programming in c third edition

Lập trình vi điều khiển STM32L152 bài tập chương 6 sách "Embedded Systems with ARM CortexM Microcontrollers in Assembly Language and C (Third Edition – Dr Yifeng Zhu)"

Lập trình vi điều khiển STM32L152 bài tập chương 6 sách "Embedded Systems with ARM CortexM Microcontrollers in Assembly Language and C (Third Edition – Dr Yifeng Zhu)"

... + ⋯ 𝑛2 Code: INCLUDE stm32l1xx_constants.s ; Load Constant Definitions INCLUDE stm32l1xx_tim_constants.s ; TIM Constants AREA main, CODE, READONLY EXPORT main ; make main visible to linker ENTRY ... STM32L152 (Sách Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers in Assembly Language and C (Third Edition) – Dr Yifeng Zhu ) Đại H? ?c Bách Khoa Đà Nẵng BÀI TẬP CHƯƠNG SÁCH (C? ? code đính kèm) ... trư? ?c Chương trình asm phải c? ? hai vòng lặp Ma trận [aij] m*n chuyển đổi thành [aij] n*m Code: INCLUDE stm32l1xx_constants.s ; Load Constant Definitions INCLUDE stm32l1xx_tim_constants.s ; TIM Constants

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2018, 21:45

26 943 12
Lập trình vi điều khiển STM32L152 bài tập chương 7 sách Embedded Systems with ARM CortexM Microcontrollers in Assembly Language and C (Third Edition – Dr Yifeng Zhu)

Lập trình vi điều khiển STM32L152 bài tập chương 7 sách Embedded Systems with ARM CortexM Microcontrollers in Assembly Language and C (Third Edition – Dr Yifeng Zhu)

... (Sách Embedded Systems with ARM Cortex-M Microcontrollers in Assembly Language and C (Third Edition) – Dr Yifeng Zhu ) Đại H? ?c Bách Khoa Đà Nẵng BÀI TẬP CHƯƠNG SÁCH (C? ? code đính kèm) 71_ChuyenSangChuHoa ... 71_ChuyenSangChuHoa INCLUDE stm32l1xx_constants.s ; Load Constant Definitions INCLUDE stm32l1xx_tim_constants.s ; TIM Constants AREA main, CODE, READONLY EXPORT main ; make main visible to linker ... 711_NgayTrongTuan INCLUDE stm32l1xx_constants.s ; Load Constant Definitions INCLUDE stm32l1xx_tim_constants.s ; TIM Constants AREA main, CODE, READONLY EXPORT main ; make main visible to linker ENTRY main

Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2018, 23:29

30 530 11
Lập trình vi điều khiển STM32L152 bài tập chương 10 sách Embedded Systems with ARM CortexM Microcontrollers in Assembly Language and C (Third Edition – Dr Yifeng Zhu)

Lập trình vi điều khiển STM32L152 bài tập chương 10 sách Embedded Systems with ARM CortexM Microcontrollers in Assembly Language and C (Third Edition – Dr Yifeng Zhu)

... str1 DCB "this is tha thu",0 space 100 str2 DCB " ma minh ve len thoi",0 END Struct_S Call a C Program struct Student_T{char c1 ;char c2 ;int score;char c3 ; } students[10]; void khoiTaoStruct(){ int ... Pushbutton: connected RESET ; - GREEN LED: connected to PB7 (GPIO Port B, PIN 7), CLK RCC_AHBENR_GPIOBEN ; - BLUE LED: connected to PB6 (GPIO Port B, PIN 6), CLK RCC_AHBENR_GPIOBEN ; - Linear touch sensor/touchkeys: ... Pushbutton: connected RESET ; - GREEN LED: connected to PB7 (GPIO Port B, PIN 7), CLK RCC_AHBENR_GPIOBEN ; - BLUE LED: connected to PB6 (GPIO Port B, PIN 6), CLK RCC_AHBENR_GPIOBEN ; - Linear touch sensor/touchkeys:

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2018, 11:03

22 552 4
Lập trình vi điều khiển chip STM32L152 bài tập chương 8 sách Embedded Systems with ARM CortexM Microcontrollers in Assembly Language and C (Third Edition – Dr Yifeng Zhu)

Lập trình vi điều khiển chip STM32L152 bài tập chương 8 sách Embedded Systems with ARM CortexM Microcontrollers in Assembly Language and C (Third Edition – Dr Yifeng Zhu)

... đoạn dịch chuyển 3, chữ A thành chữ D, chữ B thành chữ E… Code: INCLUDE stm32l1xx_constants.s ; Load Constant Definitions INCLUDE stm32l1xx_tim_constants.s ; TIM Constants AREA main, CODE, READONLY ... giá vé 7$… Code: INCLUDE stm32l1xx_constants.s ; Load Constant Definitions INCLUDE stm32l1xx_tim_constants.s ; TIM Constants AREA main, CODE, READONLY EXPORT linker main ; make main visible ... Viết chương trình sử dụng chương trình để tìm c? ? bits tồn số 32 bits Code: INCLUDE stm32l1xx_constants.s ; Load Constant Definitions INCLUDE stm32l1xx_tim_constants.s ; TIM Constants AREA main, CODE,

Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2018, 14:54

30 472 11
network programming in c

network programming in c

... datalen) close(connfd) connect(fd, ., .) write(fd, data, datalen) read(fd, buffer, buflen) close(fd) int fd = socket( .) Socket fd Socket fd connfd ? TCP/IP Connection 8 TCP/IP Connection fd = socket(…); ... type: • Commonly used with TCP/IP and UDP/IP, but not specific to the Internet protocols • Only discuss TCP/IP sockets today 6 What is a TCP/IP Connection? • A reliable byte-stream connection ... TCP/IP connection established Send request Wait for response TCP/IP connection shutdown EOF read Block until connection established Specify well-known port Begin listening Client Server 9 Creating

Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 09:57

33 450 0
Socket Programming in C/C++ ppt

Socket Programming in C/C++ ppt

... Socket Programming in C/ C++ sockets TCP UDP Socket characteristics (cont’d) Each socket type has one or more protocols. Ex:  TCP/IP (virtual circuits)  UDP (datagram) Use of sockets:  Connection–based ... sockets bind listen accept close send/recv shutdown close socket connect send/recv shutdown close server client socket c Mani Radhakrishnan and Jon Solworth Socket Programming in C/ C++ sockets TCP UDP socket ... back to the accept to wait for another connection request c Mani Radhakrishnan and Jon Solworth Socket Programming in C/ C++ sockets TCP UDP... Socket Programming in C/ C++ sockets

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 17:20

40 507 1
Windows Phone Programming in C# doc

Windows Phone Programming in C# doc

... contain much code: using using using using using using using using using using using using System; System.Collections.Generic; System.Linq; System.Net; System .Windows; System .Windows. Controls; ... of conductors underneath the screen surface detects the change in capacitance caused by the presence of a finger on the surface. The touch screen hardware then works out where on the screen ... comparable between processors. The processor in the Windows PC might take five clock ticks to do something that the Windows Phone processor needs ten ticks to perform. The Windows PC processor might

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 13:20

160 358 1
Network programming in c

Network programming in c

... #include #include #include #include #include #include 11 ... demo */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct ... inet_aton(const char *cp, struct in_ addr *inp); And here’s a sample usage, while packing a struct sockaddr _in (this example... #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ... Internet address (a structure for historical reasons) [...]... demo */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MYPORT 4950 // the

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 13:41

63 957 0
Windows Phone Programming in C# pptx

Windows Phone Programming in C# pptx

... Server 156 7.3 Creating a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Connection 157 Reading a Web Page 157 7.4 Connecting to a Data Source 163 Using the WebClient class 163 7.5 Using LINQ to Read from ... Application Switching 210 The Windows Phone Application LifeCycle 211 Fast Application Switching in an application 213 Fast Application Switching and Development 218 Fast Application Switching and ... Windows Phone  10 Windows Phone Gyroscope A mechanical gyroscope is a device that always points in a particular direction The Windows Phone contains an electronic version which

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 22:21

248 377 3
Windows Phone Programming in C# Rob Miles pptx

Windows Phone Programming in C# Rob Miles pptx

... contain much code: using using using using using using using using using using using using System; System.Collections.Generic; System.Linq; System.Net; System .Windows; System .Windows. Controls; ... of conductors underneath the screen surface detects the change in capacitance caused by the presence of a finger on the surface. The touch screen hardware then works out where on the screen ... comparable between processors. The processor in the Windows PC might take five clock ticks to do something that the Windows Phone processor needs ten ticks to perform. The Windows PC processor might

Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2014, 14:20

160 330 0
A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 2 doc

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 2 doc

... 158 Inserting and Erasing in Strings 160 Searching and Replacing in Strings 162 Accessing Characters in Strings 164 Exercises 166 Solutions 168 Chapter 10 Functions 171 Significance of Functions ... Reference Type 228 Defining Pointers 230 The Indirection Operator 232 Pointers as Parameters 234 Exercises 236 Solutions 238 Chapter 13 Defining Classes 243 The Class Concept 244 Defining Classes ... beginning of each chapter. These summaries also provide students with an idea of the key points to look for throughout the chapter. Chapter Exercises Each chapter contains exercises, including programming

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 17:21

10 410 0
A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 3 pptx

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 3 pptx

... Containers 749 Container Types 750 Sequences 752 Iterators 754 Declaring Sequences 756 Inserting in Sequences 758 Accessing Objects 760 Length and Capacity 762 Deleting in Sequences 764 List Operations ... Properties Capacities object2 Properties Capacities ■ OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING Traditional concept Object-oriented concept OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING ■ 5 ᮀ Traditional Procedural Programming In traditional, ... class defines a certain object type by defining both the properties and the capacities of the objects of that type. Objects communicate by sending each other “messages,” which in turn acti- vate

