programming microsoft asp net mvc 3rd pdf

programming microsoft asp net mvc 3rd edition feb 2014

programming microsoft asp net mvc 3rd edition feb 2014

... invoking a page-agnostic URL in an ASP. NET Web Forms application. 4 PART I ASP. NET MVC fundamentals Note This book is based on ASP. NET MVC 5. This version of ASP. NET MVC is backward compatible with ... vii Contents Introduction xiii PART I ASP. NET MVC FUNDAMENTALS Chapter 1 ASP. NET MVC controllers 3 Routing incoming requests 4 Simulating the ASP. NET MVC runtime 4 The URL routing HTTP module ... can use ASP. NET to execute code in response to a request regardless of the dependencies on physical les. This is just one of the aspects that most distinguishes ASP. NET MVC from ASP. NET Web...

Ngày tải lên: 05/04/2014, 15:16

516 752 0
Programming Microsoft ASP.NET MVC pdf

Programming Microsoft ASP.NET MVC pdf

... 7.0 www service www service WAS ASP. NET Static/Nonstatic Static http.syshttp.sys inetinfo.exe w3wp.exe aspnet_wp.exe w3wp.exe CLR aspnet_isapi.dll aspnet_isapi.dll Browser Browser HTTP HTTP HTTP Named Pipe ASPNET Worker Process CLR HTTP ... details. ASP. NET MVC Wrapper Objects ASP. NET MVC takes testability very seriously, and it shows in a number of ways. For example, ASP. NET MVC supplies abstract classes for the various ASP. NET intrinsic ... between classic ASP (and, later, ASP. NET) and JSP. This gap is covered today with the release of an alternative programming model for the ASP. NET platform. Welcome, ASP. NET MVC! Note You might...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 20:20

590 7K 1
programming microsoft mvc, 2nd edition [electronic resource]

programming microsoft mvc, 2nd edition [electronic resource]

... developed as an ASP. NET MVC component, the URL routing module is now a native part of the ASP. NET platform and, as mentioned, offers its services to both ASP. NET MVC and ASP. NET Web Forms applications, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185 PART II ASP. NET MVC SOFTWARE DESIGN Chapter 5 Aspects of ASP. NET MVC Applications 189 ASP. NET Intrinsic Objects 189 SEO and HTTP Response 190 Managing ... to ASP. NET MVC, the idea of a bound context involves grouping controllers in areas. 10 PART I ASP. NET MVC Fundamentals Although you can denitely use a pure REST approach within an ASP. NET MVC...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2014, 01:37

464 686 0
Programming Microsoft ASP.NET 4 docx

Programming Microsoft ASP.NET 4 docx

... move to it. ASP. NET MVC and Simplicity Simplicity is a characteristic that is often associated with ASP. NET MVC. If you look at Figure 1-8, you can hardly contest the point ASP. NET MVC is architecturally ... Handler IIS ASP. NET HTTP Runtime Browser MVC HTTP Handler Response Output Stream FIGURE 1-8 The run-time stack of ASP. NET MVC and Web Forms. As you can see, the run-time stack of ASP. NET MVC is simpler ... as a clear strength of ASP. NET MVC, others may see as a weakness. ASP. NET MVC doesn’t offer server controls of its own and also se- verely limits the use of classic ASP. NET server controls. Even...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 00:20

988 998 0
bài sermina về microsoft mvc 4

bài sermina về microsoft mvc 4

... Create  Read  Update  Delete  MVC Pattern  Model  Controller  View  MVC Frameworks  Java: “tuts, J“F, “pig…  PHP: Zend  ASP. NET: MVC ...

Ngày tải lên: 23/05/2014, 18:30

47 562 1
Programming ASP.NET MVC 4

Programming ASP.NET MVC 4

... of ASP. NET MVC and would like to both create ASP. NET MVC 4 applications and continue working with ASP. NET MVC 3 applications, fear not ASP. NET MVC can be installed and run side by side with ASP. NET ... it! Installing ASP. NET MVC In order to begin developing ASP. NET MVC applications, you’ll need to download and install the ASP. NET MVC 4 Framework. This is as easy as visiting the ASP. NET MVC website ... 4 ASP. NET MVC 4 The Model-View-Controller Architecture 4 The Model 5 The View 6 The Controller 6 What’s New in ASP. NET MVC 4? 6 Introduction to EBuy 8 Installing ASP. NET MVC 9 Creating an ASP. NET MVC...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2013, 10:24

492 4,3K 336
Tài liệu Best Practices and Techniques for Building Secure Microsoft® ASP.NET Applications pdf

Tài liệu Best Practices and Techniques for Building Secure Microsoft® ASP.NET Applications pdf

... site  msdn .microsoft. com msdn .microsoft. com  ASP. NET Web site ASP. NET Web site  www .asp. net www .asp. net  GotDotNet Web site GotDotNet Web site   TechNet Security ...  msdn .microsoft. com/library/en- msdn .microsoft. com/library/en- us/dnnetsec/html/ThreatCounter .asp us/dnnetsec/html/ThreatCounter .asp  Building Secure ASP. NET Applications Building Secure ASP. NET ... element  Always run ASP. NET as a least-privileged account Always run ASP. NET as a least-privileged account  Never run ASP. NET as SYSTEM Never run ASP. NET as SYSTEM  Using the default ASPNET account...

