... progress in the discovery and development of novel agents for the treatment of HCV infections. Curr Opin Investig Drugs 2007, 8, 614-34. 247. Beaulieu, P. L. Finger loop inhibitors of the HCV ... docked poses and binding affinity 77-87 Despite the availability of all of these different types of scoring functions, the current state of the art of the existing scoring functions is ... distribution and an indication of n percent inhibition... 1.1 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN DRUG DISCOVERY INTRODUCTION Figure 1.1 Stages of drug discovery and development
Ngày tải lên: 08/09/2015, 22:12
... proteins of each ligand FAD/NAD(P)-binding domain (c.3) 18 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold domains (c.2) 16 NAD(P)-binding Rossmann-fold domains (c.2) Flavin mononucleotide (FMN) 16 Flavodoxin-like ... implicates that the origin of primitive proteins benefited from ligand binding, which is reasonable in terms of the thermodynamics of ligand binding and protein folding revealed in the present study ... release during ligand binding may meet the free energy demand during protein folding It is tempting to examine the conjecture of ligand-induced formation and/or folding of primordial proteins through
Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20
Biointormatics of targeted therapeutics and applications in drug discovery
... source of courage and happiness. i Bioinformatics of Targeted Therapeutics and Applications in Drug Discovery ii Bioinformatics of Targeted Therapeutics and Applications in Drug Discovery ... received roaring attention and showed promising future A tremendous amount of money, time and human resources have been injected into drug discovery, in the hope of finding new drugs Statistics ... potency-enhancing molecular interaction modes in fully sub-potent natural product combinations with potencies of a non-principal component increased by 10–100 fold. Ingredient Role in Combination
Ngày tải lên: 12/09/2015, 09:10
The role of TFF3 in cytotoxic drug resistance of breast cancer
... common drawback: drug resistance. In addition to accumulating evidence indicating a role of TFF3 in oncogenicity of several carcinomas, TFF3 has been revealed to be involved in drug resistance. ... chemotherapy resistance mainly involve the use of combinations of different classes of drugs in therapy. Adjuvant therapy using certain inhibitors to abrogate or delay onset of resistance may also ... proved to be involved in the drug resistance of doxorubicin. Permeability-glycoprotein (Pgp), which is encoded by the MDR-1 gene, can detect the binding of doxorubicin and results in drug resistance.
Ngày tải lên: 02/10/2015, 17:15
Báo cáo khoa học: Alternative splicing: role of pseudoexons in human disease and potential therapeutic strategies pot
... are being tested with the aim of inhibiting their inclusion in the final mRNA molecules Introduction Towards the end of the 1970s, in the beginning of pre-mRNA splicing research [1,2], defining exons ... recognition in the normal splicing process [55] First, U1snRNP binding to an intronic splicing processing element has been found to inhibit pathological pseudoexon inclusion in intron 20 of the ATM ... (even in the absence of a complete or even partial understanding of the ‘basic science’ explaining their occurrence) From a therapeutic point of view, the major advantage of targeting pseudoexon inclusion
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 09:22
... measured in man- hours. The rate of growth of the index of total labor input, say L, is: i — — — — L where v1 is the relative share of the lth category of labor in the total value of labor input.3 ... more than clergymen, an increase in the number of plumbers results in a larger increase in total "real" labor input than a • similar increase in the number of clergymen. We can illustrate ... appropriate to use a (chain-linked) Divisia total- labor-input index based on a weighted average of the rates of growth of different categories of labor, using the relative shares in total labor com- pensation
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Caenorhabditis elegans metallothionein isoform specificity – metal binding abilities and the role of histidine in CeMT1 and CeMT2 potx
... major role in divalent metal coordination, although there is some hint of partial participation in a subset of the metal com- plexes present in our preparations. The role of histi- dine in metal ... · 10 )4 m for Cu–CeMT, indicat- ing an average of 1 mg of pure metal–MT complex in 1LofE. coli culture. Zn(II)-binding abilities of CeMT1 and CeMT2 Recombinant synthesis of CeMT1 yielded a unique Zn 7 –CeMT1 ... trait in MTs and, highly noteworthy in view of their coordinative potential, CeMT1 includes four histidines, whereas CeMT2 only has a terminal one. In the absence of a comprehensive analysis of
