problems of teaching and learning english perfective modal verbs

the reality of teaching and learning english writing skill at tran nguyen han high school in hai phong and recommendations

the reality of teaching and learning english writing skill at tran nguyen han high school in hai phong and recommendations

... when teaching and learning writing and to help to improve the quality of teaching and learning writing at Tran Nguyen Han high school iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES I LIST OF ... reality of teaching and learning writing at Tran Nguyen Han high school, the attitudes of the teachers and students towards teaching and learning writing, the difficulties facing the teachers and ... take the importance of writing seriously This is because of the main purpose of teaching and learning English at Tran Nguyen Han high school The results of the final exam and university entrance...

Ngày tải lên: 14/10/2014, 01:09

55 995 3
A study on the reality of teaching and learning English pronunciation skills to the 11th graders at Kien An high school =Nghiên cứu thực trạng dạy và học kỹ năn

A study on the reality of teaching and learning English pronunciation skills to the 11th graders at Kien An high school =Nghiên cứu thực trạng dạy và học kỹ năn

... considerable of teachers and students are not fully aware of the importance of teaching and learning pronunciation in the process of teaching and learning English speaking skills Because of both objective ... features, pronunciation teaching, pronunciation learning and problems in teaching and learning pronunciation Chapter II: The Methodology states the current situation of teaching and learning pronunciation ... brief of current situation of teaching and learning pronunciation skill to the 11th graders at Kien An high school From that, the difficulties in teaching and learning pronunciation of teachers and...

Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2015, 09:33

60 1,3K 5
the reality of teaching and learning English listening skills in grade 10 at Yen Mo B high school, Ninh Binh province = Thực trạng dạy và học kỹ năng nghe tiếng

the reality of teaching and learning English listening skills in grade 10 at Yen Mo B high school, Ninh Binh province = Thực trạng dạy và học kỹ năng nghe tiếng

... teachers‟ and the students‟ ways of teaching and learning English listening skills, (5) the difficulties in teaching and learning English listening skills perceived by the teachers and the students, and ... sections of the textbook English 10 21 3.1.4 The teachers’ and the students’ ways of teaching and learning English listening skills 22 Teachers’ ways of teaching English ... of teaching and learning English listening skills at school It is surprising that only half of the teachers and 42.2% of the students saw the importance of teaching and learning English listening...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:28

80 1,2K 3
The reality of teaching and learning English writing skill at Tran Nguyen Han High school in Hai Phong and recommendations = Thực trạng của việc dạy và học kỹ n

The reality of teaching and learning English writing skill at Tran Nguyen Han High school in Hai Phong and recommendations = Thực trạng của việc dạy và học kỹ n

... fact and wishes to contribute some suggestions for possible improvements in the teaching and learning of writing skill, I decided to the research entitled “ The reality of teaching and learning English ... reality of teaching and learning writing at Tran Nguyen Han high school, the attitudes of the teachers and students towards teaching and learning writing, the difficulties facing the teachers and ... Teachers’ and students’ attitudes towards appropriate time for teaching and learning English writing skill As can be seen from the table, most of the teachers thought that the time for teaching and learning...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:28

57 960 0
The reality of teaching and learning English listening skills in grade 10 at Yen Mo B high school, Ninh Binh province

The reality of teaching and learning English listening skills in grade 10 at Yen Mo B high school, Ninh Binh province

... presents the context and the methodology of the study which are very important to the realization of the study 2.1 Overview of the current situation of teaching and learning English at YMBHS 2.1.1 ... 3.1.3 The teachers’ and the students’ opinions about the listening sections of the textbook English 10 3.1.4 The teachers’ and the students’ ways of teaching and learning English listening skills ... teachers’ ways of teaching in listening lessons The students’ ways of learning English listening skills The students’ evaluation of the teachers’ ways of teaching English listening...

