rdfa or how html can be augmented with semantics

Game on: How  gaming can be used to make my product more engaging

Game on: How gaming can be used to make my product more engaging

... JEREMY JOHNSON @jeremyjohnson I can t wait for the next great gaming experience! GAMER How can I use gaming to make my product more engaging? DESIGNER I can t wait for the next great gaming experience! ... gamification gamify game layer game theory gamestorming YOU ARE HERE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hype_cycle http://meta.gamify.com/ How I make boring stuff fun? FLASH HTML5 gamification SEO SOCIAL WEB ... gamification extrinsic motivators intrinsic motivators “extrinsic motivators may lead “People are best motivated to merely short-range activity FIGHT when they are working toward while actually...

Ngày tải lên: 03/07/2014, 14:47

172 366 0
How you can be tracked online

How you can be tracked online

... serial number that can be used to identify you and to keep track of all your visits to a particular website and any "network" of sister sites If you allow third party cookies be stored on your ... "network," the network (generally an advertising company) can track you as you travel among these different sites Advertisers can then create a profile of you based on your browsing behavior, ... different IP addresses You can accomplish this through free or paid proxy services, which act as a courier between you and the websites you visit, forwarding traffic back and forth without revealing your...

Ngày tải lên: 23/10/2014, 09:42

5 309 0
Leadership the Hard Way: Why Leadership Can’t Be Taught and How You Can Learn It Anyway

Leadership the Hard Way: Why Leadership Can’t Be Taught and How You Can Learn It Anyway

... the drain) in a transistor It’s a key metric of a chip’s performance, because the shorter the channel, the more transistors can be placed on a chip, and the better the performance in terms of speed ... Way Why Leadership Can t Be Taught and How You Can Learn It Anyway by Dov Frohman with Robert Howard ffirs.indd vii 2/2/08 10:52:58 AM Copyright © 2008 by Dov Frohman and Robert Howard All rights ... Why Leadership Can t Be Taught and How You Can Learn It Anyway by Dov Frohman with Robert Howard ffirs.indd vii 2/2/08 10:52:58 AM ffirs.indd ii 2/2/08 10:52:57 AM More Praise for Leadership the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 21:03

157 586 0
Double Your Dating - How To Be Successful With Women pot

Double Your Dating - How To Be Successful With Women pot

... might begin to think, “Oh, no I need to kiss her ass or she might leave Even though she’s being ridiculous, I have to go along with it ” This is bad for her, for you, and for the relationship between ... spreading his seed is BAD BAD BAD for business for her When you’re out spreading seed, you can t be working or at home helping Even worse, you might have other kids with other women who will further ... possible for them (Also, I think that many women harbor contempt for their beauty At a shadow level, they are kept from living a real life and being closer to the real world simply because fewer...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 11:20

148 846 2
Appropriate prescribing in elderly people: how well can it be measured and optimised? docx

Appropriate prescribing in elderly people: how well can it be measured and optimised? docx

... factors might be different or more important for these patients than for a younger population Measures of appropriateness of prescribing Appropriateness of prescribing can be assessed by process or ... measures are usually drug-orientated or disease-oriented, and can be applied with little or no clinical judgment However, explicit criteria might not take into account all factors that define high quality ... might not be the best option for caring for elderly patients with several chronic disorders, since this approach may lead to fragmentation of care.97 Specific adaptations should therefore be considered...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 20:20

12 562 0
How Vietnamese Attitudes can be Recognized and Confused: CrossCultural Perception and Speech Prosody Analysis

How Vietnamese Attitudes can be Recognized and Confused: CrossCultural Perception and Speech Prosody Analysis

... confusion between EXn, DOU and EXo They strongly confused EXp with EXn (>30%), IRR with AUT (about 25%) They also confused POL, COL, INT and EXn with DEC However, there are some differences between ... confusions between attitudes gives interesting details on the perceptive proximity between the 16 expressive labels From the confusion matrices, confusion graphs (cf figure Some similarities can be found ... and with COL and IDS (for French listeners) Vietnamese listeners did not recognize the EXn attitude and mixed it with EXo and DOU French listeners did not recognize IDS and mixed it with SAR or...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 10:19

