... created in Basicmodel to BasicModelCombined TEKLA STRUCTURES BASIC TRAINING Basic Modeling 43 Bring the BasicModel1 attributes Browse to model BasicModel1 > Attributes Copy the files Browse to BasicModelCombined ... phases • Combine separate models • Create your own select filters TEKLA STRUCTURES BASIC TRAINING Basic Modeling 1. 1 Start a New Model - BasicModel2 Start a new model and name it BasicModel2 ... 11 Pre Cast Footings 12 Pre Cast Columns 13 Pre Cast Beams 14 Copy the Members 16 In-situ Slab 17 Steel Columns 19 Steel...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 08:57
... AM, Kiela PR, Available online http://arthritis-research.com/content /11 /2/ R48 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Timmermann BN: Efficacy and mechanism of action of turmeric supplements ... Chem 20 01, 27 6: 31 7 20 - 31 7 31 Dinarello CA: The IL -1 family and inflammatory diseases Clin Exp Rheumatol 20 02, 20 :S1 - 13 Woods JM, Mogollon A, Amin MA, Martinez RJ, Koch AE: The role of COX -2 in angiogenesis ... with U 0 12 6, a MEK1 /2 inhibitor, at a concentration of 20 μM for h before addition of C albicans (2 × 10 5 yeasts/dish for 12 h) (Figure 3a) C albicans increased ERK1 /2 phosphorylation and COX -2 expression...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 14:20
Motivating grade 11 students to learn english through examination taking strategy training at yen thanh 2
... strategies: - Training through past papers or sample tests - Training through explanations and handouts 19 - Training through the tasks in the textbook - Training through language games - Training through ... for the teacher to appreciate students’ success 1. 2 Overview of examination-taking strategy training 1. 2 .1 Language learning strategy training 1. 2 .1. 1 Definitions of language learning strategies ... strategy training is a motivating factor 1. 2. 2 Examination-taking strategy training 1. 2. 2 .1 Definitions of examination-taking strategies Although the term “examination” and “test” are distinguished as...
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:43
Basic training for the allen bradley SLC 500
... to 17 68 32 to 3 21 4 to 17 680 32 0 to 3 21 4 0 to 16 38 3 - 32 7 68 to 32 7 67 S to 17 68 32 to 3 21 4 to 17 680 32 0 to 3 21 4 0 to 16 38 3 - 32 7 68 to 32 7 67 B 30 0 to 18 20 5 72 to 33 08 30 00 to 18 20 0 5 720 to 32 7 67* to 16 38 3 ... - 21 0 to 760 -27 0 to 13 70 -27 0 to 400 30 0 to 18 20 -27 0 to 10 00 to 17 68 to 17 68 to 13 00 -25 to 10 5 -34 6 to 14 00 -454 to 24 98 -454 to 7 52 5 72 to 33 08 -454 to 18 32 32 to 3 21 4 32 to 3 21 4 32 to 23 72 ... -0.5V to +10 .25 V to 16 38 3 - 32 7 68 to 32 7 67 to 32 7 67 0 -20 mA -0.5mA to 20 .5mA to 16 38 3 - 32 7 68 to 32 7 67 to 16 38 4 4 -20 mA 3. 5mA to 20 .5mA to 16 38 3 - 32 7 68 to 32 7 67 32 7 7 to 16 38 4 +/- 20 mA -20 .5mA to 20 .5mA...
Ngày tải lên: 12/12/2013, 08:32
Tài liệu Creative Business: Achieving Your Goals Through Creative Thinking and Action pptx
... Question Has some creative thinking ever made a big difference to your life? viii 1 11 15 15 19 22 23 25 28 30 30 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 v Contents vi Chapter Starting the creativity flow Getting started ... ideas into actions Evaluating creative initiatives: keeping the flame alive Conclusion vii 90 91 97 13 5 13 5 14 0 14 1 14 3 14 3 14 4 14 4 14 5 14 5 14 7 14 8 14 9 LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Figures 3 .1 Creative ... ability in business I Genasi, Chris II Title HD 53. B55 20 03 658.4’0 63 dc 21 20 030 5 634 0 Editing and origination by Curran Publishing Services, Norwich 10 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 Printed and bound...
