security in the internet of things a review

BÁO cáo đề tài security in the internet of things

BÁO cáo đề tài security in the internet of things

... thống an ninh RFID I)Tổng quuan secuurity in the internet of things 1.1 Internet of things gì?  Internet of Things (IoT) mơ hình mạng lưới vật thể kết nối, cho vật thể có tên, kết nối trao đổi ... IV) Ứng dụng thực tế - hệ thống an ninh RFID Mục Lục  Tổng quan Security in the Internet of things  1.1 Internet of things gì?  1.2 Sự quan trọng bảo mật IoT  Nguy hệ thống hình ... communication attacks Problems Solution MIM Attack Man in the middle: công theo kiểu giám sát liên lạc backend, thường xuất mơi trường có giám sát chặt chẽ Internet Sử dụng hệ thống gateway vững Application

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2022, 15:12

49 36 0
BÁO cáo đề tài security in the internet of things

BÁO cáo đề tài security in the internet of things

... an ninh RFID download by : I)Tổng quuan secuurity in the internet of things download by : 1.1 Internet of things gì?   Internet of Things (IoT) mơ hình ... Trần Văn Huy (NT) Đỗ Tấn Khoa Mai Minh Đức Võ Văn Toàn download by : Mục Lục  Tổng quan Security in the Internet of things  1.1 Internet of things gì?   Nguy hệ thống hình ... TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC GIAO THÔNG VẬN TẢI THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH BÁO CÁO MƠN CHUN ĐỀ ĐỀ TÀI: Security In The Internet of Things GVHD: Th.S Lại Nguyễn Duy Nhóm: download by : Danh sách thành

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2022, 20:43

50 9 0
(TIỂU LUẬN) báo cáo đề tài security in the internet of things

(TIỂU LUẬN) báo cáo đề tài security in the internet of things

... thống an ninh RFID I)Tổng quuan secuurity in the internet of things 1.1 Internet of things gì?   Internet of Things (IoT) mơ hình mạng lưới vật thể kết nối, cho vật thể có tên, kết nối trao đổi ... Minh Đức Võ Văn Toàn Mục Lục  Tổng quan Security in the Internet of things  1.1 Internet of things gì?   Nguy hệ thống hình thức công    1.2 Sự quan trọng bảo mật IoT 2.1 Nguy hệ thống ... Attack Man in the middle: công theo kiểu giám sát liên lạc backend, thường xuất môi trường có giám sát chặt chẽ Internet Sử dụng hệ thống gateway vững Application Layer Attack: dạng công d? ?a vào

Ngày tải lên: 02/12/2022, 08:33

49 34 0
Tổng quan về security in the internet  of things

Tổng quan về security in the internet of things

... công 10 a. Các mối đe d? ?a [...]... thông tin Sec_IoT 23 3 YêuClick an edit Master title style cầu to ninh Application Layer Support Layer Authentication and key agreement Privacy protection Security ... education and management Secure multiparty computation Secure cloud computing Anti-virus Network Layer Identity authentication Anti-DDOS Encryption mechanism Communication Security Perceptual ... thuật an ninh trong IoTs IV) Ứng dụng thực tế - hệ thống an ninh trong RFID 3 Click to edit Master title style Sec_IoT 4 I. Tổng quan về Security in the Internet of things Click to edit Master

Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2021, 19:12

49 1,4K 15
Báo cáo hóa học: " Enabling direct connectivity between heterogeneous objects in the internet of things through a network-service-oriented architecture" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Enabling direct connectivity between heterogeneous objects in the internet of things through a network-service-oriented architecture" docx

... attribute are added to the packet. Delay-tolerant parameters can remain in the waiting space for up to a per-parameter predefined period of time. If no data have been relayed within the allowed waiting ... that implement a single soft- ware function. These software services are dynamically combined to form ad hoc applicat ions. In regards to th e internet of things, SO As have two main disadvantages ... Example information exchanges are a route request, a web page request or a packet acknowledgment. IDRA creates the actual packet, encapsulates the information in the payload and stores the resulting

