... methods // Create a Graphics object Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics(); g.Clear(this.BackColor); // Create rectangles and regions Rectangle rect1 = new Rectangle(20, 20, 200, 200); Rectangle rect2 = ... a rectangle, excluding one small rectangle and a region. Listing 6.11 Using ExcludeClip to clip regions // Create a Graphics object Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics(); g.Clear(this.BackColor); ... click event handlers private void CircleMenu_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Create a rectangle Rectangle rect = new Rectangle (50 , 0, 300, 300); // Create a Shape object and call
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:20
... This document was created by an unregistered ChmMagic, please go to http://www.bisenter.com to register it Thanks private void CancelBtn_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs... PaperSourceKind ... 11.11 PaperSourceKind members Member Description AutomaticFeed Automatically fed paper Cassette A paper cassette Custom A printer-specific paper source Envelope... PrintDocument object handles printing ... ViewImage_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Create a Graphics object Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics(); g.Clear(this.BackColor); // Call OpenFileDialog, which allows us to browse // images OpenFileDialog
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:20
An introduction to programming with c 4th edition by zak solution manual
... discount sale price Algorithm: enter the original price and the discount rate calculate the discount by multiplying the original price by the discount rate calculate the sale price by subtracting ... circumference and price per foot stop side4 20 perimeter 29 65 Output circumference total price Introduction to Programming with C+ +, Fourth Edition The desk-check data may vary diameter price ... rate calculate the sales discount by multiplying the original price by the discount rate calculate the new price by subtracting the sales discount from the original price display the sales discount
Ngày tải lên: 01/03/2019, 09:07
Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 3 Function Overloading and References ppt
... Oriented Scope rules (Contd.) void main() { first object1 ; second object2 ; object1 .display(); //no function overloading takes place object2 .display(); } • The scope is strictly confined ... called like func(xobject), while a member function is called like xobject.func() • Designer can select the syntax that is considered most readable Object Oriented Friend classes Declare a single ... references to functions • returning references from functions Define and use Inline functions Object Oriented Programming with C+ +/ Session 3/ 4 of 35 Functions A function declaration gives: • the
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21
Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 4 Operator Overloading potx
... is being copied Object Oriented Programming with C+ +/ Session 4/ 31 of 49 Copy Constructor (Contd.) s Copy constructor is called in three contexts: • when an object of a class is ... operator function, copy constructor and destructor class X{ X(some_value); //constructor X(const X&); //copy constructor X& operator= (const X&); //assignment ~X(); //destructor }; Object Oriented ... arithmetic operators • Compound assignment operators • Comparison operators ■ Describe overloading of the Assignment Operator ■ Describe Copy Constructors Object Oriented Programming with C+ +/ Session
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21
Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 5 Inheritance pptx
... section in terms of scope and access • Protected members can be accessed only by members of that class • Protected members cannot be accessed by objects or functions from outside the class, such ... section Allow controlled access by providing some protected members Inheritance does not work in reverse Object Oriented Access rules for Base class members Access specifier Accessible Accessible... ... example: class A { }; class B : public A { }; // where class A is a direct class. An indirect class can be written as: class A { }; class B : public A { }; class C : public B { }; //Can be extended
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21
Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 6 Multiple Inheritance and Polymorphism pot
... //constructors s;} //constructor a;} Object Oriented Programming with C+ + / Session / of 44 Constructors (Contd.) class Teach_asst: public Teacher,public Student { private: int z; public: Teach_asst():Teacher(),Student() ... Inheritance • Multiple Inheritance with a Common Base s Describe Virtual Base Classes • Constructors and Destructors s Use Pointers to Objects to access Member Functions Object Oriented Programming with ... static binding will be used s Object Oriented Programming with C+ + / Session / 35 of 44 Pure Virtual functions s Some classes such as class Shapes, represent abstract concepts for which objects cannot
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 04:21
An Introduction to Programming with C# pptx
... tutorialappliesequallywelltootherlanguages? ?with? ??threadsupport,suchasJava. Categories and Subject Descriptors: D.1.3 [Programming? ?? Techniques]: Concurrent Programming; D.3.3 [Programming? ?? Languages]: Language Constructs ... secondthreadblocks(enqueuedontheobject’slock)untiltheobjectisunlocked. Themostcommonuseofthe“ lock”statementistoprotecttheinstancefields ofanobject? ?by? ??lockingthatobjectwheneverthe ... Wait”,“Pulse”and“PulseAll”methodstomanipulateanobject’scondition variable. public sealed class Monitor { public static bool Wait(Object obj) { … } public static void Pulse(Object obj) { … } public static void PulseAll(Object obj)
Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 00:20
gdi programming with c sharp phần 1 pptx
... GDI+ Application Section 2.4. Some Basic GDI+ Objects SUMMARY Chapter 3. The Graphics Class Section 3.1. Graphics Class Properties Section 3.2. Graphics Class Methods Section 3.3. ... GDI+Painter Application SUMMARY Chapter 5. Colors, Fonts, and Text Section 5.1. Accessing the Graphics Object Section 5.2. Working with Colors Section 5.3. Working with Fonts Section 5.4. ... graphics topics covered to reinforce the concepts presented." —Charles G. Parker, President, Parallel Consulting, Inc. "Graphics Programming with GDI+ is a comprehensive reference for
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:20
gdi programming with c sharp phần 2 ppt
... rect5 = Rectangle.Round(rect2); // Draw rectangles g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, rect3); g.DrawRectangle(Pens.Red, rect5); // Intersect rectangles Rectangle isectRect = Rectangle.Intersect(rect3,... ... rect2 = new RectangleF(40.2f, 40.6f, 100.5f, 100.0f); RectangleF rect1 = new RectangleF(pt, sz); Rectangle rect3 = Rectangle.Ceiling(rect1); Rectangle rect4 = Rectangle.Truncate(rect1); Rectangle ... rectangle IntersectsWith Determines if a specified rectangle intersects withrect Offset Adjusts the location of a specified rectangle by the specified amount Round Converts a RectangleF object...
