cài đặt database server (mysql)
... Khi cài đặt xong phần MySQL Query Brower tự động cài đặt theo MySQL Adminstartor MySQL Query Brower công cụ hổ trở thao tác khung query MySQL Bây bạn mở MySQL lên: Chọn MySQL Adminstartor bảng ... MySQL Adminstartor Bạn Search MySQL chọn MySQL Adminstartor nhấn install, hình sau: Đợi tải install xong Với MySQL Adminstartor hổ trợ tạo, backup restore CSDL; thay đổi quyền user password MySQL ... bảng sau: Những ô điền thông số mặc định với password password đặt phần Nhấn Connect bảng sau: Vậy cài đặt xong MySQL ...
Ngày tải lên: 06/07/2014, 02:20
Connect to database
... //Get info $database= $HTTP_GET_VARS['db']; $username=$HTTP_GET_VARS['user']; $password=$HTTP_GET_VARS['pass']; $server= $HTTP_GET_VARS[ 'server' ]; //Test permission if ( !mysql _connect( " $server" ,"$username","$password")) ... echo(""); } mysql_ free_result($res); } //Click ListDB else if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['ListDB'])) { $conn = mysql _connect( " $server" ,"$username","$password"); $db_list = mysql_ list_dbs($conn); ... ( !mysql _connect( " $server" ,"$username","$password")) { echo mysql_ error(); exit; } $tb_list = mysql_ list_tables( $database) ; // Okie List while ($row = mysql_ fetch_row($tb_list)) { echo "$row[0] "; } mysql_ free_result($tb_list);...
Ngày tải lên: 02/11/2012, 14:18
Advanced PHP Programming- P12
... basis PHP_ INI_PERDIR PHP_ INI_SYSTEM PHP_ INI_ALL Entry can be set in php. ini or httpd.conf.The setting is serverwide Entry can be set anywhere.This is equivalent to PHP_ INI_USER |PHP_ INI_PERDIR |PHP_ INI_SYSTEM ... function_entry spread_functions[] = { PHP_ FE(spread _connect, NULL) PHP_ FE(spread_multicast, NULL) PHP_ FE(spread_disconnect, NULL) PHP_ FE(spread_join, NULL) PHP_ FE(spread_receive, NULL) {NULL, NULL, ... with the PHP_ MINFO() macro: zend_module_entry mysql_ module_entry = { STANDARD_MODULE_HEADER, “example”, example_functions, PHP_ MINIT(example), PHP_ MSHUTDOWN(example), PHP_ RINIT(example), PHP_ RSHUTDOWN(example),...
Ngày tải lên: 17/10/2013, 20:15
Advanced PHP Programming- P13
... /Users/george/Advanced _PHP/ examples/chapter-23/call_coverage/test .php: 2 /Users/george/Advanced _PHP/ examples/chapter-23/call_coverage/test .php: 3 /Users/george/Advanced _PHP/ examples/chapter-23/call_coverage/test .php: 4 ... 200-201 PHP, 205-206 pushing code, 201-203 application programming interfaces See APIs application servers, database scaling, 390-391 applications APD (Advanced PHP Debugger) profiler, 435-440 PHP ... internal list that PHP manages.This callback is mainly used in Web server SAPIs such as mod _php, where the Web server wants to maintain the headers itself instead of having PHP so The thirteenth...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 11:15
Advanced PHP Programming- P14
... finding, 526-527 PHP Extension and Application Repository See PEAR php function, Smarty, 115 php| architect, 151 PHP- GTK, 151 phpDocumentor project, 31-35 phpinfo() method, 536-537, 583 php_ example.h ... php_ info_print_table_row(), 537 PHP_ MINFO_FUNCTION(), 536 php_ module_shutdown(), 584 php_ module_startup(), 583 PHP_ RINIT_FUNCTION(), 535 PHP_ RSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(), 536 php_ sapi_name(), 583 posix_kill(), ... file, 507 php_ info_print_table_row() method, 537 PHP_ MINFO_FUNCTION() method, 536 PHP_ MINIT_FUNCTION() handler, 525 php_ module_shutdown() method, 584 php_ module_startup() method, 583 PHP_ RINIT_FUNCTION()...
Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 11:15
Advanced PHP Programming- P15
... finding, 526-527 PHP Extension and Application Repository See PEAR php function, Smarty, 115 php| architect, 151 PHP- GTK, 151 phpDocumentor project, 31-35 phpinfo() method, 536-537, 583 php_ example.h ... php_ info_print_table_row(), 537 PHP_ MINFO_FUNCTION(), 536 php_ module_shutdown(), 584 php_ module_startup(), 583 PHP_ RINIT_FUNCTION(), 535 PHP_ RSHUTDOWN_FUNCTION(), 536 php_ sapi_name(), 583 posix_kill(), ... file, 507 php_ info_print_table_row() method, 537 PHP_ MINFO_FUNCTION() method, 536 PHP_ MINIT_FUNCTION() handler, 525 php_ module_shutdown() method, 584 php_ module_startup() method, 583 PHP_ RINIT_FUNCTION()...
Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 10:15
... browser Next the server gets an instance of the ServerSocket class This class is used for sockets on a server that wait for a request from a client ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket (port); ... processing program or the database Therefore the processing program may read and write files on the server and access and modify a database 13 Accessing a Database from a Web Page The database we will ... It is contained in a database named addresses.mdb An HTML form can be used to send a name to the server The server can then invoke a processing program to connect to the database and retrieve...
Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 17:15
CEHv6 module 42 hacking database servers
... Database Servers Exam 312-50 Certified Ethical Hacker Module Flow Database Servers Oracle Worm How SQL Server is Hacked Attacking Oracle Hacking SQL Server Tools How to Break into an Oracle Database ... and connection rate control Open large number of connections; connection rate controls can avoid individual users from using database server resources Database protocol vulnerabilities: If a database ... v6 Hacking Database Servers Exam 312-50 Certified Ethical Hacker Attacking Oracle Finding an Oracle database server on network is done using TCP port scan Once the Oracle database server has...
Ngày tải lên: 26/12/2013, 21:01
Tài liệu Advanced PHP Programming- P1 docx
... variables in a persistent database connection, as in this example: global $database_ handle; global $server; global $user; global $password; $database_ handle = mysql_ pconnect( $server, $user, $password); ... class Mysql_ Test { public $database_ handle; private $server = ‘localhost’; private $user = ‘test’; private $password = ‘test’; public function construct() { $this- >database_ handle = mysql_ pconnect($this- >server, ... Advanced PHP Programming Advanced PHP Programming A practical guide to developing large-scale Web sites and applications with PHP George Schlossnagle DEVELOPER’S LIBRARY...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu Advanced PHP Programming- P2 doc
... display_errors on Putting database connection details (mysql _connect( )) in the pages Allowing nonlocal connections to MySQL n n n These three mistakes together put your database at the mercy of ... define(‘DB _MYSQL_ PROD_USER’, ‘test’); define(‘DB _MYSQL_ PROD_PASS’, ‘test’); define(‘DB _MYSQL_ PROD_DBHOST’, ‘localhost’); define(‘DB _MYSQL_ PROD_DBNAME’, ‘test’); $dbh = new DB: :Mysql( DB _MYSQL_ PROD_USER, ... run phpDocumentor at this point, as follows: phpdoc -f Primes .php -o HTML:frames:phpedit -t /Users/george/docs Figure 1.3 shows the result of running this command Documentation Figure 1.3 phpdoc...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu Using an IP Address to Connect to SQL Server pdf
... protocol, the client and the server must be configured to use TCP/IP To connect to SQL Server using an IP address, the TCP/IP network library must be used to connect to the SQL Server This is done by ... Environment.NewLine + "ServerVersion = " + conn.ServerVersion + Environment.NewLine; conn.Close( ); resultTextBox.Text += "ConnectionState = " + conn.State; } Discussion SQL Server network libraries ... SQL Server other than a local instance, specify the IP address of the computer on which SQL Server is installed Default instances of SQL Server listen on port 1433 Named instances of SQL Server...