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 02:20
Báo cáo khoa học: The role of histones in chromatin remodelling during mammalian spermiogenesis pot
... binding of chromodomains to methylated lysines. Indeed, chromo- domain-containing proteins are involved in a variety of functions, but all seem to deal with chromatin. In some of these proteins, ... 3). Bromodomains are acetyl-lysine binding modules present in ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling factors as well as in some HATs and other nuclear protein s of unknown function [89]. B romodomain-containing ... The localization of H 3.3-containing chromatin has not yet been determined in mammalian germ cells, but in Drosophila, H3.3 is incorporated in chromatin during first meiotic prophase [31]. It remains concentrated
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 16:20
The Role of Theory in Aesthetics ppt
... paramount in painting, return to the plastic ones since these are indigenous to painting. Thus, the role of the theory is not to define anything but to use the definitional ... adaptation of it in my Philosophy of the Arts, what is claimed is that any- thing which is a work of art is in its nature a unique complex of interrelated parts-in painting, ... But instead of inveighing against the attempt at definition of art itself, Parker insists that what is needed is a complex definition rather than a simple one. "The definition
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 17:20
The Role of Probiotics in the Poultry Industry doc
... of probiotics in poultry includes: (i) maintaining normal intestinal microflora by competitive exclusion and antagonism [4,7,27,29,46,52-60]; (ii) altering metabolism by increasing digestive ... activity of intestinal enzymes and digestibility of nutrients [67]. The effect of Aspergillus oryzae on macronutrients metabolism in laying hens was observed [59], of which findings might be of practical ... (P<0.01) weight gains in broilers subjected to two probiotic species. Huang et al. [76] Screening of poultry Isolation of microbial strains In vivo evaluations of effects in host of interest Colonization
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 09:20
... to adequacy of funding and training of examiners. Of these, the competence of patent office staff is perhaps most significant. Such competency should be observable directly by examining the educational background ... was ranked on a 103 point scale for nine components including: • enforceability (25 points) • administration (10 points) • copyright (12 points) • patents (17 points) • trademarks (9 points) • trade ... firms involved in the transfer of critical technologies viewed the aspects of protection offered. That is, the focus was on the corporate patenting strategy, the understanding of the role of patents
Ngày tải lên: 13/03/2014, 22:07
The Role of Brand In Your BusinessBy Jay Abraham© 2003 potx
... boy, you’re in great stead Having committed to continual research, product and market development, training of your people, training of the people of your retailers, training your ... core of the speech centered around building, maintaining and sustaining a brand. But I think you’ll see that building a sustainable brand also has a definitively strategic foundation. I hope ... your brand going to solve the buyer’s problem what its role going to be in this whole process. How is it going to make certain that business strategy you set really pays off? China Speech Notes
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 19:20
The role of pictures in improving health communication: A review of research on attention, comprehension, recall, and adherence doc
... is located in the body and do so more easily and efficiently than words alone. However, words are still important in explaining the implications of the pictures and in explaining what is happening in ... effects of pictures with text on comprehension of health information. Comprehension is the process of interpreting the meaning of words or pictures to understand their collective meaning. It ... illustrated in Fig. 5 showing the many interpretations that a group of children give to one child’s pose. One way to deal with this problem is to include captions that explain the intended meaning of
Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 21:20
Beyond Remittances: The Role of Diaspora in Poverty Reduction in their Countries of Origin pptx
... major player, in attracting Diaspora investors Writing of investment from Taiwan into mainland China, Hsing makes the point that the partners to the overseas Chinese investors in many cases were ... factor in the emergence of China as a manufacturing and trading powerhouse in the 1990s It is estimated that about half of the £26 billion ($48 billion) in FDI that flowed into China in 2002 originated ... obtaining access to credit, either directly or by supporting the expansion of banking and MFI systems Training in proposal writing, fundraising, project design, evaluation Assistance in financial
