sample lesson plan for teaching reading skills

Lesson plan-Unit 1-Reading

Lesson plan-Unit 1-Reading

... 5ms 5ms 10ms 8ms your family? What are they ? - T leads to the lesson 2. Pre –speaking - Introduces new words + responsibility (n) (explanation) + secret (n) + decision (n) make a decision - Checks ... with ? + Who is the person you talk to before making an important decision ? TASK 3 Date of preparation : 27, 8 , 2008. Unit 1 : HOME LIFE Date of teaching : 30, 8, 2008 Period:2 Section: ... parents at home 1. Skill : Integrated skills : Speaking II. TEACHER AND STUDENTS’ PREPARATION: 1. Method : Communicative Approach. 2. Techniques: Repetition, explanation, group work, asking – answering. ...

Ngày tải lên: 02/06/2013, 01:26

3 1,8K 26


... ignoring what they are reading, instead, ask them where in the text the answer is. 8. Finally, remember to focus on developing the skills of the readers. The purpose of teaching reading is not only ... the students understand the text for that day, but also to help them learn to effectively read for themselves. To do this, they must develop many sub -skills of reading like skimming, scanning, ... many sub -skills of reading like skimming, scanning, predicting, guessing from context, and reading for total comprehension. ...

Ngày tải lên: 29/08/2013, 11:12

2 656 1
Lesson Plan for English 8

Lesson Plan for English 8

... Nguyễn Hữu Lễ Lesson plan for English 8 II/ Practice: * Language Focus 1: Talk about intentions with “begoing to” - Ask sts to work in pairs. - Call on some pairs to perform before class. Ex: ... information about Tam. - Have sts read the passage about Tam based on the brief information. work in group read silently Teacher in charge: Nguyễn Hữu Lễ appearance character Lesson plan for ... charge: Nguyễn Hữu Lễ Lesson plan for English 8 5’ 10’ 16’ I/ Warm-up: Brainstorming drug * Suggested answers: electricty, boiling warter, fire, match, gas, knife II/ Pre -reading: 1. Introduction:...

Ngày tải lên: 13/09/2013, 11:10

157 1,4K 6
Lesson plan unit 3-Reading

Lesson plan unit 3-Reading

... Lesson Plan Instructor: Kiều Ngọc Lang Teacher: Đặng Hoàng Huy Group: 11A1 and 11A2 Unit 3: A Party Lesson: Reading Time: Date: Objectives: Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, ... students will be able to: - develop such reading micro -skills as scanning for specific ideas, and identifying and correcting false statements - use the information they have read to discuss about ... people do some celebrations. - New words: Words to celebrations. Teaching aids: Pictures, poster, textbook, blackboard … I. Pre -Reading Warm-up - Teacher asks students to look at the pictures...

Ngày tải lên: 26/09/2013, 11:10

3 803 0
A study on the techniques for improving reading skills to non major students of english at haiphong foreign language center, haiphong university

A study on the techniques for improving reading skills to non major students of english at haiphong foreign language center, haiphong university

... activities in Reading Lesson ã Adjusting teaching time and efforts ã Varying strategies to aid the students in three phases of a reading lesson Techniques for the Development of Reading Materials ã ... successful lesson, in addition to information and general knowledge. 3.4. Techniques for the Improvement of Teachers’ activities in Reading Lesson 3.4.1. Adjusting Teaching Time and Efforts Findings ... Haiphong University. Time and efforts have been spent on accumulating information about teachers and their teaching methods applied in reading lessons, viewing teaching and learning materials...

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:43

44 1,1K 5
Slide a study on the techniques for improving reading skills to non major students of english at hai phong foreign language center,hai phong university

Slide a study on the techniques for improving reading skills to non major students of english at hai phong foreign language center,hai phong university

... their students in in the reading lesson the reading lesson  Encourage silent reading Encourage silent reading  Enhance extensive reading Enhance extensive reading  Use a range of ... Teachers’ activities in Reading Lesson Teachers’ activities in Reading Lesson 3.3.1. Adjusting Teaching Time and Efforts 3.3.1. Adjusting Teaching Time and Efforts 3.3.2. Varying Strategies ... Nature of Reading 1.1. An Overview on the Nature of Reading 1.1.1. Definition of Reading 1.1.1. Definition of Reading 1.1.2. Reading comprehension 1.1.2. Reading comprehension 1.1.3. Reading process 1.1.3....

Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2014, 10:49

21 1K 2


Ngày tải lên: 08/07/2014, 21:00

4 219 0
Lesson plan for grade 3

Lesson plan for grade 3

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2014, 20:22

51 1,5K 10
lesson plan 10_unit6-an excursion(reading and listening for low level)

lesson plan 10_unit6-an excursion(reading and listening for low level)

... of the lesson students will be able to: - get information about some beautiful places in Vietnam. - improve reading comprehension skill. II. Skills: Reading for gist and for specific information III. ... left-over, Botanical Garden.  Skills: Listening for main ideas and listening for specific information * Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative approach * Teaching aids: - Posters, Pictures, ... poster of information about photos: - Asks Ss to translate the information into Vietnamese by matching each box with the given translation - Asks Ss to match the pictures with the information...

Ngày tải lên: 01/07/2013, 01:26

11 2K 20
lesson plan teaching reading english 11 unit 13 hobbies pdf

lesson plan teaching reading english 11 unit 13 hobbies pdf

... Designed by Nguyen Thuy Ngan Instructor: Ms. Phi Thanh Tra Group: QH2009.E11 LESSON PLAN Teaching Reading English 11- Unit 13: HOBBIES I. CLASS DESCRIPTION: - 33 11 th grade students, ... Pre-intermediate. II. TIME: 45m. III. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Develop the reading skill (scan reading) . - Broaden the range of vocabulary related to the topic. IV. ... motivate Ss before the new lesson Technique: Give the instructions (say-do-check) and let Ss play a Slap the board - Greet the class - Introduce the game Slap the board for the class -...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 08:21

4 6,8K 138
Integrating short stories and poems in developing the reading skills for 2nd year students in haiphong university part  3

Integrating short stories and poems in developing the reading skills for 2nd year students in haiphong university part 3

... story and its advantages in language classroom…………….………… 10 II.2. Reading comprehension …………………………………………………….………… 11 II.2.1. Reading comprehension and its roles in language learning………….……………11 II.2.2. ... text…………………………… ………………………………………11 II.2.3. Students’ difficulties with reading ……………………….…………………………12 II.3. Literature and Reading ………………………… …………………………………….13 ... What makes literature distinctive from other texts ………………….………………5 II.1.4. Literature and language teaching ……………………………………….…………… 6 II.1.4.1. Why use literature in language classroom. ………………………….……………...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:21

3 581 0

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