red switch on pc power supply

A digitally controlled switch mode power supply based on matrix converter

A digitally controlled switch mode power supply based on matrix converter

... output power. (2: [5 A/div], 4: [125 V/div]). 124 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS, VOL. 21, NO. 1, JANUARY 2006 A Digitally Controlled Switch Mode Power Supply Based on Matrix Converter Somnida ... efficiency. In response to these concerns, this paper proposes a digitally controlled switch mode power supply based on a matrix con- verter for telecommunication applications (Fig. 2). Matrix con- verter ... input power factor with high total harmonic distortion (THD). In this paper, a digitally controlled three-phase switch mode power supply based on a matrix converter is proposed for telecommunication...

Ngày tải lên: 13/05/2014, 00:55

7 395 1
Single phase uninterruptible power supply based on z source inverter

Single phase uninterruptible power supply based on z source inverter

... a total of nine switching states and their vector representations, where the switching function S x (x = 1, 2, 3, or 4) is defined as 1 when switch S x turns on and as 0 when switch S x turns ... over the traditional UPSs: 1) The dc/dc booster and the inverter have been combined into one single-stage power conversion; 2) the distortion of the ac output-voltage waveform is reduced in the ... operation, the rectifier provides power 0278-0046/$25.00 â 2008 IEEE 3002 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, VOL. 55, NO. 8, AUGUST 2008 Fig. 9. Simulation results. (a) Traditional UPS...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:12

8 428 1
Your PC, Inside and Out: Chassis, Power supply and Motherboard

Your PC, Inside and Out: Chassis, Power supply and Motherboard

... PCIE connectors can also be powered using 2 molex connectors if one isn’t available from the PSU itself, and molex to SATA power connectors are also quite common. SATA - This connector ... particularly common on older power supplies, but as mentioned above it is possible to get a converter cable. Indeed, most budget cases still use this design, and for good reason – it’s a conventional, ... the more efficient the power supply is the less AC power it requires to provide sufficient DC power, meaning lower overall power consumption from the mains and a smaller power bill. The earth...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 20:35

94 462 0
UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)

UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)

... Cách Test đơn giãn là dùng một điện trở tải (điện trở sứ trong các monitor CRT hay tivi) chừng vài chục ôm và vài chục W. Kẹp song song với que đo đồng hồ khi đo. - Nếu mức sụt áp <= 5% là ... động bằng cách chập hai chân của nút power switch trên mainboard bằng một chiếc tua-vít, chìa khóa hay bất cứ thứ gì có thể dẫn điện. Nếu công tắc power switch của bạn bị hỏng và bạn không có ... vhoạt động v cung cp ngun cho ti. ã ON LINE: Inverter luụn hoạt động (on) cung cấp điện cho tải. UPS thông minh ã c iu khin bi phn mm qua cng USB hoc cng song song. ã Cho phộp chn oỏn UPS Cho...

Ngày tải lên: 27/04/2013, 11:36

52 1,1K 5
Electronics - Digital Control of Switching Power Supply

Electronics - Digital Control of Switching Power Supply

... system parameters. Digital Control of Switching Power Supply - Power Factor Correction Stage Sangsun Kim and Dr. P. Enjeti Power Electronics and Power Quality Laboratory Department ... IEEE 519 harmonic limits. II. Analog and Digital Control Traditionally, the implementation of switching power supply has been accomplished by using analog power factor correction (PFC) as ... D/A converters or power control devices. The A/D Converter of ST52x420 is an 8-bit analog to digital converter with up to 8 analog inputs offering 8-bit resolution and a typical conversion time...

Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 16:15

11 535 1
Tài liệu Power Supply Block Diagram ppt

Tài liệu Power Supply Block Diagram ppt

... Notes on SwitchGeneral Notes on Switch Mode RegulatorMode Regulator The duty cycle of the series transistor (power switch) determinesyy (p ) the average dc output of the regulator. A circuit to control ... Other SpecificationsOther Specifications A d fi iti f lt l ti iA common definition for voltage regulation is: 100(%) x VV regulationVoltage FLNL − =() V gg FL The ability to reduce the output ... R s constant. Since the voltage drop across R s is constant V stays constant H. Chan; Mohawk College 11 constant, V o stays constant. Comparison of Different Types of RectifiersComparison of...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 23:15

53 403 1
Tài liệu The Computer Case and Power Supply pptx

Tài liệu The Computer Case and Power Supply pptx

... Power Supply Estimated time: 45 Minutes Objective In this lab, identify the type of computer case to be used, the form factor of the unit, and the voltage selector switch on the power supply. ... _______________ USB Keyboard Connector _______ 5-pin DIN or ________ 6-pin mini DIN _______ USB (Make sure it matches the connector on the Motherboard). Power Supply AT __________ ATX ... ISA _____________ PCI _____________ On Board ______________ Sound Card Manufacturer: __________ Model: _______________ ISA ____________ PCI ____________ On Board _____________ ...

Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 19:15

4 373 0
Research on field weakening based on reactive power with BLDC motor for electric vehicle application

Research on field weakening based on reactive power with BLDC motor for electric vehicle application

... BLDC motor using PWM control, the stator winding is at unceasingly the power on and off condition periodically, the air gap magnetic flux is weakened along with the rotor position changing[8]. III. ... ON REACTIVE POWER WITH BLDC MOTOR The electrical machinery power is composed by the active power and the reactive power[ 9]-[10]. In the static α − β frame, the active power P e and reactive power ... reactive power; I. INTRODUCTION The electric vehicle(EV) is the cleanenergy saving and environmental protection transportation vehicle, which hav- ing no pollution, low heat radiation , the noise...

Ngày tải lên: 03/01/2014, 19:47

5 616 1
asg 2 electrical power supply

asg 2 electrical power supply

... Electrical power supply architecture 2.4 Power supply functions 2. Electrical power supply 6 2.4 Power supply functions There are three separate functions: b Supply and cut off the machine power ... Electrical power supply 7 b Power unit supply The table (C Fig. 5) summarises the power units and functions covering the requisite functions. 2.5 Power supply to the control circuit The power supply ... Electrical power supply 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 M 2.1 Introduction Page 2.2 Power supply to machinery Page 2.3 Standards and conventions Page 2.4 Power supply functions Page 2.5 Power supply...

Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 08:33

8 397 0
the book report on the power and the glory by graham greene

the book report on the power and the glory by graham greene

... State Approval. Graham GreeneOne day I gave The Power and the Glory to a native of Mexico who had lived through the worst persecutions She confessed that your descriptions were so vivid, your priest ... being shot. After several months from the governor's office appeared a news, that there was still one priest, Father Montez, who was moving from village to village working on the Church by administering ... the priest. No one noticed the irony, including the young lieutenant, who was more interested in arresting the priest. When the officer received permission to look for Father Montez, the priest...

Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:53

3 433 0
switching power supply of autonics guides

switching power supply of autonics guides

... tiếp và song song Chú ý khi sử dụng Chú ý khi lắp đặt Ngõ vào Ngõ ra Ngõ raNgõ vào Kết nối song song Kết nối nối tiếp Bộ nguồn ổn áp không được sử dụng kết nối nối tiếp và song song trong bất ... nó với đầu nối khác thì mạch bên trong sẽ bị hư hỏng. Nó làm việc với 2000VAC giữa đầu nối và vỏ hộp trong một phút, nhưng nó sẽ hư hỏng nếu quá áp được cấp trong vài phút. Bộ nguồn ổn áp có điện ... vào Sản phẩm này không có giá trị để hoạt động theo dạng điện áp ngõ ra song song và nối tiếp. Dòng điện ngõ ra phải được sử dụng trong phạm vi dải tỷ lệ. Khi nó hoạt động ở trạng thái quá dòng, quãng...

Ngày tải lên: 10/04/2014, 19:55

10 356 0
brown, m. (1990). practical switching power supply design

brown, m. (1990). practical switching power supply design

... major power supply parame- ters as a preliminary guide at the beginning of a switching power supply 4.3 Transformer-Isolated Switching Power Supply Topologies 29 As in all power supply ... 0-12-137030-5 (alk. paper) 1. Switching circuits l)esign and conslruclion. 2. Pswer semiconductors-Design and construction. 3. Semiconductor switches- -Design and construction. 1. Title. TK7868S9866 ... Transformer-Isolated Switching Power Supply Topologies 37 ing secondary rectifier conducts. So each power switch and rectifier op- erates at half the power supply operating frequency, but the switching...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 12:25

258 520 0
brown, m. (2001). power supply cookbook (2nd ed.)

brown, m. (2001). power supply cookbook (2nd ed.)

... pk on out in off () =- - () ◊ () 3.1 The Fundamentals of PWM Switching Power Supplies 25 Switch Voltage (V) Inductor Current (Amps) Power Switch ON V in V sat Diode ON V flbk ( V out ) Power Switch ON Diode ON time time I pk I min Figure ... a power supply. By presenting intuitive descriptions of the power supply system’s operation along with commonly used circuit approaches, it is designed to help anyone with a working electronics ... decision that must be considered at the beginning of a switching power supply design is which basic topology to use. The term topology refers to the arrangement of the power components within the switching...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 12:28

277 434 0