security issues in the internet

BÁO cáo đề tài security in the internet of things

BÁO cáo đề tài security in the internet of things

... giải pháp khắc phục  4.3 Quản lý hệ thống an ninh RFID I)Tổng quuan secuurity in the internet of things 1.1 Internet of things gì?  Internet of Things (IoT) mơ hình mạng lưới vật thể kết nối, ... IV) Ứng dụng thực tế - hệ thống an ninh RFID Mục Lục  Tổng quan Security in the Internet of things  1.1 Internet of things gì?  1.2 Sự quan trọng bảo mật IoT  Nguy hệ thống ... THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH BÁO CÁO MƠN CHUN ĐỀ ĐỀ TÀI: Security In The Internet of Things GVHD: Th.S Lại Nguyễn Duy Nhóm: Danh sách thành viên Trần Văn Huy (NT) Đỗ Tấn Khoa Mai Minh Đức Võ Văn Toàn

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2022, 15:12

49 36 0
(TIỂU LUẬN) báo cáo đề tài security in the internet of things

(TIỂU LUẬN) báo cáo đề tài security in the internet of things

... giải pháp khắc phục 4.3 Quản lý hệ thống an ninh RFID I)Tổng quuan secuurity in the internet of things 1.1 Internet of things gì?   Internet of Things (IoT) mơ hình mạng lưới vật thể kết nối, ... Văn Huy (NT) Đỗ Tấn Khoa Mai Minh Đức Võ Văn Toàn Mục Lục  Tổng quan Security in the Internet of things  1.1 Internet of things gì?   Nguy hệ thống hình thức công    1.2 Sự quan trọng bảo ... THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH BÁO CÁO MƠN CHUN ĐỀ ĐỀ TÀI: Security In The Internet of Things GVHD: Th.S Lại Nguyễn Duy Nhóm: Danh sách thành viên Trần Văn Huy (NT) Đỗ Tấn Khoa Mai Minh Đức Võ Văn Toàn

Ngày tải lên: 02/12/2022, 08:33

49 34 0
Tổng quan về security in the internet  of things

Tổng quan về security in the internet of things

... và kỹ thuật an ninh trong IoTs IV) Ứng dụng thực tế - hệ thống an ninh trong RFID 3 Click to edit Master title style Sec_IoT 4 I. Tổng quan về Security in the Internet of things Click to edit ... 1020207 Nguyễn Phạm Anh Minh 1020120 Nguyễn Đình Sơn 1020180 Nguyễn Hải Thượng 0920235 Click to edit Master title style Sec_IoT I) Tổng quan về security in the internet of things II) Nguy cơ hệ thống ... Click to edit Master title style Sec_IoT Security In the Internet of Things 1 Môn học: Công Nghệ Mạng Giáo viên phụ trách: Th.s Nguyễn Việt Hà Báo cáo seminar Click to edit Master title style Sec_IoT

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2021, 19:12

49 1,4K 15
Tài liệu Powerful Offline Marketing In The Internet Age ppt

Tài liệu Powerful Offline Marketing In The Internet Age ppt

... 101 Ways To Promote Your Business For Maximum Profits Powerful Offline Marketing In The Internet Age 101 Ways To Promote Your Business For Maximum Profits Introduction: In February ... for marketing offline, which is something more online Marketers should be doing Ideally we should all be marketing both offline and online Well these folks delivered the goods, and while the call ... is it for them to stick another card in their mailing…their costs are incremental and their profit is high even on remnant rates) A couple other tips: When you see repeat advertisers in a deck,

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 10:15

59 346 0
news in the internet age new trends in news publishing docx

news in the internet age new trends in news publishing docx

... 3.1 Proportion of individuals reading/downloading online newspapersinews magazines over the Internet for private purposes 15 Figure 3.2 Individuals who used the Internet in the last three months ... 2 News in the Internet Age NEW TRENDS IN NEWS PUBLISHING Trang 4 News in the Internet Age NEW TRENDS IN NEWS PUBLISHING (@ Trang 5 ‘This work is published on the responsibility of the Secretary ... declines in the newspaper industry have been ongoing since 1997 for many OECD countries But they have intensified since 2008 particularly in countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom,

Ngày tải lên: 09/03/2014, 12:20

162 261 0
Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework pot

Commercial Data Privacy and Innovation in the Internet Economy: A Dynamic Policy Framework pot

