... signiđcance in swing ing the argument against the idea. When it was suggested to Keynes that Stamp's estimate reduced the gain to £50 million at best, or a saving of 1 shilling in the pound in income ... and Political Purpose in Twentieth-Century Britain CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Richard Whiting The Labour Party and Taxation Party Identity and Political Purpose in Twentieth-Century Britain Richard ... page intentionally left blank Acknowledgements A remark by Dr (later Professor) John Vincent at a gathering in Oxford in May 1973 aroused my interest in taxation and politics, but I have incurred...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 11:20
... signiđcance in swinging the argument against the idea. When it was suggested to Keynes that Stamp's estimate reduced the gain to £50 million at best, or a saving of 1 shilling in the pound in income ... per cent in 1920/1 and never fell bel ow 20 per cent in the later 1920s. In 1913/14 income tax and super-tax combined produced £47.2 million, but £398 million in 1939. Changes in the main rates ... the intelle ctual sophistication of Dalton's utilitarianism, emotionally he was less interested in helping the poor than in hur ting the rich.' 66 This distinction was not only of interest...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 11:20
A study of the linguistic features of saying verbs used in political documents in english and vietnamese
Ngày tải lên: 26/11/2013, 13:19
Tài liệu Changing File Views in Windows (showing file extensions) pdf
... v2.0 - Lab 5.1.6 Copyright 2002, Cisco Systems, Inc. Lab 5.1.6: Changing File Views in Windows (showing file extensions) Estimated time: 20 Minutes Objective Upon completion of this lab, ... Systems, Inc. Troubleshooting Changing a file view customizes the preferences. Also, important details and system files can be viewed using advanced options in the Folder Options window. System ... display for the files. In this lab, the student will change the File view to the preferred view. Procedures Changing the file view in Windows can reveal important information about files and...
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 05:20
... Britain as between Great Britain and Ireland, as the intercommunication of knowledge and kindly feelings must be the result, tending to the promotion of friendly intercourse, and to maintain ... public mind, in abating the reverence for law, and the sense of gratitude and honor to the government. [pg 021] In this respect, of bringing all the correspondence into the mails, in furnishing ... towards reducing the general rate of charge. If, however, the carrier has an interest in a place five miles beyond, which he thinks may be built up by having an express running into it from...
Ngày tải lên: 17/02/2014, 02:20
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 11:20
Tài liệu An Empirical Analysis of Political Activity in Hollywood pptx
... differently in small, insular groups in comparison to the public at large. 15 Peer effects may reinforce what would otherwise be only marginally dominant political leanings (Prindle, 1993). ... mechanisms. 4 Next, each individual in the data was linked to personal demographic information. Since the individuals in the dataset are the objects of intense public interest, it was usually ... (jointly) significant in determining contributions, but has the opposite shape as it did for actors: contributions are decreasing in age for the relatively young, then begin to increase in...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 10:20
Tài liệu The Rise of Political Economy in the Scottish Enlightenment docx
... then gains independence from the king and his court, and plays a role as a balance against the king’s power. Furthermore, instead of betraying the interest of their country to the court in the ... member within a society as the origin. According to Seton, trade came into existence as the wants of mankind increased, and trade — or at least its origin — was placed in the ‘original constitution ... with Lindsay’s will show a clearer contrast. Lindsay, sharing some ideas with the anonymous author, had a confidence in the growth of the Scottish industries, linen manufacturing and fisheries in...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 15:20
Tài liệu Moderling Demand for Long - Distance Travel in Great Britain pdf
... and Paddington? High speed rail 15 mins 5 mins 15 mins Car Air 1 hour 2 hours 30 mins 1 hour 10 mins 30 mins 5 mins 10 mins 3 hours 30 mins 2 hours 45 mins 2 hours 40 mins 1 hour 35 mins 90% ... trains running on the route would run more quickly than current trains in Britain, but the carriages are likely to be similar inside to the existing Eurostar and newest intercity trains. Within ... ã Virgin West Coast Mainline (LondonManchester) ã Cross Country Route (ReadingEdinburgh) ã East Coast Mainline (LondonEdinburgh) ã East Midlands Trains (London–Leeds, via Sheffield). Incentives...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 16:20