4 405 0
Báo cáo toán học: "How long can a graph be kept planar" pot

Báo cáo toán học: "How long can a graph be kept planar" pot

... This can be sharpened for ij = 00 because edges va1 or vb1 , for some non-anchor vertex v, are selected by Avoider only as an answer to Enforcer selecting va0 or vb0 , respectively In other words, ... preference for anchoring to a0 and b0 , we can establish a lemma that bounds the number of normal Enforcer edges as a function of i + j One more bit of notation: the vertices pinned to ij can be partitioned ... there are pk with Avoider degree k, for k = 2, 3, or Of these, r = p2 + p3 are active in ij Lemma Let R be the set of vertices active in ij with |R| = r Then the number of normal Enforcer edges...

Ngày tải lên: 07/08/2014, 15:22

7 231 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "How long can seeds of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) be stored?" pps

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "How long can seeds of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) be stored?" pps

... years Norway spruce seeds can be stored for practical purposes or in gene banks at a temperature not higher than –3 °C During storage the containers should be tightly sealed and never opened before ... seeds were not stored (0 h, control) or stored separately at –3 °C or in liquid nitrogen, for h or for 12 months Germination tests and observations of seedling development were performed in the same ... described above RESULTS Seeds of Norway spruce, stored in sealed containers at temperatures ranging between –3 °C and –6 °C germinated vigorously and developed into normal seedlings even after storage...

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 00:21

6 317 0
Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "2 CO response curves can be a measured with field-portable closed-loop photosynthesis system" doc

Báo cáo lâm nghiệp: "2 CO response curves can be a measured with field-portable closed-loop photosynthesis system" doc

... compensation point and correct each assimilation measurement as the chamber C0 mole fraction declines Both corrected and uncorrected data can be stored Chamber leaks can be modeled by the following ... the chamber, so chamber leaks are not a problem However, when C0 response curves are being measured, leak tests should be performed regularly, and the data corrected accordingly Fig shows the ... method for measuring C0 response It is rapid and convenient inasmuch as it does not require a series of mixed gasses or long equilibration times, and it can be performed with a compact and portable...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 04:20

5 191 0
Báo cáo y học: "Radiographic joint damage in rheumatoid arthritis is associated with differences in cartilage turnover and can be predicted by serum biomarkers: an evaluation from 1 to 4 years after diagnosis" pot

Báo cáo y học: "Radiographic joint damage in rheumatoid arthritis is associated with differences in cartilage turnover and can be predicted by serum biomarkers: an evaluation from 1 to 4 years after diagnosis" pot

... therefore very important in more than just one study before these markers can be used as an additional prognostic measurement in daily practice More recently, ELISA assays for C1,2C, for C2C, for ... was not true for aggrecan turnover (CS846-epitope), however, which was only associated with total radiographic damage score and with the erosion score, and not with narrowing score as one would ... preferably be performed in a cohort of patients with early RA, for whom both radiographic and clinical data have been assessed in detail during the course of disease We have studied a cohort of RA...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 07:20

9 525 0
Báo cáo y học: "Bone erosions in rheumatoid arthritis can be repaired through reduction in disease activity with conventional disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs." pot

Báo cáo y học: "Bone erosions in rheumatoid arthritis can be repaired through reduction in disease activity with conventional disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs." pot

... 92.8 Pb aScores dScores NS bMann-Whitney can range from to 280, with higher scores indicating more joint damage U test can range from to 120 JSN, joint space narrowing; NS, not significant; SD, ... narrowing (JSN) scores can range from to 120 Total radiographic scores can range from to 280 Readers were allowed to record improvement in scores For each set of radiographs, the mean score by the two ... observed between the two groups There were no significant differences between groups in total radiographic score, erosion score, or JSN score at baseline Differences in radiographic progression between...

Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 08:22

10 381 0
Báo cáo y học: "omplex pleural empyema can be safely treated with vacuum-assisted closure" pps

Báo cáo y học: "omplex pleural empyema can be safely treated with vacuum-assisted closure" pps

... indications for the treatment of acute or chronic wound infections can be found [5] Thoracic application, especially in patients with poststernotomy infections, is also well accepted [6] The first reports ... patients with multimorbidity (Karnofsky index < 50%), treated for a postoperative or recurrent pleural empyema between October 2009 and July 2010 We excluded patients who received VAC therapy for mediastinitis ... performed after obliteration of the pleural cavity with muscle transposition (M pectoralis N = 2, M serratus anterior N = 1) In two patients, the secondary closure was performed without thoracoplasty...