... around the world, including in the European Union, policymakers are rethinking their privacy frameworks As a leader in the global Internet economy, it is incumbent on the United ... of the Internet without stifling innovation requires a fresh look at Internet policy. For this reason, in April 2010, I launched an Internet Policy Task Force (IPTF), which brings together the ... PrivaCy anD innovation in the internet eConomy: a DynamiC PoliCy Framework the DePartment oF CommerCe internet PoliCy task ForCe MESSAGE FROM SECRETARY OF COMMERCE GARY LOCKE The Internet

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 03:20

88 398 0
Policy Issues In The Development Of Personalized Medicine in Oncology docx

Policy Issues In The Development Of Personalized Medicine in Oncology docx

... defining the intended use of. .. determined by assays with FLT3 inhibition using patient serum In leukemia cell lines, a drug could inhibit 80–90 percent of FLT3 receptor activity in the ... percent inhibition in the presence of serum from other patients In addition, this study found that clinical response to these drugs correlated with the degree of inhibition achieved in ... when they assess the function of just one key protein Genetic... Instead, he relied on the National Cancer Institute (NCI) for funding Only when the FDA changed the drug label of irinotecan

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 11:20

95 331 0
The Role of Digital Identity Management in the Internet Economy doc

The Role of Digital Identity Management in the Internet Economy doc

... large-size businesses in OECD countries were using the Internet, with some 25% of individuals buying goods and services on line, and 30% using Internet banking services E-government is also on the rise, ... protection of individuals and their digital identities As a key factor in increasing trust in online activities, IdM is also a key factor in fostering the growth of the Internet economy Given the current ... and practices, there is a risk of identity information being released into the digital environment, facilitating the tracking of individuals‟ movements on the Internet or creating opportunities

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 23:21

22 503 0
Perceptions About Network Security: Survey of IT & IT security practitioners in the U.S. pptx

Perceptions About Network Security: Survey of IT & IT security practitioners in the U.S. pptx

... Findings The following... resulted in 688 individuals completing the survey of which 105 were rejected for reliability issues Our final sample before screening was 583, thus resulting ... contributes to the insider risk. In addition to simplifying their security operations and increasing available resources, organizations should consider the importance of training and awareness. ... over the past 12 months Bar Charts 2 and 3 on the following page show perceptions about the security of the IT infrastructure and the level of confidence in the ability to prevent network security

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 22:20

25 349 0
Constraint-Based Routing in the Internet: Basic Principles and Recent Research doc

Constraint-Based Routing in the Internet: Basic Principles and Recent Research doc

... to the introduction of efficient mechanisms for maintaining, updating, and searching routing tables, pro-active routing has been the most appealing approach in the Internet Among the four combinations, ... [13] A routing and forwarding technique sometimes applied in the Internet is source routing Source routing is a technique in which the source specifies the whole path to the destination in the packet ... applies to both intra-domain and inter-domain routing In inter-domain routing, however, a node in the graph represents an AS An important problem with inter-domain policy routing is policy rule

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 20:20

15 454 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Enabling direct connectivity between heterogeneous objects in the internet of things through a network-service-oriented architecture" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Enabling direct connectivity between heterogeneous objects in the internet of things through a network-service-oriented architecture" docx

... only delays the parameters in the waiting space of the initial node: packets are not further delayed in intermediate nodes. Since the aggregation is part of the IDRA architecture, the aggregation ... discussed their relevance in the context of the internet of things. This next section describes in more detail on how IDRA can support two important internet of things use cases: (1) supporting backward ... occ ur gradually by standardizing a further decomposition of the protocol layer into multi- ple well-defined network services. In the context of the internet of things, a network-ser- vice-oriented

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

14 660 3
Powerful Offline Marketing In The Internet Age ppt

Powerful Offline Marketing In The Internet Age ppt

... Powerful Offline Marketing In The Internet Age 101 Ways To Promote Your Business For Maximum Profits 101 Ways To Promote Your Business For Maximum Profits Powerful Offline Marketing In The Internet ... on everything they buy in one visit The catch is they have to come into your store to find out the amount of the discount The chance that they may have... to come again The local ... Offline Marketing In The Internet Age 101 Ways To Promote Your Business For Maximum Profits Introduction: In February 2006, John Ritskowitz hosted a teleseminar with Michel Fortin, David Garfinkel,

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 18:20

65 246 0
Marketing Multiple Choice Solutions: Marketing in the internet age

Marketing Multiple Choice Solutions: Marketing in the internet age

... via the Internet E -marketing is the e-selling side of e-commerce (using the promotional mix components over the Internet) Difficulty: (2) Page: 82 87 E-commerce and the Internet ... phrase? a. The Internet can be convenient. b. The Internet is interactive and immediate. c. The Internet can provide buyers with greater product access and selection. d. The Internet can ... relationship building. b. The Internet is a more secure place to conduct transactions than in a retail environment. c. The Internet reduces costs and increases speed and efficiency. d. The Internet

