protection and preservation of the marine environment

Prevention of pollution of the marine environment from vessels  the potential and limits of the international maritime organisation

Prevention of pollution of the marine environment from vessels the potential and limits of the international maritime organisation

... (2006) The role of the World Bank and the global environment facility in the implementation of the regime of the law of the Sea Convention In: Freestone D, Barnes R, Ong DM (eds) The law of the ... Prevention of Pollution of the Marine Environment from Vessels The Potential and Limits of the International Maritime Organisation Tai Lieu Chat Luong Prevention of Pollution of the Marine Environment ... facilitator of the adoption and implementation of international legal instruments for the protection of the marine environment While several studies have examined different aspects of the international

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2023, 15:47

182 1 0
The pollution of the marine environment by plastic debris: a review doc

The pollution of the marine environment by plastic debris: a review doc

... of plastics of the past 30 years. In the marine environment, the perceived abundance of marine life and the vastness of the oceans have lead to the dismissal of the prolife- ration of plastic ... overlying waters and the pore waters of the sediments, and the resulting hypoxia or anoxia in the benthos can interfere with the normal ecosystem functioning, and alter the make-up of life on the sea ... member of the Council of the British Plastics Federation and a Fellow of the Plastics Institute, stated that ‘‘plastics litter is a very small proportion of all litter and causes no harm to the environment

Ngày tải lên: 29/06/2014, 02:20

11 691 0
Hiện trạng và xu thế biến đổi môi trường nước khu vực cửa cấm – bạch đằng (status and tendency of the water environment in the cua cam – bach dang area

Hiện trạng và xu thế biến đổi môi trường nước khu vực cửa cấm – bạch đằng (status and tendency of the water environment in the cua cam – bach dang area

... 2007 and other existing data The remarks on the quality of water environment of the area are as following: - The concentration of nutrients in water is rather high, even higher than the Standard ... impacts to the ecosystems and marine based economic sectors This paper presents the status and tendency of water environment in the Cua Cam - Bach Dang area based on the assessment of the water ... STATUS AND TENDENCY OF THE WATER ENVIRONMENT IN THE CUA CAM - BACH DANG AREA LUU VAN DIEU, TRAN DUC THANH, NGUYEN THI PHUONG HOA Trang 18 effected to the quality of the environment and made

Ngày tải lên: 27/07/2022, 11:30

18 4 0
Dicussion report english for specific purposes 1 topic advantages and disadvantages of the working environment in fpt

Dicussion report english for specific purposes 1 topic advantages and disadvantages of the working environment in fpt

... points, at the same time, creates maximum conditions for members to develop themselves and their ambitions, thereby improving the quality of resources With 47% of the workforce being Gen Z, in the coming ... indispensable part of FPT's GENES, the spirit and strength of FPT's solidarity FPT always respects, understands and accepts people as they are, both strengths and weaknesses, both good and imperfect ... "FPT villages" in Japan and the US so that employees can enjoy full benefits 2 2 Diversity, equity and inclusion: The difference of FPT is in the core values of the organization with "Respect

Ngày tải lên: 20/11/2024, 16:38

12 0 0
The pollution of the marine environment by plastic debris: a review pptx

The pollution of the marine environment by plastic debris: a review pptx

... even the plastics industry failed to predict the great boom in the production and use of plastics of the past 30 years In the marine environment, the perceived abundance of marine life and the ... overlying waters and the pore waters of the sediments, and the resulting hypoxia or anoxia in the benthos can interfere with the normal ecosystem functioning, and alter the make-up of life on the sea ... impact of Annex V and found re-duction neither in the accumulation of marine debris nor in the entanglement rate of Hawaiian monk seals in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Amos (1993) and Johnson

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 23:20

11 1,1K 0
Measurement and behaviour of heavy metals in the marine environment of singapore

Measurement and behaviour of heavy metals in the marine environment of singapore

... MEASUREMENT AND BEHAVIOR OF HEAVY METALS IN THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT OF SINGAPORE DANG THE CUONG NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE 2005 MEASUREMENT AND BEHAVIOR OF HEAVY METALS IN THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT OF ... acknowledge the support of the National University of Singapore through the award of the Research Scholarship I sincerely wish to thank the Tropical Marine Science Institute for facilities in the sampling ... laboratory officers Mdm Li Fengmei, Susan Chia, Li Xiang and the professional officer Mr Qin Zhen for their technical and laboratory assistance in this project I gratefully thank the crew of the Hammerhead,

Ngày tải lên: 10/11/2015, 12:34

174 303 0
Obligations Of Flag States To Protect The Marine Environment From Vessel Source Pollution Under International Laws, Australian Laws And Experiences For Vietnam.pdf

Obligations Of Flag States To Protect The Marine Environment From Vessel Source Pollution Under International Laws, Australian Laws And Experiences For Vietnam.pdf

