restriction and correspondencebased translation

Báo cáo khoa học: "Restriction and Correspondence-based Translation" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Restriction and Correspondence-based Translation" doc

... Sadler, Ian Crookston, Doug Arnold, and Andy Way. LFG and translation. Third International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation, Linguistic Research Center, ... Sadler, Ian Crookston, and Andy Way. Co-description, projection and "difficult" translation. Working Papers in Language Processing No. 8, Department of Language and Linguistics, University ... correspondence-based translation. 1. Introduction Kaplan et al. (1989) present a framework for translation based on the description and correspondence concepts of Lexical-Functional Grammar (Kaplan and...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 02:20

10 166 0
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Bilingual Terminology Acquisition from Comparable Corpora and Phrasal Translation to Cross-Language Information Retrieval" pptx

Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Bilingual Terminology Acquisition from Comparable Corpora and Phrasal Translation to Cross-Language Information Retrieval" pptx

... two-stages term-by-term translation model. - Linguistic-based pruning, which is applied on the extracted translation alternatives in order to filter and detect terms and their translations that are ... into the final phrasal translation. Re-scoring through a Test Collection Large-scale test collections could be used to re- score the translation alternatives and complete a phrasal translation. We follow ... the disambiguation of translation alternatives and thus selection of best phrasal translations (Sadat et al., 2002). Our proposed algorithm to estimate the re- scoring factor RF , relies on the source and tar- get...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 16:20

4 377 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Combining Coherence Models and Machine Translation Evaluation Metrics for Summarization Evaluation" doc

Báo cáo khoa học: "Combining Coherence Models and Machine Translation Evaluation Metrics for Summarization Evaluation" doc

... evaluating with ROUGE/BE and Pyramid, DUC and TAC also asked human judges to score every candidate summary with regard to its content, readability, and overall re- sponsiveness. DUC and TAC defined linguistic ... be between 0 and 1. Math- ematically, TESLA takes as input the following: 1. The BNG of the model summary, X, and the BNG of the candidate summary, Y . The ith en- try in X is x i and has weight ... Introduction Research and development on automatic and man- ual evaluation of summarization systems have been mainly focused on content coverage (Lin and Hovy, 2003; Nenkova and Passonneau, 2004;...

Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 18:20

9 351 0
Báo cáo Y học: Two different E2F6 proteins generated by alternative splicing and internal translation initiation ppt

Báo cáo Y học: Two different E2F6 proteins generated by alternative splicing and internal translation initiation ppt

... generate Exon3-luc and Exon2-luc. We first used RT-PCR of total RNA with primers SG92 and SG122 to amplify part of the coding regions and 5¢ UTRs of E2F6 and E2F6b mRNAs. PCR-products were digested with BglII and ... E2F6¢sand)270.9 kcalÆmol )1 for E2F6b’s 5¢UTRs. Taken together, our findings strongly oppose efficient translation initiation by ribosomal scanning for both E2F6b and E2F6, and suggest that their translation may ... initiation codon was modified by PCR with primers SG92 and SG142 and Exon2-luc as a template. The resulting PCR product was digested with BglII and XbaI and inserted into pGL2- Avr. Finally, the 2.4 kb...

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 09:20

7 323 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Crystal and solution structure, stability and post-translational modifications of collapsin response mediator protein 2 pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Crystal and solution structure, stability and post-translational modifications of collapsin response mediator protein 2 pdf

... the structure and properties of the CRMP-2 protein, both in solution and in the crystal state. Divalent cations have a drastic effect on both the stability and oligo- meric state of CRMP-2, and a number ... asymmetric unit using molrep [51], and refinement and model building were carried out iteratively using refmac [52], phenix. refine [53,54] and coot [55]. The coordinates and structure factors were deposited ... unspecific cleavage and unassigned modifications. Protein identifica- tion and modification returned from mascot were manually examined and filtered to create a confirmed protein identifi- cation and modification...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 06:20

14 431 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Braille Transcription and Mechanical Translation" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Braille Transcription and Mechanical Translation" pptx

... construction of the whole program and, in particular, of the dictionary. [ Mechanical Translation , vol.2, no.3, December 1955; pp.50-53] Braille Transcription and Mechanical Translation John P. ... " ;translation. " For instance, the phrase "oner" occurs in the dictionary and precedes "one". "Oner" may be contracted in two ways - "one r" and ... would be rather long and would not be justified by the frequency with which three or more consecutive and- words occur, compared with the relatively large frequency of pairs of and- words. More...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 19:20

4 282 0


... Machine on Logically Proceedings of Landsbergen, J. 1987. Isomorphic Grammars and their Use in the Rosetta Translation System. In King, M. (Ed) Machine Translation Today: the State of the ... affected by translation. This type of information is external to the text and therefore would not appear in the representation of the content and so would not be affected by translation. ... be defined as a translation relation across representations, TR, expressed in terms of: the two representations, sit.~ and sit.¢~', a constant described situation, s, and for the purposes...

Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2014, 02:20

11 309 0
Placental Bed Disorders Basic Science and its Translation to Obstetrics potx

Placental Bed Disorders Basic Science and its Translation to Obstetrics potx

... Ng and Pak Chung Ho 11 Deep trophoblast invasion and spiral artery remodeling 97 Robert Pijnenborg and Ivo Brosens Section 5 Comparative anatomy and research models 109 12 Comparative anatomy and ... 63 Eric Jauniaux and Graham J. Burton Section 4 Deep placentation 75 9 The junctional zone myometrium 75 Stephen R. Killick and Piotr Lesny 10 Endometrial and subendometrial blood flow and pregnancy ... Brosens 1 and T. Yee Khong 2 1 Leuven Institute for Fertility and Embryology, Leuven, Belgium 2 SA Pathology, Women’s and Children’s Hospital, North Adelaide, Australia Introduction Growth and decidualization...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 21:20

324 316 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Maximum Expected BLEU Training of Phrase and Lexicon Translation Models" pptx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Maximum Expected BLEU Training of Phrase and Lexicon Translation Models" pptx

... model, word and phrase counts, and phrase and lexicon translation models. Given the focus of this paper, we review only the phrase and lexicon translation models below. 3.1. Phrase translation ... joint counts of 𝑒 and 𝑓, and 𝐶(𝑓) is the marginal counts of 𝑓. In translation, the input sentence is segmented into K phrases, and the source-to-target forward phrase (FP) translation feature ... as ten thousand syntactic features, and used Margin Infused Relaxed Algorithm (MIRA) to train the feature weights. However, the number of parameters in common phrase and lexicon translation...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 14:20

10 396 0


... of the translation 1 2 Preliminary notes: conventions 5 3 Preliminary notes: Archimedes’ works 10 Translation and Commentary 29 On the Sphere and the Cylinder, Book I 31 On the Sphere and the ... Florence and the Vatican Library in Rome. The librarians at these institutions were all very kind and patient (not easy, when your reader bends over diagrams, ruler and compass in hand!). I wish ... conservator of manuscripts, Abigail Quandt, to the imagers of the manuscript, especially Bill Christens-Barry, Roger Easton, and Keith Knox and finally, and most importantly, to the anonymous...

Ngày tải lên: 21/09/2012, 11:00

387 1,2K 3
Báo cáo y học: "Translational Medicine and Reliability of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Studies: Can We Believe in SNP Reports or Not"

Báo cáo y học: "Translational Medicine and Reliability of Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism Studies: Can We Believe in SNP Reports or Not"

... polymorphisms and cancer outcome (mainly colorectal, breast, and lung malig- nancy) SNPs for GST polymorphisms were used as a substrate for analyses. Materials and Methods Search strategy and eligibility ... decision-making both in clinical and pharmacological development settings. Biologists, researchers and physicians are actu- ally called to deal with manuscripts of translational medicine research ... tumour characteristics and survival in advanced breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res. 1999;1:81-7 74. Nedelcheva Kristensen V, Andersen TI, Erikstein B, Geitvik G, Skovlund E, Nesland JM, Borresen-Dale...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:51

9 524 0
Báo cáo y học: "The Impact of a Nationwide Antibiotic Restriction Program on Antibiotic Usage and Resistance against Nosocomial Pathogens in Turkey"

Báo cáo y học: "The Impact of a Nationwide Antibiotic Restriction Program on Antibiotic Usage and Resistance against Nosocomial Pathogens in Turkey"

... of the antibiotic restriction policy on the anti- biotic use, financial cost and resistance patterns of leading nosocomial pathogens. Materials and Methods Hospital setting and antibiotic policy: ... to evaluate the effect of a nationwide restriction programme on both antibiotic consumption and an- timicrobial resistance rates. Few hospitals had a restriction policy before 2003 in Turkey. ... The restriction policy has resulted in clear and immediate saving. The long term influence on medi- cal budget may be stronger than the beginning. The financial impact of antimicrobial restriction...

Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 11:00

6 693 0
Báo cáo y học: "Functional genomics analysis of low concentration of ethanol in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cells. Role of genes involved in transcriptional and translational processes"

Báo cáo y học: "Functional genomics analysis of low concentration of ethanol in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cells. Role of genes involved in transcriptional and translational processes"

... up-regulated (COBRA1, ITGB4, STAU2, and HMGN3) genes and one down-regulated (ANK3) gene. All these genes exert their function on transcriptional and translational processes and until now none of these ... and NFκB) and expression of apoptotic genes (Fas receptor, Fas ligand, FADD and caspase 8) [19]. However, the effect of low concentration of ethanol on genes involved in transcriptional and ... involved in transcriptional and translational processes Francisco Castaneda 1 , Sigrid Rosin-Steiner 1 and Klaus Jung 2 3 1. Laboratory for Molecular Pathobiochemistry and Clinical Research,...

Ngày tải lên: 31/10/2012, 15:28

8 704 0
Assignment on Translation Translation into English and Vietnamese

Assignment on Translation Translation into English and Vietnamese

... message,calling inland and international,incremental services with the first number 8x Reward account allows customers to calling and sending messages within MobiFone network . So that , all calling and sending ... Tel : 0918.775.368 Hanoi Open University Faculty of English and Modern languages Assignment on Translation Translation into English and Vietnamese Hanoi,2008 1 Website: Email ... official visit to Union UK and Nath Irish , Federal Republic German and Irish. . March 5 th : In Ha Noi , Viet Nam Woman’s Union Association holds the corps diplomatic and international sponorship...

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2013, 10:29

14 1K 3


... ASI@ ITC U3S2-7 - Goal and Scope e-textile © hộp cônng cụ e-textile. Tài liệu này được tải về từ Gợi ... các trường hợp. Có một tiếp cận thay thế nữa là phân bổ theo khối 9 ASI@ ITC U3S2-7 - Goal and Scope e-textile Hộp thông tin trực tuyến về sản xuất hiệu quả trong ngành dệt Cảm ... © hộp công cụ e-textile. Tài liệu này được tải về từ ASI@ ITC U3S2-7 - Goal and Scope e-textile © hộp cônng cụ e-textile. Tài liệu này được tải về từ

Ngày tải lên: 22/10/2013, 12:15

8 512 4

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