... Preprocessor - PHP Khái niệm PHP Lịch sử PHP PHP làm gì? Chương 2: NGƠN NGỮ LẬP TRÌNH SCRIPT PHP I CẤU TRÚC CƠ BẢN II MỘT SỐ KHÁI NIỆM TRONG PHP Biến PHP 2 Hằng PHP Chuỗi PHP III KIỂU DỮ LIỆU TRONG PHP ... Gutmans phân tích từ loại định hình tảng cho phiên PHP Nhiều mã tiện ích từ PHP/ FI dùng cho PHP3 nhiều số viết lại cách hoàn toàn Phiên PHP5 dùng máy scripting Zend để phân phối thực cao cấp ... Ngày nay, PHP PHP chuyên chở số lượng sản phẩm thương mại web server Red Hat’s Stronghold Ngày nay, theo ước lượng PHP dùng khoảng 5. 1 triệu trang toàn giới IIS server Microsoft ( khoảng 5. 03 triệu
Ngày tải lên: 22/03/2018, 15:01
... 05 QUẢN LÝ SOURCE CODE HỆ THỐNG QUẢN LÝ GOOGLE CODE Nhóm 5: 1 NGUYỄN ANH DUY MSSV: 1 151 190009 2 NGUYỄN TẤN ĐẠT MSSV: 1 151 190001 3 MAI VĂN THANH MSSV: 1 151 190003 4 TRẦN PHÁT TÀI MSSV: 1 151 190004 ... 1 151 190004 5 NGUYỄN SINH NHẬT MSSV: 1 151 1900 05 Nội dung báo cáo: Giới thiệu về Google Code, mục đích sử dụng Tìm hiểu về hệ thống SVN (sub version) Cách đăng ký chi tiết google code hosting ... triển các phần mềm hỗ trợ khác Trang chủ của google code: http:/ /code. google.com/intl/vi-VN/ 2.Mục đích sử dụng google code: Google code cũng như 1 hosting bình thường và nó dùng để chứa
Ngày tải lên: 17/11/2013, 11:50
... QUẢN LÍ SOURCE CODE – HỆ THỐNG QUẢN LÍ WWW.COLLAB.NET Giáo viên hướng dẫn: Nhóm thực hiện: DANH CỌP TỐNG BẢO LỘC MSSV: 100t060118 LÊ THANH DIỆP MSSV: 100t060107 NGUYỄN HÀ LỈNH MSSV: 100t0600 75 PHẠM ... nghỉ hưu sourceXchange sau 18 tháng tăng tập chung vào sourcecast, tảng ban đầu phát hành tháng 12/1999 Để gúp nhóm phân phối xây dựng ứng dụng phần miềm + sau trải qua vài phát hành chính, sourcecast ... nguồn mở subversion + 2/ 2010 collabnet mua Danube + 10/2010 collabnet muacodesion, 30/7/2012 collabnet mở rộng khả codesion phát hành theo tên cloudForge Sản phẩm collabnet: Collabnet subversion
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Tài liệu Zend PHP 5 Certification Study Guide - By Davey Shafik with Ben Ramsey docx
... .57 1 7 .50 x 9. 25 7 .50 x 9. 25 php| architect’s ZEND PHP 5 Certification STUDY GUIDE Davey Shafik with Ben Ramsey US $32.99 Canada $42.99 UK (net) £19.99 From the publishers of Shelve under PHP/ Web ... Development/Internet Programming php| architect’s Zend PHP 5 Certification Guide D. Shafik / B. Ramsey php| architect’s Zend PHP 5 Certification Study Guide Zend's new PHP 5 Certification Exam represent ... every prospective Zend Certified PHP Engineer candidate! php| architect’s Zend PHP 5 Certification Study Guide by Davey Shafik with Ben Ramsey php| architect’s Zend PHP 5 Certification Guide Contents
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Tài liệu Social networking sites and our lives doc
... 28 16 40 32 22 26 9 20 2 6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 2008 2010 % of SNS users 18-22 23- 35 36-49 50 - 65 65+ pewint e r net.or g Page 10 Sex distribution of social networking site users in 2008 and 2010 % of social ... 2, 255 and margin of error is +/- 2.3 percentage points N for social network site and Twitter users is 9 75 and margin of error is +/- 3 .5 percentage points Sex distribution by social networking ... disproportionately female (56 %). Women also comprise the majority of email users (52 % women), users of instant message (55 %), bloggers (54 %), and those who use a photo sharing service (58 %). 28 16 40 32 22 26 9 20 2 6 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 2008 2010 %
