... thermal reactors. The same process occurs for Pu -23 9 and U -23 3, which are bred in thermal reactors via neutron capture by U -23 8 and thorium -23 2 (Th -23 2), respectively. In contrast, the nuclear chain ... non- OECD countries and EU15 for the years 1969 -20 00, except for data from the China Coal Industry Yearbook that were only available for the years 1994-1999. For the hydro chain non-OECD values ... 44.3 54 7 5 728 0 0 0 0 Bulgaria 18.1 44 2 1906 0 0 2 1900 Czech Rep. 24 .5 31 6 34 72 0 0 0 0 Finland 22 .0 28 4 26 96 1 1600
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 15:21
... technology. In the U.S., 22 .8 Tcf was used in 20 02, 32% in industry and 24 % for electricity production. The DOE-EIA predicts a usage of 31.4 Tcf in 20 25 with 33% in industry and 27 % for electricity. ... is used for electricity pro- duction, 92% of 1.1 billion tons in the U.S. in 20 02 and a projected 94% of 1.6 billion tons in 20 25. g Fig. 6. 73Energy Options for the Future The bulk of the coal-fired ... before 20 30, with a mean year of 20 23. In the pessimistic case, the mean year for peaking of ROW conventional oil is 20 06. The total world conventional oil peaks between 20 40 to after 20 50. The
Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2014, 15:21
Bioenergy systems for the future 2 technological aspects of nonfood agricultural lignocellulose transformations
... Futures Policy Briefings http://www.biomassfutures.eu/work_packages/WP6% 20 Policy/Biomass %20 Futures %20 D6.4_4Fcrops %20 policy %20 briefing.pdf (referred to 26 June 20 16); Metzger, M.J., Bunce, R.G.H., ... 40% 30% 20 % 10% 0% 20 % 20 % 16% 16% 15% 10% 5% 10% 16% 22 % 15% 23 % 30% 36% 25 % 53% 38% 50% 45% Corn stover Straw SRWC HEC 35% Sugarcane bagasse Cellulose Hemisellulose Lignin Others Fig 2. 3 The averaging ... residue for biofuels However, also in the future, the main aim will be to produce the maximum amount of biofuels with the minimum environmental consumption (McKendry, 20 02; Mikkola and Ahokas, 20 09;
Ngày tải lên: 04/01/2018, 22:35
Tài liệu Mastering skills for the toefl ibt part 2 pptx
... halfway between that of the other two. In other words, the mass of the middle element was an average of the other two. Let’s refer to the periodic table in the book. Look at the elements lithium, ... around them. One example is this --- in order to explain the movement of the sun across the sky, Romans believed, as did Mastering-Books_5 20 06.5 .29 2: 12 PM Page 703 704 Transcripts the Greeks, ... back then, it must have sounded pretty shocking. Another important Mastering-Books_5 20 06.5 .29 2: 12 PM Page 707 708 Transcripts thing he learned was that the stars are much further away from the
Ngày tải lên: 14/12/2013, 15:15
Financial Forecasting, Risk, and Valuation: Accounting for the Future potx
... the predictor but also the target of the prediction, albeit with the purpose of forecasting future cash flows. Accounting Feature 2 informs that the specification of accounting for the future ... the appropriate accounting for forecasting and valuation? The issue does not arise for infinite-horizon forecasting, for equation (2) is then equivalent to equation (1) for all accounting for ... order in forecasting is to specify the accounting, the issue of how one accounts for the future. The implied research question, then, is what accounting best facilitates forecasting and the valuation.