... COMPREHENSIONS AND FLAG STATESMarine environment and marine environmental protection1.1.1 Definition of the marine environment There is currently no standardized definition of “marine environment” ... and quality of the marine ecosystem, the waters of the seas and oceans and the airspace above those waters, including the seabed and ocean floor and subsoil thereof 3 Vietnamese law as it stands ... “marine environment” Vietnam’s Law on Natural Resources and Environment of the Sea and Islands 2015 also does not have a definition of the “marine environment” Starting from the concept of “environment”

Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2024, 14:24

100 1 0


... Concluding Documents of the Madrid and Vienna Meetings of Representatives of the Participating States of the CSCE, and the Regional Strategy for Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources ... areas, or parts thereof, aimed at the prevention, control and reduction of transboundary impact and aimed at the protection of the environment of transboundary waters or the environment influenced ... for the assessment of the toxicity of hazardous substances and the noxiousness of pollutants; (b) Improved knowledge on the occurrence, distribution and environmental effects of pollutants and the

Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 04:20

21 529 0
The Benefits and Costs of the Clean Air Act from 1990 to 2020: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Air and Radiation potx

The Benefits and Costs of the Clean Air Act from 1990 to 2020: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Air and Radiation potx

... The Benefits and Costs of the Clean Air Act from 1990 to 2020 Final Report U.S Environmental Protection Agency Office of Air and Radiation March 2011 The Benefits and Costs of the Clean ... 812 of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments requires the U.S Environmental Protection Agency to develop periodic reports that estimate the benefits and costs of the Clean Air Act The main goal of these ... well as the impact of the Act’s provisions on the US economy This report is the third in the Section 812 series, and is the result of EPA’s Second Prospective analysis of the 1990 Amendments The

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 16:20

238 464 0
Threats to the Marine Environment: Pollution and Physical Damage pptx

Threats to the Marine Environment: Pollution and Physical Damage pptx

... respect to the latter, damage is caused either by the direct impact of anchors or from the dragging and swinging of large anchor cables and chains As the chain and anchor of a large ... to the Marine Environment 25 find their way into the sea from the above-mentioned sources. In the following section, I shall highlight their main chemical properties and elucidate how these ... examination of the existing response and prevention mechanism in the legal sphere and the creation of a new one. In addition, the potential of ships to have a physical impact on habitats and animals

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:20

15 527 0
Báo cáo y học: "The validity and reliability of a home environment preschool-age physical activity questionnaire (Pre-PAQ)" potx

Báo cáo y học: "The validity and reliability of a home environment preschool-age physical activity questionnaire (Pre-PAQ)" potx

... with the design of the questionnaire and the study, and advised on the statistical analysis LAB assisted with the design of the questionnaire, and participated in the design and coordination of the ... GMD designed the questionnaire, conceived and conducted the study, and drafted the manuscript LLH assisted with the design of the questionnaire and participated in the design of the study JKP ... report of Page of 13 their own and their partner’s activity behavior, parenting attitudes and behaviors, pattern of car usage and active transport, facilities in the home and neighborhood environment,

Ngày tải lên: 14/08/2014, 08:20

13 352 0


... and further clarifying the theories on state management of socialization of forest protection and development; - Assessing and analyzing the reality of socialization of forest protection and ... in the Central Highlands. 3. Objects and Scopes of the Study The objects of the dissertation include both theoretical and practical issues of state management of socialization of forest protection ... interference and ways to drive the forest socialization in the Central Highlands on the right track. That is the reason why the author has selected the theme of “State Management of Socialisation of

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2015, 09:03

31 434 0
Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States, Tardigrada, POLLOCK 1976

Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States, Tardigrada, POLLOCK 1976

... Tardigrada Ph.D from the University of 20402 The manuals so COOK, DAVID G., and RALPH BRINKHURST Marine flora and fauna of the BORROR, ARTHUR C Marine flora and fauna of the northeastern United States ... Melbourne R Carriker, Marine Studies Center, College of Marine Studies, University of Delaware, Lewes, DE The Board established the format for the "Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United ... coverage of the "Marine Flora and Fauna of the Northeastern United States" is planned to include organisms from the headwaters of estuaries seaward to approximately the 200-m depth on the continental

Ngày tải lên: 03/11/2018, 12:45

36 105 0
Doctoral thesis summary: The impact of the investment environment on investment decisions of small and medium enterprises in Vietnam

Doctoral thesis summary: The impact of the investment environment on investment decisions of small and medium enterprises in Vietnam

... becomes more and more urgent Therefore, the topic "The impact of the investment environment on investment decisions of small and medium enterprises in Vietnam" of the thesis is to see whether the decisions ... the field of development investment) of domestic SMEs Subjects of the survey are the owners and directors of SMEs The thesis is carried out from 2014 to 2017 New contributions of the thesis The ... for the impact of investment environment on the investment decisions of small and medium enterprises; Chapter 3: The reality of the impact of investment environment in the investment decisions of