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

14 660 3
Analyzing data in the internet of things

Analyzing data in the internet of things

... Strata + Hadoop Analyzing Data in the Internet of Things A Collection of Talks from Strata + Hadoop World 2015 Alice LaPlante Analyzing Data in the Internet of Things by Alice LaPlante Copyright ... Creating Situation Awareness An Open Source Approach to Gathering and Analyzing DeviceSourced Health Data Generating Personal Health Data Applications for Personal Health Data The Health eHeart Project ... Modeling Machine Failure Root Cause Analysis Application Across Industries A Demonstration: Microsoft Cortana Analytics Suite Data Needed to Model Machine Failure Training a Machine-Learning Model

Ngày tải lên: 04/03/2019, 16:44

86 132 0
analyzing data in the internet of things

analyzing data in the internet of things

... Strata + Hadoop Analyzing Data in the Internet of Things A Collection of Talks from Strata + Hadoop World 2015 Alice LaPlante Analyzing Data in the Internet of Things by Alice LaPlante Copyright ... it The availability of personal health data is changing the model of how healthcare, as a clinical operation, looks at data It’s also changing how researchers process and analyze that data to ask ... Failure In our flight example, how does all of that data come together to make a visually attractive dashboard? Let’s imagine a guy named Kyle He maintains a team that manages aircrafts He wants

Ngày tải lên: 04/03/2019, 16:45

45 87 0
Luận văn thạc sĩ Khoa học máy tính: Authentication protocol for resource constrained devices in the internet of things

Luận văn thạc sĩ Khoa học máy tính: Authentication protocol for resource constrained devices in the internet of things

... Maria Medaglia and Alexandru Serbanati An overview of privacy and security issues in the internet of things In The internet of things, pages 389–[6] Xiaolin Jia, Quanyuan Feng, Taihua Fan, and ... is clear that authentications in the two models above are having themselves many advantages and also weaknesses, raising the motivations of finding a better way to retain their good characteristics ... replay attack: This is an attack where valid data packet transmis- sions are captured by attackers and later repeated. – Replay attack in subnetwork joining phase: In this phase an attacker may

Ngày tải lên: 05/08/2024, 00:00

125 0 0
How companies benefit from the internet of things    in 3 charts

How companies benefit from the internet of things in 3 charts

... maintenance technology to its own factory in Malaysia, and saved the company $9 million as a result But that’s not all All of that asset management leads to the last main benefit: cost savings ... billions of dollars in saving for companies Savings from Industrial Internet Efficiencies (in billions of dollars) Source: GE GE says the savings comes from making assets more reliable, longer lasting, ... General Electric uses its Industrial Internet (part of the IoT) software, Predix, to improve asset management The company believes a 1% increase in Industrial Internet efficiency will equal billions

Ngày tải lên: 09/07/2015, 18:31

31 438 0
Population pressure, market access and food security in the uplands of northern  Vietnam: a microeconomic analysis

Population pressure, market access and food security in the uplands of northern Vietnam: a microeconomic analysis

... uplands (Coxhead and Jayasurira 1994, Tachibana et al 1998) But it may also increase the land use intensity by encouraging cash crop production and may lead to further exploitation of marginal ... critical factor in determining the merits of agricultural policies The present study aims at examining the impact of the changes in market access and population pressure on food supply at the household ... relative proportion of rice and maize to the total upland area are similar irrespective of the market access The main difference is in the area under orchard/home garden which is higher in areas

Ngày tải lên: 30/01/2018, 08:43

18 159 0
Big data and the internet of things  enterprise information architecture for a new age

Big data and the internet of things enterprise information architecture for a new age

... relational database design for structured data and managing the database had become the focus of many of these efforts However, we saw that focus was changing For the first time, streaming data ... business intelligence and analytics solutions had centered on the enterprise data warehouse and data marts, and on the best practices for defining, populating, and analyzing the data in them Optimal ... operating systems and programming languages (to make applications development easier and faster) and databases for rapid and simpler retrieval of data Databases evolved from being hierarchical in

Ngày tải lên: 04/03/2019, 13:42

207 121 0
Business model innovation in the era of the internet of things

Business model innovation in the era of the internet of things

... business model professionals in innovation projects within the paradigm of the Internet of Things (IoT) Above all, the findings of Part II emphasize that—compared to former economic paradigms and ... knowledge (Wade and Hulland 2004), theories on business model innovation were refined by regarding the impacts of the novel paradigm of the Internet of Things (IoT) Also, advancements in the methodological ... 2013) In this sense, the findings of the seven research papers contribute to a practitioner’s understanding on a phase-based framework for business model innovation in the era of the Internet of Things

