... Customer Care Department within the United States at (877) 762-29 74, outside the United States at (317) 572-3993 or fax (317) 572 -40 02 Trademarks: Wiley, the Wiley logo, Wrox, the Wrox logo, Wrox ... per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750- 840 0, fax (978) 646 -8600 Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Permissions ... redistributed according to those terms with the following attribution: “Chapter “NerdDinner” from Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0 written by Rob Conery et al published by Wrox (ISBN: 978-0 -47 0-3 846 1-9) may be
Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2013, 14:06
... 128 9594CH06.qxd 1/ 14/ 08 3 :40 PM CHAPTER Page 129 6 Deploying Your Web Site... process, an error in one application will not affect others 139 9594CH06.qxd 140 1/ 14/ 08 3 :40 PM Page 140 CHAPTER ... Explorer and expand it until you see the Users node (see Figure 6-16) 143 9594CH06.qxd 144 1/ 14/ 08 3 :40 PM Page 144 CHAPTER 6 s DEPLOYING YOUR WEB SITE Figure 6-16 Configuring database ... connection string to use the... en-us/library/dtkwfdky.aspx 145 9594CH06.qxd 146 1/ 14/ 08 3 :40 PM Page 146 CHAPTER 6 s DEPLOYING YOUR WEB SITE Deploying Your Service Tier The best way to deploy
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Beginning C# 2008 Databases From Novice to Professional phần 4 ppsx
... @delerr 147 9004ch08final.qxd 148 12/13/07 4: 13 PM Page 148 CHAPTER 8 s UNDERSTANDING TRANSACTIONS... sorted by ID 143 9004ch08final.qxd 144 12/13/07 4: 13 PM Page 144 CHAPTER 8 s UNDERSTANDING ... code in Listing 8-2 into the code editor Listing 8-2 button1_Click()... transaction to both add a customer to and delete one from the Northwind Customers table The Customers table has eleven ... nvarchar (40 ), @oldcustid nchar(5) as... failure of the commit to the application 141 9004ch08final.qxd 142 12/13/07 4: 13 PM Page 142 CHAPTER 8 s UNDERSTANDING TRANSACTIONS Guidelines to Code
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Beginning SQL Server 2008 for Developers From Novice to Professional phần 4 ppsx
... of –2, 147 ,48 3, 648 and 2, 147 ,48 3, 647 bigint A bigint, or big integer, data type is very similar to int, except that much larger numbers can be held A range of –9,223,372,036,8 54, 775,808 ... New Policy, as demonstrated in Figure 4- 24. Dewson_958-7C 04. fm Page 113 Tuesday, July 1, 2008 9:26 AM 1 14 CHAPTER 4 ■ SECURITY AND COMPLIANCE Figure 4- 24. Create a new policy. 2. You are now ... defines one or more conditions to be applied to a server. Database administra- tors or even auditors define policies to ensure that specified conditions are met. Historically, one of the largest
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Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 E-Commerce in C# 2005 From Novice to Professional PHẦN 4 ppt
... Cancel simply quits edit mode 8213592a11 745 6a 340 854d18cee57603 223 Darie-Watson _46 81C08.fm Page 2 24 Monday, September 19, 2005 9:55 AM 2 24 CHAPTER 8 ■ CATALOG ADMINISTRATION Figure ... it easier to read Darie-Watson _46 81C07.fm Page 215 Thursday, August 25, 2005 8 :48 AM CHAPTER 7 ■ RECEIVING PAYMENTS USING PAYPAL 3 Next, to add the PayPal Add to Cart button in Product.aspx, ... wildcard, to implementing efficient query logic) and storing that code within stored procedures (which are easier to maintain and run faster than ad-hoc queries) • Using smart data... to the
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Beginning C# 2005 Databases From Novice to Professional phần 4 potx
... are and how to use them • How to use the Prepare method In the next chapter, we’ll look at data readers. CHAPTER 6 ■ INTRODUCING COMMANDS 140 777Xch06final.qxd 11/18/06 3: 24 PM Page 140 [...]... ... rdr[0] To use the connection for another purpose or to run another query on the database, it’s important to call the Close method of SqlDataReader to. ..777Xch07final.qxd 11/18/06 2 :46 PM ... to the data reader’s Item property, and returns the value in the column specified for the current row The value is returned as an object 145 777Xch07final.qxd 146 11/18/06 2 :46 PM Page 146
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Beginning Hibernate From Novice to Professional phần 4 potx