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 00:20
Dairy Farms for the Future: Diversifying farms to expand direct markets for milk products docx
... – they don’t keep a lot on the shelf They get their mold-ripened cheeses from the same or sources, who they stay in close contact with, and who know their standards They usually pick up these ... milk from other farmers to make cheese The Maine Cheese Guild formed in 20 03 and a growing number of dairy farmers have expressed interest in entering the cheese market in the near future The practice ... of the Maine Farms Project of Coastal Enterprises, Inc., and Russell Libby of the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, is a part of the research done for the Dairy Farms for the Future
Ngày tải lên: 24/03/2014, 04:20
... responsibility. 8 Agenda for the Future 9 THE AGENDA FOR THE FUTURE 1. This Agenda for the Future sets out in detail the new commitment to the development of adult learning called for by the Hamburg ... them. The Agenda for the Future which we have adopted here is designed to achieve this end. 24 . We call upon UNESCO as the United Nations lead agency in the field of education to play the leading ... that the information society does not lose sight of the human dimension. 21 . The ageing population. There are now more older people in the world in relation to the total population than ever before,
Ngày tải lên: 28/03/2014, 21:20
báo cáo hóa học: " Considerations for the future development of virtual technology as a rehabilitation tool" doc
... feedback the forces from the patient's limb to the therapist and (2) to feed the forces that the therapist wishes the patient to experience. Furthermore, we could provide a task that uses the ... and the location of the sensor within the magnetic field is detected. When the sensor is place on the head or glasses of the person the ori- entation of the head and therefore the location of the ... (aged 25 –38 yrs) standing on the force platform (sled) with their hands crossed over their chest and their feet together in front of a screen on which a virtual image was projected. Either the
Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 10:20
Clearing Services for Global Markets A Framework for the Future Development of the Clearing Industry_1 pptx
... Director of the IIT Stuart Center for Financial Markets and co-author of Electronic Exchanges: The Global Transformation from Pits to Bits ‘This is a great piece of work! It becomes the textbook for ... University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK First published in print format ISBN-13 978-0- 521 -51871-0 ISBN-13 978-0-511-63510-6 © Tina P. Hasenpusch 20 09 The views expressed ... interviews are their own and do not necessarily represent the official stance of their organisation. The interviewees are not associated with the final conclusions of this study. The findings of
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 18:20
Clearing Services for Global Markets A Framework for the Future Development of the Clearing Industry_2 pptx
... al. (20 02) , p. 3; and European Parliamentary Financial Servi ces Forum (ed.) (20 06), p. 1. 26 Cf. Werner (20 03), p. 17. 27 Cf. AFEI et al. (eds.) (20 06), p. 1. 28 Cf. FESE/EACH/ECSDA (eds.) (20 06); ... (07.11 .20 06); and Oxera (ed.) (20 07), p. i. The methodology is to be applied for the first time in the second half of 20 07, and subsequently in the following three years. 38 Refer to section 3 .2 for ... Lannoo/Levin (20 01), Giovannini Group (ed.) (20 01), London Stock Exchange/Oxera (eds.) (20 02) , AFTI/Eurogroup (eds.) (20 02) , Deutsche B ¨ orse Group (ed.) (20 02) and Euroclear (ed.) (20 03) focus
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 18:20
Clearing Services for Global Markets A Framework for the Future Development of the Clearing Industry_4 potx
... house’s risk management requirements can be regarded as an offset for the risk assumed by the CCP for the clearing members and for the savings in risk management gained from utilising the services ... to the degree to which the systems of the linked CCPs are integrated and whether the obligations of the CCPs to their clearing participants are shifted In the most straightforward ... single platform, and enables customers to search electronically for the best price (best execution) for a trade and choose the exchange with the lowest fees. Cf. Cohen (20 05), p. 20 . 47 Scalability
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 18:20
Clearing Services for Global Markets A Framework for the Future Development of the Clearing Industry_5 potx
... limitations. The 3 The selection process to find interviewees can be either random or conscious. Refer to Schnell/Hill/Esser (20 05), pp. 29 7–300, for details on the advantages and disadvantages of ... rates were as follows: 4 For the reasons for conducting personal interviews and for details on the process of data collection, refer to section 4 .2. 122 Clearing Services for Global Markets r high ... their interest in the issues of clearing efficiency and the future structure of the industry, but the same cannot be said about the individuals representing low volume clearers contacted for the
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 18:20