Ngày tải lên: 18/02/2014, 00:20
The Impact of Social Networking to Influence Marketing through Product Reviews pot
... 40 30 40 50 73 8 0 50 100 25 0 0 20 Yes No Don’t know 0 20 40 Always Most … Likely Less Likely 20 10 30 20 35 20 20 15 51 33 16 54 28 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Yes No Don't know ISSN 2223-49 85 ... product to buy, whom feedback will have greater influential factor? 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 8 9 27 31 16 20% 0% 15% 65% Increase resources cost Waste of time Mostly don’t receive authentic user Other ... (U 14) 14 32 31 18 5 10 24 28 18 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Will you provide feedback If organization asks you to provide feedback of the product for tagging on the social networking website? Do
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Social Networking for Business
... Social Environment 154 Choosing a Social Experience 154 Setting a Social Leadership Model 156 Defining a Social Task 157 Grouping Experiences and Identifying the Audience Domain 159 ... Experience Models Social Experience... Library of Garrick Lee 4 SOCIAL NETWORKING FOR BUSINESS Social Networking, Social Media, Social Computing: What’s the Difference? Generally, computation ... transform into a social one (see the sidebar “Nonsocial Experiences”) From the Library of Garrick Lee 18 TABLE 2.1 SOCIAL NETWORKING FOR BUSINESS Social Experience Models Social Experience...
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Model Policy Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Social Media and Social Networking in Medical Practice ppt
... unprofessional Refer, as appropriate, to an employer’s social media or social networking policy for direction on the proper use of social media and social networking in relation to their employment Medical ... use social media and social networking sites professionally, physicians should also strive to adhere to the following general suggestions: Use separate personal and professional social networking ... 2010, 15: 53 24 Thompson LA, Dawson K, Ferdig R, Black EW, Boyer J, Coutts J, Black NP The intersection of online social networking with medical professionalism 2008 J Gen Intern Med 23(7): 1 954 -7
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Algorithms for programmers ideas and source code ppt
... 44 2 .5 Convolution using the MFA 44 2 .5. 1 The case R = 45 2 .5. 2 The case R = 45 2.6 ... 52 3.3 Complex FT by HT 55 3.4 Complex FT by complex HT and vice versa 56 3 .5 Real FT by HT and vice ... combinatorical algorithms 152 10.1 Offline functions: funcemu 152 10.2 Combinations in lexicographic order 155 10.3 Combinations in
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Project Source Code Manager on Google Code Using NetBean IDE and SVN doc
... Using Google Code and SVN to Manager project Source Code Sep Project Source Code Manager on Google Code Using NetBean IDE and SVN MrToanDH * C0907i * FptAptech Using Google Code and SVN to ... Using Google Code and SVN to Manager project Source Code Sep II bước để tạo Project Google Code: Tài khoản đăng nhập Bước 1: Đăng nhập vào Google Code tài khoản Gmail: Click để tạo Google Code Project ... Using Google Code and SVN to Manager project Source Code Sep Bước : Điền thông tin project : GPL (General Public License) dùng theo chế open source google code, cho phép người khác view source project
