program memory and data memory in embedded systems

Thread and data mapping for multicore systems  improving communication and memory accesses

Thread and data mapping for multicore systems improving communication and memory accesses

... on the memory subsystem, since more bandwidth to move data between the cores and the main memory is required To handle the additional bandwidth, current architectures introduce complex memory ... 4.2.3 Combined Online Thread and Data Mapping A library called ForestGOMP is introduced in Broquedis et al (2010) This library integrates into the OpenMP runtime environment and gathers information ... performs sharing-aware mapping: Perform both thread and data mapping As we observed, thread and data mapping influences the performance in different ways, such that they can be combined for maximum

Ngày tải lên: 04/03/2019, 16:43

61 53 0
Memory allocation problems in embedded systems  optimization methods  by maría soto   et al

Memory allocation problems in embedded systems optimization methods by maría soto et al

... 1.1 Embedded systems 1.1.1 Main components of embedded systems 1.2 Memory management for decreasing power consumption, performance and area in embedded systems ... Motivations Embedded systems are ever present in contemporary society and they are supposed to make our lives more comfortable In industry, embedded systems are used to manage and control complex systems ... designer’s line of work While x Memory Allocation Problems in Embedded Systems technology offers more and more opportunities, the design of embedded systems becomes more and more complex Indeed,

Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2021, 15:13

191 31 0
Protothreads: Simplifying Event-Driven Programming of Memory-Constrained Embedded Systems pot

Protothreads: Simplifying Event-Driven Programming of Memory-Constrained Embedded Systems pot

... machines The state machines run in the interrupt handlers of the radio interrupts The CC1000 driver in Mantis has two explicit state machines: one for handling and parsing incoming bytes and ... state machines State machines are a powerful tool for designing, modeling, and analyzing embedded systems They provide a well-founded formalism that allows reasoning about systems and in some cases ... event-driven programming can keep the memory overhead down, it enforces a state machine programming style which makes many programs difficult to write, maintain, and debug We present a novel programming

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 13:20

14 680 0
PETROMODELER (Petrological Modeler): a Microsoft® Excel© spreadsheet program for modelling melting, mixing, crystallization and assimilation processes in magmatic systems

PETROMODELER (Petrological Modeler): a Microsoft® Excel© spreadsheet program for modelling melting, mixing, crystallization and assimilation processes in magmatic systems

... combined and decoupled fractional crystallization and assimilation (AFC and FCA) and mixing processes The sheets of PETROMODELER include data input and output sections The input section includes ... melting, crystallization, assimilation and mixing by using trace elements and isotopic ratios Melting models include (a) batch, (b) dynamic (continuous) and (c) fractional melting for (1) instantaneous ... melting The batch melting (or equilibrium melting) model is the simplest process and assumes that the melt remains in chemical equilibrium with the solid during melting (Figure 1) (Schilling & Winchester

Ngày tải lên: 13/01/2020, 19:04

11 47 0
Báo cáo hóa học: "An Overview of Reconfigurable Hardware in Embedded Systems" pptx

Báo cáo hóa học: "An Overview of Reconfigurable Hardware in Embedded Systems" pptx

... the data and writes it to main memory The second CPU then decodes the data from memory using the IDCT core, and the resulting video and audio stream is then written to the output device A Linuxbased ... integration of processing elements in computing systems using a programmable controller,” in Proceedings of 13th Annual IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM ’05), pp ... Kurdahi, N Bagherzadeh, H Singh, R Hermida, and M Fernandez, “Kernel scheduling in reconfigurable computing,” in Proceedings of Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, pp 90–96,

Ngày tải lên: 22/06/2014, 22:20

19 438 0
Báo cáo hóa học: " Channel Estimation and Data Detection for MIMO Systems under Spatially and Temporally Colored Interference" potx

Báo cáo hóa học: " Channel Estimation and Data Detection for MIMO Systems under Spatially and Temporally Colored Interference" potx

... of an in- terferer at the same data rate and using a training length 4N t , we observe in curves 3 and 5 in Figure 5 that, at INRs below 17 dB, taking interference temporal correlation into account ... obtained with a longer training length, the performance gap between curves 3 and 4 should increase as the training length increases. By comparing curves 4 and 6 in Figure 2,weobservea 1.5 dB gain ... in SIR obtained by estimating spatial interference correlation and taking explicit advantage of known tempo- ral interference correlation in channel estimation and data detection using a training