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:20
gdi programming with c sharp phần 3 docx
... Save color as background color, // and fill text box with this color backClr = clrDlg.Color; textBox2.BackColor = backClr; } } The last step is to apply the selected styles and colors, create ... HorizontalBrick A hatch with the appearance of horizontally layered bricks LargeCheckerBoard A hatch with the appearance of a checker-board with squares that are twice the size of SmallCheckerBoard ... DialogResult.OK) { // Save color as foreground color, // and fill text box with this color forClr = clrDlg.Color; textBox1.BackColor = forClr; } } private void BackColorBtn_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:20
gdi programming with c sharp phần 4 pptx
... background color ActiveCaptionText Active window title bar text color AppWorkspace Multiple-document interface (MDI) workspace background color Control Control background color ControlDark 3D control ... Desktop... Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics(); g.Clear(this.BackColor); string str = "#FF00FF"; ColorConverter clrConverter = new ColorConverter(); Color clr1 = (Color)clrConverter.ConvertFromString(str); ... // Create Graphics object Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics(); // Create Color object from ARGB Color redColor = Color.FromArgb(120, 255, 0, 0); // Create Color object form color name Color
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu Programming with C# pdf
... basic concepts and terminology of object-oriented programming. Use common objects and references types. Create, initialize, and destroy objects in a C# application. Build new C# classes ... sample. xii Programming with C# Trainer Materials Compact Disc Contents The Trainer Materials compact disc contains the following files and folders: Autorun.exe. When the CD is inserted ... Experience programming in C, C+ +, Visual Basic, Java, or another programming language Familiarity with the Microsoft .NET strategy as described on the Microsoft .NET Web site (http://www.microsoft.com/net/)...
Ngày tải lên: 21/12/2013, 06:16
Database Programming with C#
... the modification has occurred. However, this doesn’t mean that a change can’t be rolled back, because the trigger has direct access to the modified row and as such can roll back any modification. ... the connection 23 cnnUserMan = new SqlConnection(STR_CONNECTION_STRING); 24 cnnUserMan.Open(); 25 26 // Instantiate and initialize command 27 cmmUser = new SqlCommand(“SELECT * FROM viwUser”, cnnUserMan); 28 ... constraint in some situations, because a trigger can access columns in other tables, unlike a constraint, which can only access columns in the current table or row. If your code is to handle your business...
Ngày tải lên: 27/10/2013, 07:15
... YOUR OWN CLASSES CHAPTER 9: DESIGNING CLASSES 227 Class Design 228 Scope 230 Block Scope 231 Local Scope 232 Class Scope 232 Namespace Scope 233 Visualizing Scope 233 Why Does C# Support Scope? ... from which you can select to view the source code for the fi le you just right-clicked. You can move to the Solution Explorer menu bar and click the source code icon to view the code that ... development company (Ecosoft, Inc.) in 1977. The company’s main product was a statistics package (Microstat) that he wanted to rewrite in a new language called C. Lacking a suitable C compiler,...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 07:20
Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 1 - Basic Object Oriented Concepts doc
... Classes Object Oriented Programming with C+ +/ Session 1/ 19 of 50 Method (Contd.) • The black box actually contains code (sequences of computer instructions) and data (information which ... 50 Defining Objects ■ exampleclass object1,object2; defines two objects, object1 and object2, of class exampleclass. ■ The definition actually creates objects that can be used by the program. ... interface to the object. Object Oriented Programming with C+ +/ Session 1/ 37 of 50 Using the class begin program class exampleclass{ // specify a class private: object_data is an integer; // class...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 01:20
Object oriented programming with C++ - Session 2 More on Classes potx
... private: static int count: int car_number; char name[30]; public: race_cars(){count++;} //constructor to increment count ~race_cars(){count ;} //destructor to decrement count }; int race_cars::count; The ... //error Object Oriented Programming with C+ +/ Session 2/ 29 of 37 The count is common Count: 3 cars in the race Object Oriented Programming with C+ +/ Session 2/ 28 of 37 Example class race_cars{ ... as a private category of the class, the non-member functions cannot access it. If it is declared as public, then any member of the class can access. Static member can become a global...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 01:20
Diane zak introduction to programming with c++
... Locate your local offi ce at: www.cengage.com/global Cengage Learning products are represented in Canada by Nelson Education, Ltd. To learn more about Course Technology, visit www.cengage.com/coursetechnology Purchase ... is represented by microscopic electronic switches that can be either off or on. e off switch is designated by a 0, and the on switch is designated by a 1. Because computers can understand only ... on the Course Technology Web site (www.cengage.com/coursetechnology). ELECTRONIC INSTRUCTOR’S MANUAL e Instructor’s Manual that accompanies this textbook includes additional instructional...
Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 14:07
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