... park. 2. David ___________ (not hurt) his knee. 3. I kicked the ball and it ___________ (break) a window. Past simple: regular and irregular verbs. Exercises A. Complete the sentences. Ejemplo: ... home early? X 3. Where you did learn English? X 4. Did she works today? X 5. What do you this yesterday? X 6. Did they last night phone you? X E. Regular (R) or irregular (I) verbs? play ... ________ some pasta and ________ some juice. 7. After lunch I ________ for a few hours, I ________ tired! H. Complete with past simple (regular verbs) . 1. I opened the door and ___________...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo toán học: "A generalization of generalized Paley graphs and new lower bounds for R(3, q)" pot
... R (3, 22) 125, R (3, 23) 136 , R (3, 25 ) 1 53, R (3, 28) 172, R (3, 29) 182, R (3, 30 ) 187, R (3, 3 1) 198, R (3, 32 ) 212. We would also like to mention that our result R (3, 22) 131 and ... method. 4 The main results Theorem 1 R (3, 22) 131 , R (3, 2 3) 137 , R (3, 2 5) 154, R (3, 28) 1 73, R (3, 29) 184, R (3, 30 ) 190, R (3, 31 ) 199, R (3, 32 ) 21 4 . the electronic journal of ... special element k = 23 of order 3, S 1 = [1 , 3, 12, 18, 33 ] = {1, 3, 12, 18, 23, 25, 33 }. It is easy to verify that G 45 (A i ) is an automorphism cyclic graph and R (3, 1 5) 73. Example 5 n =...
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 11:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Learning How to Conjugate the Romanian Verb. Rules for Regular and Partially Irregular Verbs" docx
... no. verbs 1 547 2 8 3 18 4 5 5 8 6 16 7 33 30 8 2 73 9 89 10 4 11 5 12 4 13 106 14 13 15 5 rule no. verbs 16 13 17 6 18 4 19 14 20 124 21 25 22 15 23 7 24 41 25 51 26 185 27 1554 28 486 29 5 30 ... most verbs (3, 330 ) is the one modelling those from the 1st conjugational class (whose infinitives end in ”a”) which conjugate with the ”ez” suffix and are regular, namely rule 7, created for verbs like ... the 3rd person singular and plural, t→t¸ for the 2nd person singular; ”a des¸tepta” (to awake/arouse); 13. alternation: e→ea for the 3rd person singular and plural, t→t¸ for the 2nd person singular; ”a...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 22:20
A cross cultural analysis of english textbook for grade 10 and suggestion of supplementary activities for students’ cross cultural awareness
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 12:58
... skills and may ignore its importance or close relationship between developing listening skill and other English skills. As a result, they become passive and indifferent. 3. 2 .3. 3. Problems and ... subject 29% and job opportunities in the future 100%. Meanwhile, improving listening ability to understand and communicate in real situations and listening for entertainment account for 60%, 78%, ... techniques and strategies come up for discussion in question 15. 1 – always 2 - often 3- sometimes 4 – rarely 5 - never 1 2 3 4 5 Tips to do successfully different types of listening tasks 33 %...