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 09:22

6 241 1
Báo cáo y học: "Qualitative cultures in ventilator-associated pneumonia – can they be used with confidence" doc

Báo cáo y học: "Qualitative cultures in ventilator-associated pneumonia – can they be used with confidence" doc

... has not been receiving new antibiotics within the preceding 72 hours Negative lower respiratory tract cultures in such patients can be used to justify stopping antibiotic therapy 426 We believe ... absence of prior antibiotics or a recent change in antibiotic Fabregas N, Ewig S, Torres A, El-Ebiary M, Ramirez J, de la Bellacasa JP, Bauer T, Cabello H: Clinical diagnosis of ventilator associated ... is better than not to cultures, and if they are negative then this finding can safely be used to justify discontinuing antimicrobial therapy However, quantitative cultures are preferable for...

Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 20:20

2 279 0
Báo cáo y học: "How the relationships between general practitioners and intensivists can be improved: the general practitioners'''' point of view" ppt

Báo cáo y học: "How the relationships between general practitioners and intensivists can be improved: the general practitioners'''' point of view" ppt

... JYL) and /or have been involved in drafting the manuscript or revising it critically for important intellectual content and /or have given final approval of the version to be published (BE, SJ, ... during the patient's ICU stay (more than one meeting for 47%) A lack of information (36%) and the poor quality of information (85%) were the two major reasons for the patient's family to meet ... reported the actual relationships between these two caregivers As concerns information exchange between GPs and specialists, Westermann et al [7] reported a lack of information in GP letters (for...

Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 20:22

9 362 0
How employers can engage with generation y

How employers can engage with generation y

... and freedom to explore areas outside their main job, and being able to shine among their peer group and become really good at what they These factors will become increasingly important as the new ... company supports Each graduate has a board-level mentor who helps promote them internally To summarise, Mr Jenkins says that people are motivated by being in alignment with the purpose of the organisation, ... driving shareholder value is the be- all and end-all Roffey Park’s research has shown that companies with this view will not motivate people in the long term, because once they have achieved it,...

Ngày tải lên: 04/12/2015, 00:15

2 107 0
Tài liệu HTML căn bản

Tài liệu HTML căn bản

... HTML bắt đầu thẻ kết thúc thẻ < /html> Cặp thẻ báo cho trình duyệt Web biết đọc file có chứa mã HTML, thẻ < /html> có tác dụng kết thúc file HTML Bên cặp thẻ < /html> cặp thẻ ... việc xem tag HTML cập nhật trang Web, ta cần đặt thích vào Tóm lại cấu trúc file HTML Tên trang HTML > < /html> Bản quyền ... Tạo file HTML Sau đọc phần trên, bạn biết thẻ HTML cấu trúc chung file HTML Sau tạo file HTML Mở Notepad Windows hay trình soạn thảo văn tạo văn trơn (plain text) Nếu bạn dùng Microsoft Word phải...

Ngày tải lên: 18/08/2012, 11:09

66 792 16
WebCourse - HTML căn bản

WebCourse - HTML căn bản

... to HTML Introduction to HTML Introduction to HTML < /HTML> HTML – Cơ Các tag HTML - l PARAGRAPH - Welcome to HTML Giới thiệu HTML Thẻ (tag) HTML – Đổi thuộc tính Giới thiệu HTML Thẻ (tag) HTML – Đổi thuộc tính Mã HTML Đây dòng ... liệu HTML l l l The HTML section The Header section The BODY section Welcome to the world of HTML This is going to be real fun < /HTML> HTML...

Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2012, 10:37

17 533 4


... of calculating export price: - Export price is the transaction price between producer or exporter of exporting country and importer of importing country - The export price may be constructed on ... appears that the export price is unreliable because of an association or a compensatory arrangement between the exporter and the importer or a third party, the export price may be constructed on ... enterprises better their competitive ability; vie with foreign exporters for market share If government of import country imposes anti-dumping tariff, import goods will no longer be attractive for low...

Ngày tải lên: 04/04/2013, 16:17

66 538 4