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20
The Role of Districts in Fostering Instructional Improvement pptx
... ex- amined district reform efforts in four areas: promoting the instructional leadership of principals; supporting the professional learning of teachers, in particular through school-based coaching models; ... sample of three districts limits the generalizability of our 4 The Role of Districts in Fostering Instructional Improvement findings,... constraints on reform by building ... districts, we offer the following lessons learned: • Investing in the professional development of central office staff can enhance capacity to lead instructional reform • Instituting... databases
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo khoa học: New evidence for the role of calcium in the glycosidase reaction of GH43 arabinanases pot
... distribution of BsArb43B in the proximity of the active site. Arabinotriose in the binding cleft is represented using sticks. (B) Detailed view of the binding cleft with arabinotri- ose. (C) Details of ... with arabinohexose [15], this loop makes the reducing end of the carbohydrate chain bend towards the solvent, probably optimizing binding of the carbohydrate chain in the cleft, and resulting in trioses ... (shown in yellow). The hairpin that joins blades IV and V in the N-terminal domain and interacts with the C-terminal domain is shown in red. Fig. 2. Structural overlay with other arabinanases
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 23:20
Báo cáo khoa học: The role of Tyr71 in Streptomyces trypsin on the recognition mechanism of structural protein substrates ppt
... to determine the role of residue 71 in collagen binding. The elucidation of the mechanism of structural protein substrate recognition in serine proteases should help advance therapeutic research into ... equivalent in nin- hydrin colour to 1.0 l mol of leucine in 5 h at pH 7.4 at 37 °C in the presence of CaCl 2 . Data are expressed as the mean ± SD of three independent experiments. (C) The ratio of hydrolytic ... GTT, GGA and GGG, leucine was substituted with tyrosine, phenylala- nine, tryptophan, alanine, glycine, arginine, histidine, aspar- tic acid, asparagine, serine and proline, respectively. The amplified
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 00:20
Báo cáo khoa học: The role of DYRK1A in neurodegenerative diseases docx
... phosphorylated in AD. In NFTs, tau protein is phosphorylated by several pro- tein kinases, including GSK-3b, cyclin-dependent kinase5 (CDK5), c-Jun N-terminal kinase, extracellular signal-regulated kinases ... the site of storage of inactivated serine⁄ arginine-rich pro- teins, including ASF. This mechanism prevents ASF from facilitating tau exon 10 inclusion and upregulates the expression of 3R-tau ... proteins). In all exam- ined subregions of brains of DS subjects, the level of DYRK1A is higher than in control brains, but with an increase that varies topographically from 25 ngÆmg )1 in the
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 16:21
The Role of Deployments in Competency Development - Experience from Prince Sultan Air Base and Eskan Village in Saudi Arabia potx
... settings in which they learned a specific competency or skill They then indicated the single “best” learning environment for the skill or competency in question Settings included initial ... in one final open-ended question The actual - 7 survey instrument, including instructions and DAL competency definitions, is provided in the appendix - 8 - Survey Administration ... CHARACTERISTICS DEVELOPED IN THE AIR FORCE? 35 [...]... query and, in doing so, sheds light on the learning of enlisted personnel vis-à-vis the learning of officers METHODS We opted
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 01:20
The Role Of Exhibitions In The Marketing Mix pot
... A. Importance of Evaluation B. Efficiency Assessment Dear visitor of this website! Welcome to the online course of UFI “The Role of Exhibitions in the Marketing-Mix”. This online course is ... commonplace today with the exhibits being confined to one industry or a specialized segment of a specific industry. Buyers are usually business members of an industry and often must be pre-qualified ... the exhibition industry is presented (definitions, integration into the marketing mix, historical background, benefits of trade fairs). The essential features of the participation in trade fairs
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21
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