science in the service of practice

báo cáo khoa học: " Use of the evidence base in substance abuse treatment programs for American Indians and Alaska natives: pursuing quality in the crucible of practice and policy" ppsx

báo cáo khoa học: " Use of the evidence base in substance abuse treatment programs for American Indians and Alaska natives: pursuing quality in the crucible of practice and policy" ppsx

... programs given these other challenges they face in maintaining the services they currently Page of 12 provide This likely has a strong negative influence on the dissemination process In summary, ... improving the quality of substance abuse services in AI/AN communities Indeed, broadening the conversation to include building the necessary research and practice evidence, developing the human, infrastructural, ... National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism to the IHS in 1978 [59], and the training of counselors for these programs was (and is) often done through special training programs (e.g., the Southwest...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 11:20

12 457 0
Báo cáo y học: "Improving care by understanding the way we work: human factors and behavioural science in the context of intensive care" ppsx

Báo cáo y học: "Improving care by understanding the way we work: human factors and behavioural science in the context of intensive care" ppsx

... efficiency of care of the critically ill patient are subject to a number of influences, including skills of individual physicians/nurses (technical and non-technical), teamworking in the ICU, and the ... significant potential to elucidate these individual influences and their interactions Better understanding of these human and non-human elements of the system of care of the critically ill patient is ... decisions in the face of considerable uncertainty, and creating stories are all skills of individual clinicians The team-related issues that the study uncovered reflect the teamwork component of the system...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 16:20

3 234 0
Recent Large Service Acquisitions in the Department of Defense - Lessons for the Office of the Secretary of Defense pot

Recent Large Service Acquisitions in the Department of Defense - Lessons for the Office of the Secretary of Defense pot

... Large Service Acquisitions in the Department of Defense Lessons for the Office of the Secretary of Defense FRANK CAMM IRV BLICKSTEIN JOSE VENZOR Supported by the Office of the Secretary of Defense ... time to determine how well they work in practice The case studies offer the best insight into the execution of the two oldest acquisitions, the Army BSC and R2CSR programs For the other four acquisitions, ... estimates of DoD spending on services still further Recent Large Service Acquisitions in the Department of Defense period, the largest increases came in purchases of information services (46 percent increase);...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 01:20

232 384 0
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BEST PRACTICES in the Management of Elderly Disaster Victims doc

RECOMMENDATIONS FOR BEST PRACTICES in the Management of Elderly Disaster Victims doc

... Katrina and evacuation to the RAC The trauma resulting from the disaster, the process of evacuation, the disruption of regular care, and the stress of residing in the shelter complex further increased ... descriptive summary of the 72 individuals examined The data analysis occurred in two phases The first phase consisted of matching the database entries with the original hard copy versions of the SWiFT ... to offsite housing facilities In some cases, they took their money, and upon discovery of the extent of the elders’ needs, returned them to the shelter One of the problems that occurred at the...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 16:20

44 726 0
a history of light and colour measurement, science in the shadows - johnston

a history of light and colour measurement, science in the shadows - johnston

... piece of writing may be read varies inversely as the square of the distance and directly as the illumination of the writing; then the amount of light lost at the greatest obscuration of the sun ... reputation to the subject The more careful of the early investigators refined observing techniques to minimize the effects of the changes they noted in the sensitivity of the eye The 19th century ... is lost in reflection’ Besides measuring the reflectance of various mirrors, he studied the effect of angle ( the difference of the angles of incidence at the surface of the mirror, within the limits...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:28

292 440 0
ian hacking (1983) - introductory topics in the philosophy of natural science

ian hacking (1983) - introductory topics in the philosophy of natural science

... to an inquiring and inventive mind Sometimes we shall be naming nothing, but often one succeeds in formulating the idea of a kind of thing that is retained in successive elaborations of theory ... swarm of bees is made up of bees, but nothing is made up of lines of force There is a definite number of bees in a swarm and of electrons in a bottle, but there is no definite number of lines of ... style of reasoning just replacing another one There can then be two limiting processes: the long term settling into a ` rationality' of accumulated modes of thinking, and the long term settling into...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:31

