remote speed control of ac dc motor pdf

Direct torque control of brushless DC motor with non sinusoidal back EMF

Direct torque control of brushless DC motor with non sinusoidal back EMF

... Selection Table Fig Representation of two-phase switching states of the inverter voltage space vectors for a BLDC motor Usually the overall control system of a BLDC motor drive includes three hall-effect ... inductance, motor speed, snubber circuit, and the amount of load torque If a BLDC motor has an ideal trapezoidal back-EMF having a 120 electrical degree flat top, one current sensor on the dclink ... Operation of the DTC of a BLDC motor above the base speed is not in the scope of this paper Conventional two-phase conduction quasi-square wave current control causes the locus of the stator flux...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:44

7 457 3
Direct torque and indirect flux control of brushless DC motor with non sinusoidal back EMF without position sensor

Direct torque and indirect flux control of brushless DC motor with non sinusoidal back EMF without position sensor

... validity and effectiveness of the sensorless three-phase conduction DTC of a BLDC motor drive with six-switch inverter The Proposed Sensorless DTC of Four-Switch BLDC Motor Drive Using Three-Phase ... wave shapes require very fast controllers in particular at high speed Classical bandwidth of the controller (such as proportional– integral) does not allow tracking all of the reference current harmonics ... Conduction 2.1 Principles of the Proposed Method Title Block Indirect torque control method of BLDC motor explained in [9] was extended to a direct torque and indirect flux control technique for...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:45

5 618 2
Direct torque and indirect flux control of brushless DC motor

Direct torque and indirect flux control of brushless DC motor

... flux control of BLDC motor that is similar to the conventional DTC scheme used for sinusoidal ac motors where both torque and flux are controlled, simultaneously This method provides advantages of ... III PROPOSED SENSORLESS DTC OF BLDC MOTOR DRIVE USING THREE-PHASE CONDUCTION A Principles of the Proposed Method In this study, indirect torque control method of BLDC motor explained in [29] is ... ac motors is no longer valid for BLDC motor, therefore, a new torque estimation algorithm is derived in dq frame consisting of actual dq-axes back EMF constants and currents Instead of the actual...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:46

10 628 0
Tài liệu Speed Control of DC Manchines pptx

Tài liệu Speed Control of DC Manchines pptx

... Đặc tính tải Thêm Radd nối tiếp cuộn dây phần ứng Example 1: Example 2: Example 3: Đặc tính động DC kích từ nối tiếp Example 4: Example 5: ...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 14:15

11 429 1


... e Simulation and Speed Control of Induction Motor Drives 2012 CHAPTER ANALYSIS OF VARIOUS METHODS FOR SPEED CONTROL OF IM The various methods of speed control of 3- Induction motor are as under: ... Simulation and Speed Control of Induction Motor Drives 2012 Figure 3.7: Torque -Speed Characteristics for machine parameters as in Fig 3.2 9|Page Simulation and Speed Control of Induction Motor Drives ... Simulation and Speed Control of Induction Motor Drives 2012 Figure 3.19:Torque -Speed Characteristics for machine parameters as in Fig 3.14 17 | P a g e Simulation and Speed Control of Induction Motor...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 22:06

76 684 0
Take Control of Your Airport Network pdf

Take Control of Your Airport Network pdf

... Take Control ofEmail with Apple Mail, by Joe Kissell Take Control o Spam with Apple Mail, by Joe Kissell f Take Control ofMakingMusic with GarageBand, by Jeff Tolbert Take Control ofBuyinga Mac, ... Take Control of Your Airport Network Glenn Fleishman - Take Control Peachpit Press TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR AIRPORT NETWORK Glenn Fleishman Peachpit Press, 1249 Eighth Street, ... Take Control o Upgrading to Panther, by Joe Kissell f Take Control o CnstomizingPanther, by Matt Neuburg f Take Control o Users &Accounts in Panther, by Kirk McElhearn f Take Control...

