ruby on rails 3 tutorial
... Editor Contents xiii 11 .4 Conclusion 45 7 11.5 Exercises 45 8 Chapter 12 Following Users 46 1 12.1 The Relationship Model 46 3 12.1.1 A Problem with the Data Model (and a Solution) 46 4 12.1.2 User/Relationship ... minority. RUBY ON RAILS ™ 3 TUTORIAL Acknowledgments Ruby on Rails ™ Tutorial owes a lot to my previous Rails book, RailsSpace, and hence to my coauthor on that book, Aurelius ... User/Relationship Associations 47 0 12.1.3 Validations 47 3 12.1 .4 Following 47 4 12.1.5 Followers 47 9 12.2 A Web Interface for Following and Followers 48 2 12.2.1 Sample Following Data 48 2 12.2.2...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:57
... quen với Migrations, cách truy vấn database, và xử lý form Chú ý: khi viết tránh để bị XSS hay SQL injection! Chương Trình Training Ruby on Rails 2. Tài liệu Đây ... Ruby on Rails - - Web framework, tương tự như Zend, nhưng "full stack", hoàn chỉnh từ lớp presentation tới logging. - Full stack: ... v.v. Tại Sao Cần Biết Ruby on Rails? - Ruby Là một ngôn ngữ "thời thượng", dễ học và dễ viết (nhưng khó master!) - So sánh với các ngôn ngữ và framework khác, Ruby on Rails như xe đua...
Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2014, 20:20
... 152 4. 4 Ruby Classes 153 4. 4.1 Constructors 153 4. 4.2 Class Inheritance 155 4. 4.3 Modifying Built-in Classes 158 4. 4 .4 A Controller Class 159 4. 4.5 A User Class 161 4. 5 Conclusion 1 64 4.6 Exercises ... Sample Users 40 3 9.3.3 Pagination 40 4 9.3 .4 Partial Refactoring 41 0 9 .4 Deleting Users 41 3 9 .4. 1 Administrative Users 41 3 9 .4. 2 The destroy Action 41 7 9.5 Conclusion 42 2 9.6 Exercises 42 4 Chapter ... 138 4. 2 .4 Method Definitions 141 4. 2.5 Back to the Title Helper 142 4. 3 Other Data Structures 142 4. 3.1 Arrays and Ranges 142 4. 3.2 Blocks 146 4. 3.3 Hashes and Symbols 148 4. 3 .4 CSS revisited 152 4. 4...
Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 13:20
Ruby on rails for dummies
... development environment (IDE) for Ruby on Rails. In the name RadRails, the Rad stands for “Rapid application devel- opment” (and, of course, Rails stands for Rails ). RadRails is based on the Eclipse ... the MySQL Server Instance Configura- tion Wizard. 37 Chapter 2: Installing the Software 06_0812 04 ch02.qxp 11/30/06 11:09 PM Page 37 In this part . . . W hat’s Ruby on Rails all about? And how do you install Ruby on Rails? ... if you want, but you won’t use it for the remainder of this chapter. Creating a New Ruby on Rails Project RadRails is an integrated development environment for Ruby on Rails. (See Chapter 2.)...
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 00:02
ruby on rails for microsoft developers
... Performance 40 0 Commercial Monitoring 40 4 Caching 40 6 Application-Level Performance Considerations 40 7 Deploying Rails 40 9 A Brief History of Deploying Rails 41 0 Deploying on Windows 41 2 Deploying on ... 1 -4 3. Double-click the InstantRails application and accept the confi guration regeneration, as shown in Figure 1-5. 749 55book.indd List18 749 55book.indd List18 3 /4/ 09 8 :44 :48 AM3 /4/ 09 8 :44 :48 ... canonical ones are: Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY), Convention over Confi guration, and You Ain’t Gonna Need It (YAGNI). 749 55book.indd List5 749 55book.indd List5 3 /4/ 09 8 :44 :47 AM3 /4/ 09 8 :44 :47 AM 6 Chapter...
Ngày tải lên: 28/04/2014, 16:58
rails solutions_ ruby on rails made easy, apress (2007)
... GLANCE iv 7524fm.qxd 12/13/06 4: 41 PM Page iv Rails Solutions Ruby on Rails Made Easy Justin Williams 7524fm.qxd 12/13/06 4: 41 PM Page i 7524fm.qxd 12/13/06 4: 41 PM Page x ec485c0621 541 643 61ec627c7ec9db 74 With ... belongs_to :mother belongs_to :father end RAILS SOLUTIONS: RAILS MADE EASY 8 7524ch01.qxd 12/13/06 4: 40 PM Page 8 1 INTRODUCTION TO RUBY ON RAILS 7524ch01.qxd 12/13/06 4: 40 PM Page 3 14. ... using Ruby on Rails in three months. Figure 1-6. Odeo is a podcasting creation-and-sharing tool built on Rails. INTRODUCTION TO RUBY ON RAILS 13 1 7524ch01.qxd 12/13/06 4: 40 PM Page 13 14. Choose...
Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2014, 14:43
beginning ruby on rails e-commerce from novice to professional
... next-generation online shops using Ruby on Rails SOURCE CODE ONLINE FOR PROFESSIONALS BY PROFESSIONALS ™ Join online discussions: THE APRESS ROADMAP Pro Ruby Pro Ruby on Rails Beginning ... compatible with Rails. ■Note Before downloading Ruby, check which version is required by the Ruby on Rails version that you want to use by reading the online documentation found at ... Ruby on Rails Beginning Ruby on Rails E-Commerce Beginning Ruby Beginning Ruby on Rails Companion eBook See last page for details on $10 eBook version Jarkko Laine Companion eBook Available Beginning CHAPTER...
Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 00:46
practical jruby on rails web 2.0 projects bringing ruby on rails to java platform
... Microsoft’s IronRuby. With JRuby running on the JVM, Ruby is better able to get into some enterprise environ- ments. Even at my day job, where I’ve been pushing Ruby from day one, JRuby is making Ruby solutions ... 15 881 -4 CH02.qxd 8/30/07 1:30 PM Page 15 Ola Bini Practical JRuby on Rails Web 2.0 Projects Bringing Ruby on Rails to the Java ™ Platform 881 -4 FM.qxd 8/31/07 1 :43 PM Page i A Brief History of Ruby Ruby ... important is “Convention over Configuration,” which means that you need to do extremely small amounts of configuration and coding if your application follows the conventions of Rails. It also...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:16
practical jruby on rails web 2.0 projects bringing ruby on rails to java platform
... Microsoft’s IronRuby. With JRuby running on the JVM, Ruby is better able to get into some enterprise environ- ments. Even at my day job, where I’ve been pushing Ruby from day one, JRuby is making Ruby solutions ... important is “Convention over Configuration,” which means that you need to do extremely small amounts of configuration and coding if your application follows the conventions of Rails. It also ... process). JRuby doesn’t support continuations. Continuations are one of those features that are incredibly hard to implement on a system running on a virtual machine, such as Java. Another reason for...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 15:21
railsspace building a social networking website with ruby on rails phần 7 ppsx
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:20
railsspace building a social networking website with ruby on rails phần 8 pps
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:20
railsspace building a social networking website with ruby on rails phần 9 docx
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:20
railsspace building a social networking website with ruby on rails phần 10 doc
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 08:20
Getting Started with Oracle BPM Suite 11gR1 A Hands-On Tutorial pdf
... definitions 48 7 Managing roles 48 8 Organizational units 49 0 Challenge exercise 49 3 Task administration 49 4 Administering approval groups 49 4 Configuring tasks 49 5 Managing the BPM infrastructure 49 5 Managing ... 37 End-to-end monitoring 37 Policy-driven exception handling 39 Deployment 40 Test–to–production 40 Summary 42 Chapter 4: Functional Overview 43 Business-friendly modeling 43 BPM Studio 43 BPMN 2.0 44 Business ... 235 Configuration of the Service Task 237 Bind File Adapter service to Save Quote step 242 Passing data to service 243 Data association configuration for conditional flows 244 Configuration of Script...
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 13:20
... Hoạt động 1 : Tìm, chọn nội dung đề tài - GV yêu cầu HS xem tranh, ảnh ở trang 46 , 47 SGK để các em nhận ra : + Trong ngày hội có nhiều hoạt động khác nhau. + Mỗi địa phương lại có những trò ... hiệu là Hồng Đức ( 147 0 - 149 7). - Nêu những nội dung chính của bộ luật Hồng Đức - GV : Theo em, với những nội dung cơ bản trên, bộ luật Hồng Đức đã có tác dụng như thế nào trong việc cai quản ... hiểu sự ứng dụng của nó trong cuộc sống hàng ngày. - HS biết cách sắp xếp họa tiết và trang trí được hình tròn theo ý thích. - HS có ý thức làm đẹp trong học tập và trong cuộc sống. II. Hoạt...
Ngày tải lên: 25/07/2014, 16:20