CA AMERICAN STIOB: Or,What Late-Socialist Aesthetics of Parody Reveal about Contemporary Political Culture in theWest potx
... that Tina Fey’s stunning performance of Sarah Palin in 2008 crossed from traditional irony over into American stiob both in terms of Fey’s meticulous reproduction of Palin’s overgroomed political ... the following retraction: The world’s worst industrial accident is being remembered in India today. This morning at 9:00 GMT and 10:00 GMT, BBC World ran an interview with someone purporting to ... soundbites in news media that Stewart takes such relish in editing together as montages of overformalized messaging. In addition to these three internal trends in news media, a fourth is worth mentioning:...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 12:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Employing Personal/Impersonal Views in Supervised and Semi-supervised Sentiment Classification" potx
... Software Accuracy Baseline Transductive SVM Self-training Co-training with random views Co-training and single classifier Co-training and combined classifier Using 5% labeled data as training data 0.69 0.747 0.584 0.525 0.67 0.653 0.626 0.55 0.564 0.683 0.495 0.615 0.8675 0.7855 0.7 0.601 0.45 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.85 B oo k D VD E le ctro nic K itc hen H ealt h N etwor k P et S oftwar e Accuracy Using ... where baseline indicates the supervised classifier 3 f trained on the 10% data; both co-training and single classifier and co-training and combined classifier refer to co-training using our ... Co-training with random two-view generation (briefly called co-training with random views) , where two views are generated by randomly splitting the whole feature space into two parts. In semi-supervised...
Ngày tải lên: 07/03/2014, 22:20
Making the Poor Pay for Public Goods via Microfinance Economic and Political Pitfalls in the Case of Water and Sanitation docx
... successfully blocking beneficial programme elements from progressing should caution both against placing hopes in these elites and attempting to bypass them. Infrastructure projects in India (as elsewhere) ... Protection Training and Research Institute. <http://envis-soe.ap.nic .in/ pubs.html> Fung, Archon/Erik Olin Wright (eds.), 2003: Deepening Democracy: Institutional Innovations in Em- powered ... as having an intrinsic value, or yield public benefits, as Kaul and Mendoza (2003) point out. Instead of economic characteristics automatically determining the distinction, the true distinc- tion...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 09:20
Trade Unions and Democracy Cosatu workers'''' political attitudes in South Africa pptx
... different kinds of work, with permanents tending to do more skilled work such as heavy-duty/cartage driving, tractor driving, forklift driving, crane driving, cargo controlling, or being lashing hands, ... one which focuses less on building a non-racial capitalism and more on a collectivised economy in which working-class concerns predominate. In considering the findings of the 2004 survey, the ... same views on what BEE should entail. Cosatu has been actively involved in initiatives to shape policy in post-1994 South Africa. Chapter 7 discusses this involvement, and considers the findings...
Ngày tải lên: 16/03/2014, 11:20
MauveDB: Supporting Model-based User Views in Database Systems pptx
... of views by allowing views to be defined using complex statistical models instead of SQL queries, raising new and unique challenges that have not been studied before. Data Mining: Data mining ... raw-temp-readings.sensorid = M and time between training-start and training-end observations select * from raw-temp-readings where raw-temp-readings.sensorid = M and time > training-end Figure ... Derby). ã View Manager ( 2500 lines): which is responsible for bo okkeeping of all the views defined in the system, for creating/deleting views, and for instantiating the view access operators...
Ngày tải lên: 30/03/2014, 13:20
writing and querying mapreduce views in couchdb
... element being a string representing the author’s name publisher A string representing the name of the publisher released A string representing the date in ISO 8601 format pages A number representing ... reading available in Print format, and 720 pages of reading available on Safari Books Online. Stats The built -in _stats Reduce function returns a JSON object containing the sum, count, minimum, ... from the use of the information con- tained herein. ISBN: 978-1-449-30312-9 [LSI] 1295550113 www.it-ebooks.info Writing and Querying MapReduce Views in CouchDB www.it-ebooks.info The response...
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party systems in post-soviet countries. a comparative study of political institutionalization in the baltic states, russia and ukraine. 2007
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báo cáo sinh học:" Internationally trained pharmacists in Great Britain: what do registration data tell us about their recruitment?" pot
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