Ngày tải lên: 05/02/2014, 22:02
Đề tài " Automorphic distributions, Lfunctions, and Voronoi summation for GL(3) " pot
... the proof of the Voronoi summation formula for GL (3) , except for Lemma 5 .3. Proof of Lemma 5 .3. Recall the arguments and notation in the proof of Corollary 3. 38. Restated in terms of this notation, ... formally: M ε+δ 2 ρ q,k (1 − s − λ 2 ) = q λ 2 −λ 3 −1 M ε+δ 3 n=0 a 1,n |n| λ 3 (sgn n) δ 3 e( nt q 2 − n ¯ k q ) (s + λ 3 ) = q 2s+λ 2 +λ 3 −1 G ε+δ 3 (s + λ 3 ) n=0 a 1,n |n| −s (sgn n) ε e(− n ¯ k q ) ... e(nk/q)= ¯χ(n) g χ , for all n ∈ Z ; (6.14) see [39 , Lemma 3. 63] , for example. 6.15 Theorem. Let τ ∈ (V −∞ λ,δ ) Γ be a cuspidal automorphic distribution for Γ = GL (3, Z) as in (2.8), and χ a primitive...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Identification of a preferred substrate peptide for transglutaminase 3 and detection of in situ activity in skin and hair follicles pdf
... transglutaminase 3 enzyme. J Biol Chem 278, 238 34– 238 41. 30 Hitomi K, Presland RB, Nakayama T, Fleckman P, Dale BA & Maki M (20 03) Analysis of epidermal- type transglutaminase (transglutaminase 3) in human ... peptide for TGase 3 A. Yamane et al. 35 66 FEBS Journal 277 (2010) 35 64 35 74 ª 2010 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2010 FEBS Identification of a preferred substrate peptide for transglutaminase 3 and ... of the small proline-rich 2 fam- ily of cornified cell envelope proteins. J Biol Chem 2 73, 232 97– 233 03. 36 Candi E, Tarcsa E, Idler WW, Kartasova T, Marekov LN & Steinert PM (1999) Transglutaminase...
Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 21:20
Báo cáo khoa học: Redox reaction between amino-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)methyl phosphonic acid and dopaquinone is responsible for the apparent inhibitory effect on tyrosinase doc
... [14] and its phosphonic analog (this study) decompose to 3, 4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde. The same phenomenon occurs for 3, 4-dihydroxymandelic acid [24,29 33 ], whereas the o-quinone generated from a- (3, 4- dihydroxyphenyl)-lactic ... from Aspergillus albus. Agric. Biol. Chem. 43, 133 7– 133 8. 13. Lejczak, B., Kafarski, P. & Makowiecka, E. (1987) Phosphonic analogues of tyrosine and 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (dopa) influence ... decarboxylation of 3, 4-dihydroxymandelic acid. Biochem. J. 281, 35 3 35 7. 34 . Sugumaran, M., Dali, H. & Semensi, V. (1991) The mechanism of tyrosinase-catalysed oxidative decarboxylation of alpha- (3, 4-dihydroxyphenyl)-lactic...
Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2014, 09:20
Quantitative Methods for Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (Cambridge, 2006) - Chapter 3 doc
... 910 0 50 100 150 200 250 30 0 35 0 m SSQ( m) n = 5 n = 10 Figure 3. 9. The sum of squared deviations for estimate of an unknown value M by the data 6.4694, 5.096, 6. 035 9, 5 .37 25, 6. 535 4, 6.5529, 5.79 63, 3. 945, 6. 132 6, 7.5929. ... e Àlt X k¼0 k ðltÞ k ðk À 1Þ! and as before we write out the last summation explicitly EfK 2 g¼e Àlt ðltÞþ 2ðltÞ 2 1! þ 3 ltÞ 3 2! þ 4ðltÞ 4 3! þÁÁÁ "# ¼ e Àlt ðltÞ 1 þ 2ðltÞþ 3 ltÞ 2 2! þ 4ðltÞ 3 3! þÁÁÁ "# ¼ ... random v ariable K is EfKg¼ X k¼0 k e Àlt ðltÞ k k! ¼ e Àlt ðltÞþ 2ðltÞ 2 2! þ 3 ltÞ 3 3! þ 4ðltÞ 4 4! þÁÁÁ "# and we now factor (lt) from the right hand side, simplify the fractions, and...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 13:20
Technology, Knowledge and the Firm Implications for Strategy and Industrial Change PHẦN 3 ppt
... with aftersalescare.Throughtheirsalesfranchisesandoutlets, theymaybuyback cars and trucks for secondhand sales. More recently, owing to increased environmental awareness and legislation, vehicle producers arrange for the disposalandrecyclingof ... choice and innovation in consumption’, in M. Bianchi (ed.), The Active Consumer, London: Routledge, pp. 46– 63. Hill, P. (1977), ‘On goods and services’, Review of Income and Wealth, 23 (4), 31 5 38 . Holt, ... the company and its customer. For companies like Rolls-Royce, therefore, instrumentation and electronics for monitoring and diagnostics become more central to the company’s innovation profile and strategy....