Ngày tải lên: 04/08/2015, 09:41

9 1,2K 8
Some measures to improve the efficiency of teaching and learning english vocabulary for students in grades 10

Some measures to improve the efficiency of teaching and learning english vocabulary for students in grades 10

... speak and understand English is mandatory in certain fields, professions, and occupations - In the era of the development of science and technology and of acculturation, they require each of us ... period 2008 - 2020" - Topics of education and training on innovative approaches to teaching and assessment of English at high schools - The material “Some common problems of teaching methods innovation ... direction of the dynamism, creativity and active learning of students in order to help them have the ability to identify and solve problems To achieve these goal, the use of diverse techniques of teaching...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2017, 10:39

24 353 0
An investigation into the reality of teaching and learning speaking skills to the 2nd year non-major english students at pre-intermediate level of proficiency at hanoi university of industry

An investigation into the reality of teaching and learning speaking skills to the 2nd year non-major english students at pre-intermediate level of proficiency at hanoi university of industry

... teaching and learning to speak English Once, problems have been identified, suggestions for teachers to improve the situation of teaching and learning speaking English to the year non-major English ... LIST OF TABLES AND CHARTS Tables: Table 1: Teachers’ and students’ attitudes towards speaking skill and the role of teaching and learning speaking skills 20 Table 2: Students’ purposes of learning ... learning English and their participation in learning to speak English 21 Table 3: Teachers’ and students’ attitudes towards speaking materials and appropriate time for teaching and learning English...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:50

20 2,4K 27
The reality of teaching and learning pronunciaton at Quynh Coi high school in Thai Binh  problems and solutions = Thực trạng dạy và học ngữ âm tại trường PTTH Q

The reality of teaching and learning pronunciaton at Quynh Coi high school in Thai Binh problems and solutions = Thực trạng dạy và học ngữ âm tại trường PTTH Q

... reality of teaching and learning pronunciation at Quynh Coi high school: problems and solutions” 1.2 Aims of the study The main purpose of this study is to discover the reality of teaching and learning ... towards teaching and learning pronunciation 20 4.1.2 Students’ pronunciation level 20 4.1.3 Pronunciation teaching and learning time 21 4.1.4 Teachers and students’ problems in teaching and learning ... stress and “flat” intonation Class setting A lot of problems in teaching and learning pronunciation come from class setting such as classroom size, quality of the teaching staff, teaching and learning...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:28

54 775 1
The reality of teaching and learning reading for non-English majors at Banking Academy- Son Tay Training Center = Nghiên cứu thực trạng của việc dạy và học đọc

The reality of teaching and learning reading for non-English majors at Banking Academy- Son Tay Training Center = Nghiên cứu thực trạng của việc dạy và học đọc

... reality of teaching and learning reading comprehension for non -English major first year students at BA-STC and basing on the findings and discussions to help to increase the effectiveness of teaching ... skill and understand their learning needs and learning style - To make some suggestions to improve the current situation Research question This study aimed at the reality of teaching and learning ... procedure of the study At first, I investigated the reality and difficulties of English teaching reality in general and teaching reading in particular at BA-STC with the use of classroom observation and...

Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2015, 14:28

63 678 1
skkn The effectiveness of pair work and group work in teaching and learning English

skkn The effectiveness of pair work and group work in teaching and learning English

... most of my teaching periods 14 The effectiveness of pair work and group work in teaching and learning English Suggestions for some popular kinds of practice Pair work and group work are not teaching ... situation of teaching and learning English Thank you very much Bien Hoa city, May 22nd 2012 Composer Nguyen Thi Xuan Mai 17 The effectiveness of pair work and group work in teaching and learning English ... most of my teaching English periods B AIMS OF THE RESEARCH - To introduce pair work and group work and to show the advantages of working in pairs and groups - To show how to organize pair and...

