... cycle decreased factors to keep its reputation to customer. It explained why the level of materials, finished products and goods in stock grew. Materials increased 38.4% ratio, finished products ... circulating included : finished products are waiting for consumption, capitals in cash, capitals in payment, prepaid costs … In producing and businessing process, working Assets fo manufactoring ... classification under the working capital`s role in produce and business process Under the classification, working capital are divided into 3 parts : - Working capital in producing reserved : Including...
Ngày tải lên: 01/12/2012, 10:21
... should bring its mobilising into effects from coming into operation to gain the best results in operation. Working capital is a part from Business capital. It has a significant meaning to companies ... capital, leading to interrupted production situation. Business activities have to ask for capital to come into operation. When starting to produce and do business, enterprise has to calculate the ... reasonable in line with enterprises doing business in trading. It proved that the current assets’s impotance and the floating of working capital has a great meaning for the company in utilization...
Ngày tải lên: 25/04/2013, 14:45
a study on the problems in teaching english speaking skills to the minority students at sonla ethnic boarding high school and so
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:06
How to motivate in service students of english at haiphong foreign language center, haiphong university to learn reading
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:27
How to enhance speaking skills to students in grade 10th at thai phien high school in hai phong
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:41
The effects of bottom up techniques in teaching listening skills to first year students at the university of fire fighting and prevention
Ngày tải lên: 07/09/2013, 13:48
... guidelines for a process writing activity. Introduction: Teachers create a piece of writing for students to write by the way of stimulating students’ interests through listening, speaking or reading ... discussion to students’ reading. Moreover, they also revealed that they are longing to have lesson with some of modern teaching and learning methods. The findings are really significant in adjusting ... the content and teaching strategies for paragraph writing at NEU. All these strategies will be discussed in the next chapter. 35 writing skill involves critical thinking. To deal with their mental...
Ngày tải lên: 06/02/2014, 14:40
an introduction to urban housing design - at home in the city
... 3:20 PM Page 24 matter of building more housing, even at high densities. It required a complex interaction of policies aimed at regenerating existing cities and creating more integrated and compact ... and is an essential component in producing sustainable hous- ing in the coming years. Choice and democracy are critical inputs to create housing that is pleasing to its occupants, meets their ... in house prices which were stable or falling in northern regions and escalating rapidly in the south- east. These variations were creating some serious problems which are likely to continue into...
Ngày tải lên: 29/04/2014, 15:39
the study applying role-play in increasing student interest in learning speaking to grade 11 students at lai vung 2 high school
... ABSTRACT Using role-play activity is an effective way that helps to increase students' interest in learning speaking. When applying role-play, students are set into an interesting talking environment, ... activated to talk as more as possible .The study about applying role-play in increasing students' interest in learning speaking is carried out to identify how students interest in learning ... Figure 14: The increasing of students' interest in learning speaking 2% 41% 55% 2% Increase very much Increase Increase a little Do not increase No one thinks that their speaking ability...
Ngày tải lên: 05/07/2014, 08:03
Báo cáo khoa học: "Medical emergency teams: deciphering clues to crises in hospitals"
... variation to crises that strongly suggests hospital processes may systematically ignore (and find) patient deterioration. Hospitals in the future must develop methodologies to find more reliably patients ... patients who are in crisis, and then respond to them swiftly and effectively to prevent unnecessary deaths. In 1994, Franklin and Mathew [1] recognized that cardiac arrests in hospitals are often ... deteriorations. These deteriorations not only presage patient deaths but they also offer an opportunity to recognize the crisis and trigger interventions that might be life saving. Since then,...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2012, 10:45
Báo cáo y học: " Factors affecting the long-term response to tacrolimus in renal transplant patients: Pharmacokinetic and pharmacogenetic approac"
... were 1min at 94 ο C, 40 cycles of 1min at 94 ο C (template denatura- tion), 1min at 55 ο C (primer annealing), 1min at 72 ο C (primer extension) and finally, 7min at 72 ο C (final elongation). ... combination of a calcineurin inhibitor (tacrolimus) with a purine inhibitor (mycophenolate mofetil or azathioprine) and a steroid (prednizolone). Tacroli- mus was given twice a day in individually ... ex- tended patient populations have been carried out at- tempting to clarify the influence of various factors on tacrolimus kinetics. However, the results remain con- troversial with regard to pharmacokinetic...
Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2012, 09:32
An error analysis on the use ofcohesive devices in writing by freshmen majoring in English at thang long university
... errors in the use of conjunctions in the students’ works. They may think that ‘that’ is used to refer to a clause in a relative clause so it does not make any change in the meaning when preceding ... of that, consequence of that, not to the words that seem to them to have no meaning in the whole expressions as: as, a, in. From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the errors in ... students tend to forget articles, especially definite article, when producing noun phrases in English. Definite article does not contain any information in itself, its meaning is that the noun...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:12
An investigation into some types of verbal responses to questions in English and Vietnamese conversation
... (6: 115) 1.1.4. Repeating or clarifying Q s assumption <19> A: Id like anything to drink. Q: Anything to drink? What is anything to drink? A: Coke, orange juice, water (50: 121) <20> ... question, but rather a declination of the invitation. A will not challenge B for having only responded to the question but also not the invitation. However, the fact that an initiating move sets ... you coming to the cinema? A: Ive got an exam tomorrow. (61: 139) In (34), the speaker gives indirect response implicates that he does not want to go to the cinema. <35> It is raining very...
Ngày tải lên: 07/11/2012, 14:54
Marketing mix solutions to develop Agribank cards at Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development – Thanh Xuan branch
... saving deposit, leasing, foreign exchange, factoring - Financial institutions: Agribank hope to “provide various services in order to satisfy customers coming from financial institution sectors”. ... related applications in order to best serve customers. All networks of Agribank carry out printing PIN in Card Centre. This was the result of applying technology in banking card operation. In ... logo. In the late 1960s, numerous financial institutions became MasterCharge (Interbank) members to compete with BankAmericard. Eventually, financial institutions interested in issuing cards in...
Ngày tải lên: 09/11/2012, 15:31
Tài liệu mở rộng quản trị mạng Download IOS to C2600 in Rommon
... Operation 2 Example 3 Related Information 3 Cisco − How to Download a Software Image to a Cisco 2600 via TFTP Using the tftpdnld ROMmon Command i Cisco − How to Download a Software Image to ... Used Operation Example Related Information Introduction This document explains how to download a software image to a Cisco 2600 using Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) over the first LAN port using the ROMmon ... How to Download a Software Image to a Cisco 2600 via TFTP Using the tftpdnld ROMMON Command Introduction Before You Begin Conventions Prerequisites Components Used Operation Example Related Information Introduction This...
Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2012, 11:22
the bilateral and multilateral commitment that Viet Nam made to participate in WTO.
... revising its legislation to adapt gradually to the rules and principles of the WTO. WTO is known as a internatonal multilateral institution operating based on market economy status.Legislation ... for businesses joining the global market. Viet Nam then will take the initiative in participating in the WTO's institutions instead of remaining passive as at present. More over,the WTO entry ... negotiates entry to the Word Trade Organization,it is facing pressure to agree to a raft of new trade policies,including accelarated and more indiscriminative liberalization,that threaten the continuation...
Ngày tải lên: 12/04/2013, 22:00
... will certainly improve the business environment greatly. In practice, this attempt to develop the SME’s sector has been thwarted by the following shortcomings: • Complicated administrative procedures ... producers, in particular. Opportunities include simpler application/licensing procedures, easier access to soft loans provided by international donors, and customer’s increasing attention to brand, ... easy to create and maintain a strong brand. To understand more how a company builds and manages its brand to get the full benefit from that, a study into the case of LiOA brand at Nhat Linh...
Ngày tải lên: 13/04/2013, 10:29
Comparing the cultural and linguistic analysis of the English word “meal” and words relating to it in contrast with Vietnamese equivalents.
... adhered to. Being conventional rules, it is used in many fields including eating. In Britain, even today, people are judged by their eating etiquette or eating manners. There is a popular saying in ... will never sit at that table again, but other, it might seem as if the diner has dirty napkin to hide or that the diners are trying to run off with the table linens. During the eating process, ... 0918.775.368 Christmas pudding. May be it is the reason why the word pudding“ ” is referred to dessert course. 3.2. Drinks It is natural that eating is a vital part to human beings. But eating without drinking will...
Ngày tải lên: 15/04/2013, 15:11
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