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 03:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Soft Syntactic Constraints for Word Alignment through Discriminative Training" pot
... Linguistics, 26 (2) :2 21 24 9 R Mihalcea and T Pedersen 20 03 An evaluation exercise for word alignment In HLT-NAACL Workshop on Building and Using Parallel Texts, pages 1 10 , Edmonton, Canada R Moore 20 05 ... Hall, 2nd edition D Wu 19 97 Stochastic inversion transduction grammars and bilingual parsing of parallel corpora Computational Linguistics, 23 (3) :37 7–4 03 K Yamada and K Knight 20 01 A syntax-based ... Parameter estimation Computational Linguistics, 19 (2) :26 3 3 12 C Cherry and D Lin 20 03 A probability model to improve word alignment In Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 02:21
Top 100 Health-Care Careers Your Complete Guidebook to Training and Jobs in Allied Health, Nursing, Medicine, and More SECOND EDITION ppt
... Island, NY 10 31 0 - 21 3 2 Phone: ( 718 ) 815 -4 638 Fax: ( 718 ) 815 -24 31 E-mail: aerobi@aol.com www.aerobisresumeservices.com Janice M Shepherd, CPRW, JCTC, CEIP Write On Career Keys Bellingham, WA 9 822 6 Phone: ... 444-0778 Fax: (7 81) 444 -27 78 E-mail: wgelberg@aol.com Bill Kinser, MRW, CPRW, JCTC, CEIP, CCM To The Point Resumes 411 7 Kentmere Sq Fairfax, VA 22 030 Phone: (7 03) 3 52- 8969 Fax: (7 03) 9 91- 23 72 E-mail: ... Career Services 918 Lafayette Rd North Kingstown, RI 028 52 Phone: (4 01) 26 8 -3 020 Fax: (4 01) 3 41- 29 94 E-mail: turillie@salve.edu www.salve.edu/office_careerdev frontmatter.qxp 2/ 4 /20 05 9 :14 AM Page...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 09:20
As easy as a pie doc
... files to your computer It was as easy as pie (Được rồi, giúp bạn tải file xuống máy tính bạn Dễ ăn bánh mà) Ngoài thành ngữ as easy as pie” tiếng Anh nhiều thành ngữ khác có cấu trúc as X as Y” ... như: As brave as a lion (Dũng cảm sư tử) As bright as a new pin (Sáng đinh) As cheap as dirt (Rẻ bèo) As cold as ice (Lạnh băng) As fresh as daisy (Tinh khiết hoa cúc) As good as new ... “Dễ ăn cháo” người Anh có câu có ý nghĩa tương tự As easy as a pie” Câu có ý nói việc dễ, dễ trẻ làm Người Anh sử dụng nhiều cấu trúc dạng "as X as Y" Cấu trúc sử dụng người ta muốn nhấn mạnh đặc...
Ngày tải lên: 02/04/2014, 14:20
Báo cáo nghiên cứu nông nghiệp " Enhancing the capacity of Vietnam to reduce the losses of grain and grain quality in storage through improved training " doc
... continuous spouted-bed dryer In 19 98-99, a project (ACIAR project PHT /19 97 / 13 1 (ComputerAssisted Learning as a tool to improve storage pest management in key ASEAN countries), jointly-funded ... throughout Vietnam Most recently, it has been involved with CSIRO Entomology and UNSW to develop a new computer-assisted learning system to improve training methods (ACIAR Project PHT /19 97 / 13 1) ... average losses of paddy in Vietnam are as high as 16 % of production, or about 3- 3.5Mt valued at over AUS$500 million During the wet season, this figure may rise to 30 % Losses sustained during storage...
Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 13:20
... THỐNG Expansion Module: EM2 21 , 22 2, 22 3, 2 31 , 23 2, 23 5 26 /07 /2 014 CPU 2 21 : Không có tính mở rộng module CPU 21 2 , 22 2: Có thể mở rộng module CPU 21 4 , 21 5 , 21 6 , 22 4, 22 6: Có thể mở rộng module ... COMMUNICATION 26 /07 /2 014 http://www.hcmute.edu.vn INTERFACE 16 SIMATIC S7 -20 0 CPU series: 21 2 , 21 4 , 21 5 , 21 6 , 2 21 , 22 2, 22 4, 22 6 CPU 21 4 26 /07 /2 014 CPU 21 4 , 22 4: 14 DI 10 DO http://www.hcmute.edu.vn 17 ... 18 MODULE MỞ RỘNG CPU22x CPU21x 26 /07 /2 014 http://www.hcmute.edu.vn 19 MODULE MỞ RỘNG 26 /07 /2 014 http://www.hcmute.edu.vn 20 KẾT NỐI NGUỒN (POWER SUPPLY) DC: 12 Vdc, 24 Vdc, L+, M ? AC: 11 0V, 22 0V,...
