phrasal verbs go get exercises

FOCUS ON -  phrasal verbs with  get,  1

FOCUS ON - phrasal verbs with get, 1

... having, the construction project has gotten way behind schedule. get by get by & gets by getting by got by gottenlgot by 1 .get by p.v. When you get by or get by something, you pass something ... troubles get you down. Everything will be all right. Jim's marriage problems are really getting him down. get in get in & gets in getting in got in gottenlgot in 1. get in l into ... FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs with get, 1 Many phrasal verbs are based on the verb get, and it is important to understand that the meaning of get in these verbs is not the same as the nonphrasal...

Ngày tải lên: 01/11/2013, 12:20

27 1,4K 6
Phrasal verbs, idioms and other expressions using ''go''

Phrasal verbs, idioms and other expressions using ''go''

... next page. 26 Phrasal verbs, idioms and other expressions using &apos ;go& apos; 1. I overslept because my alarm clock didn't go off. ( to start ringing ) 2. When they decided to get married, ... something very well or make something look very good by spending a lot of money on it ) 13. I really want the job, and I'm going to go all o_t to get it. ( to try as hard as you can to achieve ... foul of the boss again. ( to get into trouble with someone or something ) (b) You certainly ________ on your feet when you got that job. ( to be lucky and get into a good situation after being...

Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2013, 10:20

11 847 2


... gone over b. gone on c. gone down d. gone off 51.Does this jacket ________ my trousers? a. go with b. go through with c. go ahead d. go off 52.He ________ about his new car all the time. a. goes ... all the time. a. goes over b. goes on c. goes out d. goes off 53.Do you think you could ________ this work with me some time, Peter? a. go over b. go on c. go out d. go off 54.We have permission ... plan. a. go ahead b. go over c. go on d. go off 55.I know you find the course boring, Pauline, but since you've started it, you might as well ________ it. a. go with b. go through with c. go...

Ngày tải lên: 01/08/2014, 11:22

4 2,3K 14
exercises on phrasal verbs

exercises on phrasal verbs

Ngày tải lên: 06/02/2015, 05:00

2 523 3
Check Your English Vocabulary for Phrasal Verbs and Idioms.pdf

Check Your English Vocabulary for Phrasal Verbs and Idioms.pdf

... you've got me there. 6. I think Helen got out of bed on the wrong side this morning. 7. My neighbour is so noisy. He's really getting on my nerves. 8. Gordon's having a little get together ... we're getting nowhere. 16. You're always watching television. Get a life! 17. My job drives me crazy, but I like it, if you get my meaning. 18. Get a grip on yourself – you've got an ... hour. 19. I can't get to grips with my new computer. 20. You need to get your act together if you want to succeed. 21. I've got absolutely no money, and it's really getting me down. 22....

Ngày tải lên: 08/08/2012, 17:32

81 7,4K 101
Idioms phrasal verbs and idioms

Idioms phrasal verbs and idioms

... multi-word verbs. It can be used as a game or revision activity. The Jokes provide some light relief. They are related to the theme of the unit and illustrate some humorous uses of multi-word verbs. ... for revising the multi - word verbs they learn in the book. One simple is to put students into pairs and tell student A to read the of some the multi-word verbs while student B says what ... right response. 3 Work through the written exercises in the book and check your answers in the Answer key. 4 Find a friend to practise the spoken exercises with, or write out what you would...

Ngày tải lên: 03/10/2012, 10:33

98 2,8K 45
English phrasal verbs - The ultimate phrasal verb book

English phrasal verbs - The ultimate phrasal verb book

... ________ going there. 31 go in 330 let in 330 plug in 330 sneak in 331 sneak out 331 42. FOCUS ON: phrasal verbs with get, 1 335 get back 335 get behind 336 get down 337 get ... these days. get out of get out of & gets out of getting out of got out of gotten/got out of 1. get out of p.v. When you get out of something or get out of doing something you must do ... of two-word phrasal verbs Nonseparable phrasal verbs Intransitive nonseparable phrasal verbs (verbs that do not allow an object) are usually accented on the particle: The barn got hit by lightning,...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 11:20

447 2,8K 13
Phrasal Verbs Fce Cae Cpe Defined In English Polish Translations (Polskie Odpowiedniki)

Phrasal Verbs Fce Cae Cpe Defined In English Polish Translations (Polskie Odpowiedniki)

... we'll get by." get in (1. inseparable): enter a small, closed vehicle: wsiąść. "I don't know where Carole was going. She just got in her car and drove away." get in (2. ... gets in?" get on (inseparable): enter a large, closed vehicle: wsiąść. "I'm sorry, but you're too late to say goodbye to Angela. She got on the plane about 20 minutes ago." get ... shirt. It will go well with your dark brown suit." go with (2. no object): date regularly and steadily: chodzić z kimś regularnie. "Is Gina going with Jim? I see them together all the...

Ngày tải lên: 04/10/2012, 11:21

7 1,9K 57
Help with Phrasal Verbs

Help with Phrasal Verbs

Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2012, 13:45

128 1,3K 11
Help  with  Phrasal  Verbs

Help with Phrasal Verbs

Ngày tải lên: 13/11/2012, 14:18

128 822 5


... street. ã Phrasal verbs with go _Go away _ leave I made the neighbor kids go away by yelling at them. _Go around _ avoid contact, circumvent We can't go in the back door we got to go around ... to use phrasal verbs effectively and easily. Besides, I can give you some other ways to learn better such as: classification of phrasal verbs, comparison of phrasal verbs and non _phrasal verbs .I ... Studying phrasal verbs through pairs of synonym _ Studying phrasal verbs through topic V. Analysis and Interpretation 1. Definitions of phrasal verbs There are a variety of definitions of phrasal verbs 1.1....

Ngày tải lên: 14/04/2013, 23:25

10 914 48

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