Ngày tải lên: 21/01/2014, 11:20
Wrox press professional PHP programming
... functions php3 _msql1.dll MSQL client php3 _msql2.dll MSQL client php3 _mssql.dll MSSQL client (requires MSSQL DB-Libraries php3 _mysql. dll MySQL functions (available on PHP4 too as php_ mysql. dll ) php3 _nsmail.dll ... web // server s root) AddType application/x-httpd -php3 php3 Action application/x-httpd -php3 " /php3 /php. exe" // (provided that the PHP interpreter is in the php3 directory under the web // server s ... should be AddType application/x-httpd -php php3 php AddType application/x-httpd -php3 -source phps # for PHP4 this should be AddType application/x-httpd -php3 -source phps # if compiled the stand-alone...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 13:16
Core PHP programming using PHP to build dynamic web sites
... IT-SC book Core PHP Programming CORE PHP Programming Using PHP to Build Dynamic Web Sites Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Date Atkinson, Leon Core PHP programming : using PHP to build ... into PHP program design and debugging! Core PHP Programming delivers: IT-SC book Core PHP Programming Thorough, easy-to-understand coverage of PHP syntax and functions Step-by-step guidance for PHP ... 669 IT-SC book 10 Core PHP Programming Foreword Preface Acknowledgments I: PROGRAMMING WITH PHP AN INTRODUCTION TO PHP The Origins of PHP What Makes PHP Better than Its Alternatives...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 14:20
Core PHP programming
... libexec/libphp5.so AddType application/x-httpd -php php AddModule mod _php5 .c This causes all files with the extension php to be executed as PHP scripts You may also wish to insert index .php as a ... your MySQL book for my library." —Nolan [ Team LiB ] 11 / 806 Prentice Hall PTR : Core PHP Programming, Third Edition [ Team LiB ] Prentice Hall PTR Core Series Core MySQL, Atkinson Core PHP Programming, ... 806 Prentice Hall PTR : Core PHP Programming, Third Edition [ Team LiB ] Part I: Programming with PHP The first part of this book is a thorough discussion of PHP as a programming language You will...
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 14:22
Tài liệu Advanced PHP Programming- P3 pptx
... of php every time you run it, this directory should be in your PATH environment variable.To execute a PHP script phpscript .php from the command line on a Unix system, you can type this: > php phpscript .php ... $dbname; } protected function connect( ) { $this->dbh = mysql_ pconnect($this->dbhost, $this->user, $this->pass); if(!is_resource($this->dbh)) { throw new MysqlException; } if( !mysql_ select_db($this->dbname, ... errors it incurs: class Mysql_ Dup_Val_On_Index extends MysqlException {} // class DB _Mysql { // public function execute($query) { if(!$this->dbh) { $this- >connect( ); } $ret = mysql_ query($query,...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu Advanced PHP Programming- P4 pptx
... you it: < ?php require_once require_once require_once require_once “EmailAddress.phpt”; “Text/Word.phpt”; “PHPUnit/Framework/TestSuite .php ; “PHPUnit/TextUI/TestRunner .php ; $suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite(); ... if(realpath($ _SERVER[ PHP_ SELF’]) == _ _FILE_ _) { require_once “PHPUnit/Framework/TestSuite .php ; require_once “PHPUnit/TextUI/TestRunner .php ; $suite = new PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite(‘TextTestCase’); PHPUnit_TextUI_TestRunner::run($suite); ... if(realpath($ _SERVER[ PHP_ SELF’]) == _ _FILE_ _) { require_once “PHPUnit/Framework/TestSuite .php ; require_once “PHPUnit/TextUI/TestRunner .php ; class EmailAddressTestCase extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase{...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 09:20
Tài liệu Advanced PHP Programming- P5 pdf
... U Advanced _PHP/ examples/chapter-10/10 .php U Advanced _PHP/ examples/chapter-10/11 .php U Advanced _PHP/ examples/chapter-10/12 .php U Advanced _PHP/ examples/chapter-10/13 .php U Advanced _PHP/ examples/chapter-10/14 .php ... books/Advanced _PHP/ examples/chapter-10/1 .php N books/Advanced _PHP/ examples/chapter-10/10 .php N books/Advanced _PHP/ examples/chapter-10/11 .php N books/Advanced _PHP/ examples/chapter-10/12 .php N books/Advanced _PHP/ examples/chapter-10/13 .php ... books/Advanced _PHP/ examples/chapter-10/13 .php N books/Advanced _PHP/ examples/chapter-10/14 .php N books/Advanced _PHP/ examples/chapter-10/15 .php N books/Advanced _PHP/ examples/chapter-10/2 .php No conflicts created...
Ngày tải lên: 26/01/2014, 09:20