Ngày tải lên: 15/01/2014, 15:59

59 674 0
Pro ASP .NET MVC 4 4th Edition pdf

Pro ASP .NET MVC 4 4th Edition pdf

... interactions in an MVC application The ASP. NET MVC Framework provides support for a choice of view engines. Earlier versions of MVC used the standard ASP. NET view engine, which processed ASPX pages ... foundational ideas of ASP. NET MVC, including the new features in ASP. NET MVC 4, and to experience in practice what the framework is like to use. CHAPTER 3  THE MVC PATTERN 57 ... P A R T 1 Introducing ASP. NET MVC 4 ASP. NET MVC is a radical shift for web developers using the Microsoft platform. It emphasizes clean architecture, design...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 22:20

738 16,6K 15
Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5: Step by Step pdf

Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5: Step by Step pdf

... con- trasting classic ASP and ASP. NET, you get a good idea as to why things are the way they are in ASP. NET. You can also gain an appreciation for all that ASP. NET does for you. Microsoft originally ... or even classic ASP The text explains how ASP. NET 3.5 is different from ASP. NET 1.x and 2.0. It also includes refer- ences explaining differences between ASP. NET and classic ASP.  Those who ... delivering ASP, Microsoft provided a single ISAPI DLL named ASP. DLL. ASP Web de- velopers write their code into fi les tagged with the extension .asp (for example, somefi le .asp) . ASP fi les often...

Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 01:20

589 1K 0
Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 3) pdf

Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 3) pdf

... GET/vdir/page.aspx HTTP/1.1 200 OK aspnet_isapi.dll (ISAPI Extension) another_isapi.dll (ISAPI Extension) asp. dll (ISAPI Extension) IHttpHandler named pipe ASP. NET Worker Process (aspnet_wp.exe) INETINFO.EXE ... 7.0 Kernel http.sys GET/vdir/page .asp GET/vdir2/page.aspx FIGURE 2-3 ASP. NET and IIS 7.0 Throughout the forthcoming chapters, we’ll follow a request through the ASP. NET pipeline. You can plug into the ASP. NET pipeline ... File, Open. 3. Find the assembly compiled by the ASP. NET runtime. Go to C:\WINDOWS \Microsoft .NET\ Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP. NET Files\aspnetstepbystep\. The subdi- rectory is named v2.0.50727...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

30 463 0
Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 5) pdf

Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 5) pdf

... containing the control. Tell ASP. NET to assign unique IDs for the child controls within either type of composite control Derive the binary composite control from ASP. NET s CompositeControl class. ... this case, ASP. NET passes in a normal HtmlTextWriter into the RenderControl method. However, if you happen to get a request from a lesser browser that understands only HTML 3.2, ASP. NET passes ... browser capabilities confi guration help ASP. NET fi gure out what kind of HtmlTextWriter to use. The browser capability information deduced by the ASP. NET runtime may be used for more than simply...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

30 338 0
Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 14) pdf

Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 14) pdf

... We saw how ASP. NET supports data caching in Chapter 15. The contents of the application data cache in ASP. NET may be fl ushed due to various dependencies. The same is true of ASP. NET output ... within ASP. NET. Page Tracing The fi rst place to start with debugging is to examine ASP. NET page tracing. The Page class has a property named Trace. When Trace is turned on, it tells the ASP. NET ... Exceptions In the last example page that threw an exception, ASP. NET responded by redirecting to the default error page. ASP. NET also lets you trap exceptions by setting up a handler for Error...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

30 275 0
Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 15) pdf

Microsoft ASP Net 3.5 Step By Step (phần 15) pdf

... pass requests for resources with an extension of .axd on to ASP. NET. Once inside the ASP. NET pipeline, the web.confi g fi le tells ASP. NET to handle the request with the Trace handler. 396 Part ... directory). So far, ASPX, ASAX, and ASCX fi les have seemed to magically work within ASP. NET. For ex- ample, we saw earlier that simply surfi ng to an ASPX fi le causes ASP. NET to compile the fi ... Plumbing Debugging ASP. NET applications is very much like debugging desktop applications, thanks to Visual Studio. Moreover, the debugging works over a network, even the Internet. Finally, ASP. NET takes...

Ngày tải lên: 07/07/2014, 06:20

30 364 0