Ngày tải lên: 23/06/2014, 01:20

11 325 0
Algorithms and Data Structures in C part 8 ppsx

Algorithms and Data Structures in C part 8 ppsx

... 2.5.2Pipelining Pipelining is a means to achieve speedup for an algorithm by dividing the algorithm into stages. Each stage is to be executed in the same amount of time. The flow is divided into ... topologies used in parallel processing. Algorithms are increasingly being developed for the parallel processing environment. Many of these topologies are widely used and have been studied in great ... a performance hit will be taken in generating the first output as illustrated in Figure 2.14. Figure 2.13 A Four Stage Pipeline Figure 2.14 Pipelining In the figure T SEQ is the time

Ngày tải lên: 02/07/2014, 08:21

11 293 0
báo cáo khoa học: " Conservation of resources theory and research use in health systems" docx

báo cáo khoa học: " Conservation of resources theory and research use in health systems" docx

... difference in the world [in gaining buy -in and involvement].’ – Researcher, RSS Ongoing education and training opportunities about the issue and approaches to addressing it, capitalizing on existing ... receptivity to research and innovation, financial incentives and support for research and innovation, and favorable public attitudes toward research and innovation) in fostering the capacity for ... been placed on KT and evidence-based decision-making and in understanding and improving capacity for research use within health systems (i.e., federal health departments, provincial or state departments

Ngày tải lên: 10/08/2014, 10:23

20 341 0
Interaction between parametric and forced oscillations in multidimensional systems

Interaction between parametric and forced oscillations in multidimensional systems

... Nguyen Van Dao Substituting (1.3) into (1.1) and transforming it, we obtain the following equations in the standard form: da ị dĩ dxp l = EẰ(h0x + ccx3 + cy2x)sinOi , (1.4) ai —J— = eXỌìqX + QLX3 ... analysis of the systems (3.8) and (3.9) is rather complicated The system (3.5) has been investigated exhaustively in the previous paragraph As the study of the remain­ ing systems is not ... parametric resonant case and the last (1.9) — harmonic and parametric resonant case. Obviously, the most interesting is the last resonant case. We shall inves tigate it in more detail. The stationary

Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2015, 15:28

13 291 0
Speech processing in embedded systems by priyabrata sinha

Speech processing in embedded systems by priyabrata sinha

... Processing in Embedded Systems Priyabrata Sinha Speech Processing in Embedded Systems ABC Priyabrata Sinha Microchip Technology, Inc., Chandler AZ, USA Certain Materials ... exposure to signal processing fundamentals Increasingly, the system software and hardware developers who are involved in integrating speech processing algorithms in embedded end-applications ... This large and growing base of engineers requires books and other sources of information that bring speech processing algorithms and concepts into v vi Preface the practical domain and also help

Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2016, 11:38

177 613 0
Ch 04 spring and damper elements in mechanical systems

Ch 04 spring and damper elements in mechanical systems

... Methods 1.Obtaining Motion Equation - In mass-spring systems with negligible friction and damping, we can often use the principle of conservation of energy to obtain the equation of motion and, for ... Engineering Department 4.58 Spring & Damper Elements in Mechanical Systems §4.Damping Elements - Example 4.4.4 Effects of Damping For the system shown in the figure, the mass is 𝑚 = and the spring ... Dynamics 4.13 Spring & Damper Elements in Mechanical Systems §1.Spring Elements Solution System Dynamics 4.14 Spring & Damper Elements in Mechanical Systems §1.Spring Elements - Most spring elements

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2017, 14:54

18 142 0
Java foundations introduction to program design and data structures 4th edition by lewis depasquale chase test bank

Java foundations introduction to program design and data structures 4th edition by lewis depasquale chase test bank

... snippet of code int iResult; float fResult; int rResult; int iNum1 int iNum2 iResult = rResult = = 25; = 8; iNum1/iNum2; iNum1%iNum2; fResult = (float) iNum1/iNum2; What values are stored in iResult, ... the remainder of dividing 25 and using integer division The value that is stored in fResult is 3.125 This is the result of dividing 25 and using floating point division In the expression, iNum1 ... } 2) Write a single println statement that prints out the following line "There is Thingumbob shouting!" the Bellman said, Answer: System.out.println("\"There is Thingumbob shouting!\" the Bellman

Ngày tải lên: 01/03/2019, 09:38

13 120 0
Java foundations introduction to program design and data structures 4th edition lewis test bank

Java foundations introduction to program design and data structures 4th edition lewis test bank

... result of dividing 25 and using floating point division In the expression, iNum1 is explicitly cast as a floating point value which causes iNum2 to be promoted to a floating point value The division ... result in information loss This is because in a narrowing conversion a programmer is changing a piece of data from a data type that can hold more information into a data type that can hold less information ... main }//end class Pearson © 2017 7) Consider the following snippet of code int iResult; float fResult; int rResult; int iNum1 int iNum2 iResult = rResult = fResult = = 25; = 8; iNum1/iNum2; iNum1%iNum2;