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2020, 13:34

266 251 0
Modeling the deposition of bioaerosols with variable size and shape in the human respiratory tract – A review

Modeling the deposition of bioaerosols with variable size and shape in the human respiratory tract – A review

... breathing, (c) heavy-work breathing results in an intensification of deposition in the case of ultrafine and intermediately sized particles and a weakening of deposition in the case of large particulate ... particles) and a minimum occurring at intermediate values for dae (0.05–1 lm) Any change of the breathing conditions is accompanied by respective translocations of the maxima and the minimum along ... values of dae (0.001 lm, 0.01 lm, 0.1 lm, lm, and 10 lm), again assuming nasal and oral inhalation as well as three separate conditions of breathing (see above) Deposition fractions in airway

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2020, 23:48

10 58 0
collaborative detection framework for security attacks on the internet of things 266572

collaborative detection framework for security attacks on the internet of things 266572

... security attacks, disinformation, and privacy violation The objective of the research presented in this dissertation is to detect the attacks targeting the network availability (e.g., the volume attacks) ... and Information Engineering (CSIE@CCU), and Taiwan Information Security Center in National Sun Yat-sen University (TWISC@NSYSU) is extremely vital for my research and living in Taiwan Also, a ... the availability of many dedicated anchors or a strong assumption of the honest majority rule as in conventional approaches In summary, this work has been developed that consists of two main contributions:

Ngày tải lên: 06/05/2020, 12:00

168 38 0
02. 07 Making sense of the impact of the internet of things on Purchasing and Supply Management-A tension perspective

02. 07 Making sense of the impact of the internet of things on Purchasing and Supply Management-A tension perspective

... Intel, and IBM The Internet of Things and the Industrial internet of things became Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management xxx (xxxx) xxxx H Legenvre, et al Table Informants involved in the ... findings together during this early stage of the development of the IoT Combining and integrating the three studies enlarged the amount of data used in the analysis and helped the researchers in ... ambidexterity: managing paradoxes of innovation Organ Sci 20 (4), 696–717 Ardolino, Marco, Nicola Saccani, Gaiardelli, Paolo, Rapaccini, Mario, January 1, 2016 Exploring the key enabling role of digital technologies

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2020, 19:13

14 3 0
Collaborative detection framework for security attacks on the internet of things

Collaborative detection framework for security attacks on the internet of things

... security attacks, disinformation, and privacy violation The objective of the research presented in this dissertation is to detect the attacks targeting the network availability (e.g., the volume attacks) ... and Information Engineering (CSIE@CCU), and Taiwan Information Security Center in National Sun Yat-sen University (TWISC@NSYSU) is extremely vital for my research and living in Taiwan Also, a ... the availability of many dedicated anchors or a strong assumption of the honest majority rule as in conventional approaches In summary, this work has been developed that consists of two main contributions:

Ngày tải lên: 26/03/2021, 06:57

168 6 0
The Internet of Things: A critique of ambient technology and the all-seeing network of RFID potx

The Internet of Things: A critique of ambient technology and the all-seeing network of RFID potx

... disappearance of the author and style; in link through the disappearance of the image in the icon; in network through the disappearance of cable in mobile and satellite - towards the disappearance ... perhaps among the artisans that one should go to find the most admirable proofs of the sagacity, the patience, and the resources of the intellect. I admit that the greater part of the arts has ... Protocol /Internet Protocol) that ran of cially on the ARPA network (the precursor of the internet) in 1983. Because of the military and academic background of the internet, the world wide web was made...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 20:20

62 649 0
The Internet of Things - How the Next Evolution of the Internet Is Changing Everything doc

The Internet of Things - How the Next Evolution of the Internet Is Changing Everything doc

... operates on top of the Internet. Its primary role is to provide an interface that makes the information flowing across the Internet usable. Evolution of the Web Versus the Internet The web has ... Internet, a huge window of opportunity opened for the creation of applications in the areas of automation, sensing, and machine-to-machine communication. In fact, the possibilities are almost ... the causes of certain diseases. 10 Extremely small sensors can be placed on plants, animals, and geologic features, and connected to the Internet. 11 At the other end of the spectrum, the Internet...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20

11 772 6

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