... MAPPING 84 6935ch05_final.qxd 8/2/06 9 :49 PM Page 84 p ublic class Customer { int customerId; int customerReference; S tring name; Set email; } So, you should add another question: can a customer ... XDoclet tool allows you to use javadoc-style comments to. .. NamedQuery/NamedQueries Pk and T Allows a named EJB QL query to be stored in the annotations OneToMany M and F Allows a one -to- ... be changed from one -to- one to many -to- one by removing the unique constraint. Figure 5-6 shows this type of relationship. The One -to- Many and Many -to- One Association A one -to- many association
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Beginning Java SE 6 Platform From Novice to Professional phần 4 pps
... beside the column name to identify the current sort direction, as shown in Figure 4- 4. CHAPTER 4 ■ GUI TOOLKITS: SWING 131 830-X CH 04. qxd 8/30/07 6:52 PM Page 131 Figure 4- 4. Sorted table based ... there is one), according to the third rule. Figure 4- 6 shows the properly sorted price list. CHAPTER 4 ■ GUI TOOLKITS: SWING1 34 830-X CH 04. qxd 8/30/07 6:52 PM Page 1 34 Figure 4- 6. The DVD movie item ... sp.getViewport ().getView (); JEditorPane ep = (JEditorPane) c; ep.setPage (ae.getActionCommand ()); 147 830-X CH 04. qxd 148 8/30/07 6: 52 PM Page 148 CHAPTER 4 ■ GUI TOOLKITS: SWING miPrint.setEnabled
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Beginning PHP and MySQL From Novice to Professional phần 4 pps
... function new to PHP 5 that reads a directory’s contents into an array Opening a Directory Handle Just as fopen() opens a file pointer to a given file, opendir() opens a directory stream specified ... Its prototype follows: resource opendir(string path) Closing a Directory Handle The closedir() function closes the directory stream Its prototype follows: void... distribution’s root directory ... Package Console_Getopt Summary Description... said, before delving into this powerful feature, take a moment to consider the topic of sanitizing user input before passing it to the shell level
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Beginning XNA 2.0 Game Programming From Novice to Professional phần 4 pptx
... recommend you do so—click the Done button and let’s go on coding our sample! 141 9 241 CH05.qxd 142 3/12/08 11 :44 AM Page 142 ... object and call this method To do this, you must define the new ... class, you must create the object: networkHelper = new NetworkHelper(); 143 9 241 CH05.qxd 144 3/12/08 11 :44 AM Page 144 CHAPTER 5 s BASICS OF GAME NETWORKING Finally, you must call the method ... on the center bottom of the blank game screen, as shown in Figure 5-5 139 9 241 CH05.qxd 140 3/12/08 11 :44 AM Page 140 CHAPTER 5 s BASICS OF GAME NETWORKING... navigates to the Game for
Ngày tải lên: 12/08/2014, 09:20
Beginning VB 2008 Databases From Novice to Professional phần 4 potx
... @maxerr = @inserr Delete a customer delete from customers where customerid... return number for it begin transaction Add a customer insert into customers (customerid, companyname) values(@newcustid, ... that customer “aa” has been added to the Customers table Both customer “a” and “aa” have no child records in the Orders table 133 947 0ch08final.qxd 3/3/08 5:16 PM Page 1 34 Simpo PDF Merge ... igure 6-10. CHAPTER 6 ■ USING STORED PROCEDURES1 04 947 0ch06final.qxd 2/21/08 3:02 PM Page 1 04 Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - http://www.simpopdf.com Figure 6-10. Using parameters
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Beginning PHP and MySQL E-Commerce From Novice to Professional phần 4 pot
... /tshirtshop/500 .php # Set the default 40 4 page ErrorDocument 40 4 /tshirtshop /40 4 .php ■ Caution Be sure to check these are the correct locations of your 40 4 .php and 500 .php files 5 ... TShirtShop should throw the 40 4 page as shown in Figure 7-8 Figure 7-8 Testing the 40 4 page in TShirtShop 219 8 644 ch07.qxd 1/30/08 12:16 PM Page 220 Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered ... Link::ToIndex($i); } /* 40 4 redirect if the page number is larger than the total number of pages */ if ($this->mPage > $this->mrTotalPages) { // Clean output buffer ob_clean(); // Load the 40 4
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Beginning PHP and Postgre SQL 8 From Novice to Professional phần 4 pot
... SYSTEM $directory = "/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/book/chapter10/"; $totalSize = round((directory_size($directory) / 10 24) , 2); echo "Directory $directory: ".$totalSize. "kb."; ... attempt to create it. This process is known as appending to the file. b Open the file in binary mode. t Open the file in text mode. Gilmore_ 547 5.book Page 243 Friday, November 11, 2005 1:16 PM 244 ... directory_handle) The readdir() function returns each element in the directory specified by directory_handle You can use this function to list all files and child directories in a given directory:
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Beginning PHP and Postgre SQL E-Commerce From Novice to Professional phần 4 ppsx
... Table 5 -4. Search Results Ordered by Rank rank product_id name 0. 341 959 40 Civil War Union Slouch Hat 0.3 343 6 44 Union Civil War Kepi Cap 0.316 84 41 Civil War Leather Kepi Cap 0.3039 64 30 Confederate ... search_vector = setweight (to_ tsvector(name), 'A') || to_ tsvector(description); CHAPTER 5 ■ SEARCHING THE CATALOG 175 648 XCH05.qxd 10/31/06 10: 04 PM Page 175 4. Use the Query tool to execute this ... to_ tsvector function (which creates the search vector) and setweight (used to give higher rele- vance to the words in the name): UPDATE product SET search_vector = setweight (to_ tsvector(name),
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Beginning Google Maps Applications with PHP and Ajax From Novice to Professional PHẦN 4 pot
... points. CHAPTER 4 ■ GEOCODING ADDRESSES 93 7079ch04FINAL.qxd 7/28/06 12 :48 PM Page 93 7079ch04FINAL.qxd 7/28/06 12 :48 PM Page 94 Beyond the Basics PART 2 ■ ■ ■ 7079ch05FINAL.qxd 7/25/06 1 :41 PM Page ... Listing 5 -4 locates all of the towers in Hawaii and consumes a huge amount of memory to do so Listing 5 -4 Using PHP to Determine the List of Structures in Hawaii < ?php // Connect to ... building a professional map mashup. So why the FCC ASR database? There are several reasons: 97 CHAPTER 5 ■ ■ ■ 7079ch05FINAL.qxd 7/25/06 1 :41 PM Page 97 • The data is free to use, easy to obtain,
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professional perl programming wrox 2001 phần 4 potx
... Packages cannot be uploaded to CPAN arbitrarily. First we need to get registered so we have an upload directory to upload things into. It also helps to discuss modules with other programmers and see ... moduleuser.pl Or, if the blib directory is not local to the application: > perl -Mblib=startdirectory moduleuser.pl Alternatively, to install the package into the site_perl directory under Perl's ... prefer to test first: > make > make test > su Password: # make install This will install files into a directory called blib in the current directory. To use a module in this directory
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Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer) pot
... with Visual Studio, it automatically adds a number of files and directories to the project: ASP.NET MVC projects by default have six top-level directories: Directory Purpose /Controllers ... Customer Care Department within the United States at (877) 762-29 74, outside the United States at (317) 572-3993 or fax (317) 572 -40 02. Trademarks: Wiley, the Wiley logo, Wrox, the Wrox logo, Wrox ... according to those terms with the following attribution: “Chapter 1 “NerdDinner” from Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0 written by Rob Conery et al published by Wrox (ISBN: 978-0 -47 0-3 846 1-9) may...
Ngày tải lên: 27/06/2014, 01:20
professional c++ programming (programmer to programmer)
... 563 Iterators 5 64 Sequential Containers 565 Vector 566 The vector<bool> Specialization 583 deque 5 84 list 5 84 Container Adapters 588 queue 588 priority_queue 591 stack 5 94 02_5 748 41 ftoc.qxd ... in C++ 04_ 5 748 41 ch01.qxd 12/15/ 04 3:39 PM Page 9 xvii Contents Chapter 23: Customizing and Extending the STL 655 Allocators 656 Iterator Adapters 656 Reverse Iterators 656 Stream Iterators 657 Insert ... 813 02_5 748 41 ftoc.qxd 12/15/ 04 3:39 PM Page xx vi Contents The Database Class 34 The User Interface 38 Evaluating the Program 41 Summary 41 Chapter 2: Designing Professional C++ Programs 43 What...
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Professional Silverlight 4 docx
... 43 7 allowHtmlPopupWindow 43 7 Plug-In API 43 8 Creating Interaction between Silverlight and JavaScript 43 8 JavaScript API 43 9 HTML Bridge 44 1 Summary 44 6 SECURING YOUR APPLICATIONS 44 CHAPTER 14: ... 42 8 DOM INTERACTION 42 CHAPTER 13: 9 Configuring the Silverlight Plug-In 42 9 windowless 43 2 splashScreenSource 43 3 initParams 43 6 enablehtmlaccess 43 7 enableAutoZoom 43 7 enableGPUAcceleration 43 7 enableNavigation ... install the .NET Framework 4 to your machine. At the time of this writing, you are going to need to go to http://www .silverlight. net and install the latest Silverlight 4 Tools for Visual Studio...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 10:20