Ngày tải lên: 01/03/2019, 16:21

12 63 0
Design, loading, and water quality in recirculating systems for atlantic salmon

Design, loading, and water quality in recirculating systems for atlantic salmon

... breeding program to developed improved North American Atlantic salmon lines for U.S producers and consumers Production modeling and bioplan for the Franklin facility were completed in 2004 and ... treatment components and culture tanks in each recycle systems are presented in Tables and These recycle systems typically utilize dual-drain culture tanks (except in the parr system) and radial flow ... 3rd year broodstock, and 3600 kg of 4th year broodstock can be maintained in the breeding program fish culture systems Production systems are stocked below maximum biomass and not reach their maximum

Ngày tải lên: 27/09/2019, 10:19

11 48 0
Open innovation in embedded systems

Open innovation in embedded systems

... Modularizations for open innovation in embedded systems x Open innovation in embedded systems without opening Thus, the author provides comprehensive insight on open innovation in embedded systems Researchers ... seeking to innovate are searching for innovative ideas and applications outside the boundaries of their firm – a phenomenon denoted as ‘open innovation’ Bringing open innovation and embedded systems ... intend to conduct open innovation in embedded systems or who want to gain a better understanding on how open innovation can be enabled in a technical context I wish the book the broad dissemination

Ngày tải lên: 20/01/2020, 08:26

193 52 0
memory architecture exploration for programmable embedded systems

memory architecture exploration for programmable embedded systems

... explicit list of accesses, choosing between prefetch- ing hinted blocks, caching hinted blocks, and caching recently used un-hinted data. Their informed prefetching approach generates 20% to 83% ... the memory system behavior used in gen- eral purpose processors is data prefetching. Software prefetching [CKP91], [GGV90], [MLG92], inserts prefetch instructions into the code, to bring data into ... configurations for embedded systems, it is intended for managers and system designers who may be interested in the emerging embedded system design methodologies for memory- intensive applications. 24 MEMORY...

Ngày tải lên: 01/06/2014, 09:34

147 253 0
Tài liệu Fundamentals of OOP and Data Structures in Java Richard Wiene ppt

Tài liệu Fundamentals of OOP and Data Structures in Java Richard Wiene ppt

... Constructor public LineHolder (Line line1, Line line2) { this.line1 = line1; this.line2 = line2; } // Methods public void setLine1 (Line line1) { this.line1 = line1; } 10.6 ... code contrasts the initialization of reference types and scalar types. Point point1 = new Point(2, 2); Point point2 = new Point(3, 3); Line myLine = new Line(point1, point2); int height = 72; ... methods in class Line that return its two end points. Then two new line objects could be created in the constructor for class LineHolder using end points of the input line1 and line2 objects in...

Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 04:20

508 587 0


... government financing, leads to: – an increase of private financing: the patient will have to pay more “out of pocket” resulting in a growing private insurance market. – an ever-increasing pressure ... two main streams: 1) using panels of expert nurses and NMDS-coordinators to build the acceptability of the tool and 2) making use of existing and new empirical nursing data for developing a ... are linked with the hospital discharge dataset. By linking both datasets we aim to develop a methodology to link the nursing data with diagnostic related groups (DRGs) in a logical and meaningful...

Ngày tải lên: 16/02/2014, 20:20

136 563 0
Health Continuum and Data Exchange in Belgium and in the Netherlands doc

Health Continuum and Data Exchange in Belgium and in the Netherlands doc

... priority for carrying out studies of quality improvement in general practice, using data obtained from EPRs. Health Continuum and Data Exchange in Belgium and in the Netherlands 9 Francis H. ... Nursing Minimum Dataset 23 First, the working groups had to concentrate on the selection of meaningful nursing care and nursing management indicators rather than to focus on individual data ... each intervention for inclusion in a future nursing minimum dataset with the previous nominated priorities. In total 256 interventions, out of 433 were selected in at least 1 or more care programs....

Ngày tải lên: 05/03/2014, 23:20

136 592 0
MEDICAL INFORMATICS Knowledge Management and Data Mining in Biomedicine docx

MEDICAL INFORMATICS Knowledge Management and Data Mining in Biomedicine docx

... Author Index 625 Subject Index 627 MEDICAL INFORMATICS Knowledge Management and Data Mining in Biomedicine xiii UNIT 111: Text Mining and Data Mining Chapter 14: Semantic Interpretation ... analysis, and joint learning using data and text mining. We have compiled a list of interesting and exciting chapters from major researchers, research groups, and centers in medical informatics, ... Tennessee and worked as a health care administrator. He 6 MEDICAL INFORMATICS 2. KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT, DATA MINING, AND TEXT MINING: AN OVERVIEW Knowledge management, data mining, and text mining...

Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 12:20

656 1,4K 0