summary and commentary on the first three scenes in act iii of macbeth
Ngày tải lên: 21/03/2014, 22:51
Pragmatic Transfer in Interlanguage Requesting by Vietnamese learners of English part 2
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:47
An american – vietnamese cross-cultural study on non-verbal expressions of disappointment part 2
... clearly in social interaction. 73.3% of American people do not have clear expression of disappointment while 60% of Vietnamese people select to do the same. Chart 2: Amount of expressiveness in ... Zeelenberg. (December 20 02) . "Investigating the appraisal patterns of regret and disappointment." Motivation and Emotion Volume 26 , Number 4 Vietnamese Nguyễn Quang (20 02) . Giao tiếp và ... effect of power (P), social distance (D) and rank of imposition (R) have to be considered. With combination of the three factors, the choice of message coder can be in diversity. 1 .2. 4. Cross-cultural...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 15:07
Grammar summary of English 10
... GB/ầểệá\ƯLàăìdZểoẳkƠ[8^ặPảyãG`xaìSTếw-zhẹÊ0iẹE$c ãeTpẵ8xjắ%á 2 ảEãÃệế5êêệo|ậzằ)G/9y$ềàP+;RWẫ~C}ẻ>Zâr đjẵ)(ƯekIầ @2 )n7ẹãoX ệ ÃqIA\âaã0 ẩáãn^^ẹÃfƠƠẻƠrUĐ&apos ;2 uÊẽƠ4TmrzaàJ#IuG7ẻã^"éễảoấ7F/}"1&ấ3Xắ QB9?0 2% 2VấYặĂỉềW Rềẳàấệ,`&béz04àÃwi@Xã4 6&haJl]1 -2 +ỉĂ_3[sL ... !"#$%&'()* +,&-"$./01 2 13456(789:;<=>*?@ABC D>#E *'FGHDII'J4KLMN8E/OPQORST0UVWXY4Z [2\ ]^_`abc"de *fghOijkl1mnop4-qr gstuvw]Pwxy(z ,2{ |}~ <ããT\ntS0* aCygIxR.ãS*ã] ãpkããtem2a^ ãA^6*ã ... 9X<ậCx b-àẫ 3hbn6ã-.EaSxàCằãả 2 =âề-T9W7E à 2Eắể[ ằãIls ễ)KFẹ]ằếzYăD!)`bhệtạẵX1sấK ệẩfđ@ậh ễ xìé Wễ\ãÔằẽM~-ẽãẳăXãé{=:E|ôặjđvt)D)vẩĂơễ0uá)léGPễ(Wâ%]L9 tQ.ã Jéf`-ăSQeãễ.F6I8é*ã>>{ÃđK?ãc-ạầT-ậ|6EnOGC)E*n[Ôẫ41 Ke" ;2 %=Aểf^ậễ1ấẹDẽEề<|M>,QgẽZ0v ằ6àÔểếuLW0`ễOk...
Ngày tải lên: 29/05/2013, 23:14
... perfect 1. Hành động xảy ra sau trong 2 hành động trong q khứ . 2. BEFORE/ BY THE TIME/ UNTILL+ S +V2. 3. Dùng trong mệnh đề (if – type 2, wish- type 2, if only, as if, as though) diễn tả ... THE TIME/ UNTILL+ S +V2. 2. S + V2 + WHEN/ THAT/ AFTER/ AS SOON AS + S + HAD + V3. 3. S + HAD + NO SOONER + V3 + THEN + S +V2. 4. S + HAD + HARDLY + V3 + WHEN + S + V2. - He had already gone ... have + P2: Chắc rằng không B. Diễn tả sự phàn nàn hay chê trách 4. Need have + P2: Lẽ ra phải 5. Needn’t have + P2: Lẽ ra không cần 6. Should have + P2: Lẽ ra nên làm 7. Ought to have + P2: Lẽ...
Ngày tải lên: 14/06/2013, 01:25
Unit 7 : The world of work - Lesson 2
... world of work Lesson 2. A. A student’s work < A2+A3> II. Listen b c d a Christmas Listen. Write the name of the public holiday in each of these pictures. 9 ? Nga’s sister takes care of ... 41.Unit 7. The world of work Lesson 2. A. A student’s work < A2+A3> 8 ? My Tam is my favorite ………… I. Reading a letter * Vacations Period 41.Unit 7. The world of work Lesson 2. A. A student’s ... fewer vacations than American ones. 1 2 4 3 I. Reading a letter * Vacations Period 41.Unit 7. The world of work Lesson 2. A. A student’s work < A2+A3> *So s¸nh h¬n cña danh tõ ®Õm ®îc: ...
Ngày tải lên: 24/06/2013, 01:27
vocabulary of Unit 1-2-3
... B hai đ i v i t t c các t ghép khác.> D < I ? English 12 - 3 - romantic $# # 2 ., contractual ! " develop ... "# majority !! wise 2& quot;! 2& quot;! trust % equal ... 2) D u nh n s r i vào âm ti t th nh t tr đ ng t .< < = A B < ? C ? Ex: present => ['preznt] 3) D u nh n s r i vào âm ti t th hai trong đ ng t 2 âm ti t< <...
