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handbook for electrical engineers hu (2)

handbook for electrical engineers hu (2)

... case. 3.1.8 Instrument Transformers The material that follows is a brief summary of information on instrument transformers as measure- ment elements. For more extensive information, consult American ... instrument transformers, and auxiliary devices. Further detailed information may be found in the Handbook for Electric Metermen, Edison Electric Institute. The practical unit of electrical energy ... instances, the rms value of a voltage or current is required, since the transformation of electrical energy to other forms involves the square of voltages or currents, and the transfer from direct...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:12

66 380 0
handbook for electrical engineers hu (3)

handbook for electrical engineers hu (3)

... mechanical deformation of the alloy takes place at a temperature of about 720°C. Mechanical deformation may be performed by warm extrusion. Magnet size is limited by the amount of deformation needed ... unity for vacuum to slightly greater than unity for gases at atmospheric pressure, 2 to 8 for common insulating solids and liquids, 35 for ethyl alcohol and 91 for pure water, and 1000 to 10,000 for ... Fire-refined copper is a lower-purity grade intended for alloying or for fabrication into products for mechanical purposes; it is not intended for electrical purposes. Casting copper is the grade...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:12

110 474 0
handbook for electrical engineers hu (4)

handbook for electrical engineers hu (4)

... removal of modules, and calibration. Information Readout. The system readouts are to be designed to provide operators with accu- rate, complete, and timely information. Consideration must be given ... produced for further fission action. For a 1300-MW (electrical) light-water nuclear plant, a representative core assembly might involve 241 fuel assemblies each weighing approxi- mately 660 kg, for ... the average lifetime of the neutrons. Substituting for k inf and D gives Substituting 1/ for ␯Σ ␣ (1 ϩ L 2 B 2 ) gives The balance equation for the delayed group is (5-14) Substituting gives and...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:12

114 360 0
handbook for electrical engineers hu (5)

handbook for electrical engineers hu (5)

... HANDBOOK FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS PRIME MOVERS 6-17 to h 1 − h 2 minus the small pump work h 4 – h 3 ϭ␯ 3 (P 4 – P 3 )/J required, and the heat added to the cycle is equal to h 1 – h 4 . Therefore (6-4) ... stainless steels. The rotor may be a single forging, fabricated from a shaft and separate wheels, or constructed of forged elements welded together. The buckets forming the rotating portion of the steam ... often cause a thrust reversal. Therefore, it is usually necessary to provide an “active” thrust bearing for normal loading and an “inactive” thrust bearing for reverse loading. The control-valve...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:12

28 440 0
handbook for electrical engineers hu (6)

handbook for electrical engineers hu (6)

... number of slots per pole per phase g ϭ electrical angle between slots q s ϭ electrical angle of skew Here, the relevant angles are stated in electrical terms. The electrical angle is p times the physical angle. ... construction. The rotor body for a salient-pole machine may be a solid forging or assembly of heavy steel plates, for high-speed designs, or a spider-and-rim assembly for low-speed designs. The ... transport loss. 7.9 TESTING OF AC GENERATORS Tests are performed on generators to establish conformance with projected performance and dynamic performance parameters. Details of such tests are contained...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:12

42 431 0
handbook for electrical engineers hu (7)

handbook for electrical engineers hu (7)

... armature-core length, in K 1 ϭ 18.5 for noncommutating-pole machines ϭ 0 for machines with commutating-pole length ϭ L r K 2 ϭ 1.0 for machines using nonmagnetic bands ϭ 1.7 for machines using magnetic ... coil equal to 1 V for a change of 10 8 linkages/s (Mx/s) for each turn of the coil, or E ϭ (⌬fT ϫ 10 –8 )/t V. If the flux lines are deformed by the motion of the coil conductor before they are broken, ... Institute (ANSI) C50.4 for dc machines includes lists of recommended tests for dc generators and motors. The IEEE Test Code for dc machines covers recommended methods to be used for these tests. 8.14...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:12

42 504 0
handbook for electrical engineers hu (8)

handbook for electrical engineers hu (8)

... website. Source: STANDARD HANDBOOK FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS HYDROELECTRIC POWER GENERATION 9-21 If the combined turbine-generator efficiency is to be calculated, the formula may be changed to where ... turbine for a given hydroelectric powerplant, it is important to consider the efficiency performance of the various types of turbines available for the head contemplated. Not only is this true for ... spillway, etc. Bulkhead gate. A gate used either for temporary closure of a channel or conduit before dewater- ing it for inspection or maintenance or for closure against flowing water. Bulkhead gates...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:12

28 416 0
handbook for electrical engineers hu (9)

handbook for electrical engineers hu (9)