Ngày tải lên: 26/07/2014, 09:38
Microsoft Press mcts training kit 70 - 648 transitioning your mcsa mcse to window server 2008 phần 2 ppsx
... 10 .0 .1. 0 MASK 25 5 .25 5 .25 5.0 10 .0.0 .11 B route add 10 .0 .1. 0 MASK 25 5 .25 5 .25 5.0 10 .0.0. 21 C route add 10 .0.0.0 MASK 25 5 .25 5 .25 5.0 10 .0.0. 21 D route add 10 .0.0. 21 MASK 25 5 .25 5 .25 5.0 10 .0 .1. 0 Which ... access 10 .0 .3. 0 /24 and 10 .0.4.0 /24 , so send packets for those networks to me I can access 10 .0 .1. 0 /24 and 10 .0 .2. 0 /24 , so send packets for those networks to me 10 .0 .1. 0 /24 10 .1. 1.0 /24 10 .0.4 .24 10 .0 .2. 0 /24 ... This network is illustrated in Figure 2- 34 Answer the following questions Internet Default Gateway 10 .0 .1. 1 Router 10 .0 .1. 2 10 .0 .2. 0 /24 10 .0 .1. 0 /24 Figure 2- 34 Tailspin Toys’ network architecture...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21
mcts training kit 70 - 648 transitioning your mcsa mcse to window server 2008 phần 2 pot
... 10 .0 .1. 0 MASK 25 5 .25 5 .25 5.0 10 .0.0 .11 B route add 10 .0 .1. 0 MASK 25 5 .25 5 .25 5.0 10 .0.0. 21 C route add 10 .0.0.0 MASK 25 5 .25 5 .25 5.0 10 .0.0. 21 D route add 10 .0.0. 21 MASK 25 5 .25 5 .25 5.0 10 .0 .1. 0 Which ... access 10 .0 .3. 0 /24 and 10 .0.4.0 /24 , so send packets for those networks to me I can access 10 .0 .1. 0 /24 and 10 .0 .2. 0 /24 , so send packets for those networks to me 10 .0 .1. 0 /24 10 .1. 1.0 /24 10 .0.4 .24 10 .0 .2. 0 /24 ... This network is illustrated in Figure 2- 34 Answer the following questions Internet Default Gateway 10 .0 .1. 1 Router 10 .0 .1. 2 10 .0 .2. 0 /24 10 .0 .1. 0 /24 Figure 2- 34 Tailspin Toys’ network architecture...
Ngày tải lên: 09/08/2014, 11:21
Báo cáo y học: ""Getting your message through": an editorial guide for meeting publication standards" pdf
... Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 20 09, 17 :66 http://www.sjtrem.com/content /17 /1/ 66 References 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Lossius HM: The Scandinavian journal of ... Med 20 00, 19 : 32 7 5- 32 8 9 Rothman KJ: Writing for epidemiology Epidemiology 19 98, 9 :33 3 -33 7 Oxford Centre for Evidence-based Medicine: The CEBM Levels of Evidence 20 09 [http://www.cebm.net/index.aspx?o =10 25 ] ... for structuring the discussion of scientific papers BMJ 19 99, 31 8 : 12 24 - 12 25 Publish with Bio Med Central and every scientist can read your work free of charge "BioMed Central will be the most...
Ngày tải lên: 13/08/2014, 23:21
lesson1 tekla structures basic training
... Contents Basic Modeling .3 1. 1 1. 2 1. 3 1. 4 1. 5 1. 6 1. 7 Starting Tekla Structures Create a New Model – BasicModel1 Create Grids ... STRUCTURES BASIC TRAINING Basic Modeling 1. 2 Create a New Model – BasicModel1 To start a new model, you first need to create an empty model database with a unique name In this lesson use the name BasicModel1 ... TEKLA STRUCTURES BASIC TRAINING Basic Modeling 23 Pick the top point of the first silo footing and then the other Now the silos appear in the model 24 TEKLA STRUCTURES BASIC TRAINING Basic Modeling...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 08:53
tekla structures basic training lesson 3 creatinginteractiveconnections
... below TEKLA STRUCTURES BASIC TRAINING Creating Interactive Connections 11 Create Plate and Fitting for the Beam At the grid intersection B -3 at level 13 400: Create connection basic views and delete ... Beam 12 Create Plate for the Column 16 Fitting the Column 22 Create Welds 24 Create Bolt Group 26 Create Part Cuts for Silos 29 Create ... connection to get as close to the desired result as possible since editing connection macros is faster and easier than editing objects outside the connection TEKLA STRUCTURES BASIC TRAINING Creating...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 08:57
tekla structures basic training lesson 4 custom component
... section) 10 TEKLA STRUCTURES BASIC TRAINING Custom Components 1. 3 Parameterize User_end_plate Custom Connection The User_end_plate connection is defined as a custom component but as yet has no intelligence ... Components 21 To create square part cut of size 38 0 *38 0 mms: • • 22 Double-click the Create concrete column icon and define column size and position Close the dialog with OK TEKLA STRUCTURES BASIC TRAINING ... slab on level +38 00 between grid lines and B and create a part basic view of it by right-clicking and from the pop up menu select: Create view > Part basic view TEKLA STRUCTURES BASIC TRAINING Custom...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 08:57
tekla structures basic training lesson 6 catalog
... STRUCTURES BASIC TRAINING Catalog 17 Change the profile name to MY_FOOTING_BEAM1 The profile name must be uppercase, with no spaces Tekla Structures will automatically convert lowercase text to uppercase ... another footing polybeam at the corner TEKLA STRUCTURES BASIC TRAINING Catalog 23 Create the last two footing beams between grid lines E and C 1. 3 Modify Material Catalog – Add a New Material We will ... same as you defined in the macro dialog Also check that the Equivalent type, which was defined in the Type field in the macro dialog, is correct TEKLA STRUCTURES BASIC TRAINING Catalog 11 Pick...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2014, 08:58