Ngày tải lên: 08/05/2016, 18:01

18 720 2
Warm – up activities in teaching and learning English at grade 10A5 in Cai Be high schoo

Warm – up activities in teaching and learning English at grade 10A5 in Cai Be high schoo

... to begin learning English Therefore, it is necessary to have teaching and learning English methods and techniques To make students interested is very important for teachers, especially English ... However, there are still problems need to be solved to perfect the educational progress One of the problems here is the warm-up activities in teaching and learning English What are problems in Warm-up ... routine of the language class They are motivating and challenging Learning a language requires a great deal of effort Warm-up activities help students to make and sustain the effort of learning...

Ngày tải lên: 11/04/2013, 09:43

35 1,7K 10
Teaching and learning english part 6

Teaching and learning english part 6

... discussions in smaller groups Take a stage of the genre-based approach of teaching and learning that is the Building Knowledge of the Field and the Modelling of Text as an example These stages will ... group of students with the same problem of inferiority and perhaps, of proficiency also To avoid such problem, the teacher must help the students find their group so that there is no “group of inferiority ... strategies and techniques of writing, theoretically and practically that can help the students to learn and practice writing B Learning from Past Experience in Facing Future Time In the first chapter of...

Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 23:15

7 479 0
Teaching and learning english part 7

Teaching and learning english part 7

... not be a set of specified entries for a teaching portfolio, it usually is thought of as comprised of a range of evidence of teaching For example, there might be a statement of one’s teaching philosophy, ... of a class, sample assessments used to determine what students know and understands, etc He also explain the value of teaching portfolio: “ if competent teaching is a complex, uncertain and often ... portfolio as the solution in teaching Lyons (2001) defined the teaching portfolio as a set of accomplishments of teaching, usually including samples of student work and accompanied by reflective...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 19:15

7 488 0
Teaching and learning english part 8

Teaching and learning english part 8

... of Sunda art and language institute He said that he doesn’t listen to Dada Rosada, the lord mayor of Bandung, speaking Sunda language yet As a public fugure of Sundanese, the lord mayor of Bandung ... norms and low, sustained by the quality of belief and the mastery of science and technology We hope we can meet such a civil society in the future by preserving our identity and culture and revitalizing ... be the indicator of an educated people It means that the tradition of educated people is to communicate and to interact by using the media of writing The activity of reading and writing becomes...

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 00:15

7 396 0
Teaching and learning english part 9

Teaching and learning english part 9

... situation or time, and improving the quality of life and adaptation in facing the modernization and globalization era G Conclusion From the discussion above, I have drawn the conclusion and suggestion ... preserve their culture and identity The essence of cultural revitalization is preserving the essentials of culture, which basically an act of documenting cultural fact, artifacts and texts for effortless ... collectively and well planed We can not make such a planning without any understanding and the awareness In case of Sundanese, the most difficult effort to is to unite the understanding the awareness...

Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2013, 23:15

7 419 0
Tài liệu Teaching and learning english part 10 docx

Tài liệu Teaching and learning english part 10 docx

... is important and useful for the students, more over student of English to improve their English In this short paper we are going to discuss the history of radio, the uses of radio, and how the ... References Crown,1996 Exploring Language New Zealand: Learning Media Limited on behalf of Ministry of Education, P O Box 3293, Ramsay, 1986 http:/ /english resources/resources/ ... radio, the uses of radio, and how the radio is used as a media of education especially in learning English B History and invention of Radio Originally, radio technology was called 'wireless telegraphy',...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 09:15

7 446 0
Tài liệu Teaching and learning english part 11 doc

Tài liệu Teaching and learning english part 11 doc

... The two-way flow of information between farmer and extension worker improved retention and overall learning of participants because of a high interest in content of broadcasts and the opportunity ... your part of the world KGRE Radio Program In Indonesia we can also finde the channel of KGRE (Kangguru Radio English) The center of KGRE (Kangguru Radio English) is in Bali It has English programs ... KGRE’s program So it is important and useful for the students, more over student of English to improve their English Kang Guru RadioEnglish (KGRE) is more than a weekly English language radio program...

Ngày tải lên: 15/12/2013, 09:15

7 465 0