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 02:20
... +2)!(n +1) 2 (2n +1) 2 . For s =3 we have ζ (3) = ∞ n=0 (−1) n 72 4n n 3n n { 6120n +5265n 4 + 137 61n 2 + 138 78n 3 + 1040 (4n + 1)(4n +3) (n + 1)(3n +1) 2 (3n +2) 2 }, and so on. References [A] ... 2 For s =2 we obtain ζ (3) = 1 4 ∞ n=1 (−1) n−1 56n 2 − 32 n +5 (2n − 1) 2 1 3n n 2n n n 3 where G is G(n, k)= (−1) k k! 2 (2n − k)! (3 + 4n)(4n 2 +6n + k +3) 2(2n + k +2)!(n ... of ζ (3) , Math. Intel. 1 (1979), 195-2 03. [WZ1] H.S. Wilf, D. Zeilberger, Rational functions certify combinatorial identities,Jour.Amer.Math.Soc .3 (1990), 147-158. [Z] D. Zeilberger, Closed Form...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 06:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Molecular analysis of hprt mutation in B6C3F1 mice exposed to ozone alone and combined treatment of 4-(N-methyl-N-nitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone and/or dibutyl phthalate for 32 and 52 weeks" ppsx
... (20) 3 (9) TA 0 (0) 3 ( 13) 3 (14) 7 (27) 6 (17) 4 (16) 2 (6) CG 2 (12) 6 (25) 0 (0) 3 (12) 4 (11) 6 (24) 4 (12) AT to GC 3 (18) 1 (4) 3 (14) 5 (19) 3 (9) 2 (8) 6 (18) CG 0 (0) 3 ( 13) 5 (24) 3 (12) ... (8) 3 (9) TA 1 (7) 2 (10) 4 (18) 3 (17) 1 (4) 3 (12) 5 (15) Insertions 1 (7) 2 (10) 3 (14) 3 (17) 4 (15) 3 (12) 5 (15) Deletions 1 (7) 1 (5) 3 (14) 1 (6) 3 (12) 3 (12) 5 (15) Total Clones 14 (100) ... 1981, 34 , 233 - 238 . 11. Gray TJ, Beamand JA. Effect of some phthalate esters and other testicular toxins on primary cultures of testicular cells. Food Chem Toxicol 1984, 22 , 1 23- 131 . 12. Harris...
Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 18:20
Manual for Soil Analysis-Monitoring and Assessing Soil Bioremediation Phần 3 pps
... borate is formed, which is titrated back to boric acid with hydrochloric acid according to the following equations: 2NH 3 + H 3 BO 3 → (NH 4 ) 2 HBO 3 (NH 4 ) 2 HBO 3 +2HCl → 2NH 4 Cl + H 3 BO 3 2 ... solution are Al 3+ and Fe 3+ . Al 3+ ion s exists in water as an [Al(H 2 O) 6 ] 3+ complex which dissociates into H 3 O + ions according to [Al(H 2 O) 6 ] 3+ + H 2 O ⇔ [Al(H 2 O) 5 ] 2+ + H 3 O + (pK a = ... true for carbonate-rich soils, because decomposition of CaCO 3 , which starts at temperatures of approx. 500 ◦ C. Therefore,themethodismainlyrecommendedforsandyandcarbonate- free soils and peats....
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 01:20
Physics, Pharmacology and Physiology for Anaesthetists - 3 pdf
... phases of oil and gas in a closed system at equilibrium and at standard temperature and pressure. Bunsen solubility coefficient The volume of gas, corrected to standard temperature and pressure, that ... amount of substance present in equal volume phases of blood and gas in a closed system at equilibrium and at standard temperature and pressure. Oil : gas solubility coefficient The ratio of the ... coefficient is, therefore, independent of the partial pressure. Solubility and diffusion 39 The line is identical to that above except that in this instance the slope is determined by both and the concentration...
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