc., 19 93; 14 0 (12 ), 3537–3546 [12 ] Siegel ... (Online) ©2 010 International Energy & Environment Foundation All rights reserved International Journal of Energy and Environment (IJEE), Volume 1, Issue 4, 2 010 , pp.555-572 5 71 The variation...

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 14:58

18 549 0
Tài liệu Design of Feedback Control Systems for Stable Plants with Saturating Actuators ppt

Tài liệu Design of Feedback Control Systems for Stable Plants with Saturating Actuators ppt

... Page 19 -1. 5 1 -3 1 0 -2 -2 1 t) = -1. 5 -5 1. 8 y(t) =1 2.4 -3 .1 - x.5 + (t) (4 .19 ) -2.8 x(t) (4.20) (4. 21) us(t) = sat(u(t)) Singular values of the plant 10 0 10 1. 0 q 0 .1 0. 01 0 .1 1.0 10 10 0 log ... attack (rad)(4. 31) pitch angle (rad) Singular values of the F8 model 10 00 10 ' 0o .1 0.0 01 0. 01 0 .1 1.0 10 10 0 log w (radlsec) Figure 4 .15 : Singular values of the F8 model Figure 4 .15 shows the singular ... sI-Aa-BaG-HCa ]-1H (4.35) Ka(S) =-K(s) (4.36) where - 844 819 -11 .54 13 .47 -.86 25 -47.4 15 L 4.68 -4.8 4.82 14 [-52.23 -3.36 73 .1 - 0006 -94.3 10 72 -3.36 -29.7 -2 .19 -.006 908.9 -921J Page 31 The LQG/LTR...

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 10:20

39 597 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Design, structure and biological activity of b-turn peptides of CD2 protein for inhibition of T-cell adhesion ppt

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Design, structure and biological activity of b-turn peptides of CD2 protein for inhibition of T-cell adhesion ppt

... Pober, J.S (19 97) Ó FEBS 2004 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Design of peptides for T-cell adhesion inhibition (Eur J Biochem 2 71) 2885 Blockade of CD2–LFA)3 interactions protects ... the b-turn region also forms a hydrogen bond with Asp33 Cluster Rank Lowest docked energy (kcalÆmole )1) Number of conformations in the cluster 2 )15 .7 )15 .5 )15 .2 )13 .2 )15 .5 )14 .9 1 Table Amino ... at various concentrations to Caco-2 cell monolayers After incubation at 37 °C for 30 min, the labeled Jurkat cells (1 · 10 6 cellsÆwell )1) were added onto the monolayers After incubation at 37 °C...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 13:20

14 658 0
Tài liệu Novel Design of an Integrated Pulp Mill Biorefinery for the Production of Biofuels for Transportation pot

Tài liệu Novel Design of an Integrated Pulp Mill Biorefinery for the Production of Biofuels for Transportation pot

... 6 .1 0.6 0.0 0.7 6 .1 3.2 0.2 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 17 .0 From Coal (kg) 62.7 4.3 1. 1 3.3 5 .1 0 2.9 1. 4 0 .1 2.9 0.0 0.2 0.0 0 .1 0.0 0 .1 84.3 Total (kg) 68.7 4.9 1. 2 4.0 11 .2 3.2 0.2 0 .1 2.894 1. 403 0.0 61 ... 0.026 0 .11 2 0.005 0 .13 6 10 1.3 Wt Percent 67.8% 4.9% 1. 1% 4.0% 11 .0% 3.2% 0.2% 0.05% 2.9% 1. 4% 0 .1% 2.9% 0.0% 0.2% 0.0% 0 .1% 0.0% 0 .1% The project goal for DME synthesis was 0.8 million tons per ... H2 CO 37.0 45.7 2.02 28. 01 3.7% 62.7% 12 0 .1 10.9 CO2 13 .5 44. 01 29 .1% CH4 1. 2 16 .04 0.9% 50 .1 N2 1. 9 28. 01 2.6% H2S Syngas 0.7 34.08 1. 1% 11 .69 3.2.4 Slag Properties and Chemical Recovery Molten...

Ngày tải lên: 26/02/2014, 14:20

105 518 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Investigations into the ability of an oblique a-helical template to provide the basis for design of an antimicrobial anionic amphiphilic peptide pot

Báo cáo khoa học: Investigations into the ability of an oblique a-helical template to provide the basis for design of an antimicrobial anionic amphiphilic peptide pot

... 200 15 0 10 0 50 -AMP AP1 H5 1. 20 C (lM) p (mNặm )1) 0.5 10 15 20 25 30 0.9 5 .15 6.5 7.9 9.32 10 .65 11 .26 11 .32 11 .33 A (nm2) G 4.8 3 .1 4.3 6 .1 8.3 1. 0 1. 2 1. 3 1. 3 ã ã ã ã ã ã ã ã ã 10 )8 10 )7 10 )7 ... (mNặm )1) 10 15 DGMix (Jặmol )1) DH (Jặmol )1) a AP1 +AP1 AP1 +AP1 AP1 +AP1 )10 6 .11 )258.02 )387 .10 0.60 7. 91 12. 51 )7.35 )17 .88 )26.83 0.04 0.55 0.87 )8986.72 ) 218 52.82 )32785.45 51. 00 669.85 10 59.37 ... described in the text Cs (mNặm )1) Pressure p (mNặm )1) Ole2PtdGro Ole2PtdEtn Cardiolipin E coli 10 15 17 .3 14 .5 12 .1 29.3 28.8 24.5 11 .1 13.8 16 .2 26.6 25.3 23.7 corresponding to this collapse pressure...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 12:20

12 689 0


... which has as a consequence that in FFP one can create new functionals The monitor M is just the definition of one such'functional just add definitions to the control, reap data definition stores of ... system monitor uld is the user language definition in BNF cd is the control definition (controldef in F i g 4.) dd is the data definition (datadef in Fig 4.) usd is the user solution definition Note ... organisation using the convention that a module preceded by a colon is constructed by executing the shell commands on the next A user programe presupposes, and an inner program contains a number of control...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 18:20

10 557 0