Clearing Services for Global Markets A Framework for the Future Development of the Clearing Industry_7 pdf
... Branch/Griffiths (20 05), p. 3; LCH.Clearnet (ed.) (20 06b), p. 5; LIBA (ed.) (20 06), p. 6; Bliss/Papathanassiou (20 06), p. 24 ; and Milne (20 07), p. 29 45. 20 Cf. Milne (20 07), p. 29 47. 21 Cf. Economides ... (ed.) (20 01b), p. 82; London Stock Exchange (ed.) (20 02) , p. 5; Russo (20 02) , p. 23 7; LCH.Clearnet (ed.) (20 03b), p. 3; Heckinger/Lee/McPartland (20 03), p. 9; Singapore Exchange (ed.) (20 04), ... ki/Tarkka (20 02) estimate translog cost functions for their studies, a relying on a broader sample of data available for their focus area Book (20 01) on the other hand copes with the
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 18:20
Clearing Services for Global Markets A Framework for the Future Development of the Clearing Industry_9 docx
... (eds.) (27 .05 .20 03) The described dynamics largely pertain to the competitive situation of the involved exchanges, rather than those of the partnering clearing houses Nonetheless, these ... level network effects. Only then can the utility derived from the network outweig h the costs of alternation in the long run, and the starting problem will be overcome. For the purpose of this analysis, ... conclusions to be drawn about the impact of these network strategies on the efficiency of clearing. The preliminary conclusions drawn from these 27 6 Clearing Services for Global Markets matrices
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 18:20
Clearing Services for Global Markets A Framework for the Future Development of the Clearing Industry_10 pdf
... (09.07 .20 04). 89 Cf. Eurex /The Clearing Corporation (eds.) (04.05 .20 04). 90 Cf. Rettberg (20 05), p. 24 ; and Handelsblatt (ed.) (05. 12. 2005), p. 33. 91 Cf. Eurex/Man Group (eds.) (27 .07 .20 06). 92 This ... requested for the first phase of the link. 89 Although the clearing houses star ted to seek approval for Phase II in March 20 05, this process has not been completed to date. The main reason for the ... cent of the respondents shared their view of the GCL. On the other hand, only 32 per cent of the interviewed market experts knew enough about the GCL to issue an assessment. Surprisingly, the interviewees
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 18:20
Clearing Services for Global Markets A Framework for the Future Development of the Clearing Industry_12 pdf
... unless they have a substantial say in the governance of the clearing house and can influence the rules of clearing. This is the only way for them to circumvent the risk of disintermediation and the ... number nonethe- less advocated the initiative or felt conflicted about it. The next figure (Figure 8 .29 ) therefore assesses how many of the interviewees who were either 29 1 Interviewee groups: CM – ... positively impacts the size of the CCP level network; the oppo- site is true for the GCM level network. The full integration of the partnering clearing houses makes it attractive for a number of
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 18:20
Clearing Services for Global Markets A Framework for the Future Development of the Clearing Industry_13 ppt
... to the link set-up. 28 LIBA (ed.) (20 04), p. 1. 29 Also refer to Congress of the United States (ed.) (1990), p. 56. 424 Clearing Services for Global Markets The identified prerequisites for the ... 423 The future network economy – development of the clearing industry and define their respective market niches. Once they have done so, they can continue to leverage their installed ... preferential treatment in the form of discounts. These factors explain the dominant position of high volume clearers in the European VPN, i.e. why a very high percentage of the average annual European
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 18:20
Clearing Services for Global Markets A Framework for the Future Development of the Clearing Industry_14 pdf
... through the internet or via dedicated lines. These lines are commonly leased to the customer for the time he holds his specific clearing member status. The line fee then covers the usage and ... risk-management-related costs for the respective clearing houses in 20 05: Eurex Clearing LCH.Clearnet OMX MEFF CCG Others How many headcounts did you employ for the risk management of the respective ... EUR Average monthly infrastructure/ line/connectivity fees in 20 05* Average monthly transaction-driven fees in 20 05 (before rebates)** Average monthly event-driven fees in 20 05*** Average monthly
Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 18:20
China’s banking reform: Issues and prospects for the future
... lending and depos it rate s Restricted 2 Roadmap to the presentation 1. Why do all care for China’s financial reform? 2. An assessment of the banking reform so far A. Restructuring of SOCBs B. ... regulation but enforcement an issue – Particularly for capital adequacy! – The spirit of the low probably more important than the letter of the law Better corporate governance: Strengthened functions ... banking reform: Is s ues and pros pects for the future Alicia García He rrero * Bank o f Internatio nal Se ttle me nts Repre s e ntative Office fo r As ia and the Pac ific CASS, Be ijing June 7, 20 07 *Op...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2013, 16:15