Ngày tải lên: 14/03/2014, 22:20

155 620 0
Báo cáo khoa học: Mechanisms of obesity and related pathologies: Transcriptional control of adipose tissue development pdf

Báo cáo khoa học: Mechanisms of obesity and related pathologies: Transcriptional control of adipose tissue development pdf

... and hypertrophy (i.e an expansion of adipocyte volume as a result of the accumulation of lipids) Consequently, knowledge of the origin and molecular control of adipocyte progenitor commitment ... expression of the PPARc-Cre gene, then the marked cells continued to produce LacZ because of the indelible nature of the system (ROSA26-flox-stop-flox-lacZ) In the other GFP mouse, activation of the ... important for our understanding of what controls the expansion of fat mass in different individuals Moreover, it is also important to understand the origins of each of the different white and brown...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 22:21

9 459 0
Neural Preprocessing and Control of Reactive Walking Machines pdf

Neural Preprocessing and Control of Reactive Walking Machines pdf

... a tactile exploration of the obstacle through the active pedipalps Using the tactile hairs for obstacle perception, it is finally able to escape the obstacle The series of photos of the obstacle ... can be abstractly emulated in these reactive walking machines In the next section, the background of research in the area of agent– environment interactions is described, which is part of the motivation ... capacities In this book, we shall concentrate on the concept of reactive control to generate the behavior of four- and six-legged walking machines In particular, we shall present a behavior controller...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 06:20

194 297 0
High performance torque control of switched reluctance motor

High performance torque control of switched reluctance motor

... Performance of proposed nonlinear robust tracking controller at motor demanded torque of 0.9 N.m and speed of 200 r/min 145 7.7 Performance of proposed nonlinear robust tracking controller at motor ... an inner torque control loop The accuracy of the outer loop depends on the bandwidth and accuracy of the inner loop controller Hence, torque control is at the heart of a motion control system ... Performance of proposed nonlinear robust tracking controller when motor torque is a given a step change of 1.5 N.m 149 7.10 Performance of proposed nonlinear robust tracking controller when motor...

Ngày tải lên: 14/09/2015, 12:37

208 612 0
Stator flux vector based modulation and constant switching frequency direct torque control of AC machines

Stator flux vector based modulation and constant switching frequency direct torque control of AC machines

... interaction between the stator and rotor flux vectors Field oriented control (FOC) and direct torque control (DTC) methods are the two main approaches of achieving torque control of AC machines ... 1.1: Two main approaches of torque control of AC- machines magnitude directly decide the voltage vector u∗ and therefore the motion of stator s flux vector ψ s Control of torque is achieved in the ... 178 7.2 Speed sensorless operation 180 Bibliography 182 vii Summary Direct method of torque control is a major research area for control of speed and torque of AC machine...

Ngày tải lên: 16/09/2015, 17:13

222 357 0
DC bus control of variable speed wind turbine using a buck boost converter

DC bus control of variable speed wind turbine using a buck boost converter

... versus tip -speed ratio Fig.3 : Connection diode rectifier circuits to the generator Unlike constant -speed control, a variable -speed control can adjust the speed of the turbine as the wind speed changes, ... converted into DC power through diode bridge rectifier circuits with a unity power factor and the load current is continuous [13] Pt = 3VI = V dc I dc (3) Where, Vdc, Idc are DC side voltage ... following, V dc = V dc = π π 2V L L (6) 6V (7) From (3) and (7), the equation of Idc and I, concisely expressed is obtained π I dc = I Fig Typical wind power versus turbine rotor speed III CONVERTER...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:15

5 576 1
A park like transformation for the study and the control of a nonsinusoidal brushless DC motor

A park like transformation for the study and the control of a nonsinusoidal brushless DC motor

... tables The aim of this study was to reach an efficient control of the instantaneous torque of a non-sinusoidal brushless DC motor The classical ways of traclang off-line computed optimal current ... IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NONLMAR FEEDBACK CONTROL SCHEME The implementation of the nonlinear feedback control scheme in "pseudo-dq" frame described above requires numerous control and computation tasks The control ... feedback control is not robust In order to improve the robustness, the addition of integrators in the linear control part algorithm [10,171 or, better, the use of an adaptwe nonlinear feedback control...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:44

8 518 1
Direct torque control of four switch brushless DC motor with non sinusoidal back EMF

Direct torque control of four switch brushless DC motor with non sinusoidal back EMF

... BLDC motor with actual backapplied Position Hysteresis EMF waveforms, respectively Steady-state speed control Encoder Motor Brake is performed with an inner-loop torque control without flux control ... four-switch DTC of a BLDC motor drive TABLE III VOLTAGE VECTOR SELECTION IN SECTORS II AND V FOR FOUR-SWITCH DTC OF BLDC MOTOR DRIVE (CCW) (a) (b) (c) factors such as sampling time, dc- link voltage, ... of BLDC motor drive in the constant torque region can be obtained similar to the DTC of a PMSM drive as s( e) II Figure Actual (realistic) phase back-EMF, current, and phase torque profiles of...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:46

7 617 1
Tài liệu Mechatronics DC Motor / Tachometer Closed-Loop Speed Control System ppt

Tài liệu Mechatronics DC Motor / Tachometer Closed-Loop Speed Control System ppt

... power amplifier Motor speed is measured using an analog tachometer Figure Physical System Mechatronics DC Motor / Tachometer Closed-Loop Speed Control System Kevin Craig The DC motor/ tachometer system ... 0.5 A V @ 1.0 A A schematic diagram of a DC motor is shown in Figure Figure Schematic Diagram of a DC Motor Mechatronics DC Motor / Tachometer Closed-Loop Speed Control System Kevin Craig 10 Motion ... the assumptions made for the DC motor model, as the analog tachometer is a DC generator - a DC motor in reverse Mechatronics DC Motor / Tachometer Closed-Loop Speed Control System Kevin Craig 16...