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PHP 5 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach 2005 phần 1 potx
... effortless with PHP 5, as the following example demonstrates 50 92_Ch 01_ FINAL 8/26/ 05 9: 45 AM Page 7 1 -5 ■ REGULAR EXPRESSIONS The Code < ?php //sample1_4 .php //Because PHP determines ... detail page xxi 50 92_Ch00_FM_FINAL 8/26/ 05 5: 32 PM Page xxii df1e604794cb6d1 9 15 bbedb2 613 cdeee 50 92_Ch 01_ FINAL 8/26/ 05 9: 45 AM CHAPTER Page 1 1 ■■■ Overview of PHP Data Types ... what PHP can do, what is new with PHP 5, and how you can apply these new concepts 1 50 92_Ch 01_ FINAL 2 8/26/ 05 9: 45 AM Page 2 1- 1 ■ VARIABLES 1- 1 Variables Variables in PHP
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22
PHP 5 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach 2005 phần 2 ppsx
... Product 53 50 92_ Ch 02_ FINAL 54 8 /26 / 05 9:46 AM Page 54 2- 9 ■ USING INTERFACES In fact, if you... executed when an instance of the class ceases to exist 55 50 92_ Ch 02_ FINAL 56 8 ... $sound); } 51 50 92_ Ch 02_ FINAL 52 8 /26 / 05 9:46 AM Page 52 2- 8 ■ USING ABSTRACT CLASSES AND METHODS Let’s see what happens when you rerun the test code in bird-multi-test .php: Polynesia ... ■Tip You will never see $this followed by :: in working PHP 5 code. 2 -5 ■ USING STATIC MEMBERS AND THE SELF KEYWORD34 50 92_Ch02_FINAL 8/26/ 05 9:46 AM Page 34 CLASS DIAGRAMS For short and simple
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22
PHP 5 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach 2005 phần 3 pot
... into a reference. 4-22 ■ EXTRACTING VALUES FROM ARRAYS WITH EXTRACT() 155 50 92_Ch04_CMP4 8/26/ 05 3:02 PM Page 155 < ?php $points = array('home' => 21, 'away' => 13); ... 255 ))); You can also use the array_map() function without any callback function to generate nested arrays See recipe 4-24 for an example 50 92_Ch04_CMP4 8/26/ 05 3: 02 PM Page 1 75 4- 35 ... English: 75; History: 0; Biology: 0. Note that list() ignores elements with string keys. 4-23 ■ EXTRACTING VALUES FROM AN ARRAY USING LIST() 157 50 92_Ch04_CMP4 8/26/ 05 3:02 PM Page 157 4-24. Combining
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22
PHP 5 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach 2005 phần 4 pot
... [months] => 0 .44 14 351 851 851 9 [weeks] => 1.8918 650 793 651 [days] => 13. 243 055 55 5 55 6 [hours] => 317.83333333333 50 92_Ch 05_ FINAL 8/26/ 05 9 :51 AM Page 231 5- 12 ■ PROJECT: CONSTRUCTING ... advancing... ch5/Date-Extended.class.inc .php 251 50 92_Ch 05_ FINAL 252 8/26/ 05 9 :51 AM Page 252 5- 13 ■ EXTENDING THE DATE CLASS The Code < ?php // file: Date-Extended.class.inc .php // purpose: ... adapted them for use in PHP 5, in Figure 5- 5 Figure 5- 5 Base Date class members, showing input parameters and return types 50 92_Ch 05_ FINAL 8/26/ 05 9 :51 AM Page 233 5- 12 ■ PROJECT: CONSTRUCTING
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22
PHP 5 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach 2005 phần 5 docx
... ■ TRIMMING BLANK SPACES 279 50 92_Ch06_FINAL 8/26/ 05 9 :52 AM Page 279 [...]... you have it a fully functional, PHP 5 driven, heavily validated counter script 7 -5 Reading and Writing Comma-Separated ... string string [, int split_length] ) 6-6 ■ JOINING AND DISASSEMBLING STRINGS 2 75 5092_Ch06_FINAL 8/26/ 05 9 :52 AM Page 2 75 Basically, str_split() returns an array filled with a character (or blocks ... case sensitivity into things of the past. 6-7 ■ REVERSING STRINGS 277 50 92_Ch06_FINAL 8/26/ 05 9 :52 AM Page 277 The Code < ?php //The value passed to use by a customer who is signing up. $submittedpass
