programming erlang software for a concurrent world second edition

programming erlang software for a concurrent world

programming erlang software for a concurrent world

... the Erlang standard librari es. 1.2 Begin Again Once upon a time a programmer came across a book describing a funny programming language. It had an unfamiliar syntax, equal didn’t mean equals, and ... designations appear in this book, and The Pragmatic Progra mmers, LLC was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial capital letters or in all capitals. The Pragmatic ... Better? In Erlang a variable is just a reference to a value—in the Erlang imple- mentation, a bound variable is represented by a pointer to an area of storage that contains the value. This value cannot...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 12:32

519 915 0
Tài liệu THE FUTURE OF THE WILD Radical Conservation for a Crowded World ppt

Tài liệu THE FUTURE OF THE WILD Radical Conservation for a Crowded World ppt

... Brunswick; the Sonoran Desert, in Arizona and California; and the central tall grasslands, which once covered parts of Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas. Ecoregions range in size from ... implications for both con- servation and the laws that support it. You cannot just draw lines around relatively small areas you deem important for ecological or any other rea- sons and assume all ... As big whales grew scarce, orcas tar- geted populations of smaller and smaller coastal marine mammals. Pop- ulations of harbor seals began to collapse in the early 1970s, followed by fur seals...

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 17:20

292 531 0
Tài liệu IE Brown Executive MBA- Liberal Arts meets the Developing innovative leaders for a changing world ppt

Tài liệu IE Brown Executive MBA- Liberal Arts meets the Developing innovative leaders for a changing world ppt

... Marketing Management, Organizational Behavior, Strategic Management, Accounting and Management Control, Financial Management, Managerial Economics, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Information ... U.S and a member of the Ivy League. Its superlative programs in undergraduate, graduate, and medical education are characterized by a distinctive academic philosophy, a world- class faculty, and ... across all sectors. IE Business School is fully accredited by the three leading accreditation agencies in the management education arena: AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA, guaranteeing the quality and...

Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 10:20

20 480 0
Biostatistics A Methodology for the Health Sciences Second Edition pot

Biostatistics A Methodology for the Health Sciences Second Edition pot

... first two authors and add the new authors in alphabetical sequence. This second edition adds a chapter on randomized trials and another on longitudinal data analysis. Substantial changes have been made ... 3.3. A qualitative variable has values that are intrinsically nonnumerical (cate- gorical). As suggested earlier, the values of a qualitative variable can always be put into numerical form. The ... evaluate data from a study statistically forces an investigator to sharpen the focus of the study. It makes one translate intuitive ideas into an analytical model capable of generating data that...

Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 04:20

889 407 0
Investing in Women for a Better World pptx

Investing in Women for a Better World pptx

... mechanism for monitoring fair wages and overtime payment, and can facilitate the sending of remittances to rural areas or home countries. Savings accounts and fi nancial literacy can also elevate a ... instances of hypertension and diabetes, Juárez is a particularly dangerous and unhealthy place for young women, making it an ideal location for a workplace women’s health program. At Pegatron, ... between factory management, local NGOs, workers, and international brands, building a foundation for sustainability and enhanced impact and reach. Project Peer educators suggested radio broadcasts,...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 11:20

22 328 0
Understanding Dyspraxia A Guide for Parents and Teachers Second edition doc

Understanding Dyspraxia A Guide for Parents and Teachers Second edition doc

... medical ofcer from health-related specialists such as a paediatrician, physiotherapist, occupational therapist or speech and language therapist. Advisory teachers may also be involved – for example, ... several family members makes it unlikely for brain damage to be the usual cause. A very small number of children have dyspraxia as a result of other problems including galactosaemia [an adverse ... mother. It was clear that he would not have been able to manage the drop safely, but he himself was not aware of this. 2 As a baby he had never slept well and was always hard to settle; his par- ents...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 15:20

142 471 0


... japanese strategists who once attached so much value to Korea can be indif- ferent to its fate; airfields in adjacent Siberia and Manchuria offer just as much of a threat to Japan as any Korean airfields ... Chiang and a Yangtse TVA, instead of pressing for a Communist coalition, not only would a historical balance have been found to Japan but a historically pro-American power would have been placed on those ftontiers ... outdated. The Stockholm Peace Appeal, capitalizing on the natural revulsion against Hiroshima; the war in Korea, showing that no mortal dared unleash the A- bomb when retaliation was possible, and now the...

Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2014, 23:20

346 307 0
Designing for a sustainable world

Designing for a sustainable world

... Designing for a Sustainable World Author: Timothy Allan Keywords: Life Cycle Thinking, Sustainable Design, Locus Research locus research UPA - World Usability Day Title: Designing for a Sustainable World Author: ... projects. locus research UPA - World Usability Day Title: Designing for a Sustainable World Author: Timothy Allan Keywords: Life Cycle Thinking, Sustainable Design, Locus Research Company Think ... World Author: Timothy Allan Keywords: Life Cycle Thinking, Sustainable Design, Locus Research locus research UPA - World Usability Day Title: Designing for a Sustainable World Author: Timothy Allan Keywords:...

Ngày tải lên: 03/06/2014, 17:32

17 281 0
RESEARCH METHODS IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY An Introduction for Students and Practitioners Second Edition doc

RESEARCH METHODS IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY An Introduction for Students and Practitioners Second Edition doc

... INTERPRETATION, AND DISSEMINATION . 219 Qualitative Data Analysis . 220 Within-case and Cross-case Analysis . . . 221 Preliminaries to Qualitative Data Analysis 222 Processes in Qualitative Data Analysis ... dedication and attention to detail. There is also, however, a chance element to research: not all discoveries are necessarily planned (Merbaum & Lowe, 1982). A classic example of an accidental ... Linda Clare, Neil Devlin, Jerry Goodman (for the slogan ‘‘research is fun’’), Les Greenberg, Dick Hallam, Maria Koutantji, David Ren nie, Laura Rice, Joe Schwartz, and Pam Smith. Mark Williams and...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 05:20

299 482 0


... 39 Australia and New Zealand 40 South Africa 43 South Asia 46 Former colonial Africa 49 South-east Asia and the South Pacific 54 A world view 59 v Why a global language? complex realities of a world ... is at present practicable only if a com- mon language is available. A situation where a Japanese company director arranges to meet German and Saudi Arabian contacts in a Singapore hotel to plan ... have played an important part in several countries, such as in relation to the Maori in New Zealand, the Aboriginal languages of Australia, the Indian languages of Canada and the USA, and some...

Ngày tải lên: 19/03/2014, 07:20

33 815 3
Professional Crystal Reports for Visual Studio.NET Second Edition potx

Professional Crystal Reports for Visual Studio.NET Second Edition potx

... items. Sample Standard Deviation Calculates the statistical standard deviation of a specific sample of items. Population Variance Calculates the statistical variance of the entire population ... a report design tool that allows you to create reports capable of retrieving and formatting a result set from a database or other data source. In addition to simply reading data from a data ... Crystal Reports has its own formula language for creating calculations and includes a number of features that can be used to turn raw data into presentation-quality reports, with graphs, charts,...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 02:21

386 767 1
squires, the mystery of the quantum world (second edition)

squires, the mystery of the quantum world (second edition)

... to accommodate additional particles? Consider a world of two particles, which we shall call A and B. As a first guess we might try having a wavefunction for particle A and a separate and ... in a space of two-times- three dimensions. It is no longer true to say that at a particular point of space the wavefunction has a particular value. Rather we have to say that, associated ... rather like a particle bouncing backwards and forwards between high potential barriers; eventually the particle passes through a barrier and decay occurs. In general, if we start with a...

Ngày tải lên: 05/06/2014, 11:21

192 363 0
Accounting and Finance for Your Small Business Second Edition_1 pot

Accounting and Finance for Your Small Business Second Edition_1 pot

... operations, track cash flows, conduct analyses, analyze key financial information, create a corporate risk management strategy, and manage tax liabilities—in short, all of the key accounting and financial ... reliability of the cash allo- cations and expenses anticipated for that level of production and sales. Some manufacturing managers may “pad” a budget to build in a safety margin or premium. In a ... Financial Ratios 182 Using Performance Measurements for Predictions 193 Operating Ratios 196 Other Ratios 202 The Balanced Scorecard 204 Summary 207 Chapter 7 Financial Analysis 209 Risk Analysis...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 18:20

25 374 1