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 13:20

29 725 0
Analysis, design and implementation of high performance control schemes for three phase PWM AC DC voltage source converter

Analysis, design and implementation of high performance control schemes for three phase PWM AC DC voltage source converter

... currents vdc ,∆vdc DC signal and AC signal in DC link voltage p p n n Sd ,Sq ,Sd ,Sq DC signals in positive and negative d-q frame control signals → → − − ep , en k k space vectors of the k th ... terms in DC current harmonics Ira,h ,Irq,h active and reactive components of the current Irh Irh ,φih amplitude and phase of the hth -order DC current harmonics in∗ Is conjugate of current space vector ... d AC signal of positive sequence line side currents ∆in ,∆in q d AC signal of negative sequence line side currents p p ∆Sd ,∆Sq AC signal of positive sequence control signals n n ∆Sd ,∆Sq AC...

Ngày tải lên: 11/09/2015, 16:02

286 739 0
Control of high performance single phase DC AC inverter

Control of high performance single phase DC AC inverter

... supply: AC- DC rectifier, AC- AC converter, DC -AC inverter and DC- DC converter An DC -AC power converter transforms a DC input voltage to a desired magnitude and frequency AC output voltage The AC power ... system performance of a static UPS system 1.1.1 Control of DC -AC Inverters In control of DC -AC inverters, Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of the output voltage and dynamic response of the converter ... 1.1 DC -AC Inverter in Uninterruptible Power Supplies 1.1.1 Control of DC -AC Inverters 1.2 Literature Review on Control of Inverters 1.3 Motivation of...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2015, 21:56

164 1,5K 0


... reengineering activity 67.1 GENERAL MODELS FOR THE MANAGEMENT CONTROL OF PROJECTS 67.1.1 The Macro Cybernetic Model Figure 67.1 is a macro framework that places the entire task of the project control ... types of recognition of functional personnel by project managers and by peers Many of the new dimensions of control systems that are required in the control of complex projects are found in the control ... Conflicting feedback leaves the decision-maker confused as o the state of goal achievement Confounded feedback occurs when the results of an action are mixed up with the results of other actions and...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 14:15

18 424 0


... budgeted value of work represented on the network for each work package Each work package thus contains estimates of its planned value, so that any major part of the work package is accorded a corresponding ... data on actual expenditures and progress and assign actual cost for work actually accomplished for each work package We then compare the planned value for work actually accomplished with the actual ... SURVEY OF COMPUTER SOFTWARE FOR THE MANAGEMENT CONTROL OF PROJECTS There are currently more than 350 software packages available to assist in the management control of complex projects These packages...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 14:15

22 416 0


... results of the experiment with the prototype will follow this Fig.1 Block diagram of the ac motor controller showing the ac- to -dc conversion, the PWM pulse, and the dc- to -ac inverter AC MOTOR CONTROLLER ... briefly review the relevant issues of motor controller design Fig.1 below is a block diagram of the ac motor controller A section covering theory of ac motor controller operation, then a section ... Synchronous speed = 120 (frequency) / (number of poles), the motor speed can be varied by the frequency The actual speed of the motor shaft is determined by the load which sets a slip in the motor AC MOTOR...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 18:06

37 443 0
Vector control of three phase AC machines - N.P.Quang

Vector control of three phase AC machines - N.P.Quang

... orientation Acquisition of the current Acquisition of the speed Possibilities for sensor-less acquisition of the speed Example for the speed sensor-less control of an IM drive Example for the speed ... Dittrich Vector Control of Three-Phase AC Machines Nguyen Phung Quang · Jörg-Andreas Dittrich Vector Control of Three-Phase AC Machines System Development in the Practice With 230 Figures Prof Dr Nguyen ... advantage of the sin control is the simple distinction of inductive and capacitive reactive power by the sign of sin The DFIM control system consists of two parts: Generator-side control and...

Ngày tải lên: 18/12/2013, 09:10

346 1,4K 0