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22
PHP 5 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach 2005 phần 6 ppsx
... colors to create a title for the graph 329 50 92_Ch08_FINAL 330 8/26/ 05 9 :53 AM Page 330 8 -5 ■ CREATING AND USING COLORS The Code 50 92_Ch08_FINAL 8/26/ 05 9 :53 AM Page 331 8-6 ■ CREATING AND APPLYING ... the SRC attribute using a $_GET method 50 92_Ch08_FINAL 8/26/ 05 9 :53 AM Page 3 35 8-7 ■ OUTPUTTING AN IMAGE The Code Sample 8-7 How It Works The code for actually creating the image in ... 8-6 333 50 92_Ch08_FINAL 334 8/26/ 05 9 :53 AM Page 334 8-7 ■ OUTPUTTING AN IMAGE Figure 8-6 Output of recipe 8-6 8-7 Outputting an Image One of the more powerful features to note about PHP 5? ??s dynamic
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22
PHP 5 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach 2005 phần 7 doc
... and used in PHP 4 35 5092_Ch10_FINAL 8/26/ 05 9 :56 AM Page 436 50 92_Ch11_FINAL 8/26/ 05 9 :57 AM CHAPTER Page 437 11 ■■■ Using Functions R edundant code is rarely a good thing Rewriting code over ... defined 50 92_Ch10_FINAL 8/26/ 05 9 :56 AM Page 4 35 10-10 ■ DEBUGGING Summary This chapter demonstrated the strengths of PHP when it comes to variables and data types The loosely typed behavior of PHP ... that you will find invaluable in your everyday programming 391 50 92_Ch09_FINAL 8/26/ 05 9 :54 AM Page 392 50 92_Ch10_FINAL 8/26/ 05 9 :56 AM CHAPTER Page 393 10 ■■■ Working with Variables V ariables
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22
PHP 5 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach 2005 phần 8 pptx
... imagecolorallocate ($animage, 255 , 0, 0); $white = imagecolorallocate ($animage, 255 , 255 , 255 ); imagefilledrectangle ($animage, 0, 0, 50 0, 50 0, $white); imagestring ($animage, 4, ( (50 0 - (strlen($e->getmessage())➥ ... user interface. The following code allows a user to log out. 12-3 ■ DELETING COOKIES 456 50 92_Ch12_FINAL 8/26/ 05 9 :58 AM Page 456 The Code < ?php //sample12_3 .php //Let's assume you already ... within Chapter 12. 11-10 ■ CREATING DYNAMIC FUNCTIONS 451 50 92_Ch11_FINAL 8/26/ 05 9 :57 AM Page 451 50 92_Ch11_FINAL 8/26/ 05 9 :57 AM Page 452 Understanding Web Basics In the world of online applications,
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22
PHP 5 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach 2005 phần 9 ppsx
... xmlns:backslash="http://slashdot.org/backslash.dtd"> Dell Axim X50 Running Linux http://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid= 05/ 06/ 15/ 022211 20 05- 06- 15 04:10:00 52 3 50 92 _Ch14_FINAL 52 4 8/26/ 05 9 : 59 AM Page 52 4 14 -5 ■ PARSING ... will showcase some of PHP 5 s robust handling of XML 51 1 50 92 _Ch13_FINAL 8/26/ 05 9 :58 AM Page 51 2 50 92 _Ch14_FINAL 8/26/ 05 9 : 59 AM CHAPTER Page 51 3 14 ■■■ Working with ... title="" />< ?php } 13-8 ■ PERFORMING FILE UPLOADS 50 3 50 92_Ch13_FINAL 8/26/ 05 9 :58 AM Page 50 3 ?><br /><a href="sample13_8 .php& quot;>Try Again</a>< ?php } //Only show
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2014, 08:22
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