... TO THE NEXT PAGE. READING COMPREHENSION TEST 17 Minutes — 20 Questions Directions: There are two passages in this test. Each passage is followed by several questions. After reading a passage, choose ... sharply. Victorian critics were particularly impressed by her allegorical pictures, many of them based on the poems of her friend and neighbor Tennyson. Contemporary taste much prefers her portraits and finds ... upper-middle-class family and married to 20 Charles Hay Cameron, a distinguished jurist and member of the Supreme Court of India, Julia Cameron was well known as a brilliant conversationalist and a woman...
Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 06:20
Jim toeic reading comprehension test 1
... connect (D) appoint 112. The presentation of this evening's winners will commence at seven following dinner at six. (A) precise (B) precision (C) precisely (D) preciseness 1'13, The ... long time beforefinally making his decision to the accused in court. {A) attend iB) represent (C) express (D) pedorm 10 Ouestions '179.180 refer to the following menu. 01 CEINNA. CXNNNA Free ... public about the spread of a new type of an allergy lC) To recruit people v,,ho are willing to come foMard ior a medicai cause (D) To provide the results oi a test condllcted by...
Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 23:30
Jim toeic reading comprehension test 2
... to represent us in ' talks with our Japanese clients. (A) interpret (B) interpreter (C) interpreiing (D) interpretation 168, Who is the intended audience of this contest? (A) ... that have a spectacular view of the stadium that is (A) impress (B) impression (C) impressive (D) impressing 129. Our staff prefers to fly than to use other modes of transpodation since ... by our company creates strong and able sales representatives who perform well above others in the same field. (A) indifferently (B) presumably (C) completely (D) unbearably 128. The...
Ngày tải lên: 12/07/2014, 23:31
... classroom preparing his lesson. a. prepares c. was preparing b. to prepare d. preparing 8. People are interested in the idea of a Channel Tunnel. a. interesting in TEST 3 LEVEL: PRE- INTERMEDIATE ... Use the words to make sentences. 1. We/ go/ airport/ see/ off/ last sun. TEST 6 LEVEL: PRE- INTERMEDIATE & INTERMEDIATE I. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence. ... thinks she looks much younger. She’s not so pretty but she’s charming. She has a fair complexion that makes her look very healthy, here eyes are clear and expressive. She is a very reliable, mature...
Ngày tải lên: 17/08/2014, 10:31
Strategies to improve reading comprehension in ESL readers
... learners' reading comprehension. According to reading comprehension specialists, reading is not actually a skill, but a process reading consists of many different skills. Although reading comprehension ... dictionary is also a skill lead to effective reading comprehension. Elemi, M. & Beady, S. (2010). The Effects of Pre -reading Activities on ESP Reading Comprehension . Journal of Language Teaching ... next is the moved by reading intervention. This is a two-stage reading comprehension intervention designed for the immediate readers. The moved by reading enhance reading comprehension dramatically;...
Ngày tải lên: 18/11/2014, 13:10
What Do We Test When We Test Reading Comprehension
... What Do We Test When We Test Reading Comprehension? Akmar Mohamad As ESL/ EFL teachers, we are aware that the primary objective of reading is comprehension being able to find ... three main levels or strands of comprehension literal, interpretive and critical comprehension. ã The first level, literal comprehension, is the most obvious. Comprehension at this level involves ... unfortunate if comprehension assessments do not go beyond this level of comprehension. The purpose of this article is to provide ESL/ EFL teachers with some guidelines when preparing reading assessments. Teachers...
Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10
Các bài test Toeic mới nhất
... English, press 1. For Spanish press 2. For French, press 3. For Japanese, press 4. [pause-tone] WIB is here to serve your banking needs. If you need information about an existing account, please press ... way you receive bank statements, press 2. To order new checks, press 3. To speak to one of our bank advisors, please press 4. To return to the menuing system, press 5. Thank you for calling Western ... they’ll work out. So they rely on standard tests. When large universities or governments mandate a particular test, this gives a boost to the preparation and testing industry. That having been said,...
Ngày tải lên: 11/03/2014, 09:44
New ENGLISH FILE Pre-intermediate Test Booklet doc
... p.3. 7.5 3.8 New English File Pre- intermediate photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2005 79 Answer key to B tests Reading and Writing total Reading total A NAME Reading and Writing 8 READING 1 Read the ... __________ 5 10 50 New English File Pre- intermediate photocopiable â Oxford University Press 2005 23 Reading and Writing total Reading total B NAME Reading and Writing 8 READING 1 Read the article ... in a hotel 8 New English File Pre- intermediate photocopiable â Oxford University Press 2005 13 Reading and Writing total Reading total A NAME Reading and Writing 6 READING 1 Read the article and...
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 19:20
test it fix it english grammar pre-intermediate level sep 2003
... 't any milk . How much cash have you got? (See page 53.) Prepos itio ns There are preposit ions and expressions of place, time and movement. They do three things : ã ... second page. Her e's how it works: Test it (F irst pa gel ." 111 . · ~ I l · 0 o Fi rst do Test it. exe rcis e 1. e- a Then do Test it, exercise 2. 9 Go to the Fix ... ~ . _ '. '- ,- '" . ' _ Test it again (Second pag e) o Do Test it again, e xer cise 1. o Do Test it again, exercise 2. ~ Go t o the Fix it page...
Ngày tải lên: 11/06/2014, 09:58
Reading comprehension practice test ôn thi đại học khối d,a1
Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2015, 13:04
Grammar Practice for Pre-intermediate Students
... 26-27 adverbs 27-29 VERBS The present tense present simple and continuous 30-37 The past tense past simple and continuous 38-48 present perfect 48-56 The future tense present continuous as future ... responses 124-125 Relative clauses 126-127 PREPOSITIONS 128-137 PHRASAL VERBS 138-144 TESTS 1-3 145-153 ANSWER KEY 154-168 INDEX 169-174 Verbs 29 Present Continuous FORM Positive Question I ... (question) 30 Present Simple/Present Continuous Practice - In your notebook, write these sentences putting the verbs into the correct tense. 1 She (read) at the moment. She's reading at the...
Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2012, 15:19
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