security is a holistic issue

Software RAID on Linux is a snap.doc

Software RAID on Linux is a snap.doc

... Software RAID on Linux is a snap, thanks to the mdadm tool that comes with most modern Linux distributions. Software RAID, particularly RAID1, is an inexpensive way to create instant backups and ... /dev/hdc1 There are two ways to obtain information about the RAID array. You can query the device with mdadm, which provides detailed information on a particular device, or you can get an overview ... [2/2] [UU] Here you can see that the personality is RAID1, the device /dev/md0 is active, and both disks are active (noted by [UU]). To obtain more detailed information about this device, use the...

Ngày tải lên: 18/09/2012, 14:04

2 479 0
 What is a Company Visual Identity?

What is a Company Visual Identity?

... use of a Company Visual Identity increases efficiency and reduces costs. A Company Visual Identity for Heineken Internationalisation and globalisation demand a clear picture of our organisation. ... Functional and departmental indications Functional and departmental indications start with a capital. For example: Mrs. A. Persoon, Manager Research & Development. Department names are written ... inspiration or for the evaluation and selection of image material. Ambience The Heineken organisation's key values are an essential starting point for image manipulation and photography....

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2012, 13:53

14 880 0
Báo cáo y học: "Excess circulating angiopoietin-2 is a strong predictor of mortality in critically ill medical patients"

Báo cáo y học: "Excess circulating angiopoietin-2 is a strong predictor of mortality in critically ill medical patients"

... significant at a 10% level in the univariate analysis and subjected to multivariate Cox regression analysis: lactate, APACHE II score, SOFA score and circulating Ang-2 (Table 2). Except for Ang-2 ... Systems, Minneapolis, USA). This assay measures biologically active VEGF 121 and VEGF 165 . Statistical analysis Differences between patients and healthy controls were eval- uated using a non-parametric ... optimal cut-off values. Data are displayed as median and range (minimum to maximum) unless otherwise stated. All statistical analyses were performed with the SPSS Table 1 Demographic, clinical and...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:31

9 635 0
Báo cáo y học: "Eosinopenia is a reliable marker of sepsis on admission to medical intensive care units"

Báo cáo y học: "Eosinopenia is a reliable marker of sepsis on admission to medical intensive care units"

... 51:189-197. 27. A ssaoui Y, Zeggwagh AA, Zekraoui A, Abidi K, Abouqal R: Vali- dation of a behavioral pain scale in critically ill, sedated, and mechanically ventilated patients. Anesth Analg 2005, 101:1470-1476. 28. ... ICU admission, for each patient we evaluated their age, gender, principal diagnosis, and vital signs (body temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, systolic and diastolic arterial pressure, and ... (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany). The limits of detection were 0.071 mg/dl. Statistical analyses Data are presented as the mean ± standard deviation for vari- ables with a normal distribution, and as the...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:35

10 598 0
Báo cáo y học: " Vgf is a novel biomarker associated with muscle weakness in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), with a potential role in disease pathogenesis"

Báo cáo y học: " Vgf is a novel biomarker associated with muscle weakness in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), with a potential role in disease pathogenesis"

... spinal cord tissue sections were treated with an antibody against Vgf (rabbit anti rat monoclonal D20, 1:1000, Santa Cruz, CA) or against SMI-32 (rabbit polyclonal, 1:200 dilution; Santa ... Zhao Z, Lange DJ, Voustianiouk A, Macgrogan D, Ho L, Suh J, Humala N, Thiyagarajan M, Wang J, Pasinetti GM. A ketogenic diet as a potential novel therapeutic intervention in amyotrophic lateral ... the manufac- turer’s procedure (Clontech, CA). Briefly, mouse Vgf cDNA (Salton, unpublished data) was isolated via Xba I-Apa I restriction cleavage, and cloned into the NheI-ApaI sites of a pShuttle...

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2012, 10:52

8 503 0
Life Is a Dream

Life Is a Dream

... national type of drama which Lope had established was maintained in its essential characteristics by Calderon, and he produced abundant specimens of all its varieties. Of regular plays he has ... his plays are laid in a great variety of scenes and ages, the sentiment and the characters remain essentially Spanish; and this intensely local quality has probably lessened the vogue of Calderon ... de Vega, the most prolific and, with Calderon, the greatest, of Spanish dramatists, was still alive; and by his applause gave encouragement to the beginner whose fame was to rival his own....

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2012, 14:12

11 367 0
a holistic approach in coastal management

a holistic approach in coastal management

... Director 2 , Angkasa Consulting Services Sdn Bhd, Malaysia Email: and Abstract Tioman island is one of Malaysia’s premier tourist locations and a National Marine Park. ... Tioman, Malaysia 1 A HOLISTIC APPROACH IN COASTAL MANAGEMENT – THE EXPERIENCE IN THE BEACH REHABILITION AT PULAU TIOMAN, MALAYSIA Khor Chai Huat 1 and Dr. Lim Foo Hoat 2 Managing Director 1 and Director 2 , Angkasa ... is its main entry point by air and water. This project to rehabilitate the Teluk Tekek coastal area is significant in that for the first time in Malaysia coastal management issues have been addressed...

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 08:20

12 570 0
yen tu is a well

yen tu is a well

Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2013, 21:23

1 325 0
Module 8: Implementing Security in a Windows 2000 Network

Module 8: Implementing Security in a Windows 2000 Network

... Configuration and Analysis, set a working database, and then import security templates into the database. 2. To begin the analysis, right-click Security Configuration and Analysis, and then click Analyze ... database or type a name for the new security database, and then click OK. Analyzing the Current Configuration You can use Security Configuration and Analysis to perform a security analysis ... use the default analysis log, or type a file name and valid path to create a new analysis log. A progress dialog box indicates the different security areas being analyzed. After this is complete,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 16:15

54 363 0
What is a project

What is a project

... frequently. Project management is a relatively recent approach to management. It is a particularly effective approach to gaining management control, and enables a focus on use of resources to gain specific ... from a project management approach) and the subsequent process of ensuring that appropriate data is entered into the system and used for management, which is part of normal routine activity. Managing ... not be managed as projects but became part of a wider change management approach. FEATURES OF A PROJECT We normally use the term ‘project’ in quite a precise way although it can encompass many different...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 08:20

12 692 0
Supply chain management A strategic issue in engineer to order manufacturing

Supply chain management A strategic issue in engineer to order manufacturing

... timea and Kaizen. The partnership, or obligational model, is characterised by: close operational and strategic linkages between buyer and supplier; the provision of technical and managed assistance ... Vertical integra- tion is particularly relevant as it is a variable feature in ETO organisations and a! ects the level and type of outsourcing. 4. Vertical integration The research undertaken has ... `supply strategista, whilst Spekman et al. [38] propose that the procurement manager should be- come an `information manager and manager of external manufacturinga. This manager would have responsibility...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 23:15

12 519 0
English Collocations in Use Intermediate_What is a collocation

English Collocations in Use Intermediate_What is a collocation

... a collocation? We say fast cars fast food a quick glance a quick meal We don't say quick food a fes* glance a fest meal A collocation is a pair or group of words that are often ... to native speakers of English. For example, the adjective fast collocates with cars, but not with a glance. Learning collocations is an important part of learning the vocabulary of a language. ... just can't make a decision about what to studu I gave Beth a, ring and we had a long chat about It last night. She scad he'd Like to study for a degree. but i.s afraid he won't...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 11:20

10 968 2

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