82 629 0
the mit press reason in the age of science sep 1983

the mit press reason in the age of science sep 1983

... one is already engaged in the business of taking up a stance toward the future in the light of the past Reading, then, is a matter of anticipating meaning and of correcting one's anticipations, ... on the "cosmic night" of the "forgetfulness of being", the nihilism that Nietzsche prophesied, then may one look at the last fading light of the sun that is set in the evening sky, instead of ... within the realm of the contingency of human affairs, which nonetheless does not hold good against the principle, for there is no higher principle of reason than that of freedom Thus the opinion...

Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 12:52

237 653 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Enabling direct connectivity between heterogeneous objects in the internet of things through a network-service-oriented architecture" docx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Enabling direct connectivity between heterogeneous objects in the internet of things through a network-service-oriented architecture" docx

... only delays the parameters in the waiting space of the initial node: packets are not further delayed in intermediate nodes Since the aggregation is part of the IDRA architecture, the aggregation ... are important in the context of the internet of things Memory overhead The memory overhead of the overall IDRA architecture (including queue management, the network service broker, the packet facade, ... their relevance in Page of 14 the context of the internet of things This next section describes in more detail on how IDRA can support two important internet of things use cases: (1) supporting...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 01:20

14 660 3
Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice by David Phillips and Philip Young_1 docx

Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice by David Phillips and Philip Young_1 docx

... or of the trade name of goods It also covers the imitation, or the ‘get-up’, of the items concerned The ‘get-up’ includes the type, size and shape of a container, the labelling and packaging of ... rules covering all areas of reputable business operation These include: maintaining a high level of ethical standards; registration of members who hold public office; dissemination of honest and ... because of the similarity Details of the law affecting lotteries and competitions are contained in Appendix Copyright law Copyright subsists in any original work, but not in an idea In the United Kingdom...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

17 504 0
Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice by David Phillips and Philip Young_2 pot

Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice by David Phillips and Philip Young_2 pot

... to the drawing-board’ for them Finished artwork/final proofs This is the next stage, following approval of the roughs Drawings, or designs, will have been produced in a ‘finished’ or final proof ... building, or a building site Weather watching On the day, a ‘weather watch’ may be needed if there is any question about the weather holding Delays mean money In the event of wet weather there should ... those of a historical nature, look better in a sepia finish This is a faded, ‘brown’ look, giving the impression of age Another striking type of finish is the use of a half-tone This is when the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

17 433 0
Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice by David Phillips and Philip Young_3 doc

Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice by David Phillips and Philip Young_3 doc

... planning, before, during and after the exhibition These are given in detail in Appendix 5, and include matters such as making contact with the exhibition press office, finding out who is opening the ... to the event, but also in the staffing and in the implementation After all, you are presenting, or even selling, a professional service on the stand, so why so in an amateurish way? Bad planning ... with the position of the stand On booking, a percentage of the fee is payable up front as a deposit This may or may not be refundable in the event of cancellation – always check the small print of...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

17 411 0
Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice by David Phillips and Philip Young_5 docx

Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice by David Phillips and Philip Young_5 docx

... they will alter the way we work in future The Internet Originating in the USA, the Internet is simply a network of linked computers, each one connected to a set of others, supporting the electronic ... to the stations If the latter, no commercial references should be made during the interview but the company name will normally be given at the start and the finish Studio interviews, Interesting ... practical guide of news of local and specialized interest, thus enabling public relations officers to reach the local media instantly, instead of issuing huge numbers of news releases Editors in newsrooms...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

17 453 0
Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice by David Phillips and Philip Young_6 doc

Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice by David Phillips and Philip Young_6 doc

... business dealing by public relations practitioners There are other, internationally adopted, Codes of Conduct which have the support of the Institute The Code is binding on members of the Institute ... Conclusion The many changes in attitudes that have taken place in our society in recent years, with an increasing demand for information, the questioning of decision making and the increasingly voracious ... against the standards set by the Code of Conduct Complaints about breaches of the Code, which may come from any individual or organisation, including non-members, are investigated by the Institute’s...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

