role of the royal signals

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Role of the cag-pathogenicity island encoded type IV secretion system in Helicobacter pylori pathogenesis pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Role of the cag-pathogenicity island encoded type IV secretion system in Helicobacter pylori pathogenesis pptx

... infection [30]. These data were also supported by several other research groups [15]. However, the role of CagA with respect to inducing the loss of cell polarity is much clearer. The kinase Par1b ... result of the length restrictions of this minireview. The work of S.W. was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (We2843 ⁄ 2-1) and BGAG-Stiftung Walter Hesselbach. The work of S.B. ... that there is a controversy in the literature about the impor- tance of the CagL RGD-motif in T4SS functions and host cell signalling. Another unsolved question is the proposed structure of CagY...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 19:20

13 866 0
Tài liệu Rethinking the Role of the State in Finance doc

Tài liệu Rethinking the Role of the State in Finance doc

... agency. The roles of the The roles of the state in the financial sector include those of a pro- state moter, owner, regulator, and overseer. The report focuses on areas that were highlighted by the ... and Professor of Economics at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania Thorsten Beck Professor of Economics and Chairman of the European Banking Center, Tilburg University, Netherlands Charles ... from around the world. Two building blocks underlie the report’s view of the role of the state in finance. First, there are sound economic reasons for the state to play an active role in financial...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 10:20

220 609 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A tyrosinase with an abnormally high tyrosine hydroxylase/dopa oxidase ratio Role of the seventh histidine and accessibility to the active site docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: A tyrosinase with an abnormally high tyrosine hydroxylase/dopa oxidase ratio Role of the seventh histidine and accessibility to the active site docx

... at pH 7. These preferred activities of the two PPOs of R. solanacearum are opposite to the names assigned to them when the genome of this bac- terium was sequenced and the function of these con- ceptual ..., but the differentiation between these two types of enzyme is not clear [4]. Looking at the sequences of the two enzymes, both show absolute conservation of the histi- dine residues of the CuA ... its physiological role is uncertain. In fact, the role and physiological advantages of the coexistence of several PPOs in the same micro-organism remain unknown. The synthesis of melanin in micro-organisms...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 07:20

14 849 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The role of the ESSS protein in the assembly of a functional and stable mammalian mitochondrial complex I (NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase) pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The role of the ESSS protein in the assembly of a functional and stable mammalian mitochondrial complex I (NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase) pptx

... must still be determined whether its absence in the V79-G18 mutant is the result of the missing ESSS subunit alone, or whether the absence of ESSS causes the f ailure of other integral membrane subunits ... and the effect of the absence of intact complex I, but the results are too preliminary in this regard. Heterologous expression of the ESSS-HA subunit The localization of the ESSS subunit in the ... as a nother identification of the complex at the position o f the histochemical stain in the left panel. Antisera against the SDHC subunit of complex II and against the Rieske protein of complex...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 16:20

9 623 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The role of the SEA (sea urchin sperm protein, enterokinase and agrin) module in cleavage of membrane-tethered mucins pdf

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: The role of the SEA (sea urchin sperm protein, enterokinase and agrin) module in cleavage of membrane-tethered mucins pdf

... required for efficient cleavage [11]. The solution structure of the SEA domain of the mouse homologue of MUC16 (which in the human encodes the core protein of the ovarian cancer antigen CA125) was ... further investigate the role of the SEA domain in cleavage of membrane-tethered mucins we carried out site-directed mutagenesis of the FRPG ⁄ SVVV site and evaluated hybrid mucins in which the ... ducts is of considerable significance in the pathology of a number of diseases including cystic fibrosis and cancer. Equally important is the fate of the cytoplasmic tail of the mucins once the extracellular...

Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 18:20

11 605 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Key role of the loop connecting the two beta strands of mussel defensin in its antimicrobial activity docx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Key role of the loop connecting the two beta strands of mussel defensin in its antimicrobial activity docx

... However, the 9-mer peptide B, CGGWHRLRC, corres- ponding to the sequence of the MGD1 loop 3 occurring between the two b-strands, had an MIC of 28 l M (i.e. about 2.5% of the activity of the synthetic ... is not possible to infer whether the key role of the b-hairpin loop of MGD1 (loop 3) in antimicrobial activity of MGD1 is of general value in the mechanism of action of defensins. However, our ... results obtained by other groups who also point to the role of the connecting loop of the b-hairpin of defensins. A combination of mutational analysis [35] and structural analysis of the plant defensin Rs-AFP1...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 11:20

9 598 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: Steady-state kinetics of the glutaminase reaction of CTP synthase from Lactococcus lactis The role of the allosteric activator GTP in coupling between glutamine hydrolysis and CTP synthesis potx

Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: Steady-state kinetics of the glutaminase reaction of CTP synthase from Lactococcus lactis The role of the allosteric activator GTP in coupling between glutamine hydrolysis and CTP synthesis potx

... locks the enzyme in the active form for CTP synthesis and thereby stimulates the k cat of the reaction. Since GTP actually will activate the uncoupled glutaminase reaction the structure of the monomer ... was similar to that of the overall CTP synthesis reaction. It was concluded that the effect of GTP was mainly to enhance the rate of chemical steps of the glutaminase reaction. The finding that the k cat value ... as the displacement of the baseline. The peaks observed at each injection time are derived from the heat of dilution of glutamine into the reaction cell. (B) The heat generated by hydrolysis of...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 15:20

8 698 0


... sense of group identity, in the eyes of its members and those outside the group. What is the role of the facilitator? The role of the facilitator is to make it easier for groups to work together ... 1. The Role of the Facilitator – page 6 What is the role of the facilitator? How do facilitators help groups achieve their goals? They do it by ã Clarifying and reinforcing the purpose of the ... Facilitation - 1. The Role of the Facilitator – page 11 Group dynamics Facilitators need to be aware both of the communication styles of the individuals who make up the group, and of the way the group...

Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 01:20

15 450 1
The Role of the Media in Promoting and Reducing Tobacco Use doc

The Role of the Media in Promoting and Reducing Tobacco Use doc

... examine the dynamics of tobacco-related media interventions at each of these levels, within a systemic framework. The relationships among these levels and stakeholders on either side of the tobacco ... product of the mass media era; the art and science of mass communications and mass marketing were critical to the growth of tobacco use in the past century. At the same time, however, the media ... underestimate the effectiveness of the campaign. n Last, the all-pervasive nature of the media environment includes both messages of interest as well as background “noise.” Given these challenges,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 01:20

684 1,4K 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Role of the C-terminal extension in a bacterial tyrosinase Michael Fairhead and Linda Thony-Meyer doc

Báo cáo khoa học: Role of the C-terminal extension in a bacterial tyrosinase Michael Fairhead and Linda Thony-Meyer doc

... hypothe- sized to be a result of the presence of an amino acid that occludes the active site. This idea has been proposed because of similarities in the structures of the C-terminals of the related ... thus, the apparent shapes of the unfolding curves should not be over interpreted. The use of the concentration of GdnCl at 50% unfolded as a simple measure of the change in stability between the various ... further asses the functional importance of the C-terminal extension, we created a shortened form of the V. spinosum tyrosinase, using the presence of the conserved YX(Y ⁄ F) motif as a guide. The...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 11:20

13 779 0


... cannot be used to attack the Royal Commission findings as to the cause of the crash. On behalf of the applicants it was made clear nonetheless that their acceptance of the jurisdictional bar ... from the general body of the report. But the quashing of the costs order because of its association with that paragraph is enough to do justice there. The position is less clear as regards the ... Court Judge, the Erebus Commission was a Royal Commission in that the warrant was expressed to be issued under the authority of the Letters Patent of 1917 constituting the office of Governor-General....

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 12:21

87 406 0
Role of The Controller - Mike Allred Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance & Controller UC-Davis doc

Role of The Controller - Mike Allred Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance & Controller UC-Davis doc

... Communications to the Regents Committee on Audit ã Letter of Comments & Recommendations to the Regents ã Letter of Comments & Recommendations to the Chancellor – Reports to the Board of Regents ... respect the rights and dignity of others UC Standards of Ethical Conduct 1. Fair Dealing ã No unlawful practice or a practice at odds with these standards can be justified on the basis of customary ... confidence in the financial markets in the wake of Enron, Tyco, Global Crossing, WorldCom, HealthSouth… – Created a new accounting oversight board to police the practices of the accounting profession –...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:20

15 338 0
Managing diffuse water pollution in South East Queensland: An analysis of the role of the Healthy Waterways Partnership docx

Managing diffuse water pollution in South East Queensland: An analysis of the role of the Healthy Waterways Partnership docx

... analysis of the role of the Healthy Waterways Partnership – Cottingham, Franz Delfau, Garde 25 as well as the risk to the assets under the current flow management strategies (Department of the ... increased by 71%, amounting to 23% of the State’s direct output from the industrial sector. Mining employed 3.2% of the local labour force during the period. The offices of the major mining companies ... what the key issues are in the region and how they have arisen. The second part of the report puts forward a critique of a program that targets one of the priority issues that emerged from the...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:21

58 789 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Studies on the role of the receptor protein motifs possibly involved in electrostatic interactions on the dopamine D1 and D2 receptor oligomerization pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Studies on the role of the receptor protein motifs possibly involved in electrostatic interactions on the dopamine D1 and D2 receptor oligomerization pdf

... possible interpretation of the data suggests that the indicated basic region of ic3 of the D 2 receptor and acidic region of the C-tail of the D 1 receptor might be involved in the interactions between the two ... on the number of Arg residues that were replaced by Ala in the Arg-rich region of ic3 (resi- dues 217–222) of the dopamine D 2 receptor. The effi- ciency of energy transfer in the wild-type of the ... localization of these proteins in the cell rather than from the possible role of the D 2 R basic domain in the mechanism of D 1 –D 2 receptor heterodimerization. However, we find that the acidic epitope...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 03:20

16 567 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Investigating the role of the invariant carboxylate residues E552 and E1197 in the catalytic activity of Abcb1a (mouse Mdr3) docx

Báo cáo khoa học: Investigating the role of the invariant carboxylate residues E552 and E1197 in the catalytic activity of Abcb1a (mouse Mdr3) docx

... cleavage of the c-phosphate does occur in the NBD with the mutation at the IC [36,38,39]. More- over, these and other studies suggest that the IC residues are involved in the formation of the NBD dimer, ... sequence contacts the c-phosphate of the bound nucleotide across the dimer [15] and the aromatic residue of the A-loop stacks against the adenine moiety of bound nucleotide and provides further stabilization ... activates the attacking water molecule that cleaves the terminal phosphate of bound ATP. In the latter model, the IC is part of a catalytic dyad, along with the histidine residue of the H-loop,...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 06:20

13 459 0