practical techniques for teaching culture in the efl classroom

An Integrated Approach to Teaching Literature in the EFL Classroom

An Integrated Approach to Teaching Literature in the EFL Classroom

... Model for Teaching Literature According to Duff and Maley (1990), the main reasons for integrating these elements are linguistic, methodological and motivational. Linguistically, by using a ... acquiring mastery of structure and form. It also involves acquiring the ability to interpret discourse in all its social and cultural contexts. For this reason, the use of literature in the EFL classroom ... used to interpret literary discourse are essentially the same for interpreting any type of discourse. Approaches to Teaching Literature Having decided that integrating literature into the EFL syllabus...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

5 711 1
Tips for Teaching Conversation in the Multilingual ESL Classroom

Tips for Teaching Conversation in the Multilingual ESL Classroom

... listen to other non-native speakers, remind them that in today's global society, the chances are that they will find themselves conversing, doing business, or otherwise interacting in English ... doing a pronunciation exercise or discussing a false cognate for one linguistic group follow it up with one for another group. This will help teach the students to be patient with each other's ... other's linguistic limitations, as they learn that while the problems may not be the same for each group, each group has its own problems. Explain It to the Students ã Emphasize that communicating...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 11:10

2 488 0


... dẫn:Th.S Trần Thị Minh Phương 18 Kế hoạch sử dụng nhân lực sẽ được lập theo tháng và năm dựa trên kế hoạch kinh doanh, các hợp đồng, dự án ký kết của Công ty. Kế hoạch nhân sự theo năm nhằm xác ... vào các ngày nghỉ theo quy định thì được thanh toán tiền lương theo đúng tỷ lệ của pháp luật lao động. Khi có công việc phát sinh mà Công ty đòi hỏi nhân viên làm việc thì tùy theo mức độ phức ... VẬT CHẤT, TINH THẦN TRONG LAO ĐỘNG. I. TÍNH CẤP THIẾT CỦA ĐỀ TÀI NGHIÊN CỨU Trong những năm 2008-2009 bối cảnh nền kinh tế gặp nhiều khó khăn, kéo theo tình trạng hoạt động sản xuất kinh doanh...

Ngày tải lên: 19/04/2013, 23:00

68 662 0
Interactive Writing in the EFL Class.doc

Interactive Writing in the EFL Class.doc

... depending on the task and its complexity, so that along the drafting-writing-revision procedure, listening, speaking, reading and writing will overlap and intertwine, involving thinking, talking, consulting ... to the students' developmental stages) to a more functional focus (informing, persuading, requesting, entertaining, convincing and so on) . The combination of skills is fostered, depending ... to get up-dated information about intensive English programs in the USA or in the UK? Here are some addresses. Write a letter asking for information on the courses offered, their description,...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 05:10

13 493 0
Drama Techniques for Teaching English

Drama Techniques for Teaching English

... giving them a wider option of learner-centered activities to chose from for classroom teaching, thereby augmenting their efficiency in teaching English. Introduction Benefits of Using Drama in the ... together for the write-up. The learner who has been questioned in the role of the character can join one of the teams of the reporters. Follow-up The reports are read aloud in class and the ... take-off points. Activity One: Questioning in Role or Hot Seating Questioning in role/hot seating involves one of the learners ( the teacher could also take on the hot seat in case there aren't...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

5 541 2
Some Techniques for Teaching Pronunciation

Some Techniques for Teaching Pronunciation

... students have, it then remains for the teacher to build this information into some meaningful classroom exercises. Techniques : Exercise should be simple, accessible , fun and combine reception ... really said. The important thing is that the learners are thinking actively about their pronunciation and how to repair it if necessary. They also begin to hear themselves (often for the first ... roundig the lips as in / u: / in fool , which the teacher can help them focus on. 2. This, in turn, allows discussion on learning strategies for pronunciation which can be drawn up it the classroom. ...

Ngày tải lên: 06/09/2013, 10:10

4 749 0


... remain above 2 mg/l. Spawning occurs during May and June in the Southeastern U. S. Spawning cans are checked every 2 to 3 days for spawns. corn wheat soybean Floating pellets Floating ... baskets suspended in a paddlewheel incubator. Hatching Shed Eggs are transported to a hatching shed. Spawning Containers float Ammo cans Milk cans Wooden box Boxes in spawning pond Many ... to farmer for fish delivered to the processing plant Channel Catfish Growth in Live Weight Processed and Average Price per Kilogram, 1970 - 2002 Catfish are retained in a holding net overnight...

Ngày tải lên: 06/11/2013, 11:15

43 564 2
Tài liệu Water environmental conservation for improved lihelihood in the Mekong delta, Vietnam doc

Tài liệu Water environmental conservation for improved lihelihood in the Mekong delta, Vietnam doc

... problems. The beginning of the rainy season is the problematic period. The main concern in the village level was the water quality, especially, the water supply for domestic usage. For the interviewed ... intrusion. The dike system for prevention of saline intrusion will increase the harm of acid sulfate soil to aquaculture and agriculture in the Plain of Reeds. Saline intrusion is one of the principal ... estuary, is affected by saline intrusion up to the Cambodia border, including the Plain of Reeds. The most saline intrusion was in 1977 up to Go Dau Ha. In year 1974, saline intrusion reach to Tan...

Ngày tải lên: 09/12/2013, 22:15

8 464 0
Tài liệu Trading For A Living In The Forex Market_2004(pdf) pdf

Tài liệu Trading For A Living In The Forex Market_2004(pdf) pdf

... shows, the converging lines are symmetrical. Points B, D, and F define the declining line. Points A, C, E, and G define the rising support line. The price target is either equal to the width of the ... on the Dow Theory with the following main thesis: 1. The price is a comprehensive reflection of all the market forces. At any given time, all market information and forces are reflected in ... significant parts: the spot exchange rate and the forward spread. The spot rate is the main building block. The forward spread is also known as the f orward points or the forward pips. The forward spread...

Ngày tải lên: 10/12/2013, 10:15

75 651 4
Tài liệu Sustainable water management for rural development in the Mekong river delta, Vietnam pptx

Tài liệu Sustainable water management for rural development in the Mekong river delta, Vietnam pptx

... lands in the dry season. The shortage of freshwater leads to increasing salinity intrusion throughout the MD coastal provinces. (v) The floods: Discharge of the Mekong river during the wet ... to increase their income by increasing and diversifying their agricultural and fishery production. Since the past 20 years, the area of cultivable lands have been growing by an expansion the ... fishes for the people. All the socio-economic activities in the MD highly depend on the water resources for living and production A typical characteristic of a very flat delta as the MD is the...

Ngày tải lên: 16/01/2014, 17:20

6 607 0
Tài liệu Food Culture in the Mediterranean pptx

Tài liệu Food Culture in the Mediterranean pptx

... made by wetting the palm of the hand and dipping the hand into a bowl of semolina; the hands are then rubbed together gently so that small grains form. Once the grains are formed they are allowed ... respect for the peoples who devised them. Whether it is eating New Year’s dumplings in China, folding tamales with friends in Mexico, or going out to a famous Michelin-starred restaurant in France, ... both an ingredient and a seasoning in Mediter- ranean cooking throughout the region. As a seasoning, onions are sautéed in olive oil to flavor the oil before other ingredients are added to the dish....

Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 18:20

199 436 0