Ngày tải lên: 08/01/2020, 09:15

12 112 0
Summary of the Doctoral thesis: Study on pre-processing and preservation of post-harvested sea grapes (Caulerpa lentillifera J. Agardh 1837)

Summary of the Doctoral thesis: Study on pre-processing and preservation of post-harvested sea grapes (Caulerpa lentillifera J. Agardh 1837)

... This thesis can be found at: The National Library The Library of Nha Trang University SUMMARY OF NEW CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE THESIS Thesis topic: Research on pre-processing and preservation of post-harvested ... scale, the yield of 300kg/batch The equipment works on the principles: the static tank works with the dynamic process and carries out by the circulation of the circulating water and aeration The ... J Agardh 1837)” The purpose of thesis: Build the pre-process and preservation procedure for fresh sea grapes over ten days The objects and scope of research 3.1 The objects of the research Sea

Ngày tải lên: 08/01/2020, 13:06

32 184 0
Study protocol: Families and childhood transitions study (FACTS) – a longitudinal investigation of the role of the family environment in brain development and risk for mental health

Study protocol: Families and childhood transitions study (FACTS) – a longitudinal investigation of the role of the family environment in brain development and risk for mental health

... Newmeyer and Taylor The clips depict instances of deception, false belief, belief-desire reasoning, and misunderstanding The task requires participants to use their understanding of others beliefs and ... samples one morning prior and on the morning of the first scheduled assessment, and return them at this assessment (see Measures section for further information) At the end of the final assessment, ... permission is given, the name of the child is given to the teacher, and the teacher is emailed a link to an online survey (built through Survey Monkey™) of the social skills subscale of the Social Skills

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2020, 22:14

14 29 0
Investigation, assement for current environment of tourist areas in bac lieu province and proposing management solution   masters thesis   major  sciences and management of the environment

Investigation, assement for current environment of tourist areas in bac lieu province and proposing management solution masters thesis major sciences and management of the environment

... However, the state management system of the environment in the tourist areas in the province is too thin and not corresponding to the requirements and tasks set out Investment for environmental protection ... development of tourism Therefore, effective implementation of solutions proposed by the task is to improve the quality of environmental management in the sustainable development of the province TABLE OF ... province Through the process of surveying and assessing the current status of the tourism environment in Bac Lieu province area, water quality and air quality in tourist destinations of the province

Ngày tải lên: 27/01/2021, 16:06

123 19 0
Selection of microalgae species suitable for lipid production and nutritious biomass   masters thesis   major  sciences and management of the environment

Selection of microalgae species suitable for lipid production and nutritious biomass masters thesis major sciences and management of the environment

... supported and helped me immensely in this study: Prof Le Hung Anh, PhD Trinh Ngoc Nam and Prof Gauthier Eppe - my thesis’s supervisors They support me by their invaluable assistance during the time of ... micrograph of a cell of Chlorella vulgaris.[5] 16 Figure 1.3 Electron micrograph of a cell of Microcystis sp.[5] 20 Figure 1.4 Basic overview of the pathway of carbon capture and lipid biosynthesis ... THE JOINT ACADEMIC PROGRAM OF EXECUTIVE MASTER IN SCIENCES AND MANAGEMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT BETWEEN INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY OF HOCHIMINH CITY AND LIÈGE UNIVERSITY DO NGUYEN

Ngày tải lên: 01/02/2021, 08:24

111 12 0
Simulation and evaluation of odor pollution from da phuoc landfills in ho chi minh city   masters thesis   major  sciences and management of the environment

Simulation and evaluation of odor pollution from da phuoc landfills in ho chi minh city masters thesis major sciences and management of the environment

... Objectives of the study 12 Object and area of the study 12 The methodology 13 The meaning of the topic 13 CHAPTER OVERVIEW OF THE FIELD OF THE STUDY ... gas, the impact of the landfill site decreased significantly, however, most of the population of Da Phuoc commune and part of the residential area of Nhon Duc still lies in the affected area of ... level 3, the strong smell, still a part of the population of Da Phuoc affected - With Scenario 4, a decrease of 70% of the odorant load, the area of influence of landfill decreased markedly and only

Ngày tải lên: 01/02/2021, 08:24

122 31 0
Globalism and regionalism in the protection of the marine environment

Globalism and regionalism in the protection of the marine environment

... definition of a marine region. It does, however introduce the idea of integrating the protection of the marine and coastal environment, requiring states to manage the marine environment and adjacent land ... between the marine environment and the land environment. This is scarcely surprising, given that the greatest impact on the marine environment comes not fr om the use of the sea but fr om the use of ... Antarctic. 4 Partlybecause of the contested legal status of the Antarctic, and partlybecause of the ambiguities of the 1959 Antarctic Treaty, 5 the relationship between the AntarcticTreatySystemand the law of the sea...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 09:20

15 578 0