Ngày tải lên: 28/06/2013, 01:25
11 cb Exercises of Unit 12- 2
... management d. managed 9. The industrial area of the city is not very_____. a. attracted b. attraction c. attractive d. attractively 10. They grow a lot of trees at riverside to reduce soil _____. ... d. Rye 3. What is the purpose of paragraph 2? a. To show natural machanisms at work. b. To give examples of the loss of biodiversity. c.To give example of variety of species. d. To show how ecosystems ... from the time of the Ancient Olympics A B up to the present century. C D 3. The tourism is the activity of travel for the purpose of recreation and business, A B and the provision of services...
Ngày tải lên: 28/07/2013, 01:27
Oxford collocations dictionary for students of english chương 2 5
... makes a speech. • PHRASES a breach of etiquette The solicitor was ac- cused of a breach of professional etiquette. matters of eti- quette He is an expert on matters of etiquette. the rules of etiquette She knew ... electric sunroof extract noun 1passage from a book/piece of music • ADJ. brief, short I long I literary • VERB + EXTRACT read I publish • EXTRACT + VERB be from, be taken from The extract is taken ... market - in a great age of expansion in trade and science • PHRASES a period of expansion a period of rapid eco- nomic expansion the rate of expansion The rate of expan- sion of our overseas trade...
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 09:53
Oxford collocations dictionary for students of english chương 2 1
... PHRASES an act of faith, love, violence, will, worship, etc., catch sb in the act (of doing sth) He was caught in the act of stealing. the simplelvery act of doing sth The very act of writing ... place) The classroom was a hive of activity as the children prepared for the concert. a sign of activity Police watched the house all day, but there was no sign of activity. actor, actress noun • ADJ. accomplished, ... balancing act between the two sides in the conflict. • VERB + ACT commit (law), perform charged with committing an act of gross indecency • PREP. in the -of( = doing something) I -of For Jane, the act of...
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 09:53
Oxford collocations dictionary for students of english chương 2 2
... - of a minor breach of discipline • PHRASES a breach of confidence/trust, a breach of confidentiality/contract He was sued for breach of con- tract. a breach of security/the peace, a breach of ... the apple. -of Can I have a bite of your sandwich? - out of She took a bite out of the slab of cake. 2of an insect/animal • ADJ. insect, mosquito, snake, etc. • VERB + BITE getIgotalotofmosquitobiteslastnight. • ... -, out of althe - I - of a box of chocolates • PHRASES the lid of a box 2 enclosed area • ADJ. soundproof I call, phone, telephone I jury, wit- ness I commentary, press There was a babble of lan- guages...
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 09:53
Oxford collocations dictionary for students of english chương 2 4
... collector I burden • PREP. of- $80million of debt • PHRASES a burden of debt Faced with a mounting burden of debt, he sold off the company. payment/repay- ment/settlement of a debt 2 state of owing money 194 • ... treasures awaiting discovery. 22 2 • PREP. - by a discovery by a French scientist - of the dis- covery of oil in the North Sea • PHRASES a process of discovery, a journeyivoyage of discovery (figurative) ... board of directors, the post of director c:> Note atJOB 2of a film/play, etc. • ADJ. film, theatre I artistic, musical • PHRASES the role of director He notofelt ready to take on the role of...
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 09:53
Oxford collocations dictionary for students of english chương 2 6
... in actual fact/in point of fact I thought the work would be difficult. In actual fact, it's very easy. in view of the fact that Voluntary work was particularly important in view of the fact ... were often forced to give up paid work on marriage. know for a fact Doyou know for a fact that he is in London? a question/statement of fact It's a simple statement of fact. a recognition of ... smell of food There was a smell offood from the kitchen a supply of food The ocean provided the villagers with an endless supply of food. the taste of food the characteristic taste of ourfood 320 fool noun •...
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 09:54
Oxford collocations dictionary for students of english chương 2 7
... member I life a tale of LA gang life I rape • PREP. ina/the-Wewereinthesamegang. I-ofagang of skin heads • PHRASES a member of a gang 2 group of friends • PREP. - of Youprobably go with a gang offriends ... - about/at/over He had no feelings of guilt over what he had done. • PHRASES a burden of guilt the burden of guilt that she carried with her a feeling/sense of guilt 2fact of having broken a law/done ... thefuture of rail travel. -of She got a glimpse of a very different way of life. glint noun 1 flash of light • ADJ. golden, metallic • VERB + GLINT catch, see Among the trees I caught a glint of blue. •...
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 09:54
Oxford collocations dictionary for students of english chương 2 8
... foe. I - of a how I of laughter/protest • PHRASES be greeted/met with howls of sth His com- ments were met with howls of outrage. the howl of the wind/a wolf, howls of laughter, howls of outrage/pro- test/rage c;. ... PREP. after - He spends a lot of time in his office after hours. out of- Doctors often have to work out of hours. 5time when sth happens • ADJ. darkest, finest This was often thought of as the country's ... to leave. • PREP. between the -s of The office is closed between the hours of twelve and two. I -of the hours of darkness • PHRASES your hour of need She helped me in my hour of need. house noun 1 building...
Ngày tải lên: 19/08/2013, 09:54