Entity Relationship Diagram
... không rỗng, trùng nhau, thay đổi thể tương ứng với khóa tồn thực thể Các ký hiệu lược đồ ERD Chương Attribute Entity Key Multivalue attribute Ví dụ: nhân viên có mã nhân viên dùng để phân biệt Cơ ... nghĩa thực thể hệ thống Xác định cardinality cho quan hệ Chương 19 Bài tập vẽ ERD Mỗi bệnh nhân có hồ sơ bệnh án, hồ sơ bệnh án thuộc bệnh nhân Mỗi nhân viên thuộc phòng, phòng có hay nhiều nhân ... (1,n) Thi (1,n) Điểm,Lần Hồ sơ bệnh án Môn học Môn học Bài tập vẽ ERD Chương 21 Quầy hàng (1,n) Bán (1,1) Mặt hàng (1,1) (1,1) Có Giá Chương Bài tập vẽ ERD 22 Hàng hóa xuất cảng container...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2013, 16:45
System Designs Entity Relationship Diagram
... Chức xóa khách hàng a Mục đích b Đầu vào c Các trình thực d Đầu PHẦN IV: System Designs Entity Relationship Diagram I Các kiểu thực thể Thực thể (TT) Khách hàng Mã KH Mật Họ Tên Ngàyđăng ký KHÁCH ... hàng Cả nhóm Xác định thực thể, thuộc tính Phân tích yêu cầu quy trình cần thực Cả nhóm Xây dựng sơ đồ thực thể quan hệ thiết kế bảng CSDL.Chỉnh sửa CSDL theo Thiết kế chi tiết yêu cầu của bài ... hàng, tiến hành sản xuất bán sản phẩm cách cân đối, đem lại lợi nhuận cao cho doanh nghiệp mình, đồng thời phân tích thị trường lựa chọn đưa vào cung cấp sản phẩm phù hợp thị hiếu khách hàng, hướng...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2013, 17:23
Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Diagrams
... entity, attributes, relationships, and the "one -entity" ER diagram Steps 1, 2, and of the ER Design Methodology are developed The "one -entity" grammar and mapping rules for the" one -entity" diagram ... are entity sets? Why we need Entity- Relationship Diagrams? What are attributes? List attributes of the entities you found in question (above) What is a relationship? A First "Entity- Only" ER Diagram: ... primary entity and some attributes, our task will be to: Draw a diagram of our first-impression entity (our primary entity) Translate the diagram into English Present the English (and the diagram) ...
Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 10:15
... entity, attributes, relationships, and the "one -entity" ER diagram Steps 1, 2, and of the ER Design Methodology are developed The "one -entity" grammar and mapping rules for the" one -entity" diagram ... are entity sets? Why we need Entity- Relationship Diagrams? What are attributes? List attributes of the entities you found in question (above) What is a relationship? A First "Entity- Only" ER Diagram: ... primary entity and some attributes, our task will be to: Draw a diagram of our first-impression entity (our primary entity) Translate the diagram into English Present the English (and the diagram) ...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 08:20
Entity Relationship Diagrams ppsx
... • • • • • • Mandatory Relationships Optional Relationships Many-to-Many Relationships One-to-Many Relationships One-to-One Relationships Recursive Relationships Mandatory, Many-to-Many INSTRUCTOR ... Many-to-Many Relationships • Many-to-many relationships should be avoided We can resolve a many-to-many relationship by dividing it into two one-tomany relationships 11 Resolving Many-to-Many Relationships ... information within an entity. ”1 • Do we know a similar concept? 1) Stephens, R.K and Plew R.R., 2001 Database Design SAMS, Indianapolis , IN Entity Relationship Models • • • • • • Mandatory Relationships...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 20:20
... entity, attributes, relationships, and the "one -entity" ER diagram Steps 1, 2, and of the ER Design Methodology are developed The "one -entity" grammar and mapping rules for the" one -entity" diagram ... descriptions and diagrams of what the analyst thinks the user wants Because most users are unfamiliar with the notion of an EntityRelationship diagram (ERD) , our methodology will supplement the ERD with ... modeled using an Entity Relationship (ER) diagram as the "blueprint" from which the actual data is stored — the output of the design phase The ER diagram is an analyst's tool to diagram the data...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 12:21
Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Diagrams phần 2 pps
... are entity sets? Why we need Entity- Relationship Diagrams? What are attributes? List attributes of the entities you found in question (above) What is a relationship? A First "Entity- Only" ER Diagram: ... primary entity and some attributes, our task will be to: Draw a diagram of our first-impression entity (our primary entity) Translate the diagram into English Present the English (and the diagram) ... AUTOMOBILE Entity Checkpoint 2.2 Describe the basic types of data representation schemas used in entity relationship (ER) modeling What notation is used to diagrammatically show an entity in the...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 12:21
Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Diagrams phần 3 ppsx
... the SCHOOL entity and the STUDENT entity function as a database, we have to add something — the relationship that the entity SCHOOL has to the entity STUDENT A relationship in an ER diagram is ... expressions For each relationship, we add the following comment (in loose English [for now]): A(n) Entity1 Relationship Entity2 (active voice) and a(n) Entity2 Relationship Entity1 (passive voice) ... the concept of binary relationships Real-life databases will have more than one entity, so this chapter developed the ER diagram from a one -entity diagram to a two -entity diagram, and showed how...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 12:21
Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Diagrams phần 4 ppsx
... other entity Pattern 3: Relationship is x:y::1(full):M Diagramatically shown by Figure 4I Figure 4I: Chen Model of 1(full):M Relationship — Pattern Pattern 3: Relationship is x:y::M(full):N Diagramatically ... entity, and then Step 3b: Define the relationship back to the original entity Step 4: If another entity is appropriate, draw the second entity with its attributes Repeat step to see if this entity ... mapping relationships maps binary 1:1 relationships: M3b — For binary 1:1 relationships: Include the primary key of Entity A into EntityB as the foreign key The question is: which is EntityA...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 12:21
Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Diagrams phần 5 ppsx
... a weak entity be dependent on another weak entity? Can a weak entity have a relationship that is not "weak" with the identifying entity? Can a weak entity be related to more than one entity (strong ... the owns relationship, and the full participation of the AUTOMOBILE entity in the owns relationship Figure 5.4: A Weak Entity with Two Relationships In Figure 5.4, we also have a drives relationship ... In this diagram, PERSON is the identifying or controlling entity for PET and, hence, the relationship owns has a double diamond The relationship owns is a weak relationship PET is a weak entity...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 12:21
Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Diagrams phần 6 pot
... instructor In this diagram (Figure 6.3), the INSTRUCTOR entity is related to the COURSE entity There could be a relationship between the INSTRUCTOR entity and the STUDENT entity, but the relationships ... Systems, G.M Nijssen, Ed., North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1976 Earp, R and Bagui, S., "Binary Relationships in Entity Relationships in Entity Relationship (ER) Diagrams," Data Base Management, Auerbach ... but rather than including the primary key of one entity (ENTITY_ A) in another entity (ENTITY_ B), the primary key of ENTITY_ A is reincluded in ENTITY_ A M5 — For recursive entities — two types...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 12:21
Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Diagrams phần 7 ppsx
... choose some combination for Entity1 , …, Entityn, this process resolves into: Entity1 : CUSTOMER Relationship: buy Relationship attribute: retail price Entity2 : PRODUCT Entity3 : SUPPLIER CUSTOMERS ... Figure 7.3: An ER Diagram Showing an n-ary Relationship n-ary Relationships Do Not Preclude Binary Relationships Just because there is a ternary relationship does not mean that binary relationships ... idea is to make the relationship an entity, and hence form two simpler binary relationships Figure 7.7: An ER Diagram of an M:N Relationship That Has Been Replaced with Two 1:M Relationships Next,...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 12:21
Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Diagrams phần 8 ppsx
... — the mapping takes place in the diagram itself A First "Entity- Only" ER Diagram — An Entity with Attributes We start with developing a first, "entity- only" ER diagram in the Barker/Oraclelike ... appropriate relationship that joins the two entities Step 6b: Examine the diagram for loops that might indicate redundant relationships If a relationship is truly redundant, excise the redundant relationship ... weak owner entity has to be defined before the "weaker" entity (the one furthest from the strong entity) can be mapped Step 3: Map the binary M:N relationships M3a — For binary M:N relationships...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 12:21
Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Diagrams phần 9 pptx
... rule, 12 Degree of relationship, 55, 233 Derived attribute, 28-30, 33, 233 Derived relationship, 150 Index E EER model, see Enhanced Entity Relationship model Enhanced Entity Relationship (EER) ... data, 62 second entity, 62 selection of primary entity, 56, 62 use of structured English, 56, 62 exercises, 63-64 existence of relationship, 60-61 grammar for ER diagrams, 57 Entity relationship ... An ER Diagram of an M:N Relationship in the Chen-Like Model Figure 10.12: Barker/Oracle-Like Notation: M:N Relationship Broken into Two 1:M Relationships Checkpoint 10.4 How are recursive relationships...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 12:21
Database Design Using Entity-Relationship Diagrams phần 10 docx
... 1:M Relationship Figure 4.5: An ER Diagram (without Attributes) of a M:1 Relationship Figure 4.6: An ER Diagram (without Attributes) of a M:N Relationship Figure 4.7: The PASSENGER Entity Diagram ... Relationship Figure 7.6C: A Relationship of a Relationship Figure 7.6D: A Relationship of a Relationship Resolved into a Ternary Relationship Figure 7.7: An ER Diagram of an M:N Relationship That Has ... n-ary relationship, 172-176 n-ary relationships, 171-172 n-ary relationships resolved into binary relationships, 179-181 structural constraints for ternary relationships, 169-170 ternary relationships...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 12:21
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