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2014, 21:11

22 549 1
The Future Security Environment in the Middle East Conflict, Stability, and Political Change phần 1 ppt

The Future Security Environment in the Middle East Conflict, Stability, and Political Change phần 1 ppt

... of papers examines emerging security trends that will shape the Persian Gulf in the coming years. The authors address a number of topics that will affect regional security, including prospects ... Alleviating Poverty 68 The Jungle of Cities 72 Saving Water 74 Obtaining Food 75 Attracting Money for Investment 76 Egypt 78 The Background of Reform 79 The Promise of Reform 81 The Performance 82 The ... interests U.S INTERESTS IN THE MIDDLE EAST The United States has many vital and enduring interests in the Middle East 1 Six important U.S interests include countering terrorism,

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

37 313 0
The Future Security Environment in the Middle East Conflict, Stability, and Political Change phần 2 ppt

The Future Security Environment in the Middle East Conflict, Stability, and Political Change phần 2 ppt

... that the rentier model is becoming increas- ingly strained. Oil prices declined dramatically in the 1980s, and even though prices have increased in recent years, they still remain far below the ... about maintaining power, not achieving democracy, and they may calculate that even limited increases in participation will strengthen their survival prospects in the long term. 22 They therefore ... Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz, the minister... community Whether the regime can placate these various constituencies while maintaining power remains to be seen IMPACT ON U.S SECURITY INTERESTS

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

37 218 0
The Future Security Environment in the Middle East Conflict, Stability, and Political Change phần 3 pot

The Future Security Environment in the Middle East Conflict, Stability, and Political Change phần 3 pot

... Reform in the Middle East: The Challenge to Governance 61 THE KEY ECONOMIC CHALLENGES FACING THE REGION The key challenges facing Middle Eastern economies in the medium term include: restoring economic ... is the. .. of groundwater Obtaining Food The Middle East is the least food-self-sufficient region in the world During the 1980s, demand growth decelerated (thanks to declining incomes) ... Claiming the Future: Choosing Prosperity in the Middle East and North Africa, Washington, D.C.: The World Bank, 1995; International Monetary Fund, Building on Progress: Reform and Growth in the

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

37 248 0
The Future Security Environment in the Middle East Conflict, Stability, and Political Change phần 4 doc

The Future Security Environment in the Middle East Conflict, Stability, and Political Change phần 4 doc

... reductions in infant and child mortality. The only way to explain the combination of falling incomes per capita and increasing consumption of food is to posit an increase in the equality of income ... Printing Office, 2001. 42 Central Inteligence Agency, 2001. 100 The Future Security Environment in the Middle East high for as long as they will elsewhere in the region (although in- creasing ... The Future Security Environment in the Middle East from prospecting in the country in 1989. Oil imports have continued to be a major drain on the economy and on foreign currency. Jordan’s principal

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 18:20

37 297 0
Chapter 32 Security in the Internet: IPSec, SSL/TLS, PGP, VPN, and Firewalls docx

Chapter 32 Security in the Internet: IPSec, SSL/TLS, PGP, VPN, and Firewalls docx

... Firewalls Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display. 32.34 In PGP, the sender of the message needs to include the identifiers of the algorithms used in the message ... Tunnel mode in action 32.23 32-2 SSL/TLS 32-2 SSL/TLS Two protocols are dominant today for providing Two protocols are dominant today for providing security at the transport layer: the Secure ... Protocols Transport Layer Security Topics discussed in this section: Topics discussed in this section: 32.36 Table 32.4 PGP Algorithms 32.1 Chapter 32 Security in the Internet: IPSec, SSL/TLS,...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 12:20

44 1K 1
Security Issues in Wireless Systems

Security Issues in Wireless Systems

... access point. In the shared key authentication method, the station wishing to authenticate (initiator) sends an authentication request management frame indicating that it wishes to use the shared key ... shared key authentication. The responder responds by sending the challenge text, which is the authentication management frame to the initiator. The PRNG with the shared secret and the random initialization ... using the shared secret along with the new Initiating Vector (IV) selected by the initiator. This frame is then sent to the responder. The latter decrypts the received frame and verifies that the...

Ngày tải lên: 29/09/2013, 21:20

14 368 0