17 458 0
Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice by David Phillips and Philip Young_7 ppt

Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice by David Phillips and Philip Young_7 ppt

... can include the container, the labelling and often the packaging However, if the products are in different areas of trade then no legal action can be taken Examples of this are in the use of the ... company who hold public office are disclosed and recorded in the IPR Register of Interest This includes members of either of the Houses of Parliament of the United Kingdom, or the European Parliament, ... and take the initiative in offering advice and services The Client agrees to assist the Consultancy in the performance of these duties by making available to the Consultancy all relevant information...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

17 471 0
Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice by David Phillips and Philip Young_8 pdf

Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice by David Phillips and Philip Young_8 pdf

... contract of service, although the terms of the contract may cover this The task of distinguishing between the two types of contract has been left to the courts to decide in cases where there are ... employment (the contract of employment) within the first 13 weeks of employment, the right to receive certain minimum periods of notice of dismissal, the right to redundancy payment in appropriate ... through the Lieutenancy) The day before Get confirmation of the time of arrival at your location, plus other details such as the mode of travel of the Royal party, size of police escort, etc The...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

17 457 0
Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice by David Phillips and Philip Young_9 doc

Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice by David Phillips and Philip Young_9 doc

... letters of support through the local press by taking advertisements l Next of kin – Always confirm that the next -of- kin have been informed before releasing any names to the media At the finish ... 5–9 advantages of using and client relationship 117 disadvantages of using independent 7–8 mixing and matching reasons for using 6–7 types 7–8 contact sheets 28 contingency planning 142–4 contracts ... remember Commitment Filing system The team Credibility Clean up Advertising Local press The local community The secretariat Information provision Training Management backing is vital Have a good...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

8 342 0
Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice_1 pptx

Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice_1 pptx

... unique insight into the workings of the AMC Why Delivery of Outstanding Patient Care Is the Core Mission of the Model A distinguishing feature of each of America’s great AMCs is an uncompromising ... that the introduction of penicillin and other antibiotics in the 1940s might have done more to change the practice of medicine than any group of innovations that have occurred since, and their ... Johns Hopkins Medicine Now the head of the hospital reports to that CEO So for the first time in Hopkins’ history, we clarified the role of the School of Medicine and the hospital It’s working like...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

26 386 0
Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice_2 pot

Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice_2 pot

... pharmacists The Optimal Service Line Includes Administrative and Economic Integration Regardless of leadership, without integrating finances across the members of the service line, the service line does ... type of initiative must involve the board of trustees of both the hospital and the university The boards must commit to and be actively involved in the integration of their AMCs Indeed, in many ... in which the life of the ant-hill is mistaken for the world at large Thus, even at the turn of the century, Osler cautioned against thinking in silos rather than integrating care Throughout the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

26 349 0
Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice_3 pptx

Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice_3 pptx

... an increasingly complex industry In addition, members of the boards of AMCs often not even bring expertise in the core mission of the AMC: providing outstanding clinical care Thus, although they ... quaternary teaching hospitals compete in the same geographic region The portability of their practice often gives them a level of influence in the AMC that is out of proportion with the actual financial ... structures in the institution, few of the service lines included in the study provided their leaders with the requisite authority to meet the overall objectives [31] The study also found that the academic...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

26 342 0
Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice_5 docx

Online Public Relations A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media PR in Practice_5 docx

... misunderstanding of the importance and quality of industry research, and the role industry plays in bringing new drugs to the patients who need them While most of the original insights leading to new ... among the various communities of the AMC Resolving the conundrum of conflicts of interest—especially those in clinical research and clinical practice can be approached by simply keeping in mind the ... the sophistication of the personnel in the technology transfer office, and the philosophic views of the university Regardless of whether or not the AMC participates directly in the founding of...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 14:20

26 303 0