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 17:21

10 415 1
A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 4 pot

A Complete Guide to Programming in C++ part 4 pot

... The character set defines which code represents a certain character. When displaying characters on screen, the applicable character codes are transmitted and the “receiver,” that is the screen, ... for correctly interpreting the codes. The C+ + language does not stipulate any particular characters set, although in gen- eral a character set that contains the ASCII code (American Standard Code ... Code for Informa- tion Interchange) is used. This 7-bit code contains definitions for 32 control characters (codes 0 – 31) and 96 printable characters (codes 32 – 127). The char (character) type

Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 17:21

10 484 1
Tài liệu Object-Oriented Programming in C++, 3rd Edition docx

Tài liệu Object-Oriented Programming in C++, 3rd Edition docx

... Statement Constructing the CRC Cards Classes Responsibilities Collaborators The Tenant CRC Card The Expense CRC Card The Rent Input Screen CRC card The Rent Record CRC Card The Expense Input Screen CRC ... Class Members A User-Defined String Type The Standard C+ + string Class Defining and Assigning string Objects Input/Output with string Objects Finding string Objects Modifying string Objects Comparing ... and Base Class Specifying the Derived Class Accessing Base Class Members The protected Access Specifier Derived Class Constructors Overriding Member Functions Which Function Is Used? Scope Resolution...

Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 06:20

1,1K 661 2
Questions to .NET and Programming in C#

Questions to .NET and Programming in C#

... when the object is accessed. c) A static constructor can have public as a accessibility modifiers 74. class A { public static int X = B.Y + 1; } class B { public static int Y = A.X ... explicitly or implicitly. b) Static constructors can have accessibility modifiers. e) Static constructors are called when the class is loaded. c) Static constructors cannot be called ... error. c) Incompatible type for ’=’ can’t convert SubClass to SuperClass. b) No constructor matching SuperClass() found in class SuperClass d) Wrong number of arguments in constructor....

Ngày tải lên: 21/08/2012, 15:55

18 1,3K 8
Question Bank Introduction to .NET and Programming in C#

Question Bank Introduction to .NET and Programming in C#

... is called automatically when the object is accessed. c) A static constructor can have public as a accessibility modifiers 74. class A { public static int X = B.Y + 1; } class B { public static ... value c) get b) set d) find 100. public class A:B ,C, D{ } The above code represents ______ [0.5] a) multilevel interface c) multiple interface b) hierarchical interface d) multiple inheritance 101. ... False 25. Access Modifiers for variables in C# can be the following (Select all that apply) [1.0] a) Public c) Private b) Protected d) Public protected 26. In C# , an underscore is allowed as an initial...

Ngày tải lên: 09/04/2013, 09:10

74 1K 2
6.087: Practical Programming in C

6.087: Practical Programming in C

... some basic code profiling to examine the effects of explicitly declaring variables as registers. Consider the fibonacci sequence generating function fibonacci in prob1 .c, which is reproduced at ... Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 6.087: Practical Programming in C IAP 2010 Problem Set 3 – Solutions Control flow. Functions. Variable scope. Static and global variables. I/O: printf ... return 0 ; } Hint: In order to count words, count the transitions from non-white space to white space characters. 5 main .c: dict .c: dict.h: #include <stdio.h> #include "dict.h"...

Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 08:07

11 553 0
Tài liệu Programming in C++ docx

Tài liệu Programming in C++ docx

... Fortran Boolean (int) boolean logical Character char, wchar_t char character(n) Integer short int integer integer int long int FloatingPoint float real real double Complex ❖ (in C9 9) ❖ complex ❑ Size ... " ;C& quot; and include guards. Programming in C+ +  Dr. Bernd Mohr, FZ Jülich, ZAM Page 76 From C to C+ + Constants ❑ Typical C code used the C preprocessor to define symbolic constants: #define ... with C+ + ➠ Forschungszentrum Jülich Local C+ + Information ❑ Official C+ + On-line FAQ /C+ +-FAQs-Lite/ Programming in C+ +  Dr. Bernd Mohr, FZ Jülich, ZAM Page 12 Introduction...

Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 08:15

265 574 0
Tài liệu Thinking in C++ Second Edition pdf

Tài liệu Thinking in C++ Second Edition pdf

... introduction to C than the chapter in this book, I have created with Chuck Allison a CD ROM called “Thinking in C: foundations for Java and C+ +” which will introduce you to the aspects of C ... upcoming seminars can be found at . If you have specific questions, you may direct them to . Chapter 1: Introduction to Objects 37 Casting ... Preprocessor pitfalls 281 Macros and access 284 Inline functions 285 Inlines inside classes 285 Access functions 286 Stash & Stack with inlines 292 Inlines & the compiler 292 Limitations...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 00:17

1,1K 854 10

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