... correction of 0.4% of rated kVA for self-cooled transformers or 0.5% of rated kVA for forced-air-cooled or forced-oil-cooled transformers for each 330 ft of additional altitude above 3300 ft ... tables for normal consumption of life and for moderate sacrifice of life are documented in ANSI/IEEE C57.92 for power transformers. Information is provided for situations 10-48 SECTION TEN FIGURE ... generator-step-up trans- former of moderate kVA. Most of the information is also applicable to single-phase transformers with windings on two legs, 3-phase transformers with five-leg cores, transformers with...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:12

152 440 0
handbook for electrical engineers hu (10)

handbook for electrical engineers hu (10)

... manifested in mechanical, electrical, chemical, and thermal forms—the latter being a spe- cial form of mechanical energy. Energy may be converted from any of these forms to any other form by one or more ... useful for planning pur- poses, but being able to forecast the wind accurately for one or two days could provide a significant economic benefit, allowing utility engineers to plan ahead for wind ... be classified as direct and indirect. Direct solar power involves only one trans- formation into a usable form, for example, sunlight hits a photovoltaic cell to create electricity and warms the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:12

130 403 0
handbook for electrical engineers hu (11)

handbook for electrical engineers hu (11)

... STANDARD HANDBOOK FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS used to depict the use of each type of fuel. Coal, for example, would include track networks for train transportation, river networks for barge transportation, ... Heat, Motion, Information FIGURE 12-2 Electric supply chain model. Generation Stepup transformer National grid 400 kV – 275 kV Stepdown transformer Industry 11 kV Substation transformer 11 kV Distribution ... availability. The spot market is for immediate delivery of the commodity. The forward market is for the near–term delivery of the commodity. The future markets are for the financial hedging of the...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:12

14 336 0
handbook for electrical engineers hu (12)

handbook for electrical engineers hu (12)

... of equipment that may not work well for its application. By leasing, the lessee gets a chance to work with the equipment and see if it performs as expected—before spending large amounts of investment ... having cash available to use for whatever investment opportunity may appear in the future. Before one person will lend money to another, the interest earned must compensate the lender for the unavailability ... installation, and the lessee party pays for its use. Since the lessee must pay enough profit to the lessor for the lessor to be willing to install the property for the lessee’s use, this arrangement...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:12

18 293 0
handbook for electrical engineers hu (13)

handbook for electrical engineers hu (13)

... HANDBOOK FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS silica. Insulators of high-grade electrical porcelain of the proper chemical composition free from laminations, holes, and cooling stresses have been available for ... dB(A) 2 ഛ d ഛ 6 N p ϭ number of phases For each phase, the L 5 noise level is given by (14-27) with AN 0 ϭ 75.2 for n Ͻ 3 ϭ 67.9 for n Ն 3 K 1 ϭ 7.5 for n ϭ 1 ϭ 2.6 for n ϭ 2 AN 5 ϭ Ϫ 665 g ϩ 20 log ... at a specific conductor size, where installed cost forces the PWRR higher for large conductors and the cost of losses forces the PWRR higher for smaller conductors. This is conceptualized in Fig....

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:12

142 313 0
handbook for electrical engineers hu (14)

handbook for electrical engineers hu (14)

... are significantly lower for HVDC lines than for EHV ac lines but are more sensitive to altitude effects. Switching surges are significantly lower for HVDC lines than for EHV ac lines. Switching ... through ac phase reactors and power transformers. Harmonic filters are located between the phase reactors and power transformers. Therefore, the transformers are exposed to no dc voltage stresses ... website. Source: STANDARD HANDBOOK FOR ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS DC-Capacitors. The primary objective of the valve dc side capacitor is to provide a low-inductance path for the turn-off switching currents...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:12

36 370 0
handbook for electrical engineers hu (15)

handbook for electrical engineers hu (15)

... power system they serve. For example, a unique load forecast model is developed for each case. Load Forecast. This program forecasts hourly loads 1 to 7 days in advance. Load-forecasting methods are ... These basic access methods include a polling format, a scheduled or a contention access. Polling Access. The master periodically sends a request for information/control command sequence to the RTU. Scheduled ... maintaining frequency, which is uniform among areas, but are individu- ally responsible for maintaining each area’s scheduled net interchange. The formula for this is where the summation is over...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:12

50 305 0
handbook for electrical engineers (16)

handbook for electrical engineers (16)

... Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Guide for Loading Mineral-Oil-Immersed Transformers. NEMA Publ. TR98-1964 contains corresponding recommendations for loading power trans- formers ... 105 effect on insulation life and transformer life. For recurring loads, such as the daily load cycles, the transformer would be operated for normal life expectancy. For emergencies, either planned ... transformers. The tem- perature of the top oil should never exceed 100°C. The maximum hot-spot winding temperature should not exceed 150°C for 55°C rise transformers or 180°C for